《Spaced Out》Chapter 21: