《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 15


From that moment, Zenith started to have fleeting vision after vision. First time skipped to the next time the disciple came. After attempting to chat with Nasayim, and as he was about to leave, he spoke.

"Within Redtree village, there is a tavern on the west side inside is a man who sits in the far left corner at midnight, take this letter to him for me. He will reward you. Remember, not a word of it to anyone. Sect business"

"S..secret task?" The disciple uttered in shock. It was clear he thought this was an opportunity; he had no idea he was simply a tool. The images then flashed to the disciple arriving in the tavern. Glancing around there weren't many people. Still, glancing at the corner, he did notice a figure drinking away several jugs of wine.

He approached and handed him the letter. The face of the man revealing joy showed a bit of confusion first until he took the message and opened it before reading it, his expression then turned solemn as he thought to himself "-It seems that debt of mine will be repaid soon -"

He nodded to the disciple before raising his finger towards him, a flash of light cleanly separated his head from his body before it fell limp onto the floor. A perpetual realm expert so effortlessly killed. Those in the tavern though didn't look surprised at all.

"Handle the body, I'm going out for business..." he spoke to which two men came from the back of the tavern and began to clean up the mess. More images flashing sometimes random sometimes filled with hate and sorrow until it settled on a scene.

The man was facing Nasayim on the porch of that cottage-like home. "Where do you want me to take you?" The man spoke. Nasayim remained silent for a moment. "The southern lands Abyss of Awakening."

Hearing Nasayim's words, the man's eyes widened in what he could express as horrified. "T...That place are you certain? You are going through with it?" The man replied.

Nasayim looked at the man, his eyes showing a dead yet steady and firm look. "I don't believe in fate or destiny as it would have me live as my brothers' servant, I believe in my will and my determination. I won't die" his voice hoarse and pained.

Listening to Nasayim's words the man would never expect that the disciple of the powerhouse sect of the region who had found him on deaths doors and helped him survive would so easily take such a risk more so as he figured this boy was a coward.

"So be it." the man responded yet with a tone of caution. Many scenes began to change again. It as if a tornado of images spun around with Zenith as the eye of the storm. Yet instead of the safety, it provided. It brought him confusion and pain.


Zenith's body and burn wounds hand opened, his bandages covered in blood. The aetheric crystals in the mine were depleting rapidly and engulfing towards Zenith.

The coffin beneath the ground began to shake the moment the aetheric energy had gone down, the chains around it and runic inscriptions started to tremble and slowly burn away or snap. It seemed whoever was within that coffin truly wanted out.


Back within those memories, it seemed that quite a journey had been travelled. The man and his people crossing lush plains as well as dangerous mountains where they were unable to fly. Then harsh desert's that even cultivators would perish in due to the heat all while looking after Nasayim.


It was only until a full year journey that they had arrived in what looked like a chasm within the earth. Zenith did know that when it came to natural mysteries, this universe with its system of cultivation was the top of the four. Any run of the mill planet could hold a great secret or resource, and this Abyss of awakening was one.

Nasayim carefully began to limp towards the edge of the Abyss, glancing down within into endless darkness. The man who had helped him travel this far stood beside him. "I lost three disciples and five cultivators who I hired for this. My debt to you is fulfilled, Nasayim."

Nasayim kept silent and kept his gaze down, the darkness reflecting in his eyes. "The legends of this place say that those who jump in have a chance of revival to become the strongest, blessed, talented, the whole cream of the crop.."

The man listened to Nasayim carefully the change of this formerly wimpy boy to the individual beside him had over time made him a little bit fearful, just how broken was he. "Well if they succeed that is, and even then rumours are rumours, the only people who jump in are either old fools at the end of their life span or people like you at death's door."

Nasayim snickered to himself, looking into that darkness he did have some fear that maybe it wouldn't work. "Death's door, you said? Doesn't sound so bad to me." The moment he finished, he leaned forward and plunged himself into that eternal darkness.

The man's eyebrows watching Nasayim fall then vanish into the darkness winced a bit, his eyebrows twitching a little. "We are leaving, " his voice echoed out.

The scenes that came afterwards to Zenith were foggy and hazy. All he saw was darkness as if his mind was floating in space, yet not even the light of the stars or the biting chill of entropy was there to show him that something existed.

Nasayim's eyes began to close slowly in this darkness; his thoughts were flowing out slowly. "Endless darkness. If I could create and shape it as I want, what would I make?"

Zenith didn't know how long the memories of this place for Nasayim lasted. It felt as if many years had gone by, yet he felt the end of it was near, and it indeed was for Nasayim.

"I am Nothing. I have Nothing. I seek Power. I seek rebirth. I seek Vengence!" Nasayim's words more so robotic, as he talked, Zenith began to feel the darkness was churning for some odd reason. Many questions in his head were arising. He wanted to know Nasayim's fate.

"Lead me like a dog, treat me like dirt, your flesh and blood, I hate cultivation, I hate you!!, Cultivators, you all must perish!!. The sins of all of you against the weak, against the helpless, the powerless."

A thought suddenly crept into zeniths mind as he pondered on an idea that stunned him, this thought was more so mystery and legend, and no one had ever encountered it before. "Amalgamation of Dead emotion!!!!"

And yet as Zenith finally understood what this Abyss indeed was, Nasayim continued to speak until something that stunned Zenith more so then the Abyss's identity.

