《Cultivators are extinct!》Chapter 20: Too kind


Elizabeth is currently on the park sitting on a bench with a small piece of paper in her left hand and a red marker on her right hand.

She grips the marker hard and almost breaks it, thankfully she can control her strength.

On the paper she has are dozens of hero agencies and almost half of them are riddled with red X marks.

"Not this one."

Another X

"This one just tried to harass me earlier."

Another X

"This one.... Is a failing and closing agency with no interest in coming back up."

Another X


Elizabeth covers her face with a handkerchief and lightly screams.

"Why are all these agencies horrible!"

Elizabeth continues to read the paper in her hand.

Her eyes stop at the Godslayer hero organization.

She shakes her head. For Elizabeth who's already 24 years old and just barely stronger than a mob rank meta human, it is unlikely that they'll even consider her.

Once Elizabeth calms herself, she takes a careful look at the agencies she hasn't tried yet.

She notices one called "St. Davion's Heroes"

I haven't heard of this... Also St. Davion huh?

According to the history books, St. Davion was a legendary hero in the earlier times when Mercury city wasn't as big as it is now and the Godslayer organization was the only actual hero group.

Legends say that he was at the peak of emperor rank but was struck down by an impossibly strong evobeast.

Due to his kindness and help to the City and humanity as a whole, he was canonized as a saint, a title reserved only to the most worldy and experienced people.

His name is still considered a legend and it's blasphemy for an organization to take his name. The government that handles heroic figures won't allow it unless a large sum is used to pay them.


Despite that, this agency exists and Elizabeth can't help but be interested.

"Wait, don't tell me they're just using St. Davion's name to get recruits?"

Elizabeth starts to feel burning anger inside her.

How dare a small agency use the name of a legendary saint! But I mustn't assume... I will go there to check!

Whether good or bad, Elizabeth's curiousity and also creeping desperation is helping push her forward.

I just hope that it's pushing me in the right direction.

Elizabeth stands up and follows the directions needed to go towards St. Davion's hero agency.

Within the heart of the city where the majority of hero agencies reside, a rundown building that resembles the pre-war apartment buildings comes into view.

Inside the very rundown building is a cramp and old office.

"What do you mean you can't pay me?!"

A man wearing a green spandex and a whole head mask is currently shouting at a young female behind a desk.

"Jason plea-"

"Jason?! I'm not Jason, I'm the great hero Flashfist! How many times do I have to tell you that!?"

Jason raises his fist and flexes his strength.

The woman stands up and says.

"Jason please! We're already on a tight budget! If you destroy anything else, this place will be ruined!"

Jasom smiles cruelly.

"So what?! I was just scouted by the Black Eagle agency! This worthless agency can go to hell for all I care!"

Jason raises his fist and was about to hit the floor with his meta human strength-





-but he suddenly stops when the two of them hear a clear knocking just outside the office door.

The door opens and a very familiar face peeks in.

It's no one else but Elizabeth.

"Ummm hello? Is this the St. Davion agency?"

A shy but still firm voice calls out to the office.

Jason and the panicking woman stops comically as they both turn around to see the person who interrupted them.

The world suddenly halts as Jason and the woman stares.

Elizabeth sees the costumed hero and the professionally dressed woman and assumes that they're a part of the agency.

The arrogant Flashfist who was about to destroy the rundown and old building suddenly stood up straight and gave the best smile he could, completely forgetting that he's wearing a mask.

The woman stands up quickly and despite her earlier panic, she manages to maintain a business oriented look.

"Good morning! Welcome to the St. Davion hero agency! If you wish to hire a hero, here are our rates."

The woman goes towards Elizabeth and hands her a pamphlet with the rates and heroes employed in the St. Davion's agency.

Elizabeth takes it and smiles, noting the rates which is... Extremely expensive!

What are these rates! These rates are too expensive!

Elizabeth looks at the woman in front of her and notices that she has an absolutely innocent look on her face.

No... This... What is this?

"How can I help you miss?"

With a slightly tired face, Elizabeth speaks.

"I was... Planning on applying for a hero position."

The woman was quiet and was not reacting.


Then suddenly she shouts surprised.

She grabs Elizabeth's hands with fervor and shouts.

"Are you serious?!"

Flashfist suddenly shakes as he sees Elizabeth get practically jumped on by his superior... Well after his earlier announcement, ex-superior.

Elizabeth nods slightly surprised that a hero agency would want someone they haven't tested or even checked if they have a hero license.

"Ye-yes. I was planning on looking for an agency that would allow me to take the hero exam, so I can be licensed."

The woman's excited face suddenly drops.

"You're not yet licensed?"

Elizabeth nods.

Even Flashfist was disappointed.

The woman suddenly speaks with a slightly stern and angry voice.

"Sorry! But we no longer sponsor upcoming heroes!"

Elizabeth's face goes dark because sponsoring heroes is something that almost all agencies do.

Why wouldn't a small agency like this want to have their own licensed hero?

Before Elizabeth could ask, she hears the other person in the room speak with an arrogant tone.

"It's not that they don't but these people can't sponsor anyone anymore! And more than that, everyone they sponsored left after completing their contracts!"

The woman looks embarrassed but says nothing.

Flashfist smiles at Elizabeth and says in the most courteous tone he can muster.

"Miss, come join me. I already quit from this garbage agency and will join the Black Eagle agency. I have friends there and I'll be able to refer you so they'll sponsor you."

Elizabeth ignores Flashfist for a moment and approaches the woman.

"What's your name miss? I am truly interested in this agency because I believe it used to be a great one."

This isn't true, Elizabeth doesn't know if this place is a fraud or not but Elizabeth can't help but meddle in someone else's affairs.


