《Midgard》Chapter 12 - Sacrifice


Day 8 - August 04:59

One was sitting in the Rain, reflecting on his actions while his HP regenerated. He was unsure if another try to talk to the grumpy,dagger wielding assassin would be a good idea. A single kick alone cut his HP by more than half. If all NPCs had times where they attacked without warning, once they are annoyed, this game might be very hard for One. He was a real dick to people already, how was someone expecting him to be kind to NPCs all the time then? Now he could either try and talk to Ubba again or wait until he woke up.

But One was too stuborn to wait. After his HP regenerated One knocked quietly. “Sir? Are you awake by any chance?” Patiently he waited this time, until his new master spoke up. “Sounds better already, you little shit. Come in.” Lucky. One opened the door and entered. When he had entered before he had not really paid attention to the interior of the cabin. Now he was able to see the hundreds of daggers on the walls in different sizes, shapes and forms. It was an impressive sight. He looked around. “Don’t even think about stealing from me, boy. I would gut you before you could even blink.” One did not doubt his words for a second. With that speed he could kill him four times over before he had the opportunity to attack. “I’m sorry master, I meant no offense. It’s just that it is… impressive.”

And a bit creepy. But Ones emotes did not show any disobedience or fear. Just pure loyalty and apology. But as soon as he was stronger he would burn everything down those priests possessed and steal anything that was useful! How dare they attack him, and send him questing for over a week? Ubba seemed pleased with his disciple now. “What do you want?” - “I have trained, Sir. I came to ask if you might help me with the ritual to soulbind my weapon?” Ubba raised his eyebrow. “That was quickly trained lad. I gotta give you that. Very impressive. Here.”

[You received [Bloodstone].]

[You received [Soulstone].]

[You received 8x [Token of Skill].]

[Quest: [Sacrifice] was updated.]

[You have gathered 10 of each, seven of kind successfully. Now head to the [Temple of Loki] in order to sacrifice.]

Finally! Seven days and a couple of hours and he had finally finished this quest. Now they better gave him something good, or he would kill those NPCs later on. Happily One turned around to be on his way to the temple against.

[You took 3 damage.]

Ubba had janked his shoulder back hard. Oh, right. The soul binding. “I thought you wanted to do the ritual?” - “Yessir, I want to.” The dagger master mumbled something about retarded kid to himself and pulled One with him. He was really frighteningly strong. “It’s raining but please sit down on this tree stump. Then hold the Soulstone and the Bloodstone in the left and right hand.” One did as he was told. He just wished the rain would stop since it increased to a real storm now. When he held both stones a weird feeling appeared. The energy they were emitting was tickling his hands up to the elbows. “Now relax and don’t move. If you move it might fail and we don’t want to loose the stones.” Ubba drew a dagger and sliced quickly into One’s arm.


[You took 50 damage. Bleeding.]

The blood of the cut slowly ran down towards the stone. As it reached the dark stone suddenly it started to glow brightly red. The energy it emitted was growing stronger and the rain stopped. No. It did not stop, a small force field built up around One. Rain poured all around it but not a single drop went through. Then the stone emitted red particles that were absorbed by his wound.

[[Bloodstone] was activated. You recovered 52 HP. [Soulstone] was activated.]

Now the second stone shimmered in a bright blue light. It felt different from the Bloodstone. While the red bloodstone had taken his blood, it’s energy was flowing into his right arm. On the other side the blue Soulstones energy was pulling on his left arm. At first it felt like a slight firm pull, but it grew stronger constantly. Finally a lot of blue energy broke out from under his skin towards the stone. It ripped his skin open and the blood also evaporated to become part of the red stone.

[You took 75 damage.]

[[Bloodstone] was activated. You recovered 75 HP.]

[[Soulstone] was activated. [Ritual of Daggers] was activated.]

Now One saw with which weapon Ubba had cut him. The soul weapon he brought him earlier. How did he get it from his inventory? Maybe his affirmation to the ritual gave it to the NPC automatically?

He threw the dagger at One. Caught of guard or not, One would have been too slow to dodge it anyway. The dagger sunk flat into his chest and the energy of both stones flew into the blade. Weirdly enough he did not receive any damage.

[[Soul Dagger Stage I] was successfully bound to [One].]

Both stones had been absorbed by the dagger in his chest and when One pulled it out it was normal iron hilt with a dark, pitch black blade.

[You equipped [Soul Dagger Stage I].]

A dagger bound to your Soul. It’s strength rises with the user's power and it’s own usage. Once level 10 is reached you are able to upgrade it. Dagger’s can be upgraded by the Blacksmith profession.

Current Level: 1

Weight: 10

Durability: 60/60

On Hit Damage: +20

Vitality: +20

Health Points: +35

Attack-Speed: +20%

Chance to critically strike: +4%

Unique Passive: [Phantom Throwing Blade]

Bound to: One

The stats were not much better than the old wooden dagger in regards of damage. Lower critical strike chance and damage and the on hit damage was more consistent than the old +7 to +31. But the defensive stats the soul dagger gave him were quite nice. 35 HP paired with vitality would boost his health quite a bit. The weight would take away some speed as well, but it was only 1 point of speed, and One would not feel that much either. He was however curious what the [Phantom Throwing Blade] passive was able to do. Sadly he was not able to inspect it so he just had to try it out.

Quickly he put the wooden dagger in his inventory and equipped the blade. It felt warm and familiar as if he had been using it all along. He used [Flying Dagger: Pierce I] against a nearby tree. With insane speed the dagger flew out and hit the tree. A pop up appeared.


Interesting. The system showed critical strikes but did not indicate how much damage the attack dealt. While the dagger slowly reappeared next to One he still held the weapon in his hand. He wanted to throw it immediately as well but another popup appeared.


[[Flying Dagger: Pierce I] is on cooldown for another 5.2 seconds]

The window slowly counted down. Then One proceeded to throw the dagger again. It appeared right next to him in the air. Now there were 2 daggers hovering next to me. Apparently he was able to use two dagger throwing skills at the same time with this weapon before he was unable to use it to attack normally. That solved some possible problems for now. One opened his profile to look up his stats.

Profile - Level 6

Gamer-Tag: “One”

Name: “Uffe” [grants 5% Cold immunity and grants “Fenrir affiliation”]

Title: Deceiver I [+10% Bargaining; +2 Vitality; +1 Strength]

[Lycanthropy]: You have been cursed. To trigger the curse you have to kill 1 other player. Time towards activation: 22 Days.

[Buff: Enlightened]: Movement Speed +22%; Upon taking damage Movement Speed increased by 45% for 5 seconds. 10 seconds cooldown. Expiring in 6 days.


Experience 7.71% [Amount of Experience gained for Level-Up]

Strength: 27 [+1 Damage on attack per Stat-Point]

Vitality: 36 [+1% HP per Stat-Point]

Toughness: 6 [Reduce damage taken by 0.5 per Stat-Point]

[Toughness applies before Critical Hit & Armor Pierce]

Speed: 7 [+ Attack and Movement Speed by 0.05 and 0.01 per Stat-Point]

Damage per second: 29.7[+2.7] [Theoretical damage per physical attack/second]

On Hit Damage: 20 [Damage on Attack with Skills or Autohits]

Armor: 0 [reduces damage by 3 per Point]

Movement Speed: 1.29[+0.23] [Movement Speed indicator, Base: 1.00]

Attack Speed: 1.00 [Attack Speed indicator, Base: 0.50]

HP [Health Points]: 252/252 [Health Point/Maximum Health Base: 185+36%]

Weight: 10.00 [decreases speed by 1 per 10 weight]

Critical Hit: 0.04 [chance to inflict 250% damage on physical attack]

Armor Pierce: 0.00 [chance to inflict damage ignoring 80% armor]

Cold Immunity: 25.00% [decreases effects of climate]

Heat Immunity: 0.00% [decreases effects of climate]

Health Regeneration: 0.03 [indicated HP regeneration per second]

Skillpoints 25 [used to upgrade Job-Masteries]


Weapon: [Soul Dagger Stage I]

Head: -none-

Necklace: [Lucky Bunny Foot Necklace]

Shoulders: -none-

Torso: [Rabbit Leather Harnish]

Belt: -none-

Legs: [Trousers of High Lord Mac Fluff.]

Boots: [Lucky Rabbit Shoes]

Rings: [Goblin Hunter Ring of the Mountains]

[9 more Rings equipable]

One wanted to thank Ubba for the ritual, but the grumpy dagger master had already packed his stuff and probably went fishing again. To be fishing in this rain was something One would never do. But oh well. The less he had to talk to the guy, the better anyway. On his way back to the temple One was not afraid to go straight through the woods without care. He was just too excited to finally complete the sacrifice quest. On the way he found the only thing able to divert his attention. The pure evil, damnation of all his misery and misfortune: Bunnies.

They were everywhere along the way, and he killed them all using his new skillset. It was much more fun watching the dagger piercing a small rabbit and killing it with a few blows right than just running towards the temple anyway. One went a little overboard with his actions as he killed over a hundred of the vile creatures and lost track of where he was a couple of times. After he looted everything he had a total of 142 times [Fresh Meat] and 78 times [Brown Rabbit Pelt]. The higher movement speed he gained from [Enlightened] made it even easier to fight and the added movement speed he gained from damage was quite practical.

Sadly the buff would expire in 6 days already. After slaughtering his fluffy arch enemies he climbed the stone stairs towards the temple. The rain slowly started to stop. Great. Just when he reached a warm and dry house.

When One entered the whole interior had changed. Everything was bright, the walls decorated by gold, silver and slain beasts. Their heads, feathers and furs decorated the walls all along to the roof. The floor was decorated with black flower petals, hundreds, thousands and tens of thousands of them. The priests were standing there in their black robes, like they were dressed in shadows. All of them were present, even the dagger master Ubba and the woodcutter Olaf. Meanwhile One stood in their middle, wearing the remains of rabbits, bunnies and hares. When One approached the High Priest, Eric, he bowed.

His emotes showed deep believe and awe and he tried to be as polite as possible. “Hello. I have come to sacrifice to our god. The one true god. Loki.” The High Priest raised his eyebrow. “We have awaited your arrival. I am very happy that you think that way.” Fanatics were so predictable. Follow their believe and you will be more welcome than a hare over a fire. At least that’s where One prefered the devious pricks. “I’m very sorry, but it seems that I’m not dressed for the occasion properly. I apologize.” His deceit took immediate effect. “I have just the thing for this, young man. How very mindful to remind us of that. Here take this.” The fat cook Snorri reached into his robe and handed One a small, black ring.

[You received: [Ring of Deceit].]

This Ring has no combat stats or value. It is but an illusion to the minds of humans. Loki blessed this ring to create the illusion of a black robe, dark as a shadow.

Neat! One always wanted this robe, now he could wear it on his little finger. Immediately he put the ring on. The dark robe he felt a moment after wash over his virtual skin, and the other armor that vanished, even though he wore it made him even more impressed. This was awesome! Now he looked like a small kid, with a bunny foot necklace, dark hair and shining blue eyes standing in a robe of living shadows. It was a stunning fit. He then took a step forward and threw the tokens into the fire.

[Quest complete: [Sacrifice].]

[Faith-Stat was created.]

[Class: [Priest: Apprentice of Loki] was created.]

[You left the godly instance [Temple of Loki].]

The temple and all his priests vanished. Everything was stripped away, until nothing remained. No statue of Loki, no wooden floor, no roof, no priests, no stairs that were hammered into the stone hill, no fields of wheat, no rabbits, no forest cabins.

He stood alone, on top of a stone hill. In the middle of the woods.

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