《Femalekind》1.026 The Griffon Awakes
“Master, I don’t wish to evolve, my daughters …”
Did my Master hear my thoughts, if he did, did he heed them? No, of course not.
My daughters, new to this world, alone without me. Will they recognise me after I transform? Will they accept me when no longer Harpy? Does this mean my family is no more, they are of my flesh, of my blood, I am their Creator and therefore our bond is unbreakable? Is this not the way of it, as my bond is to my Creator?
My concerns are swept away as my body curls into a foetal position, and my night black feathered wings wrap around me. My wings protected me against foes, they protect me now against pain, or at least I believed they can. Foolish!
Light recedes. Eggshell, same as my previous evolution grows around me, rapidly. I don’t sense time passing. Complete darkness surrounds me quickly, so my eggshell formed without any delay or gradual growth. What is more, the space within the shell is; generous. I imagine, if excruciating pain didn’t preoccupy me, I could have laid out comfortably along the length of the egg, which encircles me. The pain forces me to turn my thoughts inwards, to suffer, to scream. My bones shatter, and my muscles tear. Then utter relief, I blackout and I know when I recover, I will transform into another shape, another creature from the possibilities offered by Zeus’ game …
{Dungeon Master evolves your existence. +6% Strength, +6% Grasp, +6% Toughness, +6% Constitution, +6% Vigor, +6% Endurance.}
{Racial Minimum Breach, correcting . . .}
{Adjustments made: Strength 75%, Toughness 75%, Constitution 75%, Endurance 75%}
{Dungeon Master evolves your existence. +4% Dungeon Dominate. +10% Monster Dominate.}
{Do you wish to Lockout Monster Dominate due to Soul being Dungeon Dominate?}
I quickly respond by willing N. In truth I don’t know the consequences of answering yes. I do need it to rise though, to almost equal Sentient Dominate to restore the Living Construct basalt protection granted.
{Do you wish to Lockout Sentient Dominate due to Soul being Dungeon Dominate? Y/N}
I quickly respond by willing N. I reject being a forever slave to my Master. My Creator’s freedom requires me to attain Sentient Dominance and nothing else will satisfy my quest.
Cramped, crushed, difficult to breathe. This body has no hands! I have no hands! My weapon skills turned useless in a blink! Stupid Master! I hate him! I fling my body against the eggshell, every limb, every appendage strikes against the oval prison restricting my freedom. This is panic, this is anger and this is fear. I don’t care! The darkness still surrounds me, and the shell crowds me despite my will and futile efforts. I am physically exhausted and resort to thinking.
Once a Harpy, from muscle and nerve memory I recognise talons, blind in the darkness, I am nevertheless aware I have them. Wings, they are restricted, yet again present and their existence is welcomed, to fly, to offer protection, reassuring. Familiar appendages I happily exercise control over. While these forms are possible due to Aetos and Zeus’ punishment or gift of Avine Essence I accept the features of my hated enemy as they empower me and assist me in my quest to free my Creator.
Pausing, unable to trace my face with my hands, I press my head towards the surrounding shell, and a protrusion hits first. Revulsion. My face isn’t human, a beak dominates! Aetos I am as he, my Creator’s persecutor. I am betrayed, never would I choose this form, how do I honour my Creator in this form. Harpy I now realise was … easier. A single blessing making it so, my human upper body; arms and hands to wield weapons, breasts to claim motherhood and my face, a human face, like my Creator. Acceptable to continue, to participate in Zeus’ design.
This form retains no human features or forms, I am beast, I am he, Aetos the tormenter of my Creator. My wings, in his image flail against the confining shell, constricted, my defiance is feeble. My talons scratch and scrap the inner shell under me, futile. The shell remains smooth. I kick out with my hindquarters, bunching my muscles and launching my hind paws. There is a slap when they hit, again useless. My revolt tires me, worse unsuccessful.
My outraged struggle ceases and quiet surrounds me as I descend into my deep thoughts, despondent. How can this be permitted? My Master’s deception is complete, unchangeable. I descend into an inner calm, I can’t change my form, I must believe my Creator will accept I didn’t have a choice. Gathering my composure, I then screech, unbidden, an involuntary response to a beast nature within, fiercely rejecting my tranquillity.
My head flicks, a tick, my beak strikes the eggshell.
