《Sanctuary Within Entropy》Chapter 13


The next day Zenith had woken up and stretched a bit. His body was in much less pain, but the burning wounds hadn't healed much at all. "My physical body, as well as organ's durability, have improved significantly. My soul core still has ways to go, but at least progress is being made " He spoke to himself.

Walking to the wheelchair, he sat down and began to use his hands to move it. He still needed for it as walking for too long hurt him and would cause his wounds to open again.

After reaching and opening the door, he saw that Nelel was standing outside. "Oh! Zenith good morning...I was a little worried since I didn't get to see you yesterday afternoon and at night. Grandma said not to disturb you, but this morning I still didn't see you, so...."

Zenith looked warmly at her and gave her a subtle smile. "Sorry for worrying you big sis, I'm fine I just needed to cultivate a bit" He didn't think it was a secret worth keeping as hiding it would be more annoying to hide it as opposed to just getting it over with.

Nelel was surprised. "You really can cultivate!? Who teaches you?... Ah! Wait a second, what is that sweet smell? it's amazing.." Nelel began to take a whiff. After doing so, her body felt relaxed and full of energy. "That...what is that?...a simple smell can make me feel so energetic!" she was no doubt surprised.

"Oh, its something I came up with. I did promise you I would teach you how to cultivate a bit, didn't I? Tell you what, that smell is a sort of Earthen incense its perfect for helping you progress with cultivation. When you smell it try to feel the energy, it is giving you then circulate that energy around your body carefully.

He began to explain it in layman's terms a simple introduction into cultivating as a beginner. after all, he had observed Nelel for several years and more or less understood a fair method to help her significantly.

"You can place the incense in the lobby, big sis. It should spread throughout the underground and have the same effect's. I have things to do so I need to be off" He finished and was making his way out, Nelel continued "Do you need any help? Also, grandma left early today to go back to the village for your little brother."

Zenith figured as much it was a unique birth after all. "No need I'm good sis. Please don't forget to eat as well," he uttered before wheeling himself away.

After having taken some time to think, Zenith decided it would be best to make a hideout for himself. Right now, he lacked plenty of things. That being said, this matter was also the reason he was going over the detailed map in the library. He didn't feel safe or secure in such an open location, considering how weak he is.

"Eventually, things will sort themselves out. I need to wait a bit more and continue strengthening my physical body, though thinking about it resources are still needed."


A month had now gone by With Jagartha going back and forth between their home and the village. News of Zeniths little brother had spread further and wider, many people and powers were interested in taking him in, and agreements had been reached between those that Zenith had warned.

Several individuals had been placed to guard young Leonin. Jagartha had told Zenith rather than a single organization. Three sides have decided to use this as a chance to grow closer and more powerful together. This, in turn, would be beneficial towards a stronger resistance against those dark forces.

Zenith had gone around a few safe spots with Nelel helping him to scout some locations he would like to use as a base.

Unfortunately considering that the most prime spots were located deeper in the mountain, it was dangerous for him to have Nelel bring him there and he didn't want to risk anything.

Nelel herself had made significant improvements thanks to the Earthen Incense Zenith had made. Jagartha had been curious as to the method of its creation as she felt she had regained several dozen years her bones more robust. But Zenith told her the materials were to rare for her right now, and he found them by luck. Its usefulness somewhat limited for Zenith, though forNelel, and even for those at the Demigod realm, it was incredibly beneficial. Its primary use was for stabilizing the soul core and helping with Aetheric flow, the minor healing properties, which is what Zenith was mainly after.

Nelel was sitting cross-legged in her room, the incense atop her table. Zenith had given her many pointers and even wrote down a small set of notes for her to cultivate using. "Just what secrets is he hiding? How could a four-year-old know so much" She was not a simple girl she understood this was impossible without reasons. Whenever she asked Jagartha, she would be waved away and told to forget about it and not to ask.

"Regulate my breathing....let the energy the incense gives flow and form then circulate.." She uttered in her mind, slowly condensing the smoke into wisps of Aether towards her soul core that was the size of a thumb. Afterall considering her low cultivation and the material regarded as high quality enough to benefit demi gods it wouldn't be surprising that after a month she had made such progress.

As the wisps of smoke condensed to glowing Aether and entered her soul core, she felt a euphoric sensation. Her body was feeling physically stronger. Her skin giving off a soft, radiant glow, she was no doubt becoming more beautiful, the youths in the village and even those in their middle ages were often stunned and talked about this dazzling orphan girl.

