《Nocturne》Chapter 9: Fight! Soldier of Love
Mature Content Warning: I'm not sure if there is any real mature content in this chapter, but there is at least light swearing and such. Still, Be advised.
Author's Note: Consider the shark jumped. Ah well, I did say this was a Parody of a lot of things, all along.
Episode II
Chapter 3: Fight! Soldier of Love
Scott sat in the shaded section of the garden behind the Ophun research institute while chatting with his new friend. The Black Widow finished her meal then sat the empty blood pack to the side. She'd gone through four of them already, but seemed to be satiated finally. The eternal hunger of the spider was something that she could not deny for long, however. She had a cooler stocked with blood bags close at hand.
"So, they think that they can help me?" she asked.
Scott nodded. "Yeah, they're going to work on a variation of the ceremony they use to polymorph an elven Demi-human into a true elf. So far, they know that they could turn you into an elf of some type, though they aren’t certain of exactly what race."
Ruixerallerin nodded then idly tapped one of her forelegs against the ground. "I'm not too concerned about the race. I would just like to be rid of the hunger and these abominable legs."
The fact that 'Ru' was not a Demi-human would normally have made it absurdly easy. Demi-human DNA removal required major spell-working to remove, but there was a way to do so. Several elven magic-users got together and attempted to change the racial characteristics of the Demi-human via polymorph spells during a lengthy ceremony that increased the spell power.
It was difficult and required reagents and several nights’ worth of spell casting while using energy derived during the different phases of the moon. A creature that was not a Demi-Human could be polymorphed easily. A simple casting of the spell, followed by a curse of permanency would do the trick. It should have been ridiculously easy to change Ru back to a Dark Elf.
The problem was the fact that she was a Black Widow. The spells and blessings that changed her form were spawned directly from an evil goddess. They required something on the level of divine intervention to remove. While there were beings known as goddess class Demi-human in this world, no true deities seemed to be answering calls from supplicants.
P-chan had her magical scholars look into the magic usage of each of their various backgrounds. The original elven race on this world was comprised of a loose association of elves from many different home worlds that had somehow been dimensionally shifted to this world. They'd eventually began running across each other by sheer accident a little over a century ago and began living together in a forest and cavern commune nearby.
However, most were not mages in their own right. The only dimensionally shifted magic-using elves of repute were three females from Faerie-Rune. One was a Dark Elf named Alanera who had finally managed to mellow on the whole, 'I will rule all with my cunning and evilness' routine. She had not switched out anyone’s toothpaste for window sealing caulk in quite some time.
Alanera was the first of the three to come see Ru. The Black Widow was the closest thing to a Faerie-Rune Dark Elf that she had seen in a long time.
"Master?" Nina came sauntering up to see him. She was covered in sweat and her cheeks were flushed. He'd suggested that she try to learn some more unarmed combat skills to go along with her rope swinging.
At first she'd seemed hesitant. After he explained the simple reason why it was a good idea to have skills to fall back on if disarmed, she relented.
"Yeah Nina?" he asked. Scott turned his attention to the nearly naked girl. Once again upon seeing her eyes he knew why he'd let himself begin to feel strongly for her. Despite the horrors she'd seen in life, her eyes seemed so innocent.
"I just finished up the training schedule for the day."
Scott smiled then patted the ground at his side. He teased her by saying, "Good job. We'll make a fighter out of you yet."
She snorted cutely and settled down next to him, "Sure, maybe someday I can be as good as you. I mean it's not like I don't beat you every single time we spar or anything."
Ru chuckled at their antics and settled back against the shade tree. She normally preferred the underground caverns, and in fact would need to return to the darkness of the earth soon. The absurd amount of light on the surface of the world gave her a headache. Still, sitting on the surface of the world with nothing attacking her was a wonderful thing.
"Nina, do you want to go get something to eat in town tomorrow night?" Scott asked. He had not eaten in an actual restaurant on this world yet and he found himself in the presence of a truly gorgeous date, so why not?
The girl’s face practically glowed with joy. She snuggled close to him. "You bet your sweat biddy I do!"
"Sweet bippy, hon."
