《Minecraft: A New Beginning》Episode 26: Battle of Monsters (3)


******* Queen Thea's POV *******

The battle between skeletons, zombies, giant spiders, and a single human started again.

I still can't believe the number of monsters I see in the field but I hardened myself and just focus on defending the castle.

Some of the giant spiders and skeletons also started attacking the castle.

The skeletons are attacking the north wall while the giant spider on the south wall.

The horde of zombies is still attacking the east side of the castle but there is not a lot of them since they are also attacking the skeletons and giant spiders on the field.

I ordered Arthur to defend the north wall and the general the south wall. I said to them I will handle the east wall since I need my best soldiers here to keep an eye of these giants monsters.

The west wall can handle itself for the time being since there are no important things happening there except for minor zombie attacks and keeping an eye for the west army but I doubt the enemies will stay in this forest for long not after what happened here.

Arthur is hesitant to follow my orders at first since he really wants to go to the field to help King Carolus but I said to him what can he do once he gets there. He is just like a small flower waiting to step on and crush.

I am now watching the battle in front of me.

They still keep on going even after a long time.

None of them seems to get an upper hand with one another.

They are equal in battle but what surprises me is that King Carolus can fight with them with equal grounds.

King Carolus doesn't seem to be tired even after a while and just keep on fighting all of them at the same time.

He is alone though and has to fight them all by himself. Including the skeletons, zombies, and giant spiders.

He is fighting zombies right now and is now having trouble to deal with them since they are now quite a lot of corpses on the field and he is having a problem moving around.

"Whoever in charge of the wall! Start firing arrows!" I can suddenly hear him shouting and his voice echoed in the castle.

What is he talking about? He is still there. I'm not going to order to start shooting while he is busy fighting the enemies.

"Just do what he says, Queen Thea!" I can hear Arthur's voice coming from the north wall.

This is insane.

I'm not a heartless human to let someone die who is fighting for us just to save ourselves.

"Do it!" I can hear King Carolus voice again while he is hacking three zombies into two at the same time.

Everyone around me starts to stare at me waiting for my order.

I quickly ordered my soldiers to start firing.

A volley of arrows is now being fired on the field and hundreds of enemies got hit and died.

The giant monsters also got hit but they didn't seem to mind and just keep on fighting each other.

But King Carolus is the one who is surprising among them.

Even with all the arrows being hit at him, he is still fine and just continued fighting.


I'm beginning to wonder if he really is human.

******* Carolus' POV *******

This is starting to tire me.

The battle went on for the whole night but luckily the sun is about to rise.

I keep watching the clock in my inventory to keep track of the time.

I have forgotten about having a clock in my inventory since I got stuck in the nether for quite a while and clocks are useless there.

The battle was suddenly halted for a moment.

The giant skeleton, giant spider, and the giant zombie are now just standing still and we are just staring at each other.

They probably knew that time is running out.

"Pity. I guess it is time to go." I can hear the giant skeleton talking while staring at the sky.

He lowered his giant sword and just starting walking in the north bringing along of what was left of his army.

The giant zombie also just started walking east without saying anything and all of his zombie hordes started to follow him.

The ones left here right now are the giant spiders and their queen.

Queen Arachne and I just stared for a moment.

I was starting to worry that she will not go and we will have to fight until one of us dies.

Thankfully, my armor is still in good shape and I still have plenty of levels to repair it since I keep on killing monsters.

I can still fight her for a while but I don't know if our battle will end since I didn't see any permanent damage on her.

She didn't say anything and I didn't try to talk to her.

The staring still continues and I was about to change my sword into a bow to start firing the last of my explosive arrows but she just started to turn around and walk back to her territory.

'Phew! I thought this battle will never end.' I said in my head while staring at the sky.

I looked around the field to see that there are a lot of dead zombies, skeletons and spiders.


How many monsters died today?

It doesn't matter.

I have to quickly get back to my room to rest.

After looking around to make sure that there are no more monsters left on the battlefield, I threw an ender pearl on top of the east wall.

I teleported in the middle of the rampart and now is surrounded by soldiers that I didn't know.

They quickly ready their weapons to attack me.

"Stand down! Put away your weapons!" I suddenly hear the voice of a woman on my left side ordering all of them.

They quickly followed her orders and I can see her walking towards me.

The soldiers quickly make way for her and she is like Moses with the way they let her through.

She probably wants to talk to me but I am really tired and I really want to sleep right now.

