《The Young Wise Man》Chapter 9 - Departing the Sea of Trees


Chapter 9 - Departing the Sea of Trees

After the calm silence, the entrance to the hollowed tree from the underground cavern collapsed. Nero and Maude became aware that they were now trapped inside. They were up on the surface again but of course they didn't know how to leave the hollowed tree.

"There's a war between the Four Gods?" Maude said.

"Why would that come to be?" Nero began to ponder. "I thought that all Four Gods exist to keep the world in balance."

"Well, we shouldn't worry about that now." Maude looked at the collapsed entrance.

"Right, we should find a way to get out of here." Nero gave Maude a nod.

Both began to examine their surroundings. Nero looked at the shrine of Roux only to find her extravagant amber symbols. Maude tried to move through the golden webs only to realize they were unbreakable. The shrine was dimly lit, if not for the golden webs of Roux there would be no light.

The pair started scuttling around in the dim area, looking for a way out. As they were searching, Maude became irritated at the weight of the golden spider on her hand. She started shaking her hand but the relic would not release its hold on her. Then she began to use her strength in trying to pry it off but it wouldn't work. To the ordinary eye, the golden spider would look like a magnificent golden glove.

"What's with this thing!?" Maude said.

"Calm down," Nero said. "It's a great historical relic!"

This golden spider was an ancient relic known to the worshippers of the Amber Spider, Roux. There were other relics like it belonging to the remaining Four Gods. Only Maude and Nero knew of its existence now, as they had taken its legacy from the Tree Elves. Nero believed it to be a great cultural and historical find. Now the only thing Maude and Nero have to do is discover what its used for.

"Try making a fist and punching something?" Nero said. "You're good at that right?"

"What are you trying to say?" Maude gave Nero a glare.

"Come on, just try Maude."

Maude sighed and gathered her bearings. She clenched her hand into a fist and the relic reacted quickly. The golden spider on her hand moved its legs. A golden thread of webs shot out of the glove and startled her. Nero and Maude looked at the thread in amazement.

"What is this!?" Maude said.

"The glove can create the golden webs of Roux?" Nero asked.

Nero grabbed hold of the webbing and felt it's stickiness. He tried to break the thread apart but it wouldn't tear no matter how much strength he used. Pulling out his short sword, he cleaved at the thread and it wouldn't cut. Maude was shocked at what transpired.

"It's strong!" Nero said with a laugh.

Maude tried to pull her fist back but more of the golden thread appeared. She relaxed her hand and the thread was cut by the relic. Nero ran towards Maude and held her hand.

"Amazing! By balling your hands into a fist, you can create an indestructible web." Nero said.

Maude became embarrassed at the way Nero was holding her hand and retracted it quickly. Nero ruffled his hair when he saw Maude's reaction.

"Well…uh…so let's keep trying to find a way out." Nero said.

"Yes, the quicker we leave the quicker I can get home to Southscale." Maude said.

Nero's eyes widened at Maude's statement.


"You're from Southscale Maude?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, actually I'm heading over there myself."


Maude was a little dubious at Nero's answer.

"Yes, my father said he was going there to meet someone."


"I don't know."

"Well, where's your father?"


Nero had a look of dismay when he remembered that Gregor was dead.

"Oh…I'm sorry." Maude said.

Nero perked up his resolve and looked at Maude.

"I want to go to Southscale because my father wanted to," Nero said. "It was one of the last things he wanted to do."

Nero stared at Maude for a bit and Maude saw Nero's earnest expression.

"Alright, I'll take you to Southscale." Maude said with a smile.

Maude and Nero both resumed their search at trying to escape the hollowed tree. Nero tried casting magic against the walls but the mana dispersed as soon as it was called. Maude tried punching and kicking her way out of the hollowed tree but not even a dent was made.

"Magic doesn't work in here." Nero said.

"By the Four gods," Maude said. "How do we get out of here?"

Nero went into deep contemplation looking up above the shrine. That was when he observed a man sized hole above the shrine. He hadn't noticed it earlier because there was no sunlight in the sky outside. Their adventure in the Temple of Eden had taken nearly half a day.

