《Would you please become the Demon Lord? (COMPLETED)》Chapter 13: Bringer of change
Chapter 13 Here I am thinking that I am alone. There should be no one in this land earlier when I tried to cast detection magic. Now there is this little female human raising her voice while both of her hands placed on her hips. I don’t know why but she looks really mean. I wonder why I feel the air of spoiled human… I stop smashing the boulders in the ground which I have been doing for a couple of minutes now. The sudden intrusion caused me to be nearly dragged by that pitcher plant. I really commend the plant for always trying to playfully drag me. I slapped its feelers and it obediently went back to the pitcher . It is now full of little preys it snatched earlier. “Why in the world will you create such ruckus in the middle of the night?” she paused for a while when I turned towards her direction but now she is resuming her talk once again. I wonder why there is a human trash in here. Oops... talk about trimming down the hostility there. I ignored her rant and continued to crush the boulders around. I placed the plants that I gathered here and there along my travels. I have a large number of them and lots of variety. I wonder when they can spread along this land. I bet it will be breath-taking when it happens. I am still working when I suddenly feel the fluctuation of mana. A huge monster which resembles a bird but there were two hands beneath its wings. I wonder how a funny looking monster can maintain its flight with those many drags. I guess this is the fantasy world and those kinds of things were normal here. Though it looks angry for some reason and it was glaring at me. I turned off all my passive skills since the plants would rot after a few minutes being close to me. The miasma will spread like an idiot so I made sure to turn them off when I am not in battle. Once again I turned them on and start to conjure a low level magic. It was mere ice spears which I cast in multiple so they ended up around fifty of them floating beside me. I sent them towards the beast but the beast was weird in a sense. It just waived its right hand and the spears melted like cheese. I guess water magic has bad compatibility with it? Let’s try to roast it and see if it will taste good. Anyway, for some reason the female human is trembling like crazy. Sweats are pouring like broken dam in her face and she is whiter for some reason. I see this frequently back in my world. The state of extreme fear and distress is truly beautiful in its own but only if you’re the one looking at it. What a terrible state to be in. I start to conjure a more advance spell and multi-cast them as usual. For me, strength is number. I don’t believe the saying of a one man army. I have done that in the past. I only ended up someone who could not show himself in the light and operated in the darkness until the day I perished. This time I will fully use my advantage be it summoning or the multi-casting of spells. I am overlord tier because of the privilege but I can be the ultimate if I use those resources wisely. As of now the extent that I can multi-cast is fifty of any spell aside from the highest ones in my skill column. Now that I think about it I did not mention about this skill column so far. So before crushing this little beast in the air with the air of arrogance, I should state those first huh. My skill column is divided in two. Actives and Passive. For the passive, I think I mentioned it already but for the active which was also separated into four column. Basic, mid-tier, advance and elite, a greyed out column which was named forbidden. It only consisted with four skills. Two of them are passive and two are active. The passives sounded ominous so I have not unlocked them yet with the limit-break that I got from the lucky draw. I am afraid that it would mess things up when I can barely have control over my skills. I am contented with how vast they are. If I go get these ominous skills but could not use them properly, then I would be an idiot eating a cow with a stomach of a rat. Ha that was a good metaphor don’t you think? The two passives were named; Magic emperor and Bloodbath. See what I mean? They sound ominous so I will not touch them now. The last two active skills were named; World walk and Sprout. I don’t understand any bit from them but they sure sounded weird especially for the Sprout. Sprout what? That was a hidden curiosity in my mind that I chose to bury. Now that I am done explaining those skills, it is time to crush this little beast in the air that started to conjure its own magic. I was a bit surprised that it can use compound magic of fire and ice but I can overpower it with brute force. In the end, a monkey can only play so much facing a behemoth. This time I cast the least destructive spell in the Elite section named Rending blades. They multiplied to fifty after a few seconds and I threw all them into the air. They shoot faster than bullets in my world. The blades sunk into the beast’s body and went through to the back continuing to travel towards the sky. The monster froze for a bit before its body separated into pieces. Blood is raining so I cast a breeze to throw them away. I do not want my garden to stink of blood. I must let this place be the paradise that I always dream of. The monster was now gone and I should continue my work. For that human on her knees, she can fend for herself. I don’t feel like seeing more red tomatoes for now. That red bloom in the sky was not a thing that I