《Alteration》Alteration Chapter 4 Decisions
Blake stood still for a moment with a wide smile and took a breath to calm himself.
(Finally game time!)
"New game!"
As soon as he said that another explosion of colors enveloped the whole endless expanse. It was the same as the last time, the colors soon found their right places after a few seconds and Blake found himself in the middle of a rocky mountain clearing.
Refreshingly cool air filled his lungs and gave him goosebumps.
(Where am I? What now? )
He scanned through the clearing. There was little to no vegetation there. Only a few thorny weeds were visible on the rough terrain. Blake took a look above and saw numerous mountain tops which were close by and surrounded the clearing. Snow decorated them and made Blake stunned by awe because of the beauty which would beat any postcard scenery he saw with ease.
Still dumbfounded he took a few slow steps forward while still marveling in the beauty of everything. Stones and gravel shifted audibly beneath his feet as he walked slowly and caused him to lose balance and nearly fall. Blake managed to regain balance and the surprise made him remember why he was here.
He focused and started scanning the clearing again for some point of interest.
(The game spawned me here, there must be something to do! This isn't a MMO tourism game...)
After a few seconds of looking Blake noticed something strange. Big rocks laid on the edge of the clearing which wasn’t far from him. He didn't notice it the first time when he was looking because he was distracted, but something wasn't right there. On top of the stones was some kind of dimmed gray light.
(What is that?)
He headed towards the greyish white light and tried to recognise what it was.
After a minute or two of walking he started to see the form behind the light, or better said the form made of light. It seemed to be a huge humanoid figure, at least thrice Blake's size. He continued to go towards it, but as much as he tried he couldn't see the features of the humanoid. The light that he was made of hid his actual appearance as much as it highlighted it. It was as if he was trying to grab something that was exactly out of his range.
The figure was wearing some sort of cloak. It was pitch black and it had a hood which he put on. The grey, white and black on him were all weirdly dynamic. Blake could have sworn that the colours weren't stationary and had no clear borders but whenever he tried to take a better look everything was fine.
Just as he nearly arrived at the rock the humanoid was sitting on a booming voice filled the clearing and made him stop.
The ground under him shook from the powerful voice and Blake gulped before continuing.
(Name input I guess.)
He looked up to the figure and shouted.
It nodded.
"Very well Blake. Choose your heritage!"
The voice was so strong this time around that the stones and gravel literally started to shake and clatter. Parallel to the trembling of the ground dozens of figures started to appear from underneath as if they had been buried and now finally got freed.
Blake's heart was shaking wildly from the horrifying scene. The figures only came out bit by bit and first came in contact with the surface with their hands that reached out from beneath. They all slowly but surely dug themselves out of the ground and after a few seconds they were all done and just stood still.
He forced himself to calm down and pacify his racing heart.
(This must be the race selection...)
All the figures that were now standing scattered across the whole clearing were male but that was also where the similarity stopped. They were all from different races and differed in pretty much everything else. Some stood on their legs, other levitated or even flew.
Blake slowly strolled from one figure to the other and watched them in awe, ignoring for the moment the windows next to them.
(Amazing... All these different races with different backgrounds, goals and abilities...)
He then abruptly stopped and turned towards the huge humanoid figure of light that sat still on a rock.
"Use my appearance as a base for every race."
The grey being seemed to shimmer for a heartbeat and then answered.
"It is so."
Blake turned back to the numerous races and found that he could recognise himself in all of them. Their physiognomy and faces had all changed slightly to mimic his looks.
He now started walking slowly through his race variations and inspected them carefully. Blake stopped next to one of the figures.
(Hmm... slender, smaller stature, weird glossy skin and pointy ears...)
He turned again towards the huge grey being.
"Remove this one."
The being stretched out its hand and swung it down.
"As you wish."
The ground started to shake again and Blake turned back just in time to see the now moving ground swallow the elf-like racial variation. It settled momentarily and it seemed like nothing happened in the first place.
