《The End (LitRPG)》Chapter 4
Another level just from 1 enemy, I guess I got really lucky. I really need to figure out where I am. I wonder if this will work. Map.
Map of The Universe? What? Why is it showing me the Universe? I want to see the earth. Earth Map. This time it did show Earth. My location. It zooms into a field about a mile and a half away from the school. I guess I don't need to go back there now, I probably have much better weapons from those goblins than I would find at the school, but there are guns there. Is it worth it to go back just for a gun? Probably not. That Orc killed me in 1 hit. Jay said the world was going to be RPG-like, but does that mean the Orc is going to stay in the school? I just don't know and it's not worth the risk. "I guess I'll go home." I say.
Home for me is a little house about 15 miles away from the school. "This is going to be quite the walk." I say. So I do just that. Start the walk home. Should I walk home on the main road or through the forest? The forest will probably be safer, but it also may not be, so I am choosing the main road. The road is a quarter of a mile away from the field so I start walking that way. *Ding*
Is the system fucking with me? What the fuck is that? *Ding*
Skill: Common Sense
Common sense is common sense dummy. You have shown common sense! This is a passive skill that has the ability to pull you away from potential danger.
Novice Level: 1
The patronization aside, that's a pretty good skill I guess. After about 5 minutes I make it to the road. If I keep the same pace that it took me to walk this quarter of a mile, it will take me approximately 5 hours to get home, which will be way after dark. It will be dark in just under an hour.
After about 6 miles or 2 hours, I see something in the road ahead of me rummaging in a car. I try my best sneaking up on them hoping for a sneak type skill, but no luck. I am still able to get about 3/4th of the way to the figure before they hear me. "Who's there!" they shout. The voice is familiar. It sounds like... "Lori?" I ask. "Huh? Who's there!" she shouts. "It's James, James Yancy from class." I say back to her. Lori Wyatt is her name I believe, and her superpower is Weak Invisibility I think. "James? I thought you died to that Orc thing. Mrs. Aless said she found your body in the hall beside Jack's." she says. Does my body stay behind when I die? That could be really creepy. "Um, she must have been seeing things, I escaped from the Orc before it could catch me." I lie. Why did I lie? I just felt like I shouldn't say anything about it.
Common Sense level up!
Novice level: 2
That's good, I guess? "What happened to Mrs. Aless and the rest of the class?" I ask. She whimpers and says, "I'm the only one who escaped, Mrs. Aless went out after you two a minute or so after you left, she came running back really quick after that explosion saying you two were dead and for all of us to run." She starts crying. "She got killed right after that, and like 40 goblins ran in, and that big Orc thing too." she's hysterical at this point and just crying. "Lori! Snap out of it, we have been training for this our whole lives! Get it together." I yell at her. She looks at me, startled. "You're right. *sniff* After the goblins and the Orc came in, they started slaughtering people. Everyone who could fight, fought, they killed most of the goblins, but the Orc joined in and killed everyone in one hit," she starts, "I, I just turned invisible and ran out of there and just kept running, I've been running for hours, I just stopped at this car hoping it would be working, but just my luck, it isn't." She says, laughing dryly. I wonder if her Luck was as low as mine was. It must not be, because she lived, and I didn't. The moon finally decides to make an appearance from behind the clouds, and I get a good look at Lori. She is just as beautiful as I remember. Around 5'4, 110 pounds, fit, long jet black hair, beautiful green eyes, long legs, perky b-cups. Snap out of it James! I shout in my head while shaking said head.
She looks at me questioningly, "What's wrong?" she asks. I clear my throat. "Uhmm, nothing, sorry." She looks at me weirdly. "Where do you live," I start to ask, then understanding what I just said, I say, "So I can escort you home. This world isn't safe anymore, and well, I have a few weapons now." I forget if she's good with a sword, so I ask her. "Are you good with a sword?" she looks startled by the verbal puke I just said. "Umm, I'm okay, but I'm better with a gun." she says dispassionately. "Well, here's a short sword you can use to defend yourself with." I saw as I hand her the Goblin's Sword. She takes it. "Wow! Stat bonuses." She exclaims. "Heh." I chuckle, "That's nothing compared to this staff." I say. "Huh, what staff?" she says. "Oh no, oh fuck no!" I shout. How the fuck did I forget the staff? I could have sworn I had it with me when I left that field. I wonder... Inventory
Goblin Bow.
Goblin Staff.