"Look! There! We should be able to get out!" Nero pointed at the hole.

"How? We can't use magic."

"Simple, we use the relic of Roux."

Maude nodded at Nero and aimed the relic at the hole. She made a fist and a golden thread shot at the hole only to fall down.

"Damn! It's too far." Nero said.

"Wait! I have an idea!" Maude grabbed her bow.

Maude wrapped an arrow with the golden webbing from her glove. Holding her fist tight, she used her bow to shoot the arrow close to the hole. The golden thread extended out of the glove with the arrow. As long as Maude kept her fist clenched, threads would be produced from the glove. Maude relaxed her hand and the thread cut apart becoming a rope of sorts to the hole. Nero and Maude had become ecstatic over the result.

"Good thinking!' Nero said.

Maude gave Nero a smile under the red hood.

"You first." Maude said.


Nero grabbed hold of the golden thread of webbing. He felt its sturdy strength and how the webs stuck to his hands. He climbed up the thread with ease and made it to the hole. Looking out of the hollow shrine to Roux, Nero could see the Sea of Trees around him. In the far distance he was able to make out what looked like civilization in the form of lights in the night sky, it was the town of Southscale.


"Hey! Can we get out?" Maude yelled at him.

"Yeah!" Nero replied.

Nero climbed outside the hole onto a tree branch and waited for Maude. When Maude reached the hole he helped her onto the branch.

"Now how do we get down?" Nero said.

Maude looked at Nero confused and leapt off the tree branch. She landed on the ground gracefully and looked back up to Nero.

"Are you kidding me?" Nero said.

"It's okay, I can catch you." Maude replied.

Worry filled Nero's face as he looked down to the ground. It was a considerable height down from the tree branch Nero was on. Gathering some resolve, Nero looked at Maude who held up her arms. With a leap of faith he fell from the tree branch into her arms.


"ha…ha…thanks." Nero said with a crooked smile.

"It's okay," Maude said. "You are really light for a man."

Maude set Nero down to the ground who ruffled his own hair in embarrassment. Nero's eyes wandered around the Sea of Trees. An eerie green glow was lighting the area of the forest they were standing in. Nero understood that this was the place where he escaped the King Wolf. This area was thick with mana due to the shrine devoted to the Amber Spider, Roux.

"No wonder, that King Wolf wouldn't come near this place." Nero said.

"King Wolf!?" Maude looked at Nero in shock.

"Yeah, I had a little run in with that beast." Nero sighed.

"What? Isn't it just a legend?"

"No, I definitely saw it with my own eyes."

Nero began to explain what happened to him in the Sea of Trees, and what led him to stumble into the Temple of Eden.

"If that beast is here, we have to leave the forest quickly before it discovers you're still alive."

Maude grasped her hands together and invoked a spell.

"Please, I call any who answer, help guide our way out."

Maude's hands began to glow a faint yellow then radiated a golden amber aura. What happened next surprised Maude and Nero. A yellow ball of light appeared only to transform into a golden spider. The spider was the size of a small dog with a streak of white on its back. Maude had called for another wind spirit only for it to transform into a yellow spider.

"Piii..." The spider looked up with its red eyes to Maude.

"Little one? Piii? Is that you!?" Maude touched the spider on the head.


"Is this because of the mana here?" Nero said. "How did the same wind spirit answer your call?"

Maude had no answers to give Nero as she was confused herself. It was out of the ordinary for the same spirit to be called back again. There was an indescribable amount of spirits in the world and they existed in many different planes. How would this wind spirit know to answer Maude's call again? Only the Four Gods or specifically the God of the West could know.

"Perhaps this is what being chosen means?" Nero said.

Maude had a look of discomfort on her face.

"Are you saying Roux is blessing me?" Maude said.

Nero shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know what the fine details of being chosen by the Four Gods meant.

"Piii…" The wind spirit rubbed its head at Maude's legs.

"Well, let's get out of here," Maude said. "Lead the way little one."