Analise leaned back and let the shower do its work. The water cascaded down her chest in artful disarray. It traced the curvature of her delightful architecture with agile grace while it flowed along her taught muscles. As the heated water relaxed her flesh, the glamour faded away and once again she was the Dark Elf Pirouette.
She lathered some body wash onto her loufa then went to work cleansing herself in a time honored tradition. She stopped only once due to the nature of where her mind had wandered. As she massaged the lotion against the skin of her breasts prior to rinsing, a momentary flash of a familiar masculine face had skittered through her mind.
"Scott..." she murmured to herself, wondering just why he'd pop into her mind at such a time. He wasn't an incredibly powerful or exceedingly beautiful man. He was reasonably strong and not that bad looking, but nothing to write home about. So, why would he be tormenting her with his mental presence inside her mind?
Pirouette finished up her shower then toweled off before slipping on her robe. Thoughts of Scott once again filtered through her mind. A sudden thought of the blond haired Demi-human who was always with him, sent a strange sensation running through her chest. She could not quite name that sensation, but she knew that it must have a significant meaning.
It took her several minutes and one wide-eyed expression to realize the truth. She might actually be jealous.
Unable to determine it for a fact, she shoved those unwanted thoughts aside. There had only been one human being that caused such feelings in her, and she would not assault her memories of him, with a school girl crush on a largely untried knight.
Jacob smiled softly while looking up at his long time sweetheart. He could see her beautiful smile and shining eyes from his kneeling position. In his hands he held a simple black box. Inside that box sat a not-so-simple diamond ring. "Milla, baby... I love you. Will you marry me?"
Milla was about to burst into tears. Her love for her Jakie-poo, as she thought of him, had grown steadily over the last two years. He'd taken her out to a wonderful dinner. He'd brought her roses. He even had a small radio playing soft music for the special moment, since the restaurant didn't allow people to come in and sing.
The girl beamed happily, tiny tears forming at the edges of her eyes. "Yes, Jakie-poo! I will"
Jacob leapt up and threw his arms around her. The two lovers embraced amidst the cheering of the restaurant patrons. The joy and love between them could be seen as an almost palpable force. As they leaned in to brush their lips against each other and possibly more, a thought crossed their minds collectively, nothing could ruin today.
Suddenly, the burglar alarm on the back door went off. A moment later a scream erupted from the kitchen area followed by a body being flung through the swinging door. It landed on the floor in the center of the restaurant and come to rest in a broken heap.
No one could speak, or react upon seeing such a sudden and terrifying thing. However, panic ensued when a Demi-human raced into the area and screamed. "Creamy!"
A few scanning devices were taken out to try and catalogue this creature, and a few D-balls immediately flew through the air a moment after her arrival. Only two balls connected, and both bounced off harmlessly.
The two lovers stared horrified and clutched each other in desperation. A sudden wave of whipped cream erupted out of the unknown Demi-human’s hands and enveloped them.
The albino girl raised a clawed hand and once again exclaimed, "Creamy!"
People started to drop like flies all around as their life force was rapidly siphoned away. A few tamers held it together long enough to toss out more D-balls, but the instant their girls appeared they too began to weaken and inevitably fell to their knees.
A Kunoichi managed to stay conscious long enough to throw a kunai at the obviously high level Demi-human, but the thrown dagger simply slapped against its snow white skin then fell away. It had taken no damage at all.
A wave of whipped cream flew out and solidified around the powerless ninja and soon everyone in the restaurant was unconscious.
Scott decided to splurge a little of his bonus from the mission that they had just completed. He and Nina went shopping so that they could look classy for their first date. He found a nice black tuxedo, and she chose a shimmery red gown that allowed the already beautiful girl to look absolutely amazing after she put her hair up.
Her master had been forced to leave his armor and sword behind due to the nature of the occasion, but Nina had kept her rope with her. She had cleverly wrapped it around her shoulders and stomach. It didn't show at all and had only a slight effect on how she wore her outfit.
After shopping they moved on to a nearby park and sat on a conveniently located bench. They watched the world and its people go by while enjoying the quiet moment.