Yes! There is an inventory! Those symbols are there again though. What are you symbols! I shout in my head. I feel a strange pulse. $%^. $%D. Huh? A 'D'? Why did one of the characters change from a '^' to a 'D'? "Umm James? What was that strong energy pulse that came from you?" Lori asks. "You felt it too?" I ask her. "Yes?" she says questioningly. I have to ask her. "In your 'Status Screen' do you have an unknown stat that has the characters '$' '%' '^' ?" She gives me a weird look. Again. "No." she says. "Huh. Me neither." I say stupidly. "Back to the original question, where do you live?" I try to save face. "Oh! I live on Pine Street" She says the name of the street that is only a block away from mine. "Huh. How come I didn't know we were practically neighbors?" I ask. "What?" she says. "I live a block away from you on Maple Street." I say. "I didn't know that. Maybe it was because we have never hung out?" she says. Not for lack of my trying. I say in my head. "Yeah, that's probably it." I say. "Well I will still escort you home if you want me to I mean." I say as I pull the staff out of my inventory. Her eyes widen. "Where did that come from!" She exclaims. "Oh, it turns out that Jay wasn't lying, the world is very RPG-like now, just think 'inventory' and a screen will come up with items that are in it, and to get stuff out or put stuff in, just think about doing it." I say. Wait, how do I know that? Doesn't really matter I guess. I see her eyes widen. Again. Did she not prepare like I did with all the RPG's I played? She must not have if something as simple as an inventory screen surprises her. I say again, "Do you want me to escort you home, or not?" I start to walk away. "If so, come on." I say. I hear her let out a squeak, which was really cute, and jog to catch up to me. "S-Sure." she says.
2 and a half hours later.
We are almost to our neighborhood. So far there hasn't been any encounters. Which I find quite annoying, but Lori seems to be glad. "Hey Lori, have you killed anything yet?" I ask her to stave off my boredom. She squeaks cutely again and says, "No I haven't, like I said, all I did was run until I met you at that car." I mentally slap my head. "Oh yeah, you did tell me that." I say. She starts to say something, but then stops. "So what about.." She actually slaps her head. "Oh yeah. How else could you have gotten this sword and that staff? Idiot..." I chuckle. "It's alright, I did kill a few goblins, but I could have stolen them too." I say. She brightens up at that. "Oh yeah!" She says. "So. Was it hard to kill them?" She asks. "Not really," I say. "The Mage was the hardest because of the damage he did, but the other two were easy to kill." She looks at me shocked. "That's not what I meant!" She says. "I mean you killed something, that has to be hard on you mentally." She says. Huh. "Not really I guess. I haven't even thought about it since then really." I say. She looks sick. "Hey, they attacked me first, why should I feel guilty for defending myself?" I ask. She still looks sick, but nods. "I can understand your point, but I don't know if I can do that." she says. "Can we just stop talking now please."
Half of an hour later.
We finally made it back to our neighborhood, but it's not there. I don't mean it was leveled or anything, it's literally not there. "What the fuck?" I say. She just stares dumbfounded. "Where's my house." she whispers. "MOM, DAD!" she starts screaming. "Shush!' I shout and cover her mouth with my hand. She bites it, and I take 4 damage. "OW!" I yelp, but don't move my hand. "Leemeego!" she mumbles. "Shush!" I say again, but it's too late. I hear shouting from farther up ahead. She bites me again, this time for 3 damage. "I said stop!" I say as I hit her over the back of the head with my staff, knocking her out. I go back into the treeline and prop her up against a tree. "Qal rak es!" something shouts. "What language is that?" I mutter. I just have to attack first. I jump out from behind the tree and see a pointy-eared humanoid with gray skin, white hair who is holding a mace, and wearing light brown leather armor. An IP pops up.
Name: Greater Dark Elf Fighter
Level: 7
HP: 270
Mana: 105
Stamina: 255
An elf? Aren't they usually on the good side? It swings its mace at me. Guess not. The mace hits my arm, shattering it. "Fuck!" I shout in pain. He is really fast! Only level 7 and 3 or more times faster than I am. It must be something like a racial bonus or something. "Hey wait, stop!" I shout, hoping he'll listen. "Wrat sheq lot!" He shouts. "God damn language barriers." I sigh. "No, puny human. I understand you. I just don't like your language." He says. "How can you speak it? Didn't you just come to this planet?" I ask. "Do you really think it would take the proud Dark Elves longer than an hour to learn your rudimentary language?" He says. "It took you less than an hour to learn a full language?" I ask incredulously. "Ha! We learned all of your human languages in less than an hour." He laughs. "You learned thousands of languages in that little of time." I state. "Yes you idiotic human, now shut up and let's fight!" he says with a glint in his eye. He rushes at me and swings his mace at my face. I jump backwards and dodge it, but just barely. I swing my staff at his face, but he easily dodges out of the way. "AHAHAHA, is that all you have got human." He says. Holy shit. he's still fast. I don't even have enough time to cast my spell. I try to catch him off guard and rush him, but again he easily dodges out of the way of my attack, but because of unfamiliar terrain he trips on a tree stump and stumbles. I rush him and swing my staff at his face, but he brings up his arm and blocks the attack, but I deal 35 damage to him. "hah, so you aren't completely useless." He says.
I start casting my spell, Fireball. His eyes widen. "How do you know how to do that!" He shouts and rushes me, but it's too late. I have the Fire Manipulation superpower, so my cast time is significantly lower than it should be. I channel the power up through the staff into the Ruby and shoot it at him. I hit him point blank in the chest.