The wind spirit jumped up with vigor and started scattering about. With its new spider body, it moved quickly and abruptly. Nero and Maude could only follow the wind spirit from a distance. The wind spirit kept running back to Nero and Maude to see them. Only for it to turn around again and lead them through the Sea of Trees. It acted as if it didn't keep its eyes on them, it would lose them.

"It has a lot of energy." Nero said.

"Yeah, even more so now." Maude replied.

The Sea of Trees was a maze of frustration and hidden dangers. If Nero and Maude didn't have the guidance of the wind spirit, they would be lost. Nero still had the compass Gregor gave him but it wouldn't help navigate through the treacherous landscape. Not only did the wind spirit guide them but it shone the path for them with its amber light. The wind spirit scurried around trees and went under large branches. It tried to lead Nero and Maude through easily accessible terrain.

"How long will it take to reach Southscale?" Nero said following behind Maude.

"Maybe a day or two?"

"How long did it take you to reach the Temple?"

"Half a day," Maude replied. "But I had used wind magic, right now my magical energy is pretty low."

Nero could understand, they had been through a rough fight in the Temple of Eden. Maude had actually died but Nero didn't want to tell her that. Nero was thankful that Maude didn't question how Nero saved her. He couldn't tell her that he possessed an affinity for magic long forgotten.

As Nero and Maude followed the wind spirit intently, another shadow followed closely behind them.

"How is Southscale by the way?" Nero said.

Maude turned her head to look at Nero's direction.

"You've never been?"

"No, I haven't."

"It's a big town, many different races live together there."

"Really? An Orc town?"

"Yes, my father is a great hero," Maude said beaming with pride. "Everyone, wants to live in the region under his rule."


Nero has never heard of many races that lived together in one place before. The Orcs that he read in history books were always depicted as headstrong and battle hungry. He never heard of a magnanimous Orc before. There was excitement on Nero's face to be able to witness something he never even read about.

"Your father rules the area?"


"So, does that mean you're a noble?"

"Yeah, I am." Maude had a calm expression as she said it as a matter of fact.

Nero ruffled his hair at knowing that Maude was actually someone of higher standing. Gregor had told him before how nobles were haughty in nature. Nero could already get a sense of Maude's personality because of it. Gregor didn't get much pleasantries with nobles as he himself, was a poor orphan. Not only is she an Orc but a noble at that? Nero thought.

"Who is your father?" Nero asked.

"Chieftain Scar Strongsong of the Southscale tribe, leader and ruler to the southeast region of the United Empire as directed by the Emperor." Maude said.

"Chieftain Scar?" a voice sounded next to Nero.

The illuminated Gregor had appeared again and walked next to Nero.

"What fate my boy!" Gregor said.

"Do you know him?" Nero said.

"Of course I know him, he's my father." Maude said.

Nero was confused, he stopped to look at Gregor and to Maude.

"Maude, can you see him?"

Nero pointed at Gregor's direction.

"See what?" Maude said.

The illuminated Gregor stroked his beard and Nero ruffled his hair.

"So she can't see me my boy?" Gregor said.

Gregor walked over to Maude and waved his hands over her eyes.

"Did you hear him speak?" Nero said.

Nero exaggerated his hands toward the illuminated Gregor.

"Hear who speak?" Maude said.

Maude had a puzzled look at Nero's words and actions.

"Interesting." Gregor said.

Maude couldn't see nor hear Gregor at all. Only Nero was able to do so himself. Is this the power of the book? Nero thought. As Nero was in heavy contemplation a faint sound echoed in the Sea of Trees. Mana swirled in the atmosphere and the illuminated Gregor disappeared. Maude had a serious expression on her face as her ears perked up.


"Shh!...quiet." Maude said in a low voice.

"What is it?" Nero whispered.

"Something's wrong in the Sea of Trees."

Nero's demeanor became grim as he tried to scan the forest around them. He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and became silent. Maude took out her bow and clenched it tightly. The wind spirit came back to Nero and Maude who stood still, lighting the surrounding area for them. Maude's eyes pierced into the shadows of the Sea of Trees until she saw a pair of glowing balls. It came closer and closer until it revealed a menacing row of teeth.

