《Cultivators are extinct!》Peter's sideventure Ch. 1
“I suggest you close down your company sir Haram.” In the middle of a posh room made for business interactions, Peter is comfortably sitting on a beautiful couch and on the other side of the table is a middle aged man wearing a corporate suit.
Peter is currently sipping coffee in a mug while he coldly converses with the man named Haram.
“Well, I want to take your suggestion sir Frost but I see no reason on why I should.”
Peter sighs at Haram’s answer, while Haram frowns, obviously annoyed by Peter’s attitude.
“I see no reason to follow your suggestion sir Frost. Artificial Meta humans have been something that humanity needs for the past 100 years. We can’t always expect that every 10 years one strong Meta human will appear to protect us from those bloodthirsty monsters. If we could solve the artificial Meta human problem, we would never have to be afraid. Imagine people everywhere, capable of protecting themselves. Everyone would be able to drag their weight.”
Despite Haram’s business like appearance, he seems very serious when it comes to this matter.
Peter’s small respect that came from Haram’s speech immediately evaporates from his next words.
“And imagine the money! The average taser that normal working people buy costs 5000 credits and the Meta human grades can cost up to 500,000 credits but all of those items are disposable, finite, and expensive to make. The human race is indispensable, virtually infinite, and most of all very cheap. If the prototype is expensive, we have an infinite number of test subjects that want to become Meta humans and if we succeed, even the government might take notice of us. At that time when our product is perfect, we could make Meta humans with cheap expenses and large payments.”
For a moment, Elizabeth flashes through Peter's mind. That woman might be duped by companies like this.
The kind façade of business men really disappear when they talk about something big, that could make them rich.
It’s disgusting.
Despite his thoughts, Peter silently sips his coffee but if one took a careful look, the handle of the mug is starting to freeze.
“So, Sir Frost, please get out.” Haram’s voice is quiet, like how a knife would come from the back, silent and deadly.
“Do you know why there has never been a breakthrough on artificial Meta humans? Haven’t you wondered why we haven’t made any progress?” Despite the blatant threat, Peter continues as usual.
Haram’s face twists in anger and screams at the calmness Peter shows.
Immediately they all surround Peter’s comfortable chair.
“It’s because, the distribution of power would belong to the rich.” as Peter speaks, an eerie air of ice creeps around the room.
“Ten beast-rank Meta humans and all of them are freelancers, I’m impressed but it’s not enough.”
Haram is about to retort angrily but his words never leave his mouth.
A factory located in the evolution district, a district that focuses on constantly evolving the human race, is dead silent.
The front door opens quietly.
Peter walks out with a duffle bag filled with files, folders, and tangible information.
Behind Peter is the aftermath of the factory.
Its interior is literally covered in thick ice, ensuring that everyone inside is dead.
The stronger machines that can withstand low temperature have giant ice spikes jutting out of them.
The room where Peter met Haram is no longer available. The whole room is a giant block of ice.
Haram’s face is frozen in permanent terror along with the ten Meta humans whose last thoughts were to grab Peter.
When Peter reaches the outside of the factory, he reaches inside his long grey winter coat and pull out a phone.
“I’m done here. All 400 workers including security guards, maintenance, staff, scientists, Meta humans and executives are dead. Every data is deleted and all the hardware is with me. I need a pick up.” After speaking, Peter immediately hangs up and puts the phone away.
Once he hangs up, Peter walks towards the guard house near the exit. After reaching the guard house, he pulls open the door and instead of a guardhouse, a clean long white hallway appears.
Walking in, Peter closes the door behind him and walks through the hallway.
After walking through the long hallway, Lucas’ voice reaches Peter from behind.
“Oi, you’re late? I took my time but you’re just finishing now? I bet you tried convincing them to leave, didn’t you?” Peter turns around and sees Lucas walking, after coming in from the same door.
His clothing is clean but smells of burned meat and if one took a look, his shoes’ soles are coated with blood.
His hands also have blood on them.
Peter doesn’t answer and turns around to walk to the other door, on the other side of the hallway.
Lucas seems unusually unfazed by Peter’s cold attitude.
Smiling, Lucas walks until he reaches Peter.
“Usually I’d get pissed and uppity when you ignore me but right now I’m in a very good mood. So I’ll let it slide for now.” Lucas walks besides Peter and quietly hums a happy tune. After reaching the end of the hallway, the same familiar white door greets the two of them.