like. Red is a captivating color but too much red dulls the view in the end. It will be more beautiful if there were hues of different colors in the end. I placed the mischievous pitcher plant into the hole that I dug out and then started to put back the ground on the side. I think this plant will truly bloom if there are lots of preys around and the forest can provide that much. It was peaceful for a moment before the human started to murmur to herself and her voice started to quiver. Ah… I don’t hate noises but when they came from humans I somehow feel my hands itching. I wonder why… I face her again to see that her eyes were swimming here and there. I guess it was too much of a shock? That monster was a strong one but it was too bad that it was facing me. I guess a show of power of that size was enough to scare a human away huh. Maybe I should do that and scare them until their souls floated upwards. I somehow find that idea workable. Maybe I should? “How can you be so powerful yet not helping our race?” her voice was a bit trembling but I can hear her fine alright. Though the contents of it was truly provoking. I am not helping the race… Hah… I spent most of my life for the so called advancement of humanity back then. Here is another one talking about helping the race. “You humans have no shame huh…” My voice was a bit low and somehow my temper is starting to show their ugly head. Calm down… What happened to the talk about the toning down the hostility? Be more reasonable… F…! Why am I even tolerating such inconvenience! “Shame?” she looked up to me and stared at me hard. “You are not human…” “Not obvious enough?” I truly despise this race… why don’t they explode altogether? The girl was trembling more now. Her face now drained of other color. Hmm… now that I think about it… why is there a human in this place? Is it the beast earlier? That dumb pigeon… “So… Not running?” I smiled . I wonder if it would be fun cornering this despicable race. The little lady is struggling to stand up but her legs keep on getting soft and she always end up on the ground. Her body is shaking like crazy and somehow I don’t feel like playing like this. I somehow find this scene to be the same as me back then. At first… they were just looking at me with interested expressions until they turned into madness. Those faces, my expression and my reactions resemble this little human in my front. Am I copying those baldies? I turned off my passive skills again and resume my gardening. This task is more interesting that teasing weak creatures. I left her alone on whatever happens to her in her own hands. At least I am letting her decide which future she will have as long as she does not annoy me. After a few more times, I noticed that she was not there anymore and I heaved a sigh of relief. I can kill those scums of humanity without blinking but the expressions of those helpless and weak even back there was hard to take. Hey… Am I still a human deep inside? Lisa Evergreen’s POV My god! What did I see? I saw a really strong demon and I don’t think even Klein can stand up to it. What will happen if that thing started to find humanity as an eyesore? I know that the demons vary in personality and I think this one really loves to be alone and build something for himself. I don’t know if one day an idiot will provoke this being and somehow we all ended up being swept along with his anger. That will be a disaster! I need to do something to at least make that creature tamer or keep this land out of reach from others to avoid complications. Right! I need to inform Klein about this so he could do counter measures! I can’t decide on what to do with this much! That being was too powerful for us to take and it does not seem to show interest to us. He can even crush the likes of winter infernal with such ease despite the absurdity of his magic. What is wrong with that? It was like a single spell was being multiplied automatically. The worst part is that they all have the same power behind them. How much mana is needed to make that spell work? This is truly absurd! What am I supposed to do? I am trapped and the endless forest before me is keeping me away from the human alliance. I can’t possibly survive the long journey back. The information was crucial and it needed to be passed somehow or someway. Do I really need to learn another magic? There is no spell in the water magic that can help me transport the information on where I am and about that being. Urggg…. My head is starting to ache. Calm down Lisa… Slow your breathing… Like mother said… do not lose composure at anytime, anywhere. Panicking can only slow down your thinking capability. It leads to unnecessary trouble in the end. I took deep breathes and I somehow started to calm down. Okay… my mind has cleared for a bit. What I can use is only water magic up to advance levels and basic in light and fire. I can’t possible send messages with those. I need a taming skill or somehow educate a beast that can travel. There are varieties of monsters inside the fores. I can tame one with relative intelligence but I need something that can go stealth or significant might to fend off predators. That will be hard. Wait… Summoning magic can be used here. I remembered about that teacher of mine telling about the primitive way of summoning. I need mana catalyst to act as beacon and let a being grab it. There are certain risk involve so this way of summoning was discarded along the passage of time. Easier to control creatures became available to summon even