The raw power of the beast fills my mind, discarding my petty woes. I protest, they aren’t petty … they are real. Basic instinct and primeval desires engulf my wants, needs and desires. Why do you care for lessor creations? Accept my nature, accept my strength, accept my joy of the hunt, we deliver death on the wing. My mother’s love for and memory of my daughters fade, and I reach for them, I have no hands though, sorrow fills me. Do you need hands to grasp and hold memories? The ridiculous question is a result of my errant and confused mind surely. The beast within me resolves my confusion, no I am Griffon, and they aren’t Griffon, simple. There IS NO confusion!
My head flicks, tick, and my beak strikes eggshell.
Reborn. Hunter, death on the wing, simple. There is no confusion.
My head flicks, tick, beak strikes shell.
The darkness retreats. A fuzzy beam of light breaks through, which my eyes pierce. A black basalt wall greets them.
I add my will to the instinct and the eggshell falls away quickly. My eyes peer beyond the Landing Cave entrance, the trees of the forest and the houses of a town in the distance fall under my gaze. I stumble towards them, taloned front legs tangle with clawed, furred rear legs. My wings unfurl, they hold me steady consuming the free space in the cavern, my wingtips flick both sides of the cavern. Huge. I unfurl my wings, lowering them to surround me and they fail, they aren’t as flexible as Harpy wings. I recover from my disappointment in an instant though, these wings are burlier and brawnier, therefore my flying will be swifter, I am certain.
Straightening and spreading, my feathered head scraps the ceiling of the cavern. My beak preens under my jet-black feathers where my wing joins my body, the action instinctual. Beyond this join my deep black-furred cat body languidly stretches, a panther-like torso and hind legs. Two creatures approach my shell, their eyes dart between the eggshell and my beak. My memory names them Orcs, female Orcs.
My tail whips from its daggling position, lashing at their faces. They scream and retreat, I smell no blood though. They are prey, although I am prevented from pursuing them. Why? Then there is my eggshell, why covet the product of my evolution? An answer almost surfaces and then flees. My feline stomach rumbles to distract me and I decide to take the eggshell, to fill the void until I hunt.
“s t o p …” An echo penetrates my mind’s eye, faint and distant. I negotiate with my beast within.
“stop …” The word forms, and the others trying to follow fade. My beast retreats although ever ready and eager to return when I call.
“Stop eating the shell!” Passion and anger underwrite the message and inwardly laugher is my response as the last of the shell is swallowed. In a base petty way, I am pleased. I recall the owner of the message and to my astonishment dismiss the owner’s self-importance. My beast within agrees we are one, we are Griffon.
He replies silently. There is inner turmoil and anguish. No words are articulated, there is no new message or command. His pure frustration washes over me. The beast within refuses to be intimidated. Fortified, my confidence soars.
“Your new form is insubordinate! You will obey!”
An image fills my mind, a route to follow, which leads to high above the mountain range, a large body of water, a lake. Hunt those in the lake, slay and devour them.
“Fly high, find the lake and slay all those in or nearby.” The beast stalls my response, no immediate scrambling to do the voice’s bidding. I realise slowly not any voice; I recognise my Master! The beast scoffs at the title and identification I bestow upon it, and I need to conceal my thoughts, bury them deep, not knowing his response.
“Yes, Master.” The answer is hollow, functional. No acknowledgement of ownership or right to command. I agree so I can leave without any more obligations from my Master.
Taloned appendages I am comfortable with, and I step them out, my powerful feline hindquarters pad in rhythm behind them and I take a confident leap from the Landing Cave entrance. Dipping slightly at first, my outstretched wings catch my descent, and a powerful downward flap lifts my body above the Landing Cavern entrance. I revel in my freedom, soaring on the thermals flowing off the basalt mountainside, flapping my wings to propel my body higher still.
{You have exited the Dungeon of Azizos.}
{You are currently 69% Dungeon Dominate and will need to return in 31 hours or automatically undergo respawning.}
The white tips of the mountain tops finally greet me, my Master’s destination for me glistens and reflects sunlight in the distance. The lake is large enough for the mountain winds to push ripples along its surface, the blue water contrasting with the snow carpeted ground and white-coated fir trees lining its shore.
The wind carries a scent to me. The beast within stirs, relishing the air drawn across my beak nostrils. An instinctive urge forces another deep breath to confirm, and the beast celebrates. Its elation is infectious, how can it not be, the beast and I are one. In agreement, I exert my wings and powerful strokes carry me towards my favourite prey. I ask myself; do I have a favourite prey?
Flying south I am over the mountain range and descending. A vast body of water reaching the horizon spreads out before me. The scent strengthens, mixed with the rising aromatic sea air, failing to disguise my quarry’s presence and confirming the direction of my prey. I glide silently, the ocean winds and mountain thermals carrying me effortlessly. I revel in the joy and exhilaration of flight and while I will forever curse Aetos for his torture of my Creator I appreciate this one aspect of my evolution due to him and his Avine Essence.