The monster snarled and crept slowly into the light, revealing itself. It was the King Wolf of the Sea of trees and it had been following them. Nero's breathing had started to become erratic as he stared at the frightening beast. Maude held her breath waiting for the King Wolf to make its move. The eyes of the King Wolf stared intently on the red cloak Maude wore.

The King Wolf had recognized Maude as the prey that escaped its territory because of the cloak she wore. Nero's scent was still on the cloak which he gave to Maude. Its senses found her to be the very same prey even though Nero was next to her. The King Wolf growled and it inched closer to Maude.

Nero motioned his hands and yelled "Wall!"

The King Wolf lunged at Maude only to crash into a wall of earth. Maude didn't stray far as she moved a few spaces back and pulled out an arrow. Her hands glowed in a yellow aura and she readied her aim. Maude fired a shot at the beast when the earth wall dissipated. When the arrow reached the King wolf, it had no effect and fell to the ground harmlessly. The King Wolf itself was a beast with the magical affinity for wind.

"Run!" Nero yelled.

Maude fled quickly as the King Wolf chased her.

Maude couldn't use the same type of magic against something that was naturally born with it. She wasn't a match for a legendary monster that was born and bred in the Sea of Trees. Maude herself only could use wind magic as she differed most of her studies to physical enhancements. The arrows she had would not be able to pierce the raw hide of the King Wolf either. It was a monster too much for her and all she could do was run.

Nero followed in pursuit as the King Wolf ignored him. He couldn't catch up to the speed the King Wolf and Maude were moving. The wind spirit was still moving and following them as well. Nero picked up the wind spirit and placed it on his shoulders.

"Little one, help me move faster!" Nero said.

"Piii…" The wind spirit acknowledged.

Nero felt a yellow aura surround him and he became light as a feather. Quickly he ran after the King Wolf and Maude. He watched as Maude evaded the beast by moving erratically in the Sea of Trees. The beast became irritated at the constant movement and started rampaging through the trees. Its massive frame and razor claws were enough to render the trees into scraps.

The red cloak was fluttering through the Sea of Trees, chased by an enormous shadow. Maude had sweat pouring from her forehead as she eluded the King Wolf. She looked behind her only once to see that the King Wolf had not given up pursuit. The King Wolf howled and charged forward with fervor. It did not like prey having escaped its grasp once already. That was more than enough reason for the beast to chase endlessly because of it.

Nero moved hastily, powered by wind magic to catch up to Maude. He already let her die once before and he was not going to let her die again. Nero began rapidly thinking of what to do. He had no means to fight something that moved as fast as the King Wolf did. Even though Nero was a Wordmancer and had the ability to cast magic faster than others. The beast was not looking his direction and wouldn't hold still for him to make a move.

The King Wolf was closing in on Maude who was losing her stamina swiftly. Nero didn't think anymore and drew his sword out while chasing them. With a flick of his wrist, he whipped his sword to catch the hind leg of the monster. The King Wolf howled as it felt the blade wrapping around its leg. Nero caught the King Wolf's attention but not for long.

Nero tried to pull the sword with the King Wolf but his strength did not match the beast. Slowly, Nero was being pulled in the King Wolf's direction. The King Wolf grabbed the sword's whip like blade with its teeth and flung Nero. Nero released his sword's hold on the monster while gripping his own sword tightly. Nero couldn't anticipate the movements of the beast and had his body slam hard into the side of a tree.

Nero cried out in pain, which caught Maude's attention. Nero was writhing in agony and the King Wolf charged in his direction. Maude didn't think of running now, she was going to fight the beast. She scurried up a tree and tried to gain the height advantage over the monster.

Maude began to rain arrows against the monster but it was too quick. The monster had noticed her tactic and began to glow a yellow aura. The King Wolf moved faster than ever and started to dodge her attacks. All of her arrows missed their mark against the nimble King Wolf. The beast ran against the tree which Maude was on top of. It tried its best to topple the tree over. Maude started jumping from treetop to treetop, only moving by instinct.

