
Year 2016 Earth

Somewhere in a desolate forest was a man meditating. There was no presence to be felt from him, he was deep in meditation as though he was one with the world. None of the animals dare to come near him. They felt a deathly aura whenever they approached that person. The man looked around 20 years old but he was atually 48 years old. The persn slowly opened his eyes and stood up he looked at the sky and said in a low tone.

"The time for ascenson has arrived. Just need to pass the tribulation and i will be a God"

He stood there thinking about his life. His name was Rydos without a sirname as he never knew of his family. He was an orphan and with his dedication and hardwwork he became an archeologist. His life was filled with traumatic experience however something that made him different was the sutra or meditation technique which he followed throughout his life. He found the meditation technique during his expedition at a temple. He was interested about it so he never told any of his friends or collegues. After decrypting the manual he thought of it as a simple meditation technique and follwed its instructions. But as he did he felt something different, he felt stronger and faster. He practiced it for 25 years and as per the instructions on the manual he was about to reach Godhood.

Soon the sky turned pitch black and thunder echoed. He stood there bare chest waiting for the tribulation when suddenly a thunderous boom with a purple lightning hit him. The pressure was so heavy that he fell on his knees. He put forth all his power andd stood up again. The lightning was followed by another 9 of them which he faced while grinding his teeth. As the lasst lightning hit him he felt completely differrent, he could feel everything whether it be time , space, nature, or humans. He smiled as he knew that he attained Godhood and just then he was hit with a splitting headache. As he held his head from pain the space around him started to distort and he vanished.


He opened his eyes as the headache recedeed. He looked around and found himself in a heavenly place surrounded by beautifull flowers. As he looked above he could seee the stars and could feel them. He was happily engrossed in the moment that he never noticed the presence of 5 people behind him. Suddenly he heard

"Welcome and thank you for the gift"

As he turned to look at them he saw 4 male and 1 female looking at him. With his divinity he knew they are Gods like him but he was puzzled about the reference of the gift . He wanted to ask them who they were when he suddenly felt pain from his chest. As he looked below he saw his divine core being held by a hand which was peirced through his chest. He felt lost with what was happening. he fell on his knees and asked

Rydos-" Why, what did i do to you?"

Male God- "We were the ones who provided you with the meditation technique and we were waiting for you to attain Godhood so we can consume your divine core and become paragons, That is all you need to know."

After saying that the fve gods started to consume his divine core seeing this Rydos was angry but he could do nothing. Before vanishing from his existence he looked at them and using his last bit of divinty he laid a curse on his core

"You all have killed me just for my divine core so i lay my curse on it, you 5 who have killed me for my core will be consumed by it"

The Gods before him laughed and started consuming his core while he was looking at them with undying hatred. As soon as they consumed it their expression changed, they didn't get the power of Paragon as they believed but soon the divine core of Rydos started to consume them. The 5 gods gave a loud cry which shook the world. They were soon eaten up by the core and seeing that Rydos gave a smile. The divine core of Rydos after consuming the 5 gods was floating in mid air. Rydos could do nothing and soon he fell into darkness. His soul drifted through darkness . He saw countless blue glowing orbs which he knew were the souls of people. He had taken his revenge and knew that taking back his core wouldnt have helped him . As he floated in darkness without able to vent his anger, he suddenly felt a huge pressure. He was not able to move a bit when suddenly every thing was covered with white light. He looked around to see where he was when suddenly he heared


“Welcome boy”

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