“Hold the door for me!” A chirpy feminine voice reaches Peter and Lucas from behind.
Lucas’ good mood evaporates from hearing the voice while Peter smirks at Lucas’ displeasure.
Turning around, Peter and Lucas see a tall busty female running towards them.
Lucas’ face crunches in displeasure looking at the tall female going their way.
The female’s full height probably reaches 8 feet, probably more. She’s wearing a white long sleeve shirt, black jeans, and black running shoes. Her face looks mature and her sharp features go against her chirpy attitude. Her head is topped with dark red hair and her features make her look very aggressive but despite this, no one can deny that she is a giant beauty.
When she sees Peter, she gives a bright smile but when she notices Lucas her smile transforms into a smirk.
“Hello Peter!” The busty giantess crashes onto Peter and gives him a bear hug. Peter’s body shakes a little from the sudden assault of the beautiful giant.
Lucas’ face scrunches up more in displeasure and slight jealousy.
“Hello Helen” Peter replies with a very small tinge of warmth.
The giant beauty named Helen pulls away and kisses peter on his cheeks with a big smile on her face. After giving Peter her usual greetings, she turns to look at Lucas and her smile turns into a smug smirk.
Helen walks towards Lucas and speaks with a very haughty tone.
“Hello Lucas” After greeting Lucas, Helen reaches out her hand to pat his head.
Seeing the hand that’s about to reach him, Lucas doesn’t react and simply stares at the moving hand but before it could reach him, Helen pulls away and says. “That’s enough, I guess”
“He-He.. Hello Helen” Lucas stutters at Helen’s greeting but he doesn’t seem mad, only disappointed.
Peter looks at Lucas with his usual cold look but his eyes reveal laughter and despite Lucas’ attitude, he doesn’t scream or try to pick a fight with Peter, lest he angers Helen.
“It seems both of you are reporting in.” Helen notices Lucas’ bloody hands and meat-caked shoes.
Her face contorts in disgust.
“And it seems that at least one of you chose to clean up before reporting in.” Helen looks at Peter with interest and asks.
“Peter, I heard that you met someone interesting.”
“Yes, Helen, I met someone who risked herself to save others despite not being a Meta human.”
Peter’s face doesn’t reveal any emotion as he calmly responds to Helen’s query.
“Ohhh it seems you met someone interesting and a female as well. It’s about time you developed a love life. You’re not called Ice heart for no reason after all.” Helen smiles at Peter’s answer.
Peter simply nods at Helen’s enthusiastic reply. He also acknowledges the title given to him by the organization. Peter’s title is called Ice heart.
He’s titled Ice heart because of his icy and cold attitude towards everyone whether it is a superior, a colleague or a lower ranked subordinate but it’s not only his attitude, his super power is closely related to Ice but no one knows the specifics.
“It’s a stupid title, if you ask me he should be called limp di-” Lucas’ comment was immediately suppressed by Helen’s glare while Peter ignores Lucas.
“We should go in. The division leader is waiting for us.” Peter calls the attention of Lucas and Helen.
Lucas and Helen’s attention goes toward the door.
Peter reaches for the handle and opens it.
“Come in.” The familiar undiscernible voice comes out to greet the three of them.
The three agents come in to see three seats waiting for them.
Once they settled down, they notice another person on the side of the division leader. It's the young man that usually assists the division leader. The young man wearing branded clothing and branded accessories is carrying small clipboard with multiple papers clipped onto it.
His appearance hides his job as a secretary of the division leader but despite this, the three agents keep a respectful attitude towards the secretary, because the minimum of being a secretary of a division leader is at least Lord rank.
It means that this man is on the same level or stronger than the three of them.
The man speaks respectfully towards the division leader.
“Reports are in, it seems the company is destroyed, the village is razed, and the beast had been repelled.” The man lists out missions that the three agents have finished.
“Good job. Lakes put the information onto the table, Lucas next time, clean yourself before you report in and Smith, good job on taking care of the beast that attacked our facility on the outside.” Peter nods and Lucas is quiet but keeps stealing glances towards Helen, while Helen smiles at the division leader’s praise.