Nero winced as he tried to regain his bearings. The trees were falling down around him and Maude was soon going to be physically exhausted. The fallen trees started to make a wall around the King Wolf as well. Nero eyes wandered to the tree next to him and he saw a spider's web. Spiders spin their webs on trees to catch their prey. Realizing that they could lay a trap for the beast as well, Nero started motioning his hands.

"Wall! Cage!" Nero said.

A wall of earth converged on the King Wolf and enveloped a cage around the beast.

"Maude, use the relic!" Nero yelled.

"What!?" Maude yelled.

"Trap him like a spider would!" Nero said.

Maude had looked down at the caged monster from on top a tree branch. Maude understood Nero's intent and started spinning webs onto her arrows. She fired her arrows attached with the golden web through the slits of the earth cage. Then cutting a line, she wrapped the web around the tree branch. Maude started jumping from branch to branch continually doing the same thing.

The King Wolf did not sit still in the cage while this was happening. It tried to break free of the earth cage multiple times. Nero poured his magical energy into keeping the earth cage formed. Sweat was dripping down his forehead and his breathing became heavy. As the beast tried breaking down the earth wall, more dirt would take its place.

Soon the earth cage was littered with lines of golden webbing from the relic of Roux. The King Wolf was stuck in place and couldn't move its massive frame. The lines were sticky and too strong to be torn apart. As the King Wolf tried to press onto the golden threads, the lines would cut into the beast. Its blood began to cover over the golden webbing. With any more pressure , the monster knew its life was forfeit.

Maude jumped down from the tree tops and Nero released his magic. They had capture the King Wolf which had been terrorizing them. The wind spirit climbed down from Nero's shoulder and went onto Maude's. Nero tried catching his breath as he gave Maude a smile. Maude returned her own as she grasped for air. They were worn out but they were alive.

"We should kill this monster quickly!" Maude said.

Maude pulled up her arrow and aimed for the King Wolf's eye.

"Spare…life." A voice resounded in their heads.

Nero and Maude looked at each other only to move their gaze at the King Wolf.

The King Wolf let out a whimpering noise.

"Submit…will." The voice again sounded in their minds.

The yellow eyes of the black King Wolf looked at them.

"You can talk?" Maude said.

"Yes..can" A voice replied in their minds.

The King Wolf let out a bark.

"What should we do?" Maude looked towards Nero.

Nero sheathed his sword and approached the King Wolf.

"Tell us your true name." Nero said.

The King Wolf was silent but stared a piercing dagger at Nero. For a mythical beast to give out its true name would mean for someone to have power over them. Though if this beast wanted to survive, it would need to give its name. The King Wolf let out a snort, it realized the young man was tricky.

"Name is…Bavol."

"Alright Bavol, I'll call you Bal," Nero said. "Make a spirit contract with me."

Nero wasn't going to waste this opportunity to acquire a contract of a mythical beast. While knowing the true name of the King Wolf would give them power over him. Making a contract with the King Wolf would let them utilize his power. By contracting with a beast, they would share each other's magical energy. Nero had thought of this solution for the King Wolf and quite frankly would rather use him then kill him.

The eyes of the King Wolf sharpened on Nero.

"You submitted didn't you?" Maude said.

Maude was able to follow Nero's line of thinking.

"Right, you did." Nero said with a smile.

The King Wolf exhaled deeply and nodded its head with no other choice.

"Okay then." Nero said.

Nero started creating a seal on his hand. Infusing his magical energy on the seal, he marked lines on his arm. Then pressing the seal from his arm to Bal and transferring his magical energy. The seal appeared on Bal's chest and slowly the King Wolf began to transform. Bal became smaller and smaller until he was the size of a pup. His black fur became white and his yellow eyes turned blue. The webbing of the relic no longer stuck to Bal and he moved about freely.

"Seal complete." Nero said.

Bal let out a whimper.

With the contract only Nero would be able to release the power on Bal. In return Bal was able to sustain himself on the magical energy Nero provided.. Bal's form was halved due to the power of the spirit contract, so now he looked like a little white wolf cub. The seal was marked black on his chest above his white fur. Thus human and beast became linked together in the form of a contract until they both die.

