《Cultivators are extinct!》Chapter 3: Clash
Inside a control room, that sits atop the power core, is a beautiful dark clothed female. This female is none other than Elizabeth.
Right now, I'm currently looking for the camera controls to delete all the footage since I entered the nuclear plant, as to avoid any future troubles. While I'm looking for the controls, there is another man in the room with me, who I knocked unconscious earlier.
“Found it” After expertly messing with the controls, I finally found the ones for the camera.
"Now, let's delete all of the-" My heart stops...
Before I could delete all the videos, I saw something that stopped my whole body. Almost every camera had multiple security staff members and all of them were dead.
All of them were killed brutally, as if a giant monster came and ripped their limbs and heads off. None of the guards survived.
Fearing the worst, I start moving through all the cameras to try and look for who or what killed them. I quickly switch through the cameras until I notice one of them.
It was a camera stationed in a hallway, a few rooms away from the control room.
It's so close to me.
There was a man standing with his back turned from the camera, but it was obvious that this person is the intruder because on his right hand was the head of a female maintenance worker.
"Oh my..." I cover my mouth in disgust.
As if sensing my stare, the man slowly turns around to look at the camera. The man’s face is warped, as if someone mushed clay with their fingers and tried to put a human face onto it. The eyes move independently from each other but the points stare at one place.
At me.
Before I start doing anything else, I immediately delete all the camera footages and then shut them down. Immediately, I turn around and head to the guard that is still unconscious and start to wake him up.
"Hey... hey... hey, wake up" I lightly slap the man's face and quickly wake him up.
“ughhh… huh?” The guard’s eyes widen as he flutters awake from my ministrations. “Who’re you and why am I tied up?” I change my voice to have a higher pitch.
All those singing lessons were worth it!
“Something monstrous is outside. The alarms earlier called it subject no. 42. What do you know about it?” At the mention of subject no. 42, the guard’s eyes widen with fear but before he couldspeak, I look towards the metal door and see a shadow.
Underneath the door, we both see the small shadows of a pair of feet.
I immediately untie the guard and tell him to draw his weapon.
The guard obediently follows and pulls out an energy pistol.
Energy weapons have long since replaced ballistic weapons, so it was obvious that the guard would pull an energy pistol out. We both stare at the shadow beneath the doorway and prepare for the worst.
We wait for a few tense minutes but eventually the doorknob slowly turns.
Before the whole doorknob turns, the monster pushes it open with extreme force almost ripping it apart from the doorway and immediately charges the security guard.
I react by using my magnetic bracelet and hurl a small metal chair to its feet, tripping it. After it fell, I immediately turn to run but not before I pull the shocked security guard.
If I plan to be a hero in the future, I need to save as much people as I can. The thoughts run through my head as we continue running through the hallway.
Not even a few minutes pass and the telltale sound of heavy footsteps tell us that the monster is quickly catching up.
We reach another hallway and the first thing we see is a bunch of dead bodies strewn across the floor but we don't have the time to stop, as we start running towards the lobby.
While running, I take a quick look back and see the monster literally a few feet away from us.
"Shoot!" I shout a command and the security guard immediately turns around and fires a few shots, penetrating the monster's body. We manage to push the monster back a bit but it's obvious that it hasn't slowed down.
We continue running towards the exit and the sound of energy blasts ring throughout the air as we manage to finally reach the lobby with the hole-ridden monster following behind us.
When we reach the lobby, I activate my magnetic bracelet and start flinging every metal object I can lift and throw it at the beast.
Chairs, small metal fans, metal poles and even pens start to fly and crash towards the monster, flinging it back. The security guard doesn’t let up on the shooting but eventually even the energy pistol ran out of cartridges.
The monster shrieks in pain and anger as it dies with metal objects stabbing and holes riddling its whole body.