“There are no missions available for the three of you. All of you are dismissed and be kept on standby. Keep yourself free at all times. You might be needed for more missions. Dismissed” When the division leader finishes, he calls the attention of her secretary. The secretary calls the three agents and leads them towards the door.
When the door is opened a large train station appears.
“They’re dropping us off at Portal district?” Helen says to no one in particular.
Portal district is near the center of Mercury city because it is mainly a transportation district. This district is overflowing with train stations, transportation vehicles and even underground subways leading to different places all over the city.
“It seems so.” Lucas answers nervously, obviously scared of upsetting Helen.
Peter’s the first one to go out of the door, Helen and Lucas follows afterwards.
When the three of them are outside, the secretary closes the door. Looking back, it seems the door was for the employees of the train station.
“I’m going ahead. I still need to buy some important stuff.” Helen speaks with her usual chirpy attitude as she starts walking towards a train that leads to her district.
Peter simply walks off leaving Lucas alone.
Lucas stares at Helen not knowing what to do.
Peter walks towards a ticket booth that leads to the Fallen Goddess district.
After paying the ticket fee, Peter receives a card that he can use to get inside the train.
Trains nowadays are protected by an energy field and only people that has train cards can enter.
The energy field used to repulse people but an accident happened, where an old man’s heart stopped because of the field. So the energy field is simply a transparent solid wall.
Peter waits alongside the tracks and since it’s still early, the amount of people waiting is not a lot but someone like Peter who has super-human senses, easily notices the people around him without looking at them.
One person piques his interest.
Raising his eyebrows, Peter looks around and sees a beautiful girl running towards the waiting area of the station.
It’s Elizabeth and unlike the first time they met, she isn’t wearing her uniform and instead, she’s wearing casual clothes that make her look more beautiful than usual.
Before Peter decides to do anything, the train appears.
Elizabeth immediately rushes in.
Peter immediately follows but he notices something is amiss.
A man is following Elizabeth.
The man is acting like a normal passenger but Peter easily notices the man’s glances and reaction when Elizabeth does something.
Peter stays back to watch instead of immediately greeting Elizabeth.
Eventually after 10 minutes, the train reaches Fallen Goddess district.
Elizabeth rushes outside, seemingly oblivious to the man stalking her.
“She didn’t notice?” Peter mutters quietly.
Peter exits the train and carefully trails behind the man following Elizabeth.
When they exit the train station and start walking through the district, Peter creates an extremely thin layer of ice over his face.
The thin layer of ice changes his appearance from a handsome young man to an average looking 18 year old. After changing his face, Peter quickly walks to a hidden alley and activates the changing ability of his coat. His coat quickly retracts, turning into a jacket.
Elizabeth must have noticed because after a few minutes, Elizabeth starts running through different alleyways and shortcuts through the district.
The man must not be familiar with the district because it takes him a few moments before he follows and every time Elizabeth changes directions, he hesitates.
Thankfully, Peter lives here so he easily follows Elizabeth’s trail.
Eventually Peter understands that Elizabeth doesn’t want to lose her pursuer but instead confront him in a private place.
“Who’re you?”
Peter stops and hides behind a wall. He sees Elizabeth confronting the man in a silent alleyway.
Since I’m here I’ll help.
“I’m sent to retrieve the briefcase.” Elizabeth stares at the man. After sighing, Elizabeth speaks.
“I’ll give it to you, but we can’t.”
The man rushes forward and quickly punches with his right hand towards Elizabeth's face.
Considering the man’s speed and posture, Peter concludes that he’s at least a squad level Meta human.
Elizabeth dodges to her right but unfortunately the gap between a Meta human and a normal human is too big.
Peter’s eyes glow blue as the man’s blood in his right arm suddenly freezes for a second allowing Elizabeth to dodge.
Elizabeth responds by shoving the man with her hands and the man gets electrified.
It seems tasers are installed in her fingers.
The man pants heavily but immediately charges to kick Elizabeth.
She starts to dodge again futilely.
Peter’s eyes glow blue once again, as he freezes the blood inside the man’s legs slowing him significantly, allowing Elizabeth to dodge.
After dodging, she kicks the man in between the legs.
The man barely flinches but he’s obviously incensed.
Elizabeth retreats a little bit further, somehow glad that she could dodge all the man’s attacks.
The same pattern of the man ruthlessly attacking Elizabeth and Peter freezing his blood happens over and over again and each time, Elizabeth doesn’t fail to counter attack.
