《Femalekind》1.023 Preparations
---Aphrodite POV
“Many approach Mother,” states First. Her sisters Bucket One and Bucket Two bob their heads in agreement.
They are gathering as the Snake Princess suggested. The hunters have been called to join them as none now camp overnight in the forest. I consider luring one of each Kin from their companions, to take their liver and learn their language to spy upon them. Why not? I need their essence, not their understanding.
“First, fly with your sisters and find those fool males, either alive or dead. I need to know, they were, are, of me.”
“Yes, Mother.” My three daughters take flight along the river, backtracking I surmise towards the Dungeon. I tumble the three words in my mind: my three daughters. Made of me, from me, they are my daughters, and I am therefore their mother. A fleeting memory surfaces and quickly disappears of another, a son, no I am mistaken the three males are the only others.
My moist eyes follow them as they take wing and I stare for many moments in their direction as the specs in the sky fade from my view. I suffer the loss of their company and feel a twinge of loneliness, which I need to set aside. Perhaps my plan tugs and weighs upon me trying to reveal to me more of my Sentient nature.
I don’t begrudge my Sentient nature, although for now, its dominance weakens me in combat, I wound and bleed. Removing my flimsy armour, the chainmail over my shoulders and chest, the leather and cloth elsewhere, I return to my natural nakedness and wait.
There is no notification, removing my civilising clothes doesn’t reduce my Sentient Dominance, once granted it stays. This proves to me that the award for Motherhood will also stay, regardless of any efforts or attempts to remove it. How to remove it or reduce it? No idea! Well, I suppose no point wasting time thinking about how. It will change nothing. Therefore, my only option is to raise my Monster Dominance and I am convinced my plan will reward me.
I wait for the night.
--- Azizos POV
{Non-combative Invaders designated Ogre Wives and Orc Wives have entered. Offer Denizen Contract? Yes/No?}
I shrug yes, I am certain Kug, and Gorick will appreciate the company!
{Ogre Lord Kug accepts Denizen Contract on behalf of Ogre Wives. 550 mana deducted. Ogre Wives join Ogre Lord Kug’s Clan.}
“Good, much fun now Master!” My Ogre Lord responds.
{Orc Captain Gorick accepts Denizen Contract on behalf of Orc Wives. 550 mana deducted. Orc Wives join Orc Captain Gorick’s Warband.}
“Thank you, Master, we are Warband now!” My Orc Captain responds.
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Condition Met Ogre Clan Established. Able to create Clan Constructs. Condition Met Orc Warband Established. Able to create Warband Constructs. Able to convert existing Constructs.}
I allow the Message to hover before me, reading and re-reading.
Then I ask questions.
The summary is, that I can allow nature to take its course and the Clan and Warband can scratch out an existence, feeding off my mana, supplemented by whatever resources they find. For example, Kobolds grow mushrooms and craft whatever weapons and armour they can in their Blacksmith cave. I continue to expend my mana to create new monsters and respawn my Contract Denizens.
Alternatively, create Constructs, which can feed, arm, armour, and grow Ogre and Orc minions, which become my creatures for a reduced mana cost, the long-term option. The Constructs, with additional mana and after conditions are met, will improve the existing Ogre and Orc minions for reduced mana and new minions will start stronger when created.
The same capability is not possible for the Kobold Den the conditions are not met, strangely. A mystery my flicking through the various Construct options doesn’t allow time for. I study the options and what each Construct permits and enhances for the mana cost. This will mean these are the minions I will utilise in my defence and for teaching any Questers.
Grunts attract my attention while I survey the upper zones of the Dungeon, the source of which I soon find. The Orc Wives and Ogre Wives are being ‘mounted’. Initially discounting the primitive behaviour, I stay and observe. The strongest of the Orc and Ogre males participate, which means several wives are ‘waiting’. The Ogre Wives occupy a former Ogre Guard Cave while the Orc Wives occupy the less private former Kobold Sleeping Cave. The young who accompanied them sit and wait nearby.
The mana cost of the wives and their young is low, an occasional Ogre Wife is an exception. They need to be productive and while I wasn’t contemplating support Constructs, perhaps I should. They will need protection and need placement into a zone away from any direct path the Questors are likely to take. Perhaps create an Orc Warband Zone under the existing Ogre Cavern Zone.
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Intruders have entered.}
---Aphrodite POV
I call upon Hera’s Gift and blend into the darkness of night and the shadows of the forest. Taking flight, my first destination is the easiest and the safest. Flying South towards the Dungeon I cross the overgrown trail and then swing North. This Quarter of the Town remains abandoned and neglected, a steady breeze pushing leaves, rustling them against the silence of the night.