He stared for a second at the ground and then continued walking to the next racial variation.
(...This is slightly scary... Huh?)
He found himself next to a blue variation of himself. The race seemed to have a broader yet shorter stature than humans. Its hands had only four fingers and the apparel it had was a big brown-green cloak which covered most of the body. What caught Blake's attention the most was it's light blue skin colour. It seemed nearly transparent with many blood vessels visibly showing from underneath. He grimaced upon seeing its face. It had very big eyes, no nose and a small mouth with big green lips.
Blake waved in the direction of the grey being.
"This one too, please."
The ground swallowed the blue figure momentarily.
(I wonder how many racial variations are here?)
He looked around and saw dozens of variations covering the whole clearing, though with a solid distance between one another.
Blake scratched his head.
(I guess this also includes all the sub-races then... well better continue with it.)
He started walking towards the nearest next variation.
Blake slowly circled around four figures. After a long and thorough inspection only those were left on the clearing. The rest of the variations was gone after they disappeared one by one. The remaining ones were now also considerably closer. Blake felt satisfied by how many he had eliminated and asked the grey being to bring the remaining ones closer which resulted in the current small line where they stood next to each other with one arm length separating them.
He indecisively looked between them and scratched his head.
(I guess I like all four the same. Let’s see the rest now.)
He walked up to a figure that was taller than himself and slightly hunched over. Its whole body was covered by a thick coat of silverish fur. Its torso was wider than Blake's own and the limbs were vastly different with its easily noticeable paws and big claws. The only thing it was wearing was a loose cloth that was hanging down from its shoulders and some tattered brown pants.
They refer to themselves as The Night Howl.
Many centuries ago they were an enigmatic great power. Not much was known because of their extreme territorial behaviour and quick responses towards breaches. During some eras their isolation and secrecy elevated them to the status of myths and nightmares which stole many hours of sleep from children and adults alike. During all those times there were two statements which were always true. Firstly, no one entered their territory and came back. Secondly, the disappearing people and incidents were strictly confined to the territory of the forests. Or so it had been.
Something happened inside the forest and since that time werewolves slowly started to come out. Terror soon spread across all the land that bordered with the great forests. Sightings in the night, attacks and howls soon occupied the hearts and minds of people.
Frenzied werewolves now restlessly prowl through the night. What is their goal? Do they have one or are they reduced to being mere animals and if so, what happened? Join The Night Howl and see for yourself.
Do you want to restore the werewolves back to their unknown past glory? Or will you join them in their endless bloody hunt?
Racial traits:
Damage dealt under the moonshine increased by 25%
Starting impression with non-werewolf NPCs: - 20 social points
Resistance against silver weapons decreased by 40%
Specific ability: Moon Hunt
Blake carefully read through the text and looked conflicted when he finished.
(They certainly do look interesting and quite powerful... Hmm... Some sort of monster faction then, not an actual civilisation? Not anymore... or not yet? A part of the quests will probably be a try to civilise the race and get them back in their own forests and stop raiding... But why did they even leave their forest if they prefered isolation..?
He bit his lip and thought hard about everything he had read.
(It would certainly be interesting but I don't want to become part of a mindless race... Their traits also make them nearly exclusively combat oriented, I don't want that.)
He raised his hand and waved toward the figure of light which still sat on the same rock as before.
"This one too!"
Blake didn't even turn towards the figure anymore after he did the same thing so many times.
After a few seconds the voice of the figure was heard, but it was spoken with some reluctance.
The ground beneath the werewolf started rumbling and soon swallowed him up. Blake didn't pay any attention to it and walked towards the next variation of himself.
Once he faced the figure a subtle heat enveloped him. In front of Blake stood a variation which seemed to be made of solid fire. It glew in many tones of red, orange and yellow and was about the same height as him but a bit bulkier. Every part of it looked like someone somehow froze fire and carved the figure right out of it with special attention to the colors to make them emulate the actual human body. Most of it was intensely red but places like the joints, eyes, mouth or spots where muscles connected were highlighted with yellow or orange.
