《Would you please become the Demon Lord? (COMPLETED)》Chapter 4: Mission failed?
Chapter 3 The next day, when I woke up, there were creatures that were surrounding me. My mind was not registering what is happening so I nonchalantly sat up and look around them. They are all lesser summons from my summoning skill. I don’t recall summoning anything aside from the overgrown lizards and the carriage. I left them in the forest though. “So… why are you guys here?” Ah…. So annoying… Looking at their ugly faces in the morning dampens my mood for the view. Now that I look around, I can smell the scent of blood. No way… these bloody idiots wouldn’t have… I took out the crystal ball from the bag and searched my location and tried to zoom out. Then I saw the scene which I had expected. Bodies of creatures litter around the forest I am in. The number of these ugly fellows are slowly increasing. “Wait?” Now that I think about it… the cool sister said that Demon Lords only rise after the last Demon lord is gone. So who summoned those things when I arrived here? Don’t tell me… “My presence alone can create them?” No way? But there is too many when I woke up. I only slept for a night and produced nearly a hundred of them. So that would mean I was there for a longer period of time. Or the cool sister arranged it for me for security since I am a newbie back then? “How do I get rid of this situation from happening?” I think I already disable my passive skills. “Right! No sleeping then!” That would not do at all. I got up and placed the crystal ball inside the bag again. Then I looked around the creatures around me as they also watch me intently seem to be waiting for command. Well… they could help me excessive every morning then. “Come at me!” I was only half joking when I said that but I guess creatures that only follow orders were idiots. I was hoping for them to come at me slowly but all them rushed at me with visible kill intent. Nothing new here. This is for morning exercise so I won’t use magic and stretch my bones preparation for my long journey. I entered a brawl so early in the morning and I quite enjoyed it. I was a bit disappointed that they could only do so little since they could not injure me externally. I can only receive damage when they bite or swipe their claws. If not, it will only bounce off but then they charge at me and run over me, I could feel the impact but not enough to be a threat. In the end it turned out a real exercise but I accidentally annihilated them all. “Fuahhh… A nice Zumba in the morning.” I casted a low level water magic and drank some water. “Next is shower huh…” NFSW Just kidding. I continue my journey and by my estimate, I can reach my destination within a month or so. That will be too long right? I want to complain but I want to enjoy the journey too. I continued walking and was a bit mad that I could not encounter other creatures for half a day. I swear to always envelop the area I will rest later with inferno to roast anything that will spawn. With those thoughts I unconsciously entered the area of influence of someone. “So this is the new Demon Lord of Mirth?” “Children said that one is.” “Greeny said!” “So as blue and grass!” Whiliemn, a treant that is guarding the entire 500 kilometer radius of the forest located to the eastern endless wilderness. He was asking for confirmation towards his servants. He felt his forest tremble when the man stepped into his forest and his children was shaking in fear. In the past, demon lords would trim down populations of other races. It will only be enough for the human race to remain in dominant position. This made all other race hate demon lords more than humanity which it was grooming. “Why is he not in his castle?” the treant was also a rare race which can last as long as dragons when they were inside the forest. As long as forests exist then they can exist the same time. “He could just send his subordinates if he wants to trim down other species again.” The treant is wondering why a being which came from humanity be wondering alone in this area. This area is under the control of fairy race alliance. Normally, the demon lord will summon large amount of his minions and send it to kill indiscriminately. It will then head towards the eastern and southern parts of Mirth as the north is mostly populated by the human race. The western part though was a no man’s land since the climate there changes just as fast as one thought we have a good day. “Continue to watch” Whiliemn is confident that he is able to see what this new Demon lord is up to. “We are the forest.” The treant continued to receive reports from his subordinates and the forest itself. His mind was nearly crumb as he received reports like red person bathing in the lake. Another report about a red hair person chasing a random colorful fairy kin and punched a hole in the sky out of frustration. It was done when he was not able to catch the terrorized fairy kin. There is even a report of the said demon lord trying to walk backwards out of boredom. This one is nuts. Whiliemn is now having a different view with this abnormal Demon Lord. If this guy picks a fight with the forest then he will be overrun by the alliance by now but this one does not seem like it. He felt that this one is just walking right straight to him. Lily straight to him but does not seem in a hurry. He is thinking on what to do about this weirdo. “Continue to check him.” The treants are not fond of mobilizing creatures. They would rarther live right in the heart of their territory