The first Well is framed by circular blocks of stone, my talons stretching across the width of them securing me. A couple of wooden posts remain, no roof and for reasons unexplained, I am at ease and comfortable as I grasp one of them, the post wobbling within my grip doesn’t change this feeling of being safe on a perch.
With ease, I excrete into the Well. The water below welcomes my offering, I need to concentrate to catch the splash. The Well, although disused will still provide for any who wishes to draw water from it.
There are three Wells in this Quarter and I ‘attend’ to the remaining two in turn. The next Quarter contains one and it is dry. My stink rests on solid dirt and while I am unaffected, I am certain the smell will be plain to any who venture near. I drop a stone into each of the Wells in the next Quarter first and upon receiving their positive splash answer I ‘attend’ to them.
The two Wells for two smaller, although more central Quarters I ‘attend’ to next avoiding the Snake Quarter. The third Well of the Feline Quarter is surrounded by vacant buildings, they haven’t arrived yet. Given the design of the Town, the sentries from the Snake Quarter are more likely to raise an alarm, the Well positioned across the street from their Quarter. They could notice any movement, as their vision is secondary to the use of their forked tongues seeking vibrations, although they don’t react to my presence, possibly the distance is too far.
I return to the Quarter immediately West of the Snake Quarter positioning myself opposite the location of the Snake Quarter Well. I could throw my faeces, although I am sure portions would remain to be smelt and I needed every flick of it to sink to the bottom of the well to disguise its putrid stink and spread its insidious filth.
My Shadow Step will disguise my approach from their poor eyesight. I will stand still like a statue if their forked tongues turn towards me. Two guards walk East to West and turn at the Well. Two guards walk North to South and turn at the Well. They meet at the Well together by accident, but still, they acknowledge each other when it happens. Their heads are large snakeheads, two fangs on the upper jaw and forked tongue darting out. Their bodies are bipedal, with two arms, human-shaped, while the scale covering doesn’t match the scale covering on their heads, the colour appears lighter to my vision in the dark of night.
My talons propel my rolling gait across the cobblestones, grateful for Hera’s other gift of Silent Step. I stand still each time the guards turn in my direction, regardless of distance as I don’t know the sensing range of their tongues. Utilising the Well stone sides, I position myself low and, on the blindside, to both patrols. The newly constructed roof of the Well casts a shadow of sorts from the stars and weak moon, assisting me. I wait for a meeting between the two patrols and as they greet and turn, I raise my rear end to the edge of the Well and walk backwards clutching the stone with my talons and quickly ‘attend’ to the Well. The satisfying splash is subdued within the walls of the Well and consequently a celebration for my ears.
The retreat to the abandoned Quarter is clean, requiring the occasional halt. The final Quarter, the Feline Quarter will be the challenge. Regardless of their eyes, their sense of smell will be the issue and the night will pass quickly.
--- Azizos POV
I vent my anger towards the corpse of Gorick, allowing him to contemplate his death a while longer. The Orc Minions to meet the Invaders were the weaker of the Warband as the stronger wouldn’t disengage from their Wives without punishment. To delay the Invaders several weaker Orc Minions charged one of the metal-encased brutes on the edge of a pit trap to force him to fall and be speared multiple times, his screams causing others with him to pause.
One of the Invader Archers stood in shock too long and a roof creature pierced her dead, a lucky break truth be told as the two Archers protected the flanks of the brutes. Without one archer and joined by the stronger of the Warband the remaining Orcs of the Warband enveloped the Invaders. In the chaos and glory that followed, Gorick exposed his back, and the surviving brute took his head from his shoulders before being avenged.
I called my minions to halt, allowing one of the Archers to crawl away, feeling lucky, while the other at the wall missed all the excitement. I need to determine if the ‘way out’ can be discovered by the first group of Invaders.
Reaping the mana from the three slain, I instruct my minions to haul their bodies and equipment away from the Front Cavern Zone. While occupied by Invaders I would be restricted and/or the mana expense too great to experiment.
Extending the tunnel from the Ogre Cavern Zone I construct steps to delve deeper and then build a passageway leading from it. The layout is to present the Orc Warriors to any trespassers and behind them the rest of the Orc Warband Zone.