Blake titled his head for a moment with fascination.
(The color play is quite similar to magma I think. Well, lets see their background story.)
A race of fire elemental-like beings. Their origin is long forgotten but there is a rumor about that actually being one of their best guarded secrets.
They reside in the south countries, mainly Gironos and Melanar. Their cities are all mainly underground and only a few have parts that touch the surface.
The Pyron boast with an awe inspiring magic culture. They have a natural affinity towards magic and they skillfully developed the arts of using magic to their advantage. That was also what made it much easier for them to build out some of their cities towards the surface.
The cities themselves are mostly made of materials which absorb heat well and can handle it for a long time. Usually lava flows around the city and is being circulated through it with a series of canals and distribution devices.
Despite their flourishing magic arts some of their cities are suddenly starting to get less lava and therefore colder. It is not yet clear what caused this, but the dwindling heat is causing an uproar in the affected Pyron cities and it’s taking its toll on the mental state and with enough given time also on the physical state of the Pyron.
Will you join the exotic and strange Pyron to explore their rich magical culture and make use of it in this dangerous time of turmoil? Or will you use their force to protect them from the unknown danger that is slowly but surely weakening them?
Racial traits:
Fire damage taken decreased by 70%.
Water damage increased by 60%.
Fire mastery: +10
Weapon durability decreased by 15% except for higher tier material weapons.
Armor durability decreased by 20% except for higher tier material armor.
Specific ability: Immolation
Blake's brows rose slightly after reading through the window. His gaze returned to the flaming figure and inspected it carefully.
(Now that's more like it. The civilization seems well developed and exotic. The quests looks interesting enough too... Hmm, the drawbacks/advantages are also quite big. It seems like they are best suited for a mage and the really flashy kind at that...)
He sighed after taking another look from head to toe of the racial variation.
(The race in general is way too flashy. It would be fun in the beginning but quite annoying when the shine never stops. And not to forget the gold spent on constantly repairing armor...)
He waved his hand again in the direction of the gray humanoid on the rock.
The latter didn't even respond this time, but just did as he had many times before.
Blake turned from the shaking ground and faced again a new racial variation.
What stood in front of him was an exact replica of Blake wearing leather armor.
He tilted his head as he had a feeling that he watched a mirror.
(Well nothing new as far as looks are concerned. Let’s see what the text says.)
Humans are a race that appeared only recently in this world. Nobody is exactly sure how they got here but it is rumored that they were brought by magic. They quickly accustomed themselves to the way the world works and now they are present in most civilised states. Despite their individual skill and newfound prosperity there is no human state nor big settlement.
Will you join the humans in their fight to accustom to the new world and fight for power and prosperity in these dangerous times?
Racial traits:
Shop prices reduced by 10%
Magic resistance: -3 towards all magic
Starting impression of human NPCs: +4
Mana increased by 3%
Line of sight increased by 1
Specific ability: Adaptability
Blake rubbed his chin as he read the window.
(Hmm this isn't a bad deal. They are quite vulnerable against magic in the start but they have very nice utility bonuses. I would be able to save some gold too... I wonder if the familiarity bonus can help me get further good deals with shop keepers? This will also be a nice help and boost for chain quests, I should get them faster with this. The survivability is also quite good with the slightly enhanced sight and the specific ability.)
He looked at the floor for a few seconds before he took another glance at the variation.
(I think this could also work well enough with that interesting class. Well better see the last race first and then decide.)
He walked away from the human version and found himself in front of the last figure.
The racial variation that stood in front of him was different from the other ones. It was smaller than Blake and reached with its head to the bottom of his chest. It had big strong arms that seemed slightly longer than they would be on a human. The legs were of a similar form, strong and wide with big feet that gave the figure a sense of stableness and security.
