《ASHURA- THE DEMON SOVEREIGN》ASHURA, Son of the Supreme One has been born


Year 4506 Azeroth

Azeroth planet was divided into 5 continents. In one of the continents in a palace a beautiful lady was surrounded by many maids. The lady was beautiful beyond words with purple eyes and crimson hairs. She was about to give birth and was in a lot of pain. Outside the door was a man clutching his fist walking in front of the door worried about his lovely wife and yet to be born child. He had the presence of a king. His parents and parents in law tried to calm him down but they were not successful.

Soon screams could be heard from inside the room. The man wanted to go inside when he was stopped by the head maid. The man although got angry but he knew he couldn’t do anything about this situation. Soon a young boy came up to him and asked him

“Father why is mom crying in pain and why wouldn’t they allow us to go and see mom”

The man replied to his son “son you will soon have a baby brother or sister and that is why we are waiting outside .“ The man didn’t know what else to say to his son and daughter who were looking at him with teary eyes.

Inside the room the lady could not bear the pain and gave a loud shout which echoed through the whole palace followed by a calm breathing. The lady gave birth to a baby boy. The maids were worried as the baby did not give a cry. It just kept its eyes closed. Head maid after taking care of the lady opened the door and asked the people waiting outside to come in. The man seeing the worried expression on the maids face ran into the room to see his beautiful wife lying on the bed peacefully giving him a worried look. He turned around and asked the maid what happened.


Head maid- “your majesty the queen is perfectly fine but the baby has not opened his eyes neither did he cry”

Hearing this everyone was worried. The man ran to his wife’s side and looked at the baby who appeared as though he was in a deep sleep. Everyone was tensed up with this situation. The lady started crying when suddenly everyone felt the climate outside the palace was changing. Suddenly A knight in heavy golden armour ran to the man and asked his king to look outside.

The king including everyone came to the balcony and what they saw shocked them to the core. The sky turned golden with golden lightning falling all over the continent. The lightning wherever fell a golden flower would bloom. Everyone in the palace and in the continent was shocked by this. Soon the golden sky started to dissipate and everything turned normal. Just as the king and everyone sighed in relief the baby boy let out an ear screeching cry which resounded through the whole palace. Everyone turned to look at the boy who was surrounded by a golden light. The golden light covered the baby in a cocoon. King and queen were flabbergasted by the situation and didn’t know what to do. Slowly the golden cocoon started to crack and vanish. After the cocoon thoroughly vanished everyone looked at the baby and shouted in surprise with what they saw. The baby draped in white silver cloth moved its finger. Its eyes were still closed. Anyone who saw this scene felt as though baby was waking up from a deep slumber.

The king and the queen were speechless and soon the king ordered his knight to bring someone from the temple and to check what was happening. The queen was worried and approached the baby and held him in her bosom. Tears could be seen in her eyes. She laid the baby near her on her bed and as she was caressing the baby the baby boy held her finger. The queen was surprised by this but smiled with love. The king and everyone approached the baby worried about the fact that the baby has not yet opened his eyes, the only conclusion being that the baby was blind. As they were deep in their thoughts about the baby the boy slowly opened his eyes and as they opened completely a thundering boom could be heard outside the palace. A golden lightning 10 times more powerful than before struck the palace and covered the whole palace in a golden flower.


It was a divine sight for everyone. They baby boys eyes shone with golden light and afterwards everything about the baby changed. His hair from black turned to silvery green and eyes turned from blue to golden. After the shine from eyes vanished and turned golden everything became normal. The baby boy started crying. The king, queen and their parents and children were shocked beyond words. They could only hope that gods have blessed their child and that was the reason for such unnatural occurrences. The queen thanking the gods fed the baby after which the baby closed his eyes and fell into sleep.Everyone was happy and king announced for a celebration in which everyone was invited. Unknown to everyone there were still changes going on with the baby. The essence of the supreme one was moulding the baby with the supreme body and filling him with the knowledge of the supreme one.

Somewhere in another dimension which was connected to this world 6 people discussed about the happening in the continent. The aura that they gave was of the divinity and that meant that they were Gods. Unbeknownst to five Gods the sixth God was provided with a duty by the Supreme One himself. The sixth God and the 2nd most powerful of the 6 was the God of Dragons, Yzmes. He parted himself from other gods after they could not come up with the reason for the divine occurrences only Yzmes knew what truly occurred and why other gods or anyone could not explain or look into this event, This was all because The Supreme One didn’t want anyone to know of His child so He clouded their eyes and senses. The Gods only knew that something unnatural has occurred and could not come up with anything. After parting from other Gods he came to his dragon palace and started disappearing but remembered something and said

ASHURA, Son of the Supreme One has been born.

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