The Main Passageway starts at the bottom of the steps and ends in a [Sentry Pit], where Orc Guard Shifts can be set, flanking the Passageway from the [Sentry Pit], I create a [Warrior Pit] on each side. The Passageway continues, with a couple of turns and a dead end. When I have enough mana, I will create traps there. The Orc Warband Zone continues via a separate hidden passageway behind each [Warrior Pit]. One side leads to [Slaughter Den], [Crafting Den], [Wives Den] and [Whelping Den]. The other side leads to [Weapon Pit], [Armoury Pit] and the substantial [Captain’s Hall] a room large enough for all the Warband to meet in. A secret passageway links the [Captain’s Hall] to the [Wives Den].
I end my creative building with a satisfying mental sigh. Not the most challenging of layouts I am certain, practical though and I am most eager to evaluate if the most efficient. I have the Ogre Clan awaiting the same treatment and if I determine the condition, possibly the Kobold Tribe. Perhaps the condition concerns Raxe, she is a she, she is a Shaman! Orc Captain leads a Warband, Ogre Lord leads a Clan, what leads a Tribe?
While I ponder this, instinct propels the Orc Warband to their new home, I issue no orders for this migration and become concerned as the Front Cavern Zone is deserted! I instruct the Ogre Lord to take up more forward positions with his Clan. Then the messages start.
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Orc Blacksmiths have been absorbed into Armoury Pit Labour Requirements. No Mana refund possible, Armory Pit promoted to Level Two to compensate. Prerequisite: sample of Plate Armour obtained, to promote Armory Pit to Level Three requires 4000 mana Y/N?}
I answer no, I have expended all I wish to for now.
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Three Feline Beast kin bodies and an Orc Captain body supplied to Slaughter Den. No Mana is required to supply Construct or sustain Orc Warband for two days.}
What is more productive, feeding the bodies to the Slaughter Den or reabsorbing them?
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Prerequisite: sample of Quality Leather Armour obtained, to promote Crafting Den to Level Two requires 4000 mana Y/N?}
Again, I answer no.
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Prerequisite: sample of Quality Weapons obtained, to promote Weapon Pit to Level Two requires 4000 mana Y/N}
Again, I answer no.
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Orc Wives have been absorbed into Wives Den Breeding Requirements. No Mana refund possible, Wives Den promoted to Level Two to compensate.}
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Orc Whelps have been absorbed into Whelping Den Brood Requirements. No Mana refund possible, Whelping Den promoted to Level Two to compensate.}
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Orc Captain Gorick, Contracted Denizen: Soul returned to Captain’s Hall. Insufficient Warband Renown to automatically respawn requires 500 mana Y/N.}
I answer yes.
“I apologise Master and thank you for the chance to prove myself worthy once again.”
His respawn wears quality chainmail armour to replace the mismatch of pieces he previously wore, which impresses him as he drops to one knee, head bowed.
“Attend to your wives Captain, ensure you come when I call. Send your lessor Orc Warriors to the Front Cavern once they are comfortable in their [Warrior Pit].”
“Yes, Master.”
I watch him and he stays humble for many heartbeats, I am satisfied with his humility.
{Quest Dungeon Azizos: Exit Unlocked.}
Ah, so they are clever! One of the two appears dead, why didn’t I ‘sense’ his state, perhaps contact with the wall means they aren’t in the Front Cavern Zone? Possibly distracted with my Orc Warband Constructs I invertedly swiped past the notification?
She is unlike the brutes and her strength seems insufficient for the task. I observe the desperation and perspiration on her furred muzzle, she is aware of her doom, which warms my unfeeling heart.
---Aphrodite POV
The Panther Beast Kin Well sits across the street, while I sit behind a broken window in a roofless building in the abandoned section of the Feline Quarter. Why are there no patrols or a watch set? They either know of me and disregard the threat, or they don’t know of me. Overconfident? I check the breeze and it blows North-West and away from the Panther section of the Feline Quarter. What am I missing?
I fade back into the abandoned section and take flight. Gliding over the Panther section of the Feline Quarter holding a course on the northwest side I peer and scan into the section. They surround a bonfire, possibly all of them! I don’t hesitate, expelling any caution, night is slipping away.
Quickly I return to my abandoned roofless building and begin my mission, stepping through the broken window, wondering. The Snake Beast Kin are too far away to detect me, although I know they patrol every edge of their Quarter, which I can glimpse towards the West. The Lion Beast Kin section is back towards the southwest and the breeze is delivering my scent into the forest. Hera’s gifts ensure I can’t be seen or heard, I am safe, I am certain.
I doubt and pause halfway to my goal. None are on watch!
