《ASHURA- THE DEMON SOVEREIGN》Travel to Central Continent


It’s been approximately a year after the monster horde incident. A lot has changed in the continent. The academy was built and a large number of commoners joined the academy. As there were a lot of non affinity mana users we decided to train them to strengthen their body using mana so that they can become warriors. Apart from mana studies they were taught to read, write and do calculations. We made it compulsory for older people to attend classes in the evening for 2 hours after their chores have been completed. The barrier that I set up is also working perfectly fine. We tested the barrier by asking the entire saint realm mages to attack the barrier together and to everyone’s surprise the barrier withstood the attack. I had to tweak the barrier a little bit now instead of fully consuming the mana in the beast core the runes would make the core as a conduit which gathered mana from atmosphere and used it as protection; it not only strengthen the barrier but also now it will take much more longer time for the cores to be fully depleted.

Mother took the position of thee head of the academy and below her were the saint realm mages and advanced level mages as instructors. We are also teaching simple mana sensing and mana circulation techniques to those who wanted to be warriors which were of course provided by me. I had to improve the meditation techniques for everyone. I will be leaving for the academy tomorrow so Karena is packing all my stuff. Normally knights accompany the royalties in the academy but I have declined to bring anyone else except Karena. I talked with my father and told him the idea of constructing transportation portal that will connect to other continents. Every continent is divided by the ocean and it’s hard to journey through it because of the beasts. By building a portal Instant travel and communication will become easy for everyone and also for merchants. My father happily agreed with this so I built a big transportation portal outside the city which is protected by 10 knights. It was build big so that it will be easy for merchants to travel through their carriages. Now I will have to visit other continents and build similar portals and connect them so that it can become two way portal. For the portals I used runes which are powered by class 5 cores.


I have also been helping the ministry of development to produce gloves for non affinity warriors. Of course the glove will be powered by class 6 and class 7 cores. I have insscribed runes on the gloves so all the non affinity warrior has to do is to insert his mana in the glove and the runes will use the mana for the spell inscribed on the glove. Each glove has been inscribed with 5 mid level magic like bolt, air blast, fire blast, frost blast, fire arrow and ice arrow. The gloves will be provided to the best warriors.

During this one year I have reached thee bottleneck of king realm as a mage. I expect to have a breakthrough to Saint Realm low level after 2 or 3 months. For the etheric qi I have reached core formations and it has been fully stabilized. Till now everything has been fine but I will have to face tribulation to breakthrough this realm and that is the main reason for leaving the continent. I want to find a peaceful place for my breakthrough so as to not get attention from everyone. Around 60% of my body has been converted into etheric body. Spiritual cultivation is also progressing smoothly. During this one year there has been no incident but it feels to me like a silence before the storm. Karena has fully packed each of neccaasry stuff which I transferred to my personal dimension. Let me sleep peacefully for now.

I had a wonderful sleep yesterday and right now I am having breakfast with my family after which I will be leaving for the central continent to join the academy. Mother was not willing to send me but me and father convinced her and also if am in the academy I can also protect my siblings. And also after mother came to know about the portal she happily agreed. It became easy for her to visit her children whenever she wants. After thee breakfast I say goodbyes to everyone. I hold Karena by her waist and spread my wings and fly towards the central continent. Ragnarok is in my personal dimension still sleeping I mean evolving. It has grown huge compared to fluffy form it had before. It’s a class 5 beast now. As it is bonded with me it can enter my personal dimension so it stays there majority of time.


(Ragnarok somewhat looks like this but with black and golden colour http://dragonimages.net/images/gallery/dragon-images-by-unknown-200.jpg)

I have decided to visit the human king Daniel Negloom and queen Sophiya Negloom to get the permission to build the transportation portal. They have already been informed of my visit through the envoys. As I fly over the ocean I also test out some low level magic that I learned from the royal library; I cannot always use those high class spells always and using spell from my knowledge will only arouse suspicion in everyone’s mind. Some of the spells I tried on the beasts while flying are thunder assault, thunder bolt, air blast, fire blast, frost blast, soul fury, dark doom, agony, decay and Devastation Barrier. I also keep collecting the cores from the dead beasts. It took me full one day to reach the central continent. I land outside the city in the forest. It’s a good thing that my wings disappear when I don’t need them. I and Karena walk towards the city exterminating the low level beast that came our way. I have also decided to teach Karena some spells but it will be done after entering the institute. I make my way towards the city gate where dozens of knights are guarding. Karena takes the lead and takes out the royal emblem of our kingdom and shows it to the guard. The head guard soon allows us to enter the kingdom of Rushein. A guard leads us through the city to the royal palace. King and queen are informed of our visit and were led to the visitor’s room. I and Karena were tired from the journey so we decided to sleep and meet the king and queen next day. After waking up I follow up with my cultivation and training in my dimension. The kingdom of Rushein is somewhat similar to our demon kingdom but the main difference was the presence of all other species like demons, elves and beastmens. The city was fully crowded with people from different continents. I have planned to visit the city during leisure time but right now I and Karena are heading towards the royal court.

As I enter the royal court I see king and queen and envoys from our kingdom and other ministers of the kingdom. I bow to the king and queen and greet them

“The third prince Ashura Lenach from the kingdom of Erendale greets your majesty king Daniel and queen Sophiya.”

King Daniel-“You are welcome to our kingdom young prince. We have been informed of your visit. We have been told that you want to build a teleportation portal in our kingdom which will be connected to the kingdom of Erendale and also that you will be attending the Saint Rolins academy. You have you permission for that. It will surely help us build good relationship with the kingdom of Erendale.”

Ashura-“yes Your majesty I will be attending Saint Rolins academy and I have also planned to build the portal on all the continents so that it will become easy for everyone to travel between the continents.”

King Daniel has given me the permission and also has provided me with the resources. Soon I was led by one of the knights to the place where the portal was needed to be built. Soon with the help of few knights I was able to setup the portal and connect it with the demon continent. Strongest knights were ordered to guard the portal. After the portal was built we did some test by transporting few tamed beast and later by transporting 2 knights. The king personally oversaw the tests and was very happy with the results. We took our permission from the king and headed towards Saint Rolins academy.

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