Eventually the man’s appearance is beat up while Elizabeth is slightly tired from the exhaustion.
Peter smiles in amusement.
“HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?” The man is finally at his wits end and screams.
When Elizabeth hears the man scream, Peter notices a gleam in her eye.
She immediately noticed me. You really are an impressive girl.
Elizabeth’s movement start to become more aggressive until she finally finishes the battle by grabbing the man’s neck and activating her finger tasers.
When the man gets incapacitated, Elizabeth makes sure by continuously pummeling the man until he’s dead or at least very unconscious.
I doubt she’d kill anyone.
Elizabeth shuffles through the man’s clothing and finds a phone.
The phone rings and Elizabeth answers.
Peter concentrates and hears some of the words.
After another phone call from her friend, Elizabeth runs off.
It seems they’re really bent on killing Elizabeth. I wonder what that briefcase is. They’re even brave enough to go to her house.
Peter stares at the unconscious man and thinks whether to help the interesting girl or not.
The man suddenly becomes fully encased in ice. Then Peter focuses his mind.
The sound of a controlled explosion fills the alleyway as the man encased in ice is utterly obliterated.
That shouldn’t leave any blood.
The whole alleyway is covered with white ice with a more pure concentration in the center, where the man exploded.
Now, time to look for Elizabeth’s house.
Peter flies up and looks around to find Elizabeth. Immediately he sees the beautiful girl running through multiple alleyways to get to her house.
Peter is a genius. It’s not an exaggeration of his talent or anything, Peter is a genius when it comes to logic and analyzing situations.
Peter deduces that Elizabeth’s house is at least in three places. Usually it’d be very hard for a normal person to pick what house to go to, since it might be the wrong one and Elizabeth would be in danger but Peter is a Lord rank Meta human and even the weakest lord ranks can go at least 1000 kilometers per hour, just short of the speed of sound.
I really dislike moving too much.
Immediately after complaining in his mind, Peter moves with transonic speeds and goes near the three houses and deduced where to stay.
After checking the three houses, he knows that the two of them were not Elizabeth’s house and immediately went to the last one before Elizabeth got home.
Elizabeth’s house comes into view and Peter surveys the area.
There’s only one person.
What is a beast rank doing here? They’re going overkill for a non Meta human.
Peter quickly opens a window and goes inside.
Before the man could react, Peter easily incapacitates him and carries him out, but doesn’t forget to close the window.
Peter rushes to the higher buildings with his knocked out captive. When Peter feels safe and unwatched, he throws the man near a wall, waking him up with the force.
“AHHH” The man screams from Peter’s powerful throw.
“Who’re you?” Peter calmly asks.
The man notices Peter and a look of fear flashes in between his eyes. When human beings enter danger multiple times they develop a sense for it, especially veterans. This is even moreso for Meta humans.
When Meta humans enter danger, it means that danger can kill them. Their evolved cells run rampant on making them survive, allowing some of them to become stronger but in most cases help them survive.
Right now, that scared man is staring at a being far stronger than him. What the man feels when staring at Peter is when a person stares at an empty dark night, imposing and cold.
“Si-sir, we are put in hard times and help is always needed.” Peter tilts his head in confusion but immediately his eyes turn sharp.
It’s a code.
Peter manifests an ice spear that stabs through the man’s head.
It’s either a call for reinforcements or something else.
Peter freezes the now deceased man and explodes it with psychic energy.
I’ll wait here for a few minutes.
At most they’ll send in small group of beast rank or if this group is more powerful than expected, they might send a lord rank.
I doubt they have the capacity or time to send a king rank but if they do I’ll have to send Elizabeth my apologies.
Just like Peter predicted, someone did come. It was a single man, probably in his forties, wearing a dull coat. Peter’s Meta human cells were screaming danger, but not the type that could eliminate him only threaten him.
What is so important in that briefcase that they’re willing to send a Lord rank Meta human?
“Are you the one who eliminated my men?” Peter doesn’t answer and simply stares at the man.
“I’m talking to you, I suggest you answer boy before I decide that you’re not worth talking to anymore.”
Lord ranks are always so impatient, I guess I have to thank division leader for the lesson he taught all of us. There is always someone stronger.