Two prey, one male and one female meandered along a single narrow game trail, squeezed between the steep drop of the mountains and the shoreline of the blue ocean. I spied them from afar, each of four legs, two arms and two heads. With no awareness of my approach and the prey still distant, the time required to reach them spurs me to greater haste. I am eager, the beast within me drooling in anticipation.
One of the animals pauses, snorting a visible breath in the cool seaside air, perhaps it sensed its death before I strike. Talons gripping its hindquarters smash them down, its larger head whinnying, until my beak pierces its smaller head, bursting through skull bone and plunging into the larger head. The dual destruction of the prey’s heads coupled with my plummeting weight crushes the strange animal splashing its blood across the game trail.
The cacophony of thunderous noises caused by my assault prompts the second animal to halt, instead of fleeing. Curiosity? Bravery? Arrogance? The prey’s smaller head gazing slowly over its shoulder towards me, eyes widening, mouth agape. The front legs of the animal rear up and the animal separates into two. The larger half, four legs, and larger head gallop away, the delicious, delectable half. The smaller half, which reminds me of my creator, darker skin, black hair, swaying, attempts to stand, mumbling to itself.
My talons march forward frustrated with this obstacle. My beak strikes and after encountering an invisible resistance penetrates past, the whites of its eyes clearly showing, as I destroy its small head. My hindquarters surge and lift, my wings beating down to assist, and I take flight. My prey doesn’t escape, I am faster, and I am stronger. I feast upon its flesh, savouring every morsel, a treat and I appreciate the delectable kill beyond words, trumpeting a screech instead. A red blinding passion for this flesh drives me back to the first kill to once again relish the flesh of my prey, ripping and tearing.
I am sated and rest, rocking back on my hind legs, my talons out front scratching the ground to clean them. I tuck my head under one of my wings and rest. In this quiet moment, my sanity returns, and I remember, the shock and failure to execute startling me from my relaxed stupor. Raising my head, I prance over to the first humanoid shape and peck out its liver, throwing the small portion down my gullet.
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Healer Level 7. Special Condition due to Contract: Blessed by Divine Being Zeus; Healer Level 7 is converted into Priest Level 7. You are no longer a Healer of Humans, instead, you are a venerated Priest of Zeus.}
{Priest skills are unusable in your present evolved form.}
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Speak Human.}
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Dagger Level 7.}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Wisdom +5%, to match the maximum of the donor.}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Intelligence +10%.}
I am glad my beast is quiet, while I try to absorb the changes. I believe my future is tied to pleasing Zeus and to be his Priest, whatever the title means will place me one step closer to my Creator I am certain. Joy fills my heart.
Nothing changes. I am still a Griffon, with no noticeable differences. Not sure what to expect, nothing though, is underwhelming. Re-reading the messages, “present evolved form” explains the situation and I can’t control my frustration. The beast within me stirs.
I quickly swallow the liver from the second humanoid shape in case my beast wills me otherwise.
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Magician Level 8.}
{Magician skills unusable in your present evolved form.}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Intelligence +10%.}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Power +5%, to match the maximum of the donor.}
I know no change will occur; therefore I calm myself and my beast within. In this relaxed state, memories, not my own, etch themselves upon my mind as if I am there, reliving another’s life.
I stroll down the rolling Quinquereme deck, the three hundred or so slaves are at rest below me as the wind blows with us. Calling my reports before me, I pace, slapping my short black wand against my thigh. The late to arrive I slap across their arms, the punishment due and paid. I issue orders and extol them to exert greater effort as we all serve the Emperor. He solely granted me, from all those at court, the commission to map beyond the Great Northern Ocean.
“No, leave the sail, we will run before the storm, Sail Master!” Eyes wide with fear I send him back to his station, the coward.
“He has a point Master. We need to turn away from the storm.” At overhearing my servant’s utterance, the Sail Master pauses, turning slowly to listen, head cocked. I inwardly scoff at the hope in his eyes.
I sidle up to my servant, wrapping my arm around his shoulders, guiding him behind the Pilot’s Seat and towards the stern of the ship. While we are strolling, I cast Increase (Strength)on myself in preparation.
“The storm is behind us is it not?” Waving one of my arms grandly and widely.
“Yes, Master.” He gazes beyond the wake of the ship.
I pick him up, neck and crop and throw him overboard. As he screams, I advise him further.
“I am your Master, you are my Servant, you are never to speak against me!”