and take root then extend it all over. This is the reason behind why they were scattered all across the eastern side of Mirth. Whiliemn in particular has spent two thousand years already in his place. He would love to continue being there even though it was a bit near the demon lord castle. “Now that you mention about demon lords, why is our beacons not lit yet?” It should be time that they face the demon lord’s minions but there is no beacons lit yet. It was one thing that the new demon lord is wandering in the eastern place but it is another thing if they are not facing the demon lord’s army. The young ones of the alliance have been recalled right at the heart of the east a few years ago since they are anticipating the war. Their main army on the other hand was right at the edges already and is ready to clash with the enemy at any notice. “Mildred” “Yes elder!” an elven race male with a lean build and long blond hair stepped from the darkness. “Go and inform the sentinels. Prepare to greet the Demon Lord.” “Yes Elder.” The place got quiet again the treant was left alone with his thoughts. He thought that sending the sentinels as ambassadors would do the job in determining the stance of this demon lord. He is confident that the sentinel can run away if this goes awry. If this one is not on the hostile camp then he can maybe have a chat with this one. “Let us leave that to time.” I have been walking for almost entire day now and the sun was low already. I can continue to walk even at night since I can cast some lighting magic and see my surroundings but I will paint myself as food. I was kind of thinking of doing it to see what kind of beast lurks at night and what will happen. I discovered that if I stayed in a place for certain periods then lesser summons would appear on their own. If I take longer, then stronger one would start to appear. “What kind of impossible game this is?” I would be able to summon god if I stay at place for 1000 years? That would be freaky. Though I want to see the cool sister again even though we might not see each other again. In the end I only cast light magic within 10 meters and let life detection spell do the rest. All I need is a sign if there is anything. Once I start walking, I am in shock at the intensity of life signature I am getting. I looked around but I don’t see them at all. I am thinking that I am tripping again but then there really are lots of life signature. I am very well surrounded by them. I ignored them in the end as they don’t seem to be moving. Only little critters the size of my palm would be detected moving around. When I felt that I covered enough distance for the day, I looked for a spot to sleep again. I feel like there is something missing in this life too. It felt like I don’t need to sleep but I enjoy doing so. Now that I think about it, I have not eaten a single thing since I arrived here. It slipped my mind since I was so busy thinking about my new life and enjoying it. I am fortunate that demon lords don’t die out of hunger because I might become the most pathetic one to be the first. Once again, I climb a tree with a nice view. I am looking for somewhere comfortable when I sensed massive numbers of life signature heading towards me. It is from the deeper part of the forest. I grabbed the crystal ball to see what they are since I can’t see them myself. Soon I have a view on them after I forwarded the view from my location. They are still away for nearly five kilometers. I am surprised that my detection can reach them at all. I looked into who are heading towards my direction but are just hooded figures. The only thing I can recognize is they move and shape human like. What are these imbeciles doing here? Did I give out my location somehow? “I guess I need to personally dye my hands with red this lifetime too.” I sighed. If given choice I would just annihilate them by sending countless minions. “Not sure if they are human though… Maybe I will see?” In the end I reverted to myself and remained patient. Just like how I do things in the past. Calm down to not slip up. I wait for them to arrive but I also prepared to annihilate the moment I feel like it. I littered the place with magic traps of various kinds. You would not want to know how fun the set-up is… Let’s just say that if they stray far from where they can travel then they will be visiting the moon. Not dead but just a literal flight to the moon. I did not wait long before some of them started to appear. They are suppose to number around fifteen but I can only see five in my field of vision. I remained seated under a tree with my little campfire and my suppose to be dinner. It’s a good thing I found a wild boar around so I am having myself roasted pig. When they came into the light, I saw them more clearly. They were elves with long eyelashes, tall height and slim build both men and women alike. Wonder if they were all siblings since they seem to be the same. The ones in front of me are 2 women and three men and most of them were wielding bows with knives on their thighs. I remain silent while trying to decide if I just need to blast them to the moon. Be done for the night or see what they came for since they too are sentient beings. Maybe I am being a little extreme in hating anything that resembles humanity. My form even resembles of that of a human so maybe I am going overboard. In the end I followed the rule which kept me alive long enough to complete my goals back then. Wait and see. “Demon Lord Sire!” the five of them bowed. I remained sitting