“What was in that briefcase?” Peter’s sudden question raises the man’s eyebrow.
“I see that you’re also connected to that.” The man is thinking, then looks at Peter. “You’re coming with me. If you do not want to die, you will come with me.”
“Okay, I will but since I’m either going to die or at least be imprisoned for life can you tell me what that briefcase is for?”
“No, since you’re going to die there’s no point. Now come along before I decide that you don’t need your legs.”
Peter closes his eyes and tunes the noisy world out of his mind. Opening his eyes, Peter stares at the annoying man.
“Well, you’re going to tell me once I start chopping your fingers off.”
Peter’s sudden change in attitude startled the man and before he could react, gigantic claw-like hands made out of ice manifest behind Peter and surge out to grab him. The man moves with transonic speeds and dodge.
The man gets slammed to the ground by an invisible force. Realizing that trying to escape would be hard, the man stands up and charges the stationary Peter.
The man’s powerful punch is blocked by one of Peter’s giant ice claws. Peter simply stares, as the man futilely attacks Peter over and over while he continues to block with his ice claws.
Peter retaliates by continuously slamming his giant claws on the man and when the man tries to escape Peter keeps firing psychic blasts to knock him down.
“THAT’S IT!” The man looks extremely disheveled but no apparent damage is seen on his body, after all despite the one-sided fight, he is still a lord rank.
“I’m going to end you with this technique.” The man charges his legs and jumps up, ignoring Peter’s continuous barrage of psychic blasts.
When the man reaches a considerable height, he immediately drops down with his fist pointed downward. Copious amounts of psychic energy swirls around the man, as he resembles a violet drill made out of energy.
“Energy drill!” The man screams out a very obvious name for his technique as he drills downwards toward Peter.
But that technique might be dangerous. I should set some defenses.
The giant claws rush forward to catch the overbearing drill made out of psychic energy.
The sound of ice being shredded echoes out as the drill easily tears through.
That was stronger than I thought.
The drill reaches Peter but he immediately dodges back but unexpectedly the drill arcs in a near impossible way and follows Peter.
Peter continues to back up avoiding the energy drill and any buildings he can damage.
A small drill emerges from the main drill and charges at Peter and starts shredding through his psychic barrier. Suddenly multiple drills appear and start charging at Peter. Peter manifests multiple arms made out of extremely dense ice blocking the smaller drills.
The continuous barrage of drills is starting to create cracks on Peter’s barrier.
Peter reacts by constantly strengthening his barrier and releasing blasts of concentrated energy against the small drills while shooting piercing shots to try and unravel the drill.
A small drill manages to go past Peter’s defense and cuts his right arm.
Peter’s right shoulder is exposed and blood is flowing.
That was my favorite coat.
Annoyed, Peter releases a sudden large blast of energy dispersing all the smaller drills and canceling out the man’s charge.
“You really are tough, you’re a lord rank yourself and you’ve got a superpower to boot but all of that is nothing in front of true strength. I will incapacitate you and bring you back. The headquarters will like you.” Peter’s eyebrows twitch in slight anger from the man’s annoying remark.
Peter breathes in and breathes out regaining his calm.
Peter repairs his barrier and closes his eyes.
I don’t like getting physical but I guess my usual style of just using my psychic powers won’t cut it.
Peter charges the man and since Peter never initiated during the battle, he caught the man surprised.
Peter punches out, slamming the man backward with his psychic enhanced fists. Every attack Peter throws is charged with his psychic energy making his attacks hit harder.
The man tries to retaliate but the sudden charge of Peter caught him by surprise and when he finally regained his proper stance, he was surprised that Peter is trained in proper combat.
Peter kicks the man away with an extremely powerful kick and before the man could recover, Peter manifests a gigantic spear made out of extremely dense ice harder than extremely compacted alloyed titanium.
While midair, Peter throws the spear with trained precision.
“Aghhh!” The man’s scream is extremely loud as the spear impales him and stabs through a building.
Peter charges up and immediately tries to follow up but a figure appears in Peter’s peripheral vison. Peter’s danger senses fly up to maximum and immediately backs up.
A sword made out of powerful metal stab through the air where Peter was.
“Awww you dodged.” A female probably in her thirties is pouting.
Another lord rank?
“You took your damn time Rain!”
“It’s not my problem you couldn’t survive longer than a few minutes Wine.”