The deep thump of a drum echoes from the Panther Beast Kin Section, ceremony, or alarm? Chanting rings in and follows the drumbeat. My talons scamper towards the Well and I need to stretch my wings slightly to keep my balance, I refuse to back down now. I hop fly to the stone well wall and need to flap my wings backwards or miss and plummet into the Well. My talons score the stone, I steady myself grabbing the single surviving roof support pole and it promptly snaps off. Leaning forward, the inky black depth of the Well greets me as my wings drag my body upright assisted by my leg muscles and straining talons.
I hop back to the ground and shuffle around the edge of the Well in case I have weakened the stone. I walk backwards and perch upon the stone wall one talon at a time and point my bottom over the edge and release an abundant quantity of faeces, panic perhaps. I hurry across the street as an unknown fear grips me.
The Panther Beast Kin occupy their section of the Feline Quarter, they should patrol, they should protect their Well. I should be able to locate them on patrol and then plan to avoid them. Know where they are, no surprises. It is the not knowing, the unidentified and the fact I can’t understand their lack of care and caution. Survive or die, there is no middle ground, how could these Beast Kin not comprehend the danger?
I creep to the Eastern side of the abandoned section of the Feline Quarter, another abandoned building and broken window. Before the Lion Beast Kin Well stands two hunters, they value water. Patrolling each side of their Quarter are two pairs, walking singularly so two can view the entire length from one direction and two from the other direction. Each opposite pair meets in turn in the middle. They value their lives.
Retreating into the middle of the abandoned section, I take flight and fly high. Gliding downwards in a slow controlled spiral, my sword is drawn and eager to kill. Adjusting for the breeze I land heavily on the prone sleeping face of one Lion Beast Kin, killing him instantly. For the other, my sword sweeps across his neck decapitating it. I sense Hera’s Gifts lift from me. The abandoned building is sparse except for four bedrolls, two containing corpses and two vacant. The building is perfectly placed to overlook the Well and accommodate the Guard relief.
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 4.1}
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 4.2}
I call with my song to the Lion Beast Kin guarding the Well. After slight resistance, he blindly pads towards me. His fellow Guard sprints to his side, desperately holding him back from taking his next step. The step, which will plunge him into the Well. As I approach the scene, I drawback with all my strength and cast my spear. The iron-tipped shaft plunges into the chest of my song-charmed Beast Kin, who wakes briefly before his death. His death releases his resistance, the power behind the spear cast knocking him back and with his Guard partner pulling him away from the Well; both bodies collapse backwards, the spear standing upright like a flagpole.
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 4.3}
My ungainly dash towards the Well is what it is, I fly-hop across the open roofless Well to the opposite stone Well wall, using my talons to grasp the stone and push through on the Spear to ensure the second Beast Kin is mortally stabbed. I defecate as I pause to observe the patrolling Beast Kin. A growling hiss alerts me. I leap to the ground and withdraw my spear targeting the head of the second Beast Kin. I stab again.
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 4.4}
Two of the patrol, stare at me. Muzzles agape. They move towards me in slow-motion, disbelief in their eyes. I drag the two bodies to the opposite side of the Well, placing the Well between me and the patrols.
I am one they are four, yet they stalk me instead of alerting their Pride. Two approach the Well directly, one approaches the far left and the other approaches the far right. The two outflanking me use the cover of the buildings. I grip one of the dead and prop it up allowing it to fall away from me and then stand bow nocked. Two solid hits and the corpse twists. I release my reply and then take cover behind the stone of the Well wall. I dig into the body of the younger Beast Kin and rip out his liver. There are no skills, which is secondary, I am primarily after his vigorous youthful regeneration. I wipe my bloody hand on his clothing, nock an arrow and peer over the wall.
Flying in a leap towards me, the Lion Beast Kin clears the Well walls, both sides, to land softly behind me. His eyes full of hurt and vengeance, he swiftly charges with his spear. Rolling away, my sole option, flinging my bow against the Well wall, clamping my wings and arms tight to my body to assist.
I open my wings to stop my rolling as I need to grab him. Missing me, and due to a combination of momentum and rage, he finds himself tittering on the edge of the Well wall. Instead of dropping his spear, he allows this momentum to propel his body across the Well. Upon reflection, this action, is obviously his plan as no creature could react as he did without considering this possibility.
An arrow penetrates my left-wing, fortunate as this prevents an arrow from striking my torso. A second arrow penetrates my right upper thigh. Utilising my wings to cover my body I lean tight against the stone wall. I break off the feathered end of the arrow and pull the tipped end through. The wound stops bleeding shortly after and commences to close. Two more arrows strike my wings and penetrate, a slight cut in each upper arm. There isn’t any hurt or pain – which Dominate do I thank for this blessing?
