《Paradise of Abyss》To the Gate


"Huh? What's wrong with you Aziel?" Navir asks Aziel who's still kneeling?

Am I really at the Abyss? Is the Abyss real? Isn't that only a myth made by us to scare people?

Aziel had a flashback from his memory.


"Let's name it Abyss," a man with long hair said toward four other men in a circle. They have a conversation inside a small room of a wood inn.

"What exactly is it for?" Aziel with a blue low man bun hair asked.

"It's just like hell in the world. Those who don't want to follow orders will be thrown into that place," the man explained.

"Is it really necessary to? We can just kill them hahaha!" Keira who looks like a grown-up man said.

"Heh, and just reduce our manpower? That's why you are not the man to define this Keira," a grown-up Glen said.

"Hey, watch your mouth-"

"Hahaha! You are really stupid Keira," a curly hair man said, probably Navir.

"Heh? You just wake up from your dozing. I'm pretty sure you don't even know what we are talking about," Glen said.

"Hahaha! Hah...erm...hahaha whatever it is!" Navir just laughed to ward off embarrassment.

"It's not like we will do it for real. We will just make a rumour among our people," the long-haired man said.

"Will they believe it? They are not kids," Aziel doubts that plan.

"You don't know what rumours can do nowadays. If we play the right card, it can even make an army retreat before a war," Glen said.

"Yeah, it's all about how we plan the rumour to be. For this case, I already ordered one man to act. You all can rest assured," the long-haired man said.



Wait...that's all we ever have a conversation about the Abyss. Everything from that is executed by the long-haired man that I still don't remember his name. Goen doesn't remember him either. What about Navir and Keira?

"Hey, what are you doing? We are already late! If we can't reach the target for today, then we can't have dinner for two days in a row!" Keira is still complaining about the dinner, "Come on, get up Aziel!"

"Leave him be.. he is just having a nightmare.." Glen said while heading toward the gate and stood still in front of it, "I will open the gate first."

"Manifestation... Unlocked!" an incantation from Glen followed by the opening of the gate that he stood in front of.

"Grrkkkkk" the gate open slowly the moment Glen's incantation finish. A white bright light radiating from the other side of the gate hinders anyone from looking at the place behind it.

"Nice! Let's go, for our dinner!" Keira is the one who is so excited about this because of his dinner at the stake.

"Huhh, I'm so tired of doing this again... I just sleep a little.." Navir was lazy as always, using the lack of rest time as his excuse again.

Aziel has a mixed amazed and bewildered expression on his face after watching the gate opening.

"Come on, maybe you can clear your mind after seeing the other side.." without Aziel realizing, Glen already stands in front of him while stretching his hand to help him get up.

"What is that gate? Where does it connect us to?" Aziel asked?

"Hey...did he have amnesia or what?" Keira complained.

"We do our job there like usual. Don't you remember?" Glen asked.

"Job? What kind of job?" I don't remember seeing that kind of gate before. This is too real to be a dream. What should I do now? It's not a good idea to run, as I don't know where this place is.


Aziel glanced at every single one of them.

Maybe I should just follow them for now...I should collect as much information about this place first. Then I will plan what I should do. Whatever it is, the spell that that man used must be the main reason for this, 'Veto' and 'Alter'...

"Okay, my mind is a little bit messy. But I'll do what I can…" Aziel said while grabbing Glen's hanging hand.

"Yeah, that's the spirit. Never mind about your mind, it is always a mess though," Glen said.

"Now, for real! For our dinner!" Keira again shouting the same things while they walked toward the gate. The gate that Aziel doesn't know will direct them to where. Steadily he follows his friend's footsteps in sync to the unknown place that he never stepped foot in before. Glen led at the front, followed by Navir and Keira at his back, and Aziel was the last man among them.

Bit by bit, one step at a time, he passed the gate after his friends went through first...

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