and silent as I let them talk whatever they have to say without me bursting out of rage. In the end if what they came for is something that harms me, I can just end them. If they bring something beneficial then I made a losing bargain if I give in to anger so easily. The five of them are secretly sending signals with their eyes and I am not going to find out what that is. Three more steps and you all would be visiting the moon. In the end, they seem to come into conclusion and one of the female elves took off her hood covering her head. She stepped forward. She would be blasted to the moon if she did not stop but luckily she was a person who respects privacy. The baldies said that never let other people near me within a meter so that is my privacy there little elf. “We are sentine...” before she can say anything, a loud boom was heard and they all look into that direction and saw something flew. A man flew towards the sky with a horrified scream. Well, there goes our first tourist to the moon go. I hope you have your landing strategy. The elves look troubled by it and they were all looking at me differently. Some were looking like they have cramps and some just wanted to pounce on me but I let them do their thing. It is their life anyway I will let them decide life or death. In the end the female in the front reign her comrades and they settled down. Well they have guts at least. I guess I should not be too rude. “What brings you here?” I asked in a low voice as I poke the skin of the pig which was now starting to get crispy. Just the way I like back then. Sadly I don’t have some salt on me; I would have had a fantastic dinner. The other party does not look thrilled at all. They should not be since there will be no dinner for them. This one is mine and I ain’t giving anything. They are looking at me and the pig on the fire. Are they really thinking that right now? Now t feel bad for the other guy that went to the moon earlier. What a heartless comrades he has. “We were sent here to greet you Demon Lord Sir.” they settled for the safer answer. “Now that you have done it… What next?” I am being an ass right here I admit. “We are to inquire of what business your grace is with the eastern alliance.” “Oh… I am looking for a treant.” Suddenly the atmosphere seems to become tense as they are now showing hostility. What does that have to do with them if I look for one? Can’t I look for someone to teach me? Is this my common fate with human like figures? “May I ask what that is?” the man in the left said with a clearly hostile tone. I look at him and tilt my head. “That has anything to do with you?” Then out of the sudden he also flew towards the moon in the silent night. I have my one meter privacy but it will not hurt to expand it to one kilometer right? The others are now aiming their bow in my face. I remained calmed but cast a simple shield on my dinner. I don't want to have flies near my food anymore. I look at them with a grin. “That has to do with all of you too?” I was already on the verge on sending them to the moon when the woman who talked earlier started to talk once again. “The treant is our elder! Why do you look for our elder?” She is also pointing her bow at me and I can feel that they will also release it any second now. I wonder if those two manage to have a proper landing strategy. “Oh…. Your elder huh…” I was a bit surprised that the treant was aware of me coming to him. Does that mean that I just sent two people of the treant? What if it does not want to teach me after what I did? “Why did you not say so from the start?” The others party was also startled when I suddenly stood up and burst out in anger. Some of them released their arrows out of surprise but some of them already ran away. In the end those that were surprised ran away too when they regained composure. I was not in the mood to chase them. Instead I need to chase those that I sent to the moon flying… I am in a deep trouble if those two die. I hope they will not crash into something in the sky since they are travelling in the speed of sound. I cast mana tracking to see if I can trace some mana. I can feel mana being cast over and over again up in the sky. I guess they are still struggling to do something about their momentum when they were sent upward. “Oh cool sister" I raise my hand to cast magic "please let me make it in time.” With that I cast teleportation the moment I got the coordinate of the active one. It was a female elf, the first one to be blasted away. I teleport back to my place earlier and tried to feel if there is a response from the man earlier but sadly there is none. Did he crash into something? Why is he not casting any spell? “Ah…. A man was so much more troublesome than a woman?” This time I cast flying magic on myself. I then fly straight up to the angle which the man flew and activated all my passive skills which I can barely understand what they do. I constantly burn more mana away to fly faster to see if there is still hope in heading towards that treant in particular. After a few minutes of almost drowning myself with the intake of mana in the air, I finally see the elf earlier again. His eyes are tightly close and his mouth is moving rapidly. He is talking very fast and I can only hear mumble from him. “What are you doing?” I asked a bit tired since I was flew while I consumed huge amount of mana. The man opened his eyes again and looked straight to me. “Our elder will not forgive you!” I guess mission failed?
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