《Paradise of Abyss》Let's Have A Breakfast


The morning arrived with not too bright sunlight due to the thick fog surrounding the area. Aziel, who was sleeping outside the tent, opened his eyes in a semi-conscious state when he heard someone's footsteps walking. He braced himself to wake up even though he still wanted to sleep. A familiar shadow he recognized was seen moving away from their tent area


“Huh? Oh, Aziel...what? I want to poop. Want to follow?”

“Huh? No…”


Navir proceeded to his destination alone.

Never thought he was the first one to wake up...but fair enough, he was the earliest to sleep last night. Wait...he sleeps from the evening, doesn’t he? Huh...

“Already wake up heh?”

Aziel turned around and found Glen crouching in front of the already extinguished campfire.

“Huh? Since when you have been there?”

“Just now…”

“What are you doing?”

“Preparing the fire for breakfast…”

Oh, so Glen is the first one to wake up after all, now that makes more sense…

“Eh? We have breakfast?”

“Of course, why not?”

“It's just, we didn't have dinner last night...or is breakfast always available without any conditions?”

“Yeah, that’s right! That’s our first lesson today! Breakfast! Now follow me!”


Aziel follows Glen through the other direction from the Navir path before where there is a thick forest without leaves. The thing that thickened it was a crow that didn't move an inch above the branches of the dead tree. There's not a single ray of light passing into the ground. They have to use a fire torch that Glen brings as their direction indicator.

“Don’t look at the crow too long, people say it will attack you if you do it.”

“What’s wrong if they attack me? It's just a crow...”


“Hehe, the crow is not the problem, the sunshine that will pass through when there’s no crow blocking is the problem.”

“Huh? Why?”

“It will burn the forest to ashes…don’t ask why, it's just some rules in this world. This is the only area affected by it though.”

“So, the crow is there to protect this forest?”

“Wise...yeah that’s the reason. But don’t tell anybody. Our team is the only one that knows this.”

“Huh...okay then…”

I suspect he knew about it because he investigated it by himself. In whatever way he does… For some reason, he is more energetic than he was before he came back to us. I almost forgot that he punched me right in the face.

Wait, that’s weird...shouldn't I feel anger toward him? But, I don't feel anything...Yeah, I know we have been friends for a long time so I don't really care if he wants to fight once in a while. But Glen never does something like that except there’s the meaning behind it…. Without me realizing it, our conversation last night really made me feel better and comfortable to ask him the things I don’t know without worrying he will be suspicious of me.

Right after they pass through the forest that is not too long to pass by, they meet with a huge green lake.

“Now we have to catch our breakfast here…”

“Why is it green?” Aziel touches the lake surface.

Gln doesn't answer a thing. Aziel looked at him and found that he covered his ears using his hands.


“Oh, you're done talking? Now shhh…” Glen gives a sign to Aziel to shut up.

“Don’t tell anyone what colour you see the lake, even I or anyone in our team.”


“Huh? Why?”

“That'll have to wait for later, Aziel. Just don’t tell anybody okay?”


I wonder why? Even he covers his ears. Did he expect me to ask him instantly? Seeing my action that went to touch the water, maybe he already expected it. And apparently, everything must be kept a secret.

“Good thing there’s nobody around here right now. Maybe we are the only team that doesn’t get dinner or they are too tired to go fishing.”

“How are we gonna go fishing? There’s no fishing rod...oh, we use the branch?”

“Who the fuck use a fishing rod? It’s not even a fish we will try to catch.”

“Oh, then what is it?”

"Manifestation! Tracking!”

Glen stretched out his right hand toward the lake. An incantation circle appeared on his hand.

“Oh...our prey is not so deep from the surface...why don’t you take a look, Aziel?”

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