I tried to jump off the wall to start walking to the keep when suddenly I can see Arthur running towards here from the north side of the castle.


I remembered the real reason while I traveled to the nether.

I have to quickly give the injured people the Potion of Regeneration VI that I managed to brew while I'm in the nether.


I didn't just hide and waited for the opportunity to get past the pigmen and wither skeletons. I used my time wisely and crafted a brewing stand to start making potions.

It is quite an eventful time since I tried experimenting on mixing other ingredients in the brewing stand to see if I can make another type of potions. The result was lots of explosions and poison gases. I learned my lesson and just stick with the recipe that I know.

The potions in this world have levels and can be made up to level 6.

The higher the level, the better the effect and the longer the duration.

I discovered this while trying to use the same recipe with an already made potions.

I just have to keep using the same type of ingredients for the potions six times to make a level 6 potions.

I managed to make quite a lot of Potion of Regeneration since I hunted a lot of ghasts in the nether but there are quite a lot of people here now than I was expecting. There are probably more injured people inside the castle.

My rest will have to wait and I have to brew more potions but before that, I remembered something.

"Arthur. Quickly capture one of the zombies outside before the sun rises and bring him to the prison room." I quickly said to Arthur the moment he reached me.

He is quite a shock about what I just said but he nodded his head and quickly run towards the stables.

I have now the means to cure a zombie so I need to know if I can cure one that is already turned for a long time.

The woman beside me started to voice some concerns but I can barely care about her since my vision is starting to get blurry.

'No. Keep it together.'

"Here. Take this." I grab a bag of potions in my inventory and hand them over to the woman who I believe is the leader of the people here.

Potions can't be stacked together in the inventory but they can be stored in a bag or something to save some space.

She stared at me for a moment and I was about to just drop it on the ground since she is wasting my time when one of her people grab the bag and inspect what's inside of it.

"There are about 20 Potions of Regeneration VI there. Give it to the injured." I said to her while starting to face the castle keep.

'I have to start working now.'

"Wait...!" I can hear her saying something but I just ignored her.

I didn't bother to hear her reply and just threw an ender pearl on top of the castle keep since I'm really tired and I don't want to walk my way back to the castle keep right now.

After teleporting on the roof of the keep, I quickly head downstairs back to my room to clean myself first and to look if I sustained any injuries.

My health is still full and my status is healthy but I have to make sure.

I can hear people calling after me but I just ignored all of them and just lock myself in my room.

I quickly cleaned myself and I was about to get out of my room with suddenly I fall on the floor and my vision blackout.

******* Arthur's POV *******

I don't know what he is going to do with this zombie but I managed to capture one.

I'm heading back to the castle with the captive tied on the back on a horse.

The bridge is up and the gate is fully open since they are busy cleaning the battlefield.

The sun is almost up and quickly moved my horse forward.

The people around the gate saw me carrying a monster and tried to stop me but I just said to them that it is an order from King Carolus.

They immediately back off the moment they hear that name.

I don't blame them since they witness with their own eyes on what he can do.

I quickly place the zombie in the prison room.

There are now three zombies here.

I stared at them for a moment and began to wonder something.

King Carolus said that he is going to cure them. I wonder if he is also meant that he wants to cure Merek.

I hope not since this guy deserves to become a monster for what he has done to my people.

I started going upstairs to check on King Carolus.

I suddenly saw Queen Thea in front of King Carolus room.

She probably wants to talk to him.

"He is probably resting right now, Queen Thea," I said to her after seeing her expression of worry.

"Arthur!" She was startled to see me and I can see a sword in her hand.

"Don't just come out of nowhere and surprise me." She quickly added.

I can see her face starting to blush since someone caught her off guard.

I was about to laugh at her for being too careless with her surroundings when I suddenly remembered that things are different now. She is a queen of Kingdom of Astikuviel and I'm a commoner of a recently burnt down small village.

We just stared at each other for a moment.

Quite a long moment has passed and it is now starting to get awkward.

"Just leave him alone for now and let him rest," I said to her to break the silence.

"Are you sure he is fine after fighting a very long battle?" She quickly asked me and I can see the worry came back in his face.

I didn't answer her back and just nodded my head.

"You also have to rest. You also fought a very long battle so you need sleep. Don't worry. I and the general will take care of everything while you are sleeping." I said to her.

She hesitated for a moment to move but I know she is really glad to hear the word rest since she is really tired.

She started walking back to the second floor to rest while I called the general to start discussing things.

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