The face on it was similar to Blake's normal one but not quite. It had rougher lines and its eyes were a bit more closed with ghostly blue eyes that gave the feeling as if a light shine came from within them. The hair on the figure also suited the eyes well. It had pure white hair that went past its shoulders.
Blake looked over it in interest.
(This one looks quite awesome in a more simpler way. Now lets see what's behind the looks.)
Night dwarf
An exiled part of the dwarf species that was once a great and powerful branch which made law itself in Garetan.
They now live a nomadic life in shallow tunnels and underground complexes. Many centuries ago a coup happened in Garetan which wiped out most of their kinsmen. Only a handful succeeded to flee from Garetan that was being enveloped in fire and screams of their dying clan's men. With tears in their eyes and sorrow in their hearts the few remaining dwarfs vowed to restore their clan to former power and take back Garetan from the hands of the traitors which robbed them of everything and tried to crush them entirely.
During the centuries the clan adapted a life of constant moving and secrecy which made them quite mysterious to most other races. They no longer walk in the day, only the night now sees their proud figures prowling and growing in power. Will you be part of the strength of the Night dwarfs who are coming back to power through blood, sweat and tears. Will you join and serve the unforgiving Moving Hammer?
Racial traits:
Magic resistance: +10% against magic of any elemental affinity
Critical hit chance +15% in the night and +5% critical hit damage
Health: -20%
Melee damage received reduced by 5%
-30% to damage and defensive capabilities of items that were not adjusted by the smiths of the Night dwarfs.
Specific ability: Unstoppable force
Blake watched the window closely and bit his lip.
(A perfect assassin class with an interesting backstory and seemingly good future quest line...)
He rubbed his temples while thinking about which race he should choose.
(The avatar also looks great... but it doesn't fit the interesting job I read about.)
Blake started looking back and forth between the human and dwarf avatar with an unsure gaze.
(Ah damn it. I'll just go with the fun option for now and leave the Night dwarfs for when I actually get my own game.)
He turned decisively towards the hulking humanoid figure which sat motionlessly on the big stones.
"I choose the human race!"
The figure waited a few moments after which its voice boomed throughout the whole valley and made everything shake much more violently than before.
The stones all over the valley started rumbling and shaking as if they were boiling water. Blake's feet momentarily started sinking in the ground. He looked at the humanoid with eyes wide open and shouted at him.
"STOP! What is this?! GAH!"
He yelled in terror, but no answer came. The earth around him continued to rumble violently and he sunk quicker and quicker. After a second he was nearly completely buried and cool stones started touching his face. Blake's heart shook wildly and soon his vision turned dark as he got completely covered.
After a mere heartbeat everything calmed down and went silent.
Blake waited a few seconds, but as time passed and nothing happened he slowly started opening his eyes which he had closed on reflex.
(Did I respawn?)
He found himself in the middle of the same clearing that was now perfectly peaceful as if nothing had happened. Suddenly a voice roared from behind Blake.
"Race adaptation complete."
Blake jumped aside and looked towards the source of the voice. His breath got caught in his throat as he looked slowly up to see that the hulking humanoid was now right in front of him. His heart stopped for a moment from surprise and he stared fascinatedly into the face of the humanoid. Its features were still concealed but it was clearly male because he saw some kind of a beard outline. Blake snapped out of the daze in a second and thought about what the figure said.
(So it was an adaptation process?)
He inspected himself and noticed that he now wore the same equipment that the human racial variation wore. A puzzled look lingered on his face.
(But why such major adaptation? I just needed the armor. Is it an automatic action? But what..?)
His thoughts were interrupted by the booming voice that momentarily froze his mind and shook him to the core.
"The Creation process is nearly done. Are you ready to determine your skill set?"
Blake's brow furrowed but he nodded.
So... this chapter was a bit longer because it just couldn't be divided in a solid way, This is also about half of the readied first 'season', just to mention.
For info about the releases check out the author's note in the first chapter. In case you want to ask questions first check the tags and the synopsis. I'm just mentioning this due to past experiences
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