I allow my wings to droop as I stand, and I limp dragging my spear behind me as I face my opposite at the Well. Head and eyes cast down; I ensure I can sight his pawed feet. Two more arrows strike my wings and again wound my upper arms, I expected worse. He plants his left-pawed foot, which is my signal to dodge right, my ‘wounded’ right leg strong enough. His skill is sublime as he adjusts to my surprise tactic his spear ripping through my fleshy side. I scream in pain cursing my Sentient Dominance as this wound seems to have exceeded a certain threshold. I hold my spear an arm’s length from its spear tip and thrust upwards at his torso, a wounding strike.
He snarls and rolls forward ripping my spear from my grasp. Given that his planned strike didn’t deliver the intended resistance, a follow-through was as good a tactic as any. While my adversary is now aware I am not as wounded as I pretended to be, I maintain my limp for the benefit of the two Beast Kin outflanking me.
Blood oozes from between his fangs and he draws in deep breaths, my spear remains in his flesh as he backs away. The two outflanking me slow their charge as they now understand their leader or hero is seriously wounded and they understand I am more than an animal to hunt.
I reveal my healing torso wound to him and with the distraction that grants, I reach for and cast a spear from the first Beast Kin I slew, who never unsheathed it before he died. He dodges the cast as I expected, my real goal, was to reach for my spear and drive it through his body.
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 200.0% Feline Essence Level 4.6}
Pulling my spear free I cast it at the shocked Lion Beast Kin slowly stepping away, his eyes on the corpse of his hero or leader, transfixed by the death I inflicted.
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 4.7}
I reach for my bow and arrow propped up against the stone Well wall and turn to release upon the now fleeing former outflanking Beast Kin. The arrow buries deep between his shoulder blades, and he skids forward onto his muzzle. I take my reward cutting away the leader’s flesh with my dagger, grasping his liver whole and complete, savouring every portion as I swallow each serving whole.
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Tracking Level 8.}
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Trapping Level 8, reduced to Trapping Level 7, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}
{Knowledge successfully transferred: Spear Level 10.}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Mettle +10%, reduced to Mettle +4%, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}
{Attribute successfully absorbed: Perception +10%, reduced to Perception +4%, restricted by Feline Essence Level.}
My wounds are healing aided by his liver, and I hop glide to the runaway, spear ready. Muzzle down, his chest heaves to draw in air. I smash my spear tip through the back of his head.
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 4.8}
Taking hold of his paw I drag him back to the Well. As I stride back, I spot my first target, who has managed to live through the entire melee. Others will investigate shortly, regardless of what the other patrols were told about the hunt, which has held them back. It is fitting I leave several with their liver and take from a young one and a veteran. It should confuse and waste their time as they try to understand and comprehend this new animal, diverting them from my real intention.
Striking for the night sky I receive a welcome notification.
{Feline Essence absorbed. + 100.0% Feline Essence Level 4.9}
Without witnesses, they will always be guessing and my battle with the veteran proves to me that when I am first encountered, they consider me some wild animal, my nakedness confirming their perception. When I utilise weapons, they deny they are wrong in their assessment and evaluate me as a primitive I suspect. Leaving them dressed in their leather armour, I claim three of their spears and a quiver of arrows as a reward for my efforts.
As I greet the false dawn, I wonder how my daughters have fared. Instead of contacting them, I relish the freedom of flight and the invigoration from my last two livers!
Character Sheet: Aphrodite Name: Aphrodite Culture: Greek Mythos Race: Harpy Superior Spirit: Human Body: Living Basalt Soul: Dungeon Dominate Sentient Dominate: 52% Monster Dominate: 27% Dungeon Dominate: 65% Hominine Essence: Level 10 Avine Essence: Level 10 Dragon Essence: Level 0 Feline Essence: Level 4.9 Strength: 65 Grasp: 75 Toughness: 65 Constitution: 65 Vigour: 77 Endurance: 65 Dexterity: 85 Agility: 75 Quickness: 75 Wisdom: 75 Perception: 59 Mettle: 59 Intelligence: 50 Willpower: 75 Power: 75 Charisma: 50 Glamour: 50 Beauty: 100 Languages: Greek Kobold Orc Ogre Feline Gifts: Regeneration Prolific Fertility Shadow Hide Silent Step Spear: Level 10 Halberd: Level 1 Bow: Level 7 Sword: Level 15 Track: Level 5 Trapping: Level 7 Shield: Level 3 Armour Affinity: Level 3
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