《In the Eyes of Others》Chapter 9: Dawn after 2 years
Chapter 9: Dawn after 2 years
*knock knock knock*
“Ris, wake up.”
“Just 5 minutes.”
I can hear footsteps.
“No. Get up already.”
As she tries to pull my blanket, I take hear hand and pull her into my grasp and cuddle her as a pillow.
So comfortable. I’m so sleepy, I spent most of my time training yesterday.
“I said, GET UP!”
And I was punched into my gut and rolled out of the bed.
“Good morning, Alice.”
With a smile, she replied.
“Good morning, Ris. At last, it took you long enough.”
“Can you blame me when something so comfortable is in my grasp?”
She blushed, but after 2 years of such plays, she got used to it.
“Don’t tease me again.”
“What?! Teasing you? I only said the truth.”
“Sigh, you never change.”
“You neither. You still look the same as I met you 2 years ago, especially chest area.”
Punch straight into my face.
“So what if they aren’t so big. It’s just useless lump of fat anyway. ”
So cute seeing her puffing her cheeks like that.
“Yeah, I totally agree. Yours are the best anyway. Not too little and not too much. They are just perfect, from what I could say while hugging you anyway.”
“Did you mean that?”
Puppy eyes, just not puppy eyes.
“Of course. I’m not into big breasts anyway. You look beautiful as you are now. In fact, I hope they won’t grow anymore.”
What? Everyone has preferences.
“I-I see. So you d-do li-like them?”
With most sincere expression and resolute eyes I answered
“Absolutely! I would never lie to you when it comes to my preferences.”
I could hear her whispering under her breath.
“Thank god, I’m so glad he likes them. I was a bit worried.”
“Did you say anything?”
“N-no, nothing important.”
And I just smiled. In these 2 years, we opened ourselves to each other. You may thing we have a thing between us but it’s not so. I don’t even feel love to her. Only thing I feel is care. I just don’t want to see her hurt and in tears. If someone would do that to her, let’s not continue with such thoughts.
“So, why did you wake me up so early?”
“Oh yeah, today is your first day of your 3rd year. Headmaster will have a speech for all 3rd years. Quickly get changed, there’s not much time left.”
“Will I get something sweet for that?”
And so I quickly changed and washed myself. I can’t wait for my reward. While I was changing to my uniform, I went to kitchen to get my reward. When I walked in, Alice saw my muscled body
“You really changed in these 2 years. You were such a scrawny kid in commoner’s clothing and now, you are so good looking in every way. Heaven must have blessed you.”
“Nah, I just worked hard, that’s all and if you would not took such a good care of me, it wouldn’t be so easy. Thanks Alice.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So, where is my reward?”
“Oh, I almost forgot. Come a little bit closer.”
As I was approaching her, I could hear her hart started t beat a little bit faster with my every step and when I finally came to her, it almost looked like her heart will skip out of her chest.
“Now close your eyes.”
And so I did.
“Hear you go.”
What happened next, was blissful. The hot feeling in my hand and the texture I felt. It couldn’t be expressed in words. I opened my eyes as I held …… a dessert.
“Thanks Alice, I love your desserts. Especially this ones.”
“Yep, I know.”
We sit to table and ate our breakfast. I must say, her cakes, cookies and what not are on a heavenly level. You can eat and eat and eat and still not stop.
In a while, we finished our breakfast and cleaned whole room.
“Ris, it’s time for you to go. Headmaster’s speech is held at the same place as opening ceremony. Don’t be late.”
“Don’t worry. For my little princess I would do anything.”
“Oh, you meanie.”
And so I went on my way. While I was walking, everyone was whispering around me. I became somewhat famous for my looks and so I am hated by males and beloved by females. And no, it’s not a good thing. Females want to eat you alive, just to get a piece of you, it’s so scary. At least they keep a distance from me. I made it that way. I feel much more at ease than when they flocked around me.
So with my not so peaceful trip, I finally arrived at the place. I could see Lily and Sani already there and even Irel, but I did not go to them. I walked behind the stage. My goal? Find Liz. I did not see her for 3 months and I want to speak with her a little.
I could see her talking with a handsome guy with brown hair and I could even see his hands trying to touch her and she definitely did not like that. So I went to her and when they saw me, that guy stopped what he was doing and I could see he was angered by my intrusion.
“Hi Liz, It’s been a while and who is that beside you?”
She quickly got her wits and understood what I was doing. Trying to make that guy stop his foolish act.