His bobbing form struggles to stay afloat while screaming his absolute obeyance in the future. Pathetic, he has no future. Buoyant, I swivel smartly to return to stand at my Command Position. The fleeing back of the Sail Master is a pleasing sight as he makes haste to his post.
Storm driven waves crash over the ship. The ship takes on water and the slaves are screaming for release assaulting the sensibilities of my ears, gasping their chains and remonstrating with them. I ignore their efforts to distract me. I am amused, witnessing the Sail Master and the sailors bringing down the sail, trying to extol the slaves to row into the waves! I laugh into the wind and the waves as I prepare to abandon ship and save myself!
The other human’s dream is the opposite, he releases the slaves and the two horses sharing the below decks, regardless of the risk to himself. Before the calamity he succours the crew and the slaves with his healing, treating all equally. A humble man caring for others before himself.
{Life Experience absorbed due to Level 10 Hominine Essence: Human Emotions Arrogant/Humble, Selfish/Altruistic, Cruel/Merciful, Immoral/Moral, Rude/Polite +5% Sentient Dominate.
Penalty -1% Sentient Dominate for the inhumane slaughter of intelligent beings.}
{Sentient Dominate Living Construct threshold 55% met, Living Construct Feature unlocked: Able to humanise Monster Evolution.}
I sweep away the notifications. The dreams of these two men reveal so much to me now about how a human should act, there is a choice, especially how to treat others. One man, the Leader; was immoral, arrogant, selfish and cruel, dismissive of those around him and hated. The other trying to alleviate his Leader’s actions and do his best to compensate for them.
This realisation forces me to search inward, and evaluate my character and my actions. Fixated on harvesting essence to complete Zeus’ plan required me to slaughter many who were a son or a daughter; perhaps a father or a mother. Their families suffering now due to my deed. There wasn’t a contest, the victims were struck down without warning, with no possible chance to avoid or resist. All beast kin accept death as a possibility, although they prepare daily for the challenge of survival, and I denied them. I question my deed, am I evil? Perhaps Immoral? Is ignorance an excuse?
My eyes search the sky, pleading and questioning, expecting an answer, why Zeus? Why unleash me? Inhumane, unfeeling cold stone. The pit of my beast's stomach churns and rolls and while uncertain at first, the tears rolling down from my eagle’s eyes confirm this beast’s body capable of showing my sorrow and remorse for my past deeds.
No thunderous laughter manifests congratulating me on my slaughter in his name, I am Zeus’ tool, his implement on this world, his pawn to complete a plan I am not privy to and he only communicates to me when convenient to him. My Creator urged me to acquire Sentient Dominance, realize my humanity and break free of my origins. I need to delve into the list of emotions I have exposed within myself, and I now recognise the pain in my Creator’s eyes the last time we parted, it was his love, which will sustain me, which has always sustained me, except I now have a name to identify the deep heartfelt feeling.
My hind legs boost me into flight. Tempted to find survivors from the ship I resist in case the beast within is unleashed. I sense though the beast rests quietly and unless horse flesh were on offer, my freedom to choose will remain mine. If I can believe the men’s dreams, both confirmed the ship carried two horses. I continue to ignore the temptation as time is running out and I need to clear the Lake for my Master who I judge now as selfish, arrogant and cruel. Determination swells within me to compensate others who endure him to make up in some small way for my ignorant cruel actions.
Character Sheet: Aphrodite Name: Aphrodite Culture: Greek Mythos Race: Griffon Superior Spirit: Human Body: Living Basalt Soul: Dungeon Dominate Sentient Dominate: 56% Monster Dominate: 37% Dungeon Dominate: 69% Hominine Essence: Level 10 Avine Essence: Level 10 Dragon Essence: Level 3.7 Feline Essence: Level 6.49 Colubrine Essence: Level 4.3 Lacertine Essence: Level 3.6 Strength: 75 Grasp: 80 Toughness: 75 Constitution: 75 Vigour: 77 Endurance: 75 Dexterity: 85 Agility: 75 Quickness: 75 Wisdom: 80 Perception: 59 Mettle: 59 Intelligence: 70 Willpower: 75 Power: 75 Charisma: 50 Glamour: 50 Beauty: 100 Languages: Greek Kobold Orc Ogre Feline Human Gifts: Regeneration Prolific Fertility Shadow Hide Silent Step Professions: Priest Level 7 Magician Level 8 Spear: Level 10 Halberd: Level 1 Bow: Level 7 Sword: Level 15 Dagger: Level 7 Trapping: Level 7 Shield: Level 3 Armour Affinity: Level 3 Track: Level 5
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