Meanwhile, when Jagartha returned, she had an annoyed expression on her face as if she had finished an argument. She clutched the head of her cane hard as she made her way around looking for Zenith before finding him in his room writing on paper.

"You're here instead of the library?" she spoke. Zenith then replied "I've read everything in there" a simple response, jagartha wasn't surprised after all considering his background.


"I have some news for you, bad or good depends on how you see it" Jagartha got straight to the point. Zenith looked up towards her, his hand holding a pen no longer moving.

Seeing that she now had his full attention, Jagartha began to tell Zenith about the situation. "Your grandfather on your mums' side is sending gifts to the village for you. quite odd that this person who thinks you are the devil incarnate is sending you gifts."

Zenith was a little surprised at the suddenness of this situation he began to think about why he would do such a thing. "I can only put it as possibly my mother requesting him to do so as a way to take care of me? "

Jagartha had the same idea but wasn't too sure. Zenith looked at Jagartha and found it a little odd she had nothing with her. "What gifts did he send? seems like you didn't bring anything?."

Jagartha cleared her throat and spoke. "W...well... your grandfather on your father's side decided the resources sent would be of a better use for the village...and so kept them"

Zenith was a little quiet before a smile crept on his face. "No big deal, it's better like this. I don't know what either of those two degenerates are up to, but I won't be part of it."

Jagartha was satisfied with zeniths answer; as it seemed the potential resources didn't blind him. Zenith looked at jagartha and spoke. "Don't worry. I have my plans for myself I don't intend to remain long when I can I will be leaving as soon as possible."

Hearing Zeniths words jagartha frowned a little and hesitated before speaking. "You...don't intend to remain here? or keep in contact with us?"

Zenith remained silent for a little before responding. "Don't make it sounds as if I am going for good, I won't be far. Besides considering my circumstances and my state of mind, you should know one such as I prefer his comfort or secret lair hmm whatever you want to call it." His reply simple.

Jagartha glanced at him carefully then sighed in slight relief before turning away, then walking out to go rest. he then began talking to himself. "The fewer people who have anything to do with me the better. I need some answers as to what God intended to do with such a silly thing. Wish from God? what crap who does such a pointless thing without some end goal, what are you truly after.."

Within the village, Arnon was looking at his father with a heavy glare. His eyes focused on a gilded chest upon his father's table; This chest was open and filled with properly stored medicinal herbs and cultivation resources.

'Father, you even go as far as to steal from my son! How could you do such a thing!? These resources are not for us. That man sent it for Zenith!" he spoke. Jagartha had told him about his son's name.

His father scoffed quietly and folded his arms. "That little burnt cripple? What can he do with all this, it would be a waste. The least he could do to serve the village is be useful like this to bring more resources for the new generation. As for you. you have another blessed son to look after. "

His father continued to speak. "This is a golden era for our tribe, and with this, we can seek greatness. Now isn't the time for your carelessness. That boy of yours is fortunate to have survived so far, but all he can do is stay a disabled person, nothing will change that. Even I am surprised that his mother's father has shown some interest, but I believe it is for his mother's love, not his own"

Suddenly before Arnon could reply, a woman dressed in elegant attire entered, behind her a man and women in knights garb and armour, they were the same ones that protected the priestess.

She held a baby in her hands; this child was crying soundly. the woman spoke with a soft loving tone towards Arnon. "Arnon, your son needs his father he won't stop crying until you hold him."

Arnon glanced at the young baby his son Leonin, a warm look from his eyes as he walked over and took the child from the woman who was, in fact, his wife.

Looking at the baby after holding him Arnon couldn't help but feel a deep warmth, and in return, Leonin began to settle down as if he understood he was now in his father's arms.

"Father, our talk isn't over yet. Those resources are not for the tribe nor you," he uttered before making his way out of the room.

The two knights followed him as well as his wife, Arnon's father grunted slightly then sat down, looking at the chest of resources a hint of greed in his eyes.

Zenith had some ideas in his mind and wasn't sure which would be the best to implement right now. At the very least, he knew his brother would be protected.

"Right now, what I need is more time. And a bit more patience." He understood that rushing things would be terrible; right now, he was in a good situation with those around considering him a cripple, no one would come looking for him.

"This backwater hole is riddled with people who think their ideas and schemes are the only things that matter. Always plotting and thinking to get ahead." Zenith snickered. "None of you know just how deep things can get in life. In the end, all of us are ants unable to see past the tree line, but me? A bigger ant that has managed to climb past it and see what is beyond."

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