“Hi Ris, it’s really been a while. Anyway, this person beside me is president of council. We will be helping with headmaster’s speech so we needed to consult about a few things.”
“I see and by your needed I take it you are free for now?”
We both grinned with evil smile.
“That’s right. There’s still a bit of time so do you want to take a stroll?”
“Just wait Elizabeth, I still have a few things to speak to you about.”
It was that council president. So annoying.
“I don’t remember allowing you talking with me on a first name basis.”
“But that kid called you like that.”
“Let’s just say he is a little bit special.”
Nice one Liz.
“Well, let’s go Ris.”
I could see anger welling inside him. That’s one of the reasons I like to spend time with Liz.
We walked and when we lost sight of him, we started to talk.
“So Liz, do you want to talk about it?”
“Seriously, that guy is such a scum. Trying to touch me as nothing happens. I hate him.”
“But from how you acted and how he acted to you, he probably has some connection to you. If I think about it carefully, he is probably your fiancé.”
“Sigh, you’re right, you really are special to figure that out so easily. It’s just, my family decided that, but I hate that bastard. He is so arrogant to all that are beneath him and he thinks he is the best and can do anything and even flirts with other women. He is scum.”
“Yeah, just from feeling his essence, I could figure it out.”
“Y-you can feel essence?”
“Yeah. It’s not so hard, but really, you changed. You were such Ice Queen and only acted like big sister to me. Now, you are much warmer than you used to be.”
“Seriously, for you to be able to feel essence. Anyway, what do you mean Ice Queen?! Others were just such pain in the ass. You were different so that’s that.”
“Ha ha. You really changed but so did I. Now, I will protect you like you protected me on the day, when we first met and if you hate him, than I will find a way for you to break your engagement. If you want that is.”
“Just leave it be, I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“How could I let my big sister suffer when I can do something about it?”
“You can’t. His family is powerful and he has many connections. If you would try something, who knows what they would do to you.”
“I know, but I thought more in the way of changing mind of your family. To let them see him as a trash that doesn’t fit for their daughter.”
“Nice thought, but how would you do it?”
“By showing them someone better for their daughter of course.”
“And who that someone better is?”
“I will let it to your imagination. Anyway, there’s not much time left, let’s get back.”
And so we walked back, Liz was thinking about what I said. My plan is pretty simple. Just make that bastard cry before whole bunch of nobles and blackmail him. Now, I just need to think, how to get such an opportunity.
While we were both thinking, we already reached the stage and that bastard was waiting, furious.
“Where were you so long?!”
“Just on a stroll.”
He gritted his teeth and went to me.
“I need to speak with Ris here, headmaster is waiting for us so go ahead.”
Liz looked a little bit hesitant but I just showed her not to mind.
So I went with that bastard to a secluded place.
“You, stay away from Liz or you will regret that.”
“W-wha? Do you even know who I am?”
“No and I don’t care.”
“You! I’m from one of the 4 strongest noble families, you should be careful how you act before me.”
“You you, do you want to piece me off?”
“You don’t know what’s good for you, if I see you with Elizabeth one more time, be prepared for consequences.”
“And you should be prepared to pay for your actions.”
“You commoner filth.”
“Oh, so you do know me. I’m honored.”
“You bastard.”
“Liz is my big sister, if you will hurt her, be prepared for consequences. That’s what I will warn you about and I will meet with her again, no matter what you say you skirt chaser.”
He almost burst off.
“Shouldn’t we hurry or they will start without us. As a president, you shouldn’t be late, right?”
He swallowed his anger and just said
“Let’s go.”
We walked no one saying anything.
“Liz is mine and if you don’t want to acknowledge that, then you will suffer.”
“Liz is her own, we both cannot force her to anything, but I won’t let anyone to make her suffer.”
“Then you will regret that.”
We finally got back and split. I went to sit in the middle of Sani and Lili. Seriously, why did they hold a spot for me like that? Those stares are killing me. Lili, beautiful elven princess and Sani, with her assets which all guys droll over, except me ofcourse.
“Greeting student. The reason why we have this gathering is simple, to let you know you all completed your basic training. That means, all your magical classes will advance to intermediate and finally you will start learning magic properly. You all should know basic spells from your category of magic and learn basics of your secondary classes. That’s the reason why we are here. Because you completed it, we can finally start properly.”
“All your classes will be decided by your proficiency and with that I mean tournament to decide who will go where. The tournament is not so simple. From all you classes, there will be a test you could say. You must pass it or if you won’t then it’s not much of a deal.”