Hidden power learned! Because you channeled the power of a spell through its corresponding gem, the power is quadrupled!
I deal 234 damage onto him. That added onto the 34 I've already done, causes 269 damage. Even though he is practically dead, he is still standing. He starts to laugh while raising his mace."HahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA. Close but not enough-" He starts, but then he coughs up blood, looks down at his chest and sees a sword sticking out of it. "wha-" I start to say, but then he dies and I get another IP.
level 4!
10 Unallocated points available.
"What happened?" I say, but then I see Lori holding onto a bloodstained sword. "Oh, Lori. You saved me!" I say. She looks up with tears in her eyes. "I...I had to do it, right?" she says. "If I didn't you'd die. Yes, you would of." she is going incoherent. "Yes, you saved me, you had to do it. Calm down please." I plead. She starts to collapse, but I rush forward and catch her. "Lori it'll be alright, if he had killed me, he would have found you and killed you too." I say. She starts crying harder. Crap, wrong thing to say I guess. "No, No, No!" She shouts. "You don't know that," she sniffles, "What if he was just testing your or something?" She asks. "What if he wasn't actually going to do anything?" I sigh. "Lori, look at me." I say, but she keeps looking at the ground sobbing. "Look. At. Me." I enunciate each word, and pull her face up to look at me. "He was going to kill me," I start to say. "Of that, I have no doubt at all. If he were given the chance, he would have killed every single person he came across." She is looking intently into my eyes with a glimmer of hope in them. "Are you really, REALLY sure James?" She asks. "Yes, I am." I say. "Okay." She says whilst hopping up and walking away to do.. something. Wow. What a very quick change of character. I hope she isn't going crazy or something. Well, I guess that doesn't concern me too much. I should probably loot him. Loot.
Name: High-Quality Steel Mace.
A nicely forged steel mace, made so well, it has extra durability.
Damage: 28-42
Durability: 54/60
+7 Strength
+2 Vitality
-1 Agility
Name: High-Quality Leather Armor (Damaged)
A nice looking set of leather armor.
Defense Bonus: 30-45
Magic Damage Resistance: 10%
Piercing Damage Resistance: 10%
Durability: 4/70
+4 Dexterity
+5 Agility
Because the armor is (Damaged) all the stat bonuses and defense bonuses are 0. Get the armor repaired for the (Damaged) modifier to go away.
That's some really good loot. It sucks that it shows the armor in a full set and not each piece individually. The only part I can see that is damaged is the chest piece where Lori stabbed it. Speaking of. "hey Lori, did you level up from that fight?" I ask. She looks startled. "Umm, yes I did?" she says very questioningly. "Oh cool, what are you going to spend your 20 points on?" I say and immediately cringe. "20? Don't you mean 10?" She asks. "Uh, yes of course. 10. What are you going to spend your 10 points on." I say. "Well, probably agility so I can run away." She says. "Seriously? Only on agility? pfft." I scoff at her. "It's your Character Sheet I guess." I say. "What's wrong with that huh? I already made it clear I don't want to fight." She says angrily. "Yeah yeah," I say while figuring out what to spend my points on. "Nope, we are going to have this conversation, James." She walks up in front of me with a frown. "What conversation, I agreed with you, Lori." I say. "Huh, you call that agreeing? That was you being an asshole." she says. Oh, no. I fucked up. This is why I've never had a girlfriend. All they do is bitch and bitch. "Hey asshole, I'm talking to you." she says. "All I'm saying, is that to survive you are going to need more than agility." I tell her. "Listen hear asshole. I'm not going to fight. I'm going to find a place that is safe, and stay there." She says. "Really. Where do you think it'll be safe, huh?" I say. "Will it be safe in all of those government bunkers? Maybe, but if I was Jay, I would make sure that they aren't." I say. "Well you aren't Jay, so you don't know anything." She says. "It is my life, I will live like I want to, and I don't care what you think." She says. "Okay. Like I said, it's your Character Sheet." I say.
After about 10 minutes I decide on what to spend my points on, and this is what my Character Sheet looks like now.
Character Sheet (Customizable) Name James Aaron Yancy Age 19 Race Human Level 4 Gender Male Titles ??? Superpower(s) Revive, Fire Manipulation Health 180/230 Health Regen.(Halved)(Broken Arm) 0.023 / Sec Mana
130/150 Mana Regen. 0.009 / Sec Stamina 100/150 Stamina Regen. 0.023 / Sec - Strength 23 Agility 15 Vitality 23 Dexterity 15 Intelligence 15 Wisdom 15 Luck 10 ??? ?? - Skills
Hand-to-Hand (Mastery)
Gun (Mastery)
Sword (Mastery)
Fireball (Novice)
Common Sense (Novice)
Unallocated Points 0
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klaus. diego. memes. :)
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