Nina looked up at her master and smiled gently, before sliding her hand across his. “This is nice.”
He twisted his hand around and allowed his fingers to slide between hers. “Yeah, it really is.”
They continued to share their quiet moment for a time, but Nina chose to end the moment by asking a question. “Master, you wanted to talk to me about something. Didn’t you?”
Scott looked at her for a moment then sighed and looked down at the ground. He tightened his grip on her fingers and squeezed them gently. “Nina... you’ve seen the picture that I keep on my night stand at the Institute, right?”
“Yes, the girl.”
“I had wanted to have this conversation tomorrow, but it is something that needs to be discussed.”
Nina nodded her head then squeezed his hand in a show of support. “It’s her, isn’t it? The girl you met on your first day here.”
“Yes. Her name is Cerene. She had recently awakened as a Demi-Human. Due to a misunderstanding she ran away from home.”
The slashette leaned against her master’s shoulder then ran her arm around him. She had heard some of the story before, but she allowed him to continue without interruption.
“Currently, she is being horribly abused by a piece of garbage. In this world he is a normal tamer, but in my homeland he would be a criminal.”
Scott took a deep shuddering breath. “He... I can’t let that stand.”
“So, when do we go after him?” She had no problem with chasing after someone like that. The parts of the story that she had heard had made her furious. Yes, her kind was considered property but that did not mean that they deserved to be treated like that.
“That’s just it. I know that when we go after him, it can only end one way. I’m not a tamer, I can’t just challenge him. I have to get her away from him legally. The only way that I can do that is if I force him to release her somehow.”
“Right, so when do we leave?” Nina was ready.
Scott lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “Nina... He has acquired a fairly strong harem.”
“I don’t care. If it’s something that you want, I will do it.” The fervor in her eyes and uncompromising tone of her voice were both exhilarating and terrifying to the man. She reminded him of a religious zealot.
Scott clenched his empty hand tightly then spat out the words he had tried to avoid for the last few weeks. “Nina, we need to expand the group if we are to have any real chance of making it happen.”
The girl blinked then leaned forward. She stared at her master’s face for a moment. “Seriously, that’s what you were worried about?”
The slashette laughed a little. “I was worried that you might want to get rid of me or something, but you’re just nervous about needing to add more girls to your harem.”
She shook her head. “Master, really. I believe in you. We have needed to expand for a long time now, but I’ve been selfish. I’m sorry.”
“You haven’t been selfish Nina. I have.”
She kissed him on the ear then softly whispered, “Fine, we’re both a couple of assholes. Are you happy?”
He laughed at her then wrapped her in a powerful hug. “I’ve forgotten what sadness is, since the day we met.”
Blue eyes met brown and for a brief moment they shared a look of complete joy. The moment was broken when Nina proclaimed, “I give that confession a six.”
“What?” Scott pulled his head back and looked at her curiously.
“Who writes your dialog, master? Sure, it was sweet but you usually aren’t so flowery.”
He pouted at her like a petulant child. “Oh no, the pretty girl doesn’t like the poetry soul. Alas! Whatever shall I do?”
Nina made a big show of considering his question for a moment then said. “You should kiss her; I think.”
“That requires little thought. Kissing you is my default setting, you know.”
“Mmm, is it now?” She leaned in for a kiss.
Scott smiled at her then leaned forward to grant her the desired intimacy. However, fate would not allow for such a thing. An ear-piercing scream echoed down the street.
Immediately they jumped up and looked toward the origin of that terrible sound. Soon they began to hear more screams in the distance. An Officer and three Firvulf, a type of canine demi-human used in law enforcement, ran out from a side street and began to race down the lane toward a restaurant at the end of the block.
Scott and Nina looked at each other and nodded before chasing after them. Neither had a clue what was going on, but they intended to find out.
When they neared the restaurant, they were greeted by a wave of what looked like whipped cream. It washed over a ground of people, including two of the Firvulf then and hardened around them.
Sounds of fighting were heard coming from inside. They chose to head in, but they stopped long enough to allow Nina to bring her rope out.