The female named Rain pulls out the ice spear embedded inside her ally.
Probably code names.
Wine grumbles but looks at Peter with death in his eyes.
“Hey Rain it doesn’t matter if we don’t bring him back right? Since that girl is still alive right.”
Peter stares at the two lords in front of him.
Peter stands up straight, starts strengthening his barrier and prepares a stance.
Without a word, Wine charges with Rain as support. Peter charges with the same deadpan face and immediately clashes with Wine.
Rain jumps up and attacks Peter with her sword.
Peter doesn’t even look up and continues clashing with Wine. Just as Rain’s blade is about to hit, a hand made out of ice carrying a blade blocks her attack.
Peter easily penetrates Wine’s defense and kicks him far away while the hand made out of ice push Rain backwards.
Peter’s appearance right now is nothing short of menacing.
A 6’6 tall man wearing a jacket continuously exuding cold air and a transparent apparition behind him, with glowing eyes that seem sentient, that's holding a sword, takes their stance.
“How is he so strong? He’s just a starter Lord rank like us.” Rain looks very confused while Wine gets even angrier.
Peter inhales deeply and when he exhales thick cold air seeps out.
The cold air immediately surrounds the area and reduces visibility.
Rain and Wine take their stance and carefully searches the area for Peter.
*Slash* *Crash*
A sudden blade appears and cuts Rain but thanks to her superhuman speed and strength she manages to block it but not before getting slightly nicked.
A fist furiously pounds Wine but he manages to block multiple attacks but not before suffering some damage.
“Where are you?!” Wine’s shout of indignation is muffled by the constant attacks.
“Show yourself!” Rain’s scream is overwhelmed by the sound of blades clashing.
Rain looks toward Wine’s direction and nods.
Both of them collect their psychic energy and explode it outward scattering the thick icy fog.
When they turn to look for Peter they see him still standing at the same spot before he emitted the ice fog.
He looks absolutely calm.
Rain and Wine pull out small syringes filled with green liquid. Peter’s Meta human cells scream in both danger and utter madness, as if they’ve seen something so vile and disgusting.
They both inject themselves with the syringes and green liquid flows in their body, as their body start to change. Glowing green lines start to form in between their body parts. The lines remind others of nuclear energy.
Wine and Rain suddenly appear in front of Peter with astonishing speed that easily surpasses the speed of sound.
The sound of ice and glass shattering fills the air as Peter’s ice defense and psychic barriers is easily destroyed by Rain and Wine’s joint attack. Peter immediately backs up but both of them immediately follow up with Rain going behind him and Wine attacking the front.
Rain slashes with sonic speed and Wine punches with building destroying force. Peter reacts by overusing his psychic energy and immediately recreates his barrier.
Peter’s barrier is immediately destroyed, as a blade wounds his back and a punch brutally breaks some of his bones.
Peter suddenly manifests giant spikes from the ground forcing the duo to retreat, giving him some breathing space.
This is going to be hard. I need to wrap this up quick or else I’ll endanger the people around me.
“Hey Rain. Why do you think there’s a barrier around us?” Wine’s garbled and deformed voice is filled with mockery.
“I don’t know! Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want anyone to be hurt or anyone to hear us.” Even Rain’s voice is already garbled.
Shit, I need to end this now.
Peter manifests a blade made out of pure ice. The ice looks even denser and stronger than before. Peter creates ice inside his body to connect his broken bones and close his wounds.
Peter drops his sword and it dematerializes.
“I can’t beat you two with just my resolve and a stronger sword.” Peter’s voice contains slight sadness and slight disappointment but not a single trace of giving up.
I’m gonna be in a coma for a month after this.
The two mutated Meta humans look at Peter with disdain.
Snow begins to gather and the skies turn to a grayish hue while Peter’s jacket transforms back into a coat but this time his coat transforms into a grey and bluish hue version of it.
Peter closes his eyes.
Rain and Wine sensing the danger of the situation immediately charges to attack but the sudden onset of snow and ice literally prevents them from moving.
Atop Peter’s head forms a very discernable figure.
It’s a crown made out of ice.
“Superpower 1st manifestation: Winter King” Peter’s first sentence, after the transformation, echoes throughout the snowy wasteland.
Opening his eyes, Peter reveals blue crystalline eyes.
“Let’s end this”
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