“Let me explain then. To go into the tournament you must pass your magical classes’s test. Those who don’t won’t be able to go to the tournament. But it’s not all. You must past your secondary classes too with more than 50% success. Let’s say you have 3 secondary classes. Then you must pass through 2 of them. And even if you pass from it, the amount of people is limited so you must not just focus on passing, but even on being the best or you might not get a chance to participate in the tournament at all.”
“Those who won’t participate in the tournament will be at the bottom in their classes and so they won’t get benefits as those, who will be at higher rank.”
“There are many benefits, but I won’t say them. You must try as hard as you can without knowing them. Only that way we will see your potential. And one more thing. The tournament will be held before nobility so you can show strength of your family before others and those of you who are commoners can even be scouted by other noble families or even receive a noble status from the king himself!”
“Winner of the tournament will receive a special reward from the king and will get one of his wishes fulfilled. I hope all of you will try your hardest. All those who reached first place were figures respected throughout the whole continent.”
I don’t care about fame or reward and such, but the fight before nobility is something that is what I just needed and that one wish is great too. I should prepare my plan already but it will be hard to even reach tournament. Riley will definitely give me incredibly hard test.
“Now, few words from council.”
“Hello my dear juniors. I am president of council, Aldmer Normen and this beautiful young lady is Elizabeth Nightingale, my secretary. We want to encourage you to try your hardest because all those who reached top were scouted by us, council so you could say, top rankers are future council members. Those of you who will reach top will get one member from the council to teach them few things about respective work of council members. Now, let my treasurer answer your questions.”
That bastard has a good acting skills. Still not as good as my own.
“Hello, my name is Elizabeth. Do you have any questions?”
“What do we get as council members?”
“You receive many benefits like being directly under headmaster, money, chance to meet high ranking persons and many more.”
“How many members are there?”
“What is typical work?”
“We help staff members and help with organizations of activities throughout the school and help with requests send to us from the kingdom.”
“How will the members be chosen?”
“It will depend on the aptitude to the position, but number one will become president himself. President has much power at his disposal.”
“For how long are those positions?”
“For 3 years, but 1 year is to let you see how council works so you could say training period.”
“Any other questions?”
“It looks like there are none, president, do you want to say something else?”
“I hope you all will try hard so that we will see outstanding performances. We will be cheering for all of you.”
And they left. It will be fucking annoying. Why must it be so hard? I don’t want to be famous and now, I need to get first place. Damn it.
“And so these were members of the council. Hope you will enjoy your 3rd year and try really hard. Preparation for the tournament will start from next week onwards so ask your instructors about anything you wish to know about what is expected of you. You are hereby dismissed.”
It will be such a pain, but I can’t wait to see, how strong I got.
And so I went to my room, not. I was stopped by Sani, Lili and Irel.
“Ha ha ha. It looks like we will finally be able to settle our long held grudge.”
Now that I think of it, it will really be a chance to finish it already.
“Yeah, hope you will try your hardest, I don’t want to hear excuses when you will lose.”
“We will see who will lose.”
And he went away. He really is hard working fellow. I can see that before he came here, he was training. Now, to find out what Lili and Sani wants.
“So, what do you think about this competition?”
Just this?
“It looks hard, but it will be a great chance to improve ourselves. In the future, we will need experience like that.”
“I think so too, I just hope we will be able to get into the tournament.”
“So that’s why you wanted to speak. I hear I was worried something happened.”
They looked ashamed.
“Don’t worry, even though I don’t know how good you are at magic, I’m sure you will pass it.”
By feeling their essence I am sure, there aren’t many with such a strong essence, in our year I mean. I can’t even feel headmaster’s essence. I should explain what essence is, it is basically your power seeping out of you, but it’s not mana or such. It’s hard to explain, you could say its power of your body and soul, so it is very hard to feel it. It shows what type of existence you are. Through essence you can read emotions and even if you are bastard or saint. I was able to achieve this thanks to the cold reading. It was a huge help, but even so, really hard. That’s why I was so tired today.
“And when it comes to secondary classes, you will definitely pass more than 50%, if you will work hard during this week that is. You should not take it for granted.”
“Thanks. I’m much calmer now.”
“Any time. Well, I need to go now, time to train. Let’s meet at the tournament.”
“We will definitely meet there.”
And so, we all went to train.
Hope you enjoyed.
P.S. I want review. 10 chapters and still none. Maybe it’s for the better. If I got 2 stars I would just quit. I just had to release this pent up feeling.
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