"Ready?" he asked her. He didn't think he'd be of much use if this was a Demi-human battle. Without armor or weapons he was not nearly as capable. Still, he'd do his best to help. Nina nodded and they went inside.
An Officer fired some sort of handgun at what looked to be an albino cross between ice cream and a human being. The creature was obviously a Demi-human, but it was just so hard to take it seriously.
Scott took his pocket scanner out; it was the core unit from his helmet. He could not take the bulky defensive device with him, but he could take the scanner. She registered as, 'type unknown'. It didn't even state whether the creature was human or Demi-human.
He noticed the unconscious people wrapped in solid chunks of whipped topping and nodded. It could be something that he had feared since after he first saw that photo of Cerene. Bizarre monsters that used weird attacks and seemingly drained the life out of people, it might be the Dark Empire. He'd expected to find something like this at some point in his life after having learned about Cerene, but to actually see it happening was different.
All of the rumors about fiends that could not be captured, tamed, or hurt by anything other than magical attacks were apparently true. The Officer fired off three more useless shots then barely managed to avoid a wave of whipped cream destruction.
"Creamy!" exclaimed the creature. It changed its tune a little when an attack that actually hurt a little skittered across its back. The one remaining Firvulf had used a flamethrower attack.
Sadly, though it had actually managed to damage the creature, the damage was almost instantly healed by the influx of life force that steadily poured into it. Its regenerative capacity was insanely high. The retaliating wave of cream kept the dog Demi-human from repeating her assault.
"Nina, I don't think anything but magic is going to hurt this thing. So our best bet is to try and distract it or slow it down somehow. If we’re lucky that Firvulf can get it with its fire attacks." Scott told her in a low voice from a corner of the room.
She nodded and ran forward. Her rope lashed out in an attempt to entangle the Fiend’s legs.
Scott looked around for anything he could use as a weapon. However, the moment that he took his eyes of the vanilla thrilla attacking them, he was assaulted by a shot of whipped cream death that came flying his way. He barely managed to dive out of the way.
"Hey! All that sugar could give me a cavity!" Scott rolled away from another lashing wave of creamy destruction after his taunt. He couldn’t do much fighting right now, but he could distract the frozen bitch until someone could do something. If all he could do was be a distraction, then the least he could do was be a good one. Right?
"Yaa!" exclaimed Nina. She finally managed to slip her rope around the creature’s left leg and wrap it. A hard tug dragged it over and made it fall roughly to the floor. The Firvulf took its chance and unleashed a spinning flame strike that managed a direct hit.
"Creamy!" screamed the fiend as she felt fire race along her form. A bit of burnt flesh flaked off, but was healed immediately by the life force being drawn from the fallen.
Soon, even the Firvulf began to feel the effects of that draining attack and fell to one knee. Nina wasn't looking too hot, either. Well, she always looked 'hot' but in this instance it was more of a health related issue.
Scott seemed to be the only one not nearly dropping from exhaustion, and it was beginning to concern him. Of course, he was also farther away, so who knew.
Creamy rolled out of the way of another fiery blast and grabbed Nina's rope. She yanked the hapless Slashette forward and slammed her fist into the blond girl’s chest. Nina crumpled around the fist as the wind was driven from her lungs with brutal efficiency.
Scott saw the strike and lost his tenuous grasp on his common sense. He ran over to the girl while screaming her name. It was a tactical blunder, but he was not thinking clearly about what needed to be done. He had felt a little of the attack’s power through their bond. Nina was in trouble.
Creamy tried to cover him in her whipped topping of doom, but the angle was wrong and she only managed to tag his left arm. The pain from the icy attack was immense, but in his need to reach his beloved friend and lover, he didn't notice it much.
The Firvulf managed one last flamethrower attack before collapsing, it singed the youma and distracted her enough for Scott to reach Nina and check her condition. She was breathing raggedly and her eyes were closed.
"Nina!" he exclaimed. Worry was etched on his face
The youma snickered at his plight then raised its hand to freeze them and saw that the angle was bad. She tried to move to a better position, but found she couldn't move forward because her leg had somehow become handcuffed to a table. It looked down in irritation and saw the Officer from earlier glare at her before passing out. She had made one last attempt to stop the whipped topping whacko.