"Vengence for all the weak and those that have perished from the evil of cultivators and the strong." More scenes flashed as the darkness began to suddenly twist and contort as white light started to form in spots and rip it apart.


"For without vengeance, I am Empty."

The final word Nasayim had spoken horrified Zenith, he now knew who Nasayim was, his identity in the end. "-Supreme Divinity of Retribution, Painter Empty-" Zenith said that name to himself.

In each of the four universes, the people who he had no confidence in beating and could only fight to a draw, could be counted on one hand. Painter empty was one of them.

The reason for this was more so then something with proper thoughts and plans; this man had no goals or dreams only to kill those who harmed the people who couldn't cultivate or gather aetheric cores and even those in the future which looked to cultivate.

Although oddly enough, he only seemed to rampage once every thousand years. The areas would often be considered dead zones for anyone stronger than a mere mortal. Not even magical creatures were spared.

To him, it didn't even matter what universe it was he would always kill any cultivator or expert that killed the weak. He still got into conflicts with Supreme divinities and in some cases just like Zenith had killed a few.

"Amalgamation of Dead emotion, a mysterious force, thought to be a mortal's last thoughts before Death. A world of cultivation, dog eat dog, revenge and vengeance, retribution would be incredibly common.

An entire universe worth of these emotions all gathered to form this Abyss. A natural Supreme deity at the cost of your freedom. A Revenger for those who perish in the conflicts of the strong."

Zenith finally began to understand the oddness in the personality in Painter empty as no matter how any supreme divinity tried or wanted to make deals or trade rare treasures with him. He would decline every time.

Time passed on some more a half year. From darkness to green and light, then suddenly the images flashed to flames and blood. The sect that ruled the region had suddenly been attacked by a stranger cloaked in warped darkness and light.

Facing off against this stranger, dozens of disciples with petrified looks on their faces. "S...senior our sect has not wronged anyone of your standing why?" An Elite disciple at the god realm stage uttered.

This figure was Nasayim now Painter empty, in his hand a thick bristle brush, he glanced at the disciple and spoke soundly. "You cultivators treat mortals like grass, and kill as you please without care, to save those future deaths I will end you all now."

Another disciple was stunned and gritted his teeth in fair. "That is hypocritical!!! have you not killed anyone?!!! You are a cultivator to how else can you gain such strength!!" The young man shouted out.

"I am, Retribution" Empty uttered before swinging his brush in a swirl, lines in an assortment of colours spun around penetrating every last living cultivator inside the sect except for those mortals. These mortals who remained unharmed were used to clean the sect and handle chores. Other than them a few cultivators he wanted to talk with were left alive above.

Empty began Making his way up the steps of the staircase. His body began to wobble a bit, in truth Empty was not used to this newfound Power of his and couldn't bring out the full strength of supreme divinity. It needed time to grow otherwise if he wanted at his full force the galaxy itself wouldn't be hard to destroy.

"Vengeance eternal...is this what I wanted?" A bit of doubt began to surface in his mind as he wanted rebirth and vengeance but not to become a slave to it.

Entering the top of the sect, a massive wall of light suddenly began to glow with inscriptions all around it. This screen was a protective formation, and yet Empty raised his right hand and flicked casually causing it to shatter like glass before he made his way inside the building is protected.

Within he saw several individuals, the sect master as well as an elderly old man, he also saw Sagiem and his wife ekisha who was holding a small baby.

"You vile creature....killing too many innocents after attacking my sect...." the sect master glared as a heavy aura rapidly formed around him, his face showing extreme anger yet hesitation.

Although the current sect master was a middle ecliptic realm individual and Ekisha's grandfather beside him was in the upper ecliptic realm, in truth, they had no confidence. The reason being is the guardian of the sect was also in the upper ecliptic realm, yet it was still beheaded with a single stroke of that brush.

"Innocents?.... You, Cultivators, are all evil and need to be purged. Once I finish here, I will continue until you are all gone." Empty spoke soundly.

Ekishas grandfather clenched his fist. "You lunatic do you even know what you are saying!!" He uttered before he pulled out a goblet a treasure used for sealing, it flashed towards Empty before growing and turning upside down then smashing onto him to shut him within.

"Useless...." Empty uttered, a flash of white light began to show through cracks that formed in the goblet until the object itself disintegrated into dust.

"Sagiem, take Ekisha and escape as far as you can, we will distra-" Yet as the sect master spoke Empty had already flashed beside him and Ekisha's grandfather. At the same time, Empty's gaze had locked onto Sagiem. The bodies of the two ecliptic realm individuals slumped to the ground, their heart's and soul cores pierced in the blink of an eye.

"GRANDFATHER!!" Ekisha cried out and wanted to go forward but had been stopped by Sagiem. This was merely Empty, not wanting to waste any more time, wanting to end this matter as soon as he could to continue elsewhere.

Sagiem looked bitter with hatred in his eyes "Senior. At least spare my wife and son. They have done Nothing wrong nor have they harmed any mortals."

"Heh...haha.....hahahaha..." Empty began to laugh to himself as he heard his brothers voice. "This is the most sincere I have ever heard you speak before." open suddenly spoke.

Sagiem looked extremely confused not sure what Empty was talking about, Ekisha ignored it for a moment as she was silently grieving over her grandfather's Death while glaring at empty whilst she hid behind sagiem unsure of what was currently going on. "Senior?..." Sagiem uttered.

Empty glanced at Sagiem and snickered a little, the warped black and white covering his face began to recede. "Have you forgotten me already big brother?"

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