though they lack certain intelligence. I wonder if it is wise to take up those risks to convey my position and information. “Is it worth it?” If the being that answer my call is something wicked? What if I make another mess? If I don’t take the risk and decided to train some monsters and send them to the journey, how long will that take? It will be too late. “Ah… Cousin Klein should be doing the shots… what is wrong with this…” I need to take the risk if I want to make something significant. The time needed to train something will take a long time. If they met the worst of the predators out there then I basically wasted my time. I took a deep breath and once again steeled myself. “Come… Answer my call and abide by my laws.” I followed the weird command the teacher of mine back then and started to form raw mana from my hands. I felt a little tug at first until something was trying to take the mana from me. I held it firmly until I felt the creature pulling the mana seems to give up and started to cooperate with me. Soon a small crack appeared before me in the space and then a pair of hairy legs ripped the crack open wider. My mouth opened wide in shock as a powerful being came into my front. Is this how the summoning should go? The teacher said back then that beings more powerful than the summoner would ignore the call. Why is there someone more powerful than me appearing? This one is basically at the fourteenth level. The same level as Klein! “I finally found this world again…” the cold and low voice of the female that appeared before me sounded. She was looking around like she was trying to confirm her earlier statement. After a few minutes, her gaze met with mine once again and I was shocked to see the beautiful golden orbs staring to me. I wonder why I am meeting with beings with beautiful hues in their eyes. “Hey… little girl create six more beacons.” Her voice was low and unemotional but the naked threat was laced among it. What is wrong with her? Is she not abiding by the law and only wanted the beacon? That was breach of contract! “You have not accepted my terms and the beacon is only temporary. Why should I even listen to you?” The teacher said that I needed to stablish my position as the master. Else the summoned being will rebel and do their own things at their own discretion without minding my commands. That will signify the failure of the contract. “Tch… as always the beings in this world are all cheeky!” the female was truly a creature befitting of its power as it was so haughty. I won’t be able to form a successful contract with this creature. I crushed the beacon and the female creature with a mix of spider and a human was sent back to where it came from. Should I try again? I think my first try was a disaster and I am not confident that I will not mess up with the next try. If only I have another choice… my poor life… “Come… Answer my call and abide by my laws.” This time the pull was not that strong and I think this time I will be successful. I held the beacon firmly to avoid it being stolen and this time a beautiful birdlike creature appeared before me. It was colorful with fiery red at the center of the tail but blue on the edges. The head is also of the red hue but the end of its feather was all blue. I think I will keep this one forever. I like its color and its size was not that big to catch the attention of the voracious hunters of the sky. Greetings summoner. I heard a sound of a male which neither an old’s nor a young’s. I love the sound of it but I am a bit creeped out when it was sounding directly on my head. Should I also think of the things that I want to say or I should voice them out? “Likewise.” My tone was a bit haughty but it was necessary to establish myself as the one holding the reigns. I want to take the contract please. Yes! I know that I will succeed in the second try! I loosen my grasp of the mana I held so firmly at the start and it floated towards the beautiful bird. I hear and obey. Its voice sounded again in my head and I gave a satisfied nod. “I need to relay some information towards the human lands and I am a bit of trapped in here.” The bird gave a quizzical expression and was tilting its head towards me. Master, are we in a pinch? I am a bit silent since I am a bit embarrassed to tell my summon that its master was already in trouble. In the end, I do not have the time and luxury in upholding my dignity as the master. “Yes and the information you will carry is crucial and very sensitive.” I see. Then I will deliver it at once. “Thank you…” I was not able to continue since we have not even established the names we should call each other. “By the way what kind of creature are you?” I am Adarna. “What is that?” I am the bird that cures all with my song. I am the knowledge that extinguishes ignorance. That was deep huh… Hey… am I hearing it right? Cures all with a song. That was ridiculous but then this was a creature from another plane. Is it possible that I got a remarkable summon? If so, it is not worth risking this creature in a journey where it might lose its life performing a task that was way below its use. “Let’s change your role… this mission is way below you.” That is right but a good teammate always listens to the leader. Pride is next to accomplishing the desired result. “You really sounded wise…” I am knowledge and cure. I am the bringer of knowledge to avoid ignorance. Right… now let’s consult it with how should I tackle this predicament of mine.
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