Scott fished around in his pocket looking for a potion he'd brought with him just in case. He never got the chance to use it. He suddenly felt himself being hurled backwards by a heavy wooden table smashing into him.
Battered, with a possibly broken arm and rapidly forming concussion, the only thing he could do was reach feebly for his dear friend while his consciousness began to fade. "Nina..."
His obviously hallucinating mind noticed a white cat with fabulous blond hair come up beside him. The hallucinatory cat looked toward the unconscious form of Nina as well.
The fiend leapt over the downed girl and raised a clawed hand in Scott's direction. She was attempting to draw his life force out of his body. "Creamy!" it snarled.
When nothing happened, it grabbed him by the lapels and lifted him into the air. It shook him violently, demanding in her fashion that he give her his energy.
Nina slowly came around and heard the feeble struggle from behind her. Turning she saw her beloved master being brutalized by an inhuman creature and tried to get to her feet to help him.
Her rope was too far away and she could barely lift her arms. Whatever that thing was, it was strong.
As the seconds mounted, and her master, her Scott, seemed to slip further away she began to get desperate and tried to struggle over to him.
That's when the worst thing of all happened. Scott was desperately flailing his arms around in his semi-conscious state tried with everything he had left to escape the Fiend's hold. His hands inevitably grabbed a handful of flowers from behind him, roses to be exact. They were the kind of roses someone might give on a special occasion. With his sense of reason gone he screamed in defiance and stabbed the stem of the cut roses down onto the arm of the creature with everything he had left in him.
Some indefinable and currently inexplicable shift occurred inside the man. Somehow those simple roses penetrated deeply into the arm of the beast. It tore into the snow white flesh. The first severe pain that the creature had felt in its life surged through its arm.
In shock and fear it span around quickly. It hurled Scott away disdainfully with its still uninjured arm. A sick cracking sound could be heard when he slammed against the restaurant wall before falling roughly onto the table beneath it.
Nina saw all of this in a horrifying slow motion. As soon as Scott hit the table she screamed in fear and emotional distress for the one she loved. The severe trauma of the battle and seeing what had befallen her loved one caused her body to begin to heat up rapidly. She felt something surging inside that she had never felt before. Her eyes began to glow with an incredibly intense light and a symbol appeared on her forehead. It was a golden colored heart with an arrow pointing downward at a forty-five degree angle.
The small white cat saw that symbol and its eyes widened in recognition. He had found the one who he was searching for over the course of the last few days. He raced over, somehow managing to have a small ornate stick appear in his mouth.
As the fiend tried desperately to remove the roses from her arm, causing agony with every attempt, the cat said, "Take this!"
Nina glanced down glassy-eyed. She didn't seem to understand.
"Hurry! It's your only chance! Take it!" the cat exclaimed again.
The girl seemed to realize that the small furry creature was trying to help. She reached out to grasp the small stick in her hand.
She held it in her hands, and a memory flashed through her mind. It was a disjointed series of images that included a uniform with a short skirt, and an image of the night sky with a blue moon.
"Wha...?" she asked, trying to understand.
"Hurry! You have to awaken your true power!" exclaimed the cat in excited agitation. That fiend wouldn't be distracted by the guy in formal wear for too much longer.
"Power..?" she asked. Her mind milling over the word as the stick became much more prominent in her sight. "How..?"
"I don't know! Try something! Try calling on the power of something that you hold close in your heart and activate it using that!" cried the cat. Its tail flickered in agitation. It just couldn't remember what she had to do.
"Close in my heart?" she asked groggily. Creamy pointed at Scott and began to tear at the roses embedded in her arm with conviction. It was going to go after him as soon as it could move again.
Scott, the closest thing in her heart was her master. A small flare of warmth emanated from the stick and she felt slightly stronger. “Master...”
"Yes! That's it! But say it with confidence! You are a soldier of love and justice! You cannot be overcome by evil! You have the power! Believe!" informed the cat with enthusiasm. He had little else to offer in the way of help, after all.