Nero had now acquired a spirit contract with a mythical beast from the Sea of Trees.

"So can I go home now?" Maude said with tired eyes.

"Yes, let's go." Nero said.

"Piii…" The wind spirit led the way through the forest.

"Come, Bal." Nero gestured to the King Wolf pup.

Bal quietly followed behind Nero, now attached to him as a partner.

The journey through the Sea of Trees became relatively easier and relaxed. Nero used the last of his energy potions to revitalize their stamina and they traversed through the forest in full health. As they reached outside the Sea of Trees, a calm brilliance overcame Nero. He had finally made it to the outside world. This is where he felt his true journey would begin.

Outside the Sea of trees was a field of green plains. There were mounds of hills and the world looked so vast to Nero. Maude thought Nero was even more peculiar because of the look of wonder on his face. It's like he's never been outside before Maude thought. She chuckled at the thought of that but it was the hard truth. Maude looked at Nero's actions as cute and child-like, he had an unnatural sense of wonder.

Nero was overcome with emotions of joy and yearning. He wanted to visit all the places he read about in his books. He wanted to explore all the places Gregor talked about. He wanted to see the capitals of all the great countries on the continent. Nero wanted to learn more about the world and read new books. Nero felt he had all the time in the world to enjoy such things.

First, Nero was going to visit Southscale with Maude. After that he would try to search for the other Wise Men if he could. He needed to find out more about the Book of Knowledge, the legacy that Gregor gave him. Nero hadn't yet decided what he should do about Moore though. Nero had thought about revenge but at the same time he was not a killer. If Moore was truly one of the Wise Men, then Nero would do his best to avoid him.

"Piii…" The wind spirit was still moving about.

"He hasn't left yet?" Nero said.

Maude knelt down and the golden spider came to her.

"Do you want to stay with me, little one?" Maude petted the wind spirit.

"Piii…" The wind spirit gave an excited answer.

The wind spirit had fulfilled its bargain of navigating the Sea of Trees. Yet it didn't want to leave Maude's side. Maude herself didn't want to part with the spirit that helped her either. It was very rare for a summoned spirit to stay with its contractor but not unlikely. In the end, Maude and the wind spirit contracted with each other to stay together.

Maude now had the contract of a wind spirit in the form of a golden spider. She also had an ancient relic belonging to one of the Four Gods. Maude held up the golden glove and examined the spider on top of her hand. She hoped that this would be enough to prove her strength to her family. Maude didn't actually hate her marriage to a human like she proclaimed. What she hated, was that the choice of marriage was not hers alone.

If you were strong, you were able to choose your destiny, is what Maude believed.

Maude's parents entered a marriage of love through battle and camaraderie. She wanted a love just like her parents. To stand side by side with her partner through battle and adventure. She looked up at the sky and wondered when she would be able to get that feeling. Maude's gaze slowly fell towards Nero and some emotions raised inside her. She looked away abruptly and marched forward to Southscale.

"Beautiful," Nero said. "Too beautiful."

"What!?" Maude paused in her steps to look at him.

"The sky and the stars above." Nero said with a smile.

Maude stared at Nero a bit and then moved her eyes to the sky above.

"By the Four Gods…it is." She said.

Maude felt her face flush red as she remembered something and quickly walked away.

Nero ruffled his hair as he watched her move away from him. Nero has tried to only make conversations with her. He hoped that Maude could become his first friend in the outside world. There was a feeling inside Nero as well but he couldn't quite understand it. Nero hurried himself to catch up to Maude and enjoy the leisurely stroll to Southscale.

Bal whimpered while he followed behind Nero and Maude.

The night sky was filled with stars as it looked down upon Nero and Maude. It was majestic to them as it would be for anyone else. It was as if the Four Gods themselves made the scene to announce their arrival outside the Sea of Trees. A sublime feeling was in the air and it affected both Nero and Maude. Only the Four Gods and the future would know where the paths of these two laid.

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