《Sudden Burden》Chapter 10: Each to his own(2)


Chapter 10: Each to his own(2)

The second batch of awakened which was to tame the Propertizer had also completed their 20 minutes session.

And I, was standing on a platform (again).

"AhEm Ahem, Hello there. Wondering why we called you out here again? I will tell you but first, I need to know who tamed the Propertizer and who didn't."

"Whoever did tame the Propertizer, please raise your hand."

Seeing how many people raised their hands, I was not surprised.

Approximately only 25% of the population that had the chance to tame the Propertizer had tamed the Propertizer.

It was hard alright.

Taming the Propertizer I mean.

Adeel and Haji were not included in that 25% though.


"Hmmm.. alright so, after these 2 sessions we came up with an idea.." I said.

-"An Idea..?"


-"What idea.?"

The crowd started chattering between themselves.

"Alright alright so the Idea is that we, who have successfully achieved the purpose this session had aimed, will help you tame the Propertizer."

-"Well we already know, You already told us."

"Yes, but the plan has changed. The new plan is that..."


I told them the plan, asked them if they wanted to proceed and they agreed.

When the new plan was put into action, the idea proved to be even more worthwhile as someone could just stabilize the Propertizer in one place and about a 100 people could just focus on it.

This improved our training time and we got everyone to learn the Propertizer in one day.


Yesterday was a big day.

Today is going to be a big day.

And now we are on that same ground we were on Yesterday.

Yesterday, everyone learned the ability to grasp the Propertizer anytime.


"We are going to learn the basics of Dark Matter fighting today!" I said loudly.

"First of all, In Dark Matter Fighting, the most important thing is... efficiency. But since we are only at the basics our main goal is to enhance our arts for Swordsmanship, Combat, Archery and the like."

Something had been bugging me..

"I know the rules set for guns not working etc, but theoretically, Dark matter guns should work. Since the sword is attached with the handle and can transfer energy through and through. The bullets should also be able to do that. The reason why I think we were purposefully told to learn archery was to know how to push and pull hella fast anytime and .. the next reason is brute force."


"While the momentum thing is true, the bullet shouldn't have a lot of force left when it touches the opponent when released from the gun. As such it doesn't help in actual combat. In Archery, we put all of our force in pushing and pulling. As such, we are supplying our bow with a lot of force and in turn to the bow as well. Which is why it will have more impact. In a gun however, without any supply of force we just activate the gun by the trigger and it fires by itself. So the force of the bullet in comparison is lower. Yes yes I know what you are thinking, but to supply force when firing a gun will need training. Which is why we have this whole training session set up. Anyways onto Ryan."

Ryan: "We need basic foundations to actually start building our skills (As always is the case) and for that we are going to Divide everyone here in 100 lines ( Cause there are approximately 5400 of you present here ).

100 lines meaning 100 people for supervision right?

So, first of all we chose the people closest to us. Meaning Adeel, Haji, Ryan, Myself, Umer. Our classmates, and the next closest classmates. Meaning we already had 61 people. The next ones to be chosen for the supervision were the ones who succeeded in Propertizer training without our help. Now, at least 200 people had succeeded in the Propertizer training by themselves but we didn't choose all of them for the remaining seats for supervisors.

The remaining seats after the previous selection were given to... our bodyguards! I know it sounds cringe saying bodyguards like that but eh. Whatever.


Now that that was done, we had to make a whole list of everyone present, Bla bla huh. This is going to take a lot of time.

"HMm, now that the supervisors are decided, lets move on to your weapon of choice. So, firstly, we won't be doing this today. Today, we are going to give serial numbers to each one of you here and then after 3 days, the weapon selection will be held."



"They are going through pain..hehehehe.." I mumbled to myself creepily.

What the frick was that laugh? Is what everyone in the ground thought.

"The Serial Numbering shall start.. NOW!" I ordered loudly.

The supervisors were all in their respective positions and a queue was put for everybody to get their serial numbers.

Everything was going smoothly.

I like it.


Ryan's Bodyguard's POV:

Hello, As you know me I am Ryan's Bodyguard.

No, I was.

Ryan gave me a lot of trouble.

To the extent that I was presumed to be g*y.


I hate him.

He nearly ruined my life.

Thankfully, the judgements were proven incorrect and my life is back to normal.

Anyways my name is Zulfiqar.

~~Rustle ~~Rustle

"The wind sure is nice today.." I mumbled to myself.


"Oh, hi." Sheesh I can't keep track of my surroundings when I am deep in thoughts.

-"My serial number?" They asked.

"Oh, here you go. Your serial number is... 540" I said.

At first, I didn't notice who it was..

-"Oh, thank you. Umm.. I am sorry for what I did before.."

But they did.

"Oh what'd ya do" I asked without thought.

-"Oh umm, I automatically assumed you were umm.."

She kept going back and forth with her words.

But I was smart enough to understand what she wanted to say.

And I instantly knew who it was.

At first, due to me not talking to a girl for 4 years, I couldn't talk to girls.

Or look at them casually.

Cause it seemed weird.

But this? this girl was an exception.

Because she doesn't even know the basics of judging a person's personality.

And in front of my eyes seemed shitty.


I do say that, but I also think that I am also shitty because I am assuming that this girl is shitty on first impression.

I don't even know her... that much.

"Wait, sorry, I am sorry I didn't mean that. Everyone has their own opinions. Yeah..." I calmed myself.

-"O-Oh it's ok no problem that was my fault there. I just automatically assumed you were like that, that was very rude and immature of me." She apologized again.

"Kids are always immature."

See, this is why I said I was also shitty for assuming she is bad.

She apologized and realized her mistake.

"It's no problem, no need to worry. Everyone makes mistakes" I assured her.

-"Thank you.. What is your name?" She asked.

Surprisingly, a girl asked for my name.

"My name is.. Zulfiqar Shaikh... Can I know yours...?" I said and asked Hesitantly.

-"Oh yes, it would be weird if I didn't give my name after asking yours. My name is... Alia Bukhari" She stated hesitantly.

~~Rustle ~~Rustle

I was too embarrassed.

Actually we both were.

This sudden advancement.

I don't know how I managed to actually get the name of a girl I didn't know.

For the both of us..

I decided to end the conversation.


"The wind.. sure is nice today ehhh???" I said.


-"TruueEEE~~~ I shAll gO enjOy tHe WiND with mY fRiEnds." She answered.



Please kill us

was what, Zulfiqar and Alia thought.


A good, natural and mind pleasing atmosphere started to surround Zulfiqar and Alia.


was what everyone on the ground thought.

[Back to Ghalib]


Slowly, but surely.

I smell a ship sailing.

—————– To Be Continued —————–

A/N 2: Please like, follow and review my book. It helps me a lot and gives me tons of motivation!

Thanks for reading.

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