《Colosseum 72》Floor One: "Colosseum"


I had joined this party of three a few hours ago.

After being rescued by them just as I was about to get slaughtered by an ogre, the party leader offered me a spot on the team.

Why did he do that, you may ask.

Well, that is the only way to survive in this world.

Team up.

Get stronger.

Win at all costs...

Or “die”.

Those are the golden mottos of the Colosseum.

The Colosseum, no one knows when it first appeared, but for as long as I could recall, it had always been there.

What it was exactly, nobody can comprehend.

Some say it is a survival game.

Others say it is an alternative universe.

And the remainder even believes it is the test of God.

But, undecided as they are, there is only one thing they know for sure.

To the people that know of its existence, the only way to get there is at night.

It begins with a message that shows up out of nowhere on their electronic devices during the day, and at night they are mysteriously transported to the Colosseum.

There is no escape.

Once you click “accept”, you will automatically wake up there.

Even if you tried your best to stay awake, it was no use.

The strange powers of the Colosseum will always find its way.

No one knows the exact consequence of declining the invitation, but it is rumored that those who did disappeared…

And were found a few days later, dead.

Those who deleted the message, brushing it off as merely a “chain mail” prank, shared the same fate. So did the ones that dared to speak of this “game” in real life.

Accept, or die.

Those were the only options open.

You never knew when you could be summoned, so you can never let your guard down.

It is not a dream.

It is a waiting game, the waiting game of Death.


The Colosseum isn’t picky about its victims.

You can be any age, gender...it doesn’t really matter.

You begin on Floor One, where you set your “avatar”. Namely, your Colosseum profile.

There are three rules to obey during the creation.

One, you must use your real name.

Two, you must keep your current appearance.

Three, you must pick one from the five “classes” available. Warrior, archer, mage, cleric, or rogue.

It seems very game-like to most, but one must keep something in mind.

Failure to obey the rules of the Colosseum mean automatic “disqualification”.

What that implies, no one knows.

But no one wants to find out first-hand either.

From there on, you would advance up a floor each time you are summoned.

That is, if you pass the trials.

Sometimes, it is a straight-out fight between two players.

Other times, it is a fight across a wide terrain between multiple teams. Even all-out wars are possible.

You don’t really have to be fighting all the time though, because on some floors, the trials take the form of “exploration” or “elimination” games.

They could be anything from a team relay-race to a game of “Capture the Flag”, but nevertheless, are just as difficult as the fights.

And finally, the most dreaded type. The Player versus Boss type.

You could be fighting anything, so you must be alert at all times.

Victory is essential, because in these trials, failure to complete your objective...

Means you will meet your end in real life, in gruesome ways.

Then, you may wonder why some people continue to climb higher and higher, knowing that losing a trial is the same as declining the invitation?


Why don’t they just surrender to their fates from the very beginning?

Well, the answer is simple.

At the very top of the Colosseum, on Floor 72, there lies a prize that no amount of money or fame can get.

One wish.


Endless wealth, eternal life, powers beyond your imagination...

Yes, they say you can even become God.


The floor that I am currently on, Floor 14, takes the form of a large forest.

Each floor is unique.

On some floors, the trial takes place over many locations. Players can explore many territories, the boundaries are limitless.

On other floors, the setting can be as small as a simple, grassy field.

Each floor has a time limit.

On my floor, the time limit is five hours.

On other floors, it may be minutes, days, months or even years.

Real life time has no effect in the Colosseum.

No matter how long you spend here, in real life you will always wake up on the morning after your arrival.

Pass within the time limit, and you can move on to the next floor.

Failure to do so means the same thing as a defeat in trial.


In my case, the trial is to defeat the floor Boss situated deep within the forest.

My new teammates and I have been wandering around for hours now, finding no clues lying about.

The situation seems pretty dire, but...

I am really not that worried.

“Eh...newcomer...Kurose Mikage-kun I believe your name was...how long have you been receiving these ‘invitations’?

The one who asked the question was Yanagi Takuto, the leader of the team.

“Two months.” I replied.

“I see...”

He tried his best not to look at me as he spoke, but I could feel his gaze on my shabby battle gear.

Compared to me, who was wearing cheap armor that looked unable to withstand even the slightest of hits, he and the other members of the team were way better off.

Takuto, the warrior and tank of the team, had on a set of sturdy silver armor, paired with a flowing red cape over his shoulders. At his side, rested a heavy-looking sword.

The others, Nagayama Shizuka, the mage, and Inoue Mika, the cleric, were also wearing presentable outfits fitting of their class.

I guess they all had pretty decent luck with the draw.

Each time someone passes a trial, they receive a randomized bonus in items, skills, stats, or other forms of a reward.

There is also the player and NPC-run markets, but that is a story for another time.

“Kurose-kun, you are a warrior too right? What kinds of skills can you use?”

Takuto asked me again, while we continued our journey through the forest.

“Just the basic ones so far. Block, parry, single-handed strike and double-play.”


He was silent for a while, most likely unsure of what to say.

I guess I can sympathize with him there. If someone else showed up wearing newbie gear and said that they only knew the basic starter skills, I would be shocked too.

I looked up at the sky.

The numbers, “15:04”, were displayed above.

15 minutes and four seconds.

That is what was left of the time limit.

15 minutes to find and defeat the Boss.

I don’t think they will make it.

And that is why...


Out of nowhere, came a gigantic, three-headed beast.

Shizuka barely had any time to react before she was swept off her feet, and slammed onto a nearby tree.

“Quick, Mika-chan, heal!!!”


Mika pointed her staff at Shizuka unsteadily, her face pale.

“Medium-level healing!” she chanted, as Takuto struggled to fend off the attack that was aimed at her.

The monster, indicated as the [Boss of Floor 14] by the title floating above its head, roared, letting loose a blast of flames at the warrior. This was countered by the recovered Shizuka.

Now back to a full force, the three turned to face the monster from all sides, their backs touching each other’s.

“Kurose-kun! Quick, join us!” Takuto shouted, turning his head toward me for a brief moment before refocusing on the monster.

I did not reply.

The monster roared again, this time releasing multiple shots of blazing flames at the three.


Takuto shouted at me once more, as they struggled against the burning nightmare.

I did not move from my spot.

I merely continued to watch.

Their Health Points bar began to dip into the red zone.

With a thunderous cry, the Boss raked his claws across Mika’s body, sending her crashing into the ground.

Her fragile form twitched once, before lying still.

Inoue Mika: HP 0.

Status: Deceased.

“K-URO-SE!!!!!!!!!!” Takuto bellowed, his voice filled with rage, “I DON’T CARE IF NONE OF YOUR SKILLS WILL HELP, BUT DON’T JUST STAND THERE, DO WHAT YOU CAN!”

I watched as Shizuka fell too.

Takuto, now at only 10% of his HP, was the last person standing in this fight.

With tears flowing down his face, he let out a furious cry before charging at the monster one last time.

Then, he too was swept to the side, where he laid still.

Yanagi Takuto: HP 10.

Status: Grave Danger.

I finally stepped in.

“That’s enough, Unit #0013989.”

I walked up to the Boss slowly, ignoring the surprised look on Takuto’s face.

The monster blinked once, before lowering its huge head, bowing before me.

I placed a hand on its muzzle.


I turned my head toward Takuto, who was lying on his back nearby, his face full of confusion.

“...I’m sorry.”

As I spoke, the outfit I was wearing slowly became replaced by a military-styled trench coat of the purest black.

My worn-out headgear became a snow-white headpiece, adorned with blood-red rubies.

And, on my back, rested a pair of dazzling, silver wings.

The title [God of the Colosseum] rested serenely above my head.


Takuto began to laugh uncontrollably, before coughing up mouthfuls of blood.

“...You should not make such movements. It will only increase the pain.”

At that, he turned his near-crazed eyes toward me once again, his mouth open in a bloody grin.

“Stop with the fake sympathy, you monster. Didn’t you plan all this from the start?”


He coughed again, the ground beside him now tainted with red.

Mustering up all the strength he had left, he turned to me one last time, with a chilling look on his face.

“You will not succeed forever. Remember this, you vile monster in human-skin. One day, you and this damn place will suffer for your actions. At that time it won’t matter if you are God or the Demon King...the wraith of all those you have killed will drown you for eternity.”

And with that, he took one last breath.

And was silent forever.

Yanagi Takuto: HP 0.

Status: Deceased.

Remaining players on the floor: 0.

Team status: Eliminated.

Time remaining: 00:04.


Kurose-kun, it looks like you have completed the task for tonight.

I was sitting alone on my throne on Floor 72, when a familiar voice entered the silent darkness.

“...Yes, ‘Ame’.” I said, my expression unchanged.

You were with the challengers again, weren’t you?

His words sent a shiver down my spine.

But, I replied with a steady voice.

“I was.”

A few moments of silence passed before he continued on.

You weren’t by any chance, aiding them, were you?

That question again.

It was against the rules to help players, no matter what.

Do not intervene, or else a heavy “penalty” awaits.

And that penalty is something I’ll never forget.

“...No, I prefer to do the luring myself. That is all.”

This was the excuse I use all the time.

Even if I was indeed trying to save them, “Ame” must not know, or else...

Ahaha, what a twisted hobby you have! Well, anyway, I asked because they were not supposed to find the Boss within the time limit. But, it suddenly appeared, just like that. Interesting, huh?

“Yes. I will look into that.”

Good. Now, I shall leave you for tonight. You still have lots of work to do, don’t you?

He did not wait for a reply before leaving, his presence fading from the chamber.

And I began to prepare for the next night.


“Wake up, Mikage-kun! Today is another peaceful day! Wake up, Mikage-kun! Today is-”

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock.

Reaching over to the side of my bed, I shut it off before it could repeat itself.

Had it not been a gift from my older brother, I would have gotten rid of it a long time ago.

After quickly washing up and getting dressed, I headed downstairs to the dining room.

“Oh, Mikage, you are up early again.” my father noted, poking his face out from behind the newspaper.

“Good morning, Otou-san.” I greeted, as I took a seat across from him.

Across the room, the television was on. In it, a man was hanging from a tree, his body burnt to the point that it no longer resembled a human being.

“Another one of those horrible murders?” my mother commented, as she placed a cup of freshly-brewed coffee and a plate of toast in front of me.

“Yes...and it seems like the victim this time is Yanagi Takuto, a 17-year-old high school student from Osaka.” my father said, folding away his newspaper and turning his attention to the screen.

“Oh my...he is Mikage’s age! There is just so many of these scary things recently, I fear for our family’s safety.”

“The culprits will eventually be brought to justice, don’t worry too much. Have some faith in the Japanese police force. After all, one of our own is in there.”

“That’s right! Our eldest son is a distinguished detective, we are all proud of him...say, will Sai be late again tonight? He is always working overtime, it is not good for his body...”

I left my parents to their discussion as I quickly finished my breakfast, washing the empty dishes in the sink before heading toward the front door.

The television screen changed, and I paused for a brief moment.

Underneath the pictures of two high-school girls, there laid a huge red “Missing” caption.

Missing: Inoue Mika (16) and Nagayama Shizuka (16). Both last seen at...

“I am going, Otou-san, Okaa-san.”

“Take care, Mikage!”

I shut the door firmly behind me.

And, at the same time, across Japan and around the world, messages were beginning to appear on people’s phones and computers.

A message from the [Colosseum]:

Greetings, honored [Challenger]! You have been selected to participate in tonight’s [Colosseum Trial]. Please [Accept] this invitation to ensure a bright and peaceful tomorrow!

-From your dutiful Moderator, [KURO].

Prologue- End.

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