While this is a horrible trait for any normal person, it is the most important trait for heroes.

The woman's eyes glitter excitedly since it's been a long time since anyone sincerely asked for the agency's history.

"My name is Sheena Barlen! And I am the CEO and current owner of the St. Davion's hero agency."


Davion.. Barlen

Elizabeth's eyes suddenly go wide. Barlen is the family name of St. Davion himself.

Elizabeth takes a good look at Sheena and notices.

She has traits coming from St. Davion! Dark reddish hair, reptilian like eyes and an innocent naive demeanour.

This is St. Davion's descendant!

Elizabeth grabs Sheena's hand and squeals.

"You're Davion's great grand daughter!"

Sheena was suddenly surprised by Elizabeth's fervor and was slowly panicking.

She was never used to this type of treatment even though a lot of people used to react this way when the agency was still famous.

Before Sheena could reply, Flashfist impatiently speaks.

"Come on, if you apply here, you'll be wasting your potential. This place might have been the agency of St. Davion's family but it's going down anyway. And worst of all they only give you a 20,000 credits monthly allowance!"


Elizabeth's face practically falls off once she hears the monthly allowance of the heroes here.

16,000 credits is the minimum wage and an increase of 4,000 a month is big but... the average hero allowance is 45,000.

Elizabeth makes 18,500 credits a month as a traffic enforcer and it's only that high is because she does her job well.

Sheena replies weakly.

"It's because we don't have much jobs! Nobody wants to hire our agency!"

"And that's our fault?!"

Flashfist looks to Elizabeth again.

"I already quit and I'm planning on entering the Black Eagle agency. They're offering me a 35,000 monthly allowance as a starting hero. I'm going there now, if you want to try out you can come with me."

Elizabeth looks at the rundown office and depressed Sheena.

Money isn't her goal as a hero but... she needs all the support she can get.

She knows that she's still in danger from unknown enemies.

Closing her eyes and steeling her heart, Elizabeth looks at Sheena.

"I'm sorry to bother you Sheena but will you allow me to be a sponsored hero here?"

Sheena's eyes suddenly widen as she sees the madwoman in front of her.

Flashfist was startled by Elizabeth's choice and he angrily speaks.

"Are you a dumb bimbo?!"

Elizabeth raises her eyebrow, annoyed by the term.

"I just told you this place is falling apart and worthless. If you don't come with me, you're going to waste your beauty!"

Elizabeth turns around with a serious look reserved to only the most annoying of people.

Flashfist flinches from her stare but recalls that he's a hero and she's just a beautiful woman.

"You think you can scare me! I wi-"

Before Flashfist could raise his voice, Elizabeth pulls out a badge.

It's the badge of a police officer.

While heroes are the saviors and protectors of the city, the law is still considered above them.

A police officer might not be as strong as a hero but a police officer is the will of the law and even heroes are under the law.

Fearful of the repercussions, Flashfist curses and goes to leave.

He slams the door open ripping it away from its hinges.

Sheena looks at Elizabeth and she thinks for just a moment.

Maybe... This one won't run away.

When Elizabeth turns around, she sees Sheena smiling with teary eyes.

Like a mother, Elizabeth approaches her and gives the depressed woman a firm pat on the head and opens her arms, welcoming her into a hug.

Sheena suddenly cries and goes to Elizabeth's open arms.

"There, there. Has it been hard?"


Sheena cries out with some snot in her nose. She thinks she's absolutely disgusting but Elizabeth doesn't pull away.

After a while, Sheena calms down and Elizabeth helps wipe her tears and snot away.

"So, Ms. Barlen I'm guessing this place is... Falling apart because?"

Once calm, Sheena nods and replies.

Elizabeth is angrily staring at a Sheena who is currently sitting in a kneeling position.

How this situation came to be is because Elizabeth heard the agency's reason for failure.

"Well... We need to raise the prices so that even if one person hires us... We get a lot of it..."


Elizabeth slaps her face slightly angry.

She slowly removes her hand and looks at the teary eyed Sheena.

"... Who taught you to handle this agency?"

Sheena meekly replies.

"My father...."

"Was the agency already failing then?"

Sheena slowly nods.

"Who taught him?"

"My grandfather."

"Was... The agency already failing then?"

Sheena nods again.

"Who taught him?"



"St. Davion..."

The saint was a horrible business man! They probably only survived because the saint was rich!

Elizabeth takes a careful look around and sighs. They must've run out of funds.

Elizabeth sighs heavily and starts thinking of her goal.

Maybe it's not too late to go to the Black Eagle agency...

No, it's not Elizabeth's style to ignore people she can help.

She stares at the helpless Sheena who's probably the last of her generation to hold this agency.

Alright, being a licensed hero can wait. You better be preparing me good food in heaven mom.

Elizabeth who's been self sufficient since 18 years old suddenly grabs hold of Sheena's shoulders, startling the poor girl.

"I'm gonna help you fix this place up!"

A saint! No an angel! NO A GODDESS!

These are the thoughts that are running inside Sheena's mind as she stares at Elizabeth's eyes.

Elizabeth just met her now and yet, she's already offering help without the assurance of payment or compensation.

For a moment, Sheena remembers the line of his great grandfather that was passed down for generations.

"Fear not! For I am here!"

She somehow felt that if Elizabeth supported her, she could do anything.

So with renewed vigor and strength, she gladly agrees in affirmative.

"Yes! Once we get enough money we can sponsor you!"

Elizabeth smiles, content in the knowledge that she's helping someone.

While stuck in their space of good and kind energy, Sheena lightly prayed to her great grandfather.

Great grandfather, thank you for everything, you are a great hero and example but... you're a shitty businessman.

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