“Good job” After checking if the monster is truly dead, I give a thumb up to the security guard and he returns it with a smile but before we could continue our celebration, the head of the security guard is suddenly teared clean off from his body.
"Tch..." I stare at the monster holding the poor security guard's head.
Behind the dead security guard is another creature, that has the same look as the monster before, except that its arms grew spikes and its hands are elongated with spike tipped fingers.
"I really am unlucky." I slowly step away from the monster. Calm down Elizabeth, there was nothing you could do to save him.
If one listened closely, they would hear the electricity crackling in between Elizabeth’s fingers.
The monster immediately closes the distance between us and delivers a claw attack to try and rip my head off.
I immediately duck down, dodging the monster's fast lunge. I stretch my hand and quickly touch its chest, releasing an extremely powerful electrical discharge. 10,000 volts suddenly course through the creature's body, paralyzing it and inflicting unbearable pain to its body. Immediately, I dodge to the right, avoiding the creature's feeble attempts at clawing at me. I pick up a metal pole that fell earlier and dash towards it. The creature sluggishly moves to face me but it's too late and I use the metal pole to stab its neck with a well timed lunge.
The creature slumps down the ground, dead.
*Pant, Pant, Pant* After suddenly exhausting my body I mutter a complaint.
“There were 2 of them.”
I stare at the monsters and think of the security guard who just died.
I offer a silent prayer to the recently deceased and hope that their soul reaches the river of reincarnation.
After the prayer, I look around and think of what to do next. I can't leave yet, these monsters could escape and hurt other people. I need to find where they come from and possibly, stop them.
I pull out my map and start checking the possible route.
"I need to go to the core, where the damage was inflicted by the lightning bolt." I study the path towards the core.
Once I'm done making a path, I go towards one of the dead bodies and collect an energy pistol, along with a few cartridges.
If there were 2 of them here, I doubt there isn’t more, so I need to be careful. After shutting down the cameras, I walk a little bit more openly than before but I keep my guard up, just in case one of those things shows up again.
After checking the map, I finally found the hallway that leads to the core.
When i reach the hallway, I see a gruesome scene that's so much more pronounced than outside.
Blood is literally everywhere, there is no spot in the long white hallway that isn’t the color red. I draw my energy pistol and start walking. At the end of the hallway is a big double doorway and both doors are smashed open with giant claw marks and large dents.
After a few minutes of staring at the bloodstained walls and wondering where the bodies went, I carefully walk towards the door with my weapon ready.
"What happened here..."
Reaching the doorway, I slowly move forward and enter. The room is circular in shape, it doesn't have a ceiling and the walls reach 4 floors high.
In the middle, is an unfamiliar machine but by the largeness of the room, this must be the core but I remember that power plants have more than one core, continuously producing power. Nevertheless this is what I am looking for, because the core right now has a parasite.
Lightning continuously roams through the core, feasting on the energy it’s producing.
"What the hell is this?"
The lightning projects an earie feeling, as if it’s sentient.
Bodies litter the room and all of them are burnt to a crisp. The majority of them are unrecognizable by how badly charred they are but after careful inspection, I notice that some of the charred bodies are the monsters I met earlier, even after being badly burnt, the burns couldn’t remove their monstrous appearance.
I look towards the lightning again and stare at it. I've never seen anything like it.
“What is that lightning? That is anything but normal.”
Eventually my curiosity gets the better of me and I slowly move towards the very dangerous moving lightning.
When I'm a few feet away, the lightning bolt stops moving and the tip, which I assume is its head, moves to look at me.
Equally startled we both stare at each other.
This is awkward.
Before we could do anything else, I suddenly hear a loud roar and look behind. At the end of the hallway, I see a monster staring at me. Then another monster appears, and then they continue appearing until the hallway’s other end is filled. The hallway is filled with multiple humanoid shapes with enlarged arms, deformed legs, bulging eyes, giant teeth and, most commonly, claws.
Every single one of them is staring at me but no one charges. I look towards the lightning bolt and realize that these creatures are afraid of that thing.
Contrary to my theory, one of the creatures suddenly charge but thankfully, the others don't immediately follow.
I take advantage of the situation and sprint forward to meet the monster head on.
The monster roars as it runs faster.
I immediately cock the pistol and shoot, hitting the monster's legs with unerring accuracy. I continue to shoot multiple times, each shot meant to slow down the monster's freakish mobility. The monster jumps and lunges at me. I slide down with my body below the monster's lunge. I raise the pistol and continuously shoot its body as it flies over me.
The monster releases a wail of pain as it falls but I immediately silence it, as I shoot its head twice.
Despite the dire situation, I don't feel panic or fear. Ever since I can remember, no situations have ever made me panic or feel fear.
Even when he made me leave.
More roars reverberate through the hallway as the monsters charge forward. The smart choice would be to lead the monsters to an open space then start dispatching them one by one but an open space would allow the monsters to take advantage of their superior numbers.
So what would be the correct choice?
I don't hesitate and charge forward to meet the monsters headfirst. Before I collide with the beasts, I activate my boots and jump above, higher than what the monster can reach, then drop in between the monsters. I immediately turn around and shoot the first monster to come close me in the head. It drops down and the monsters start to attack me with their deformed claws.
Despite the monster's fast speed, their attacks are clumsy, lack coordination and can be easily dodged.
I take advantage of the tight confines of the hallway, so I can prevent the monsters from ganging up on me.
I continuously dodge and evade the attacks of the monsters. They sometimes attack their follow monster, in a desperate attempt to kill me. I take advantage of the situation and continuously shoots the monsters one by one, on their forehead with my energy pistol.
Monster after monster drop down from the lethal shots I continue to dish out.
Despite my good position I eventually run out of cartridges and while I'm dodging every attack gracefully, I'm starting to feel exhausted.
“I won’t get anywhere with this” voicing my irritation, my eyes widen with an idea.
I activate my boots again and I jump out of the monster filled hallway. I start running towards the core room and the monsters start chasing me. I immediately pull out the empty energy cartridges and hold them in a small clump. I immediately activate my taser, supercharging the energy cartridges. They start to glow blue and after letting them charge a little, I quickly throw them behind me without looking back.
Once I reach the door, I immediately side step and hug the wall, as an explosion rocks the hallway, scattering meat everywhere.
The building takes a few seconds before it returns to stability. Once the building is stable again, I take a look at my beautiful work.
"They're still alive..." my face scrucnhes a little. I managed to kill a lot of the monsters but there's still a lot of them and the explosion didn't even damage the walls.
“It’s better this way, at least I have an escape route” I try to look on the bright side of things.
The monsters that didn’t die start to pick themselves up and look towards the door.
They charge, seemingly unperturbed by the death of their unlucky allies.
While frowning, I think of a way to deal with my dangerous problem. I'm out of bullets and if I use my taser once more, it could lead to permanent brain damage.
I look toward the core and suddenly, I receive a surge of inspiration.
"That's it!"
I stare at the lightning bolt, that’s still greedily sucking energy from the core. It seemed sentient, when I stared at it earlier and maybe if I talk to it, it could help me with my monster problem.
These thoughts run through my mind as I immediately run toward the core and shout.
“Help me!”
The lightning bolt stops and stares at me with its tip.
I have to admit, my face must've brighten up at the lightning bolt’s reaction.
"Hey spark! Can you help me deal with those monsters” The lightning bolt jolts a little at the pet name “spark” but calms down to think about my request.
The monsters quickly reach the doorway and continues their charge towards me.
"Take your time" Despite the monsters charge, I respectfully wait for Spark's answer. I have lived my life fearless, now isn't the time to be scared.
Time seems to slow down and the footsteps of the beasts sound heavier as a deep and powerful voice speaks.
“On one condition”
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The Devil King
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