Nina gazed at the stick, and then she saw the monster that had hurt her master rip the last rose from her arm. A sense of anger and love warred within her. Suddenly, she realized what was dearest to her. It was something that had changed her life and saved her from becoming a wild animal. "Love ...Power!"
The stick began to vibrate wildly in her hand. Her body, mind, and spirit were inundated with a raw power she'd never experienced before. Her body moved of its own accord while an upbeat song began to play in the background.
She began to glow brightly. Her badly torn evening gown disappeared in a flash as a new uniform appeared. First a set of white gloves with gold trim appeared. Then a white chest plate with the same gold trim as the gloves formed around her bountiful bosom. A red collar with the golden heart symbol in the center appeared around her neck. A short white skirt trimmed with gold appeared next followed by gold and white boots.
Crescent moon shaped earrings popped into place on her ears, and around her waist a small golden chain with the links shaped like hearts formed. Slowly she stopped dancing around from the outpouring of power and the strange music that had appeared began to die down.
All of her wounds had vanished and she stood there in all her mini-skirted glory. She was ready to lay the magical smack down.
Creamy turned in time to see enough of the light show to be concerned. She finally said something besides, 'creamy.' "Who the hell are you?"
The apparent magical-girl glared at her and said, "My name?"
She glanced down at the cat and he shrugged. “People called you different things.”
“Uh...” Nina frowned.
Creamy rolled her eyes and began to draw upon her power of icing related destruction. The conversation had been annoying.
Nina saw the movement and made a decision. The rush of the power flowing through her had made her a bit giddy. She cried out, “Forget about my name! My master is for snuggling and cuddling, and restaurants are for dating! In the name of cuddles and dating, I'll punish you!"
The three conscious people in the room stopped cold upon hearing that declaration. The cat looked at the girl briefly then casually took a step to the left and coughed. How embarrassing for her.
"Rrra! Creamy! Punish this, bitch!" The agitated fiend sent another wave of whipped cream out. She really liked that attack. It was simple and effective.
Nina leapt out of the way narrowly escaping the wave of frosty delicious death and whipped out her chain. After pulling out her weapon she began to feel as though hidden knowledge had been revealed. "Love Triangle Entanglement!"
The heart shape linked chain flew out expertly and wrapped tightly around the fiend, preventing her from using her hands.
"Use your special attack!" exclaimed her new furry mascot.
Nina thought about it for a moment and then blinked. Oh yeah! She remembered that now! She flung her hands forward with her palms out.
"Ero Beam Smaaasha!" A powerful beam of energy shot out from between her palms. The gold and white beam of weaponized love, really magically created high-yield plasma, slammed forcefully into the helpless creature. It was super effective!
Creamy screeched in agony while she was flung back bodily into the wall. A massive chunk of her chest seemed to have simply evaporated after the attack. The power of love was quite devastating.
Slowly though, it was beginning to reform. Not nearly as fast as before, but it was still happening.
Not knowing what else to do, Nina let loose with another Ero Beam. This time it completely opened the Fiend's chest cavity.
The would-be soldier of love began to sweat a little as she could feel her energy levels drop. This attack was really taking it out of her.
To her great joy though, the creature screamed out, "Creamy!!" one last time. It broke apart, and dust formed from its remains. A small gemstone left in a pile of this dust all that was left to show for its existence.
"Ha! Oh yeah, feel the power of love! Take it all, bitch!" cackled Nina excitedly.
"Good job!" exclaimed the cat happily. He could do without her insane outburst at the end, but she had done quite well.
The girl was so busy congratulating herself that she wouldn't recall her unconscious tamer for almost a full minute. Her transformation abruptly cut out just after remembering that Scott was in trouble, and she felt severely drained. It would obviously take some time before she'd be able to maintain that for more than a few minutes. Strangely though, her chain didn't disappear.
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Baki the grappler(various) X reader
Yeet idk lmao this my first time writing a fanfic. I'm sorry if updates are slow, I'm a suffering college student and I work part-time so yeah I'll probs be really busy. Pls give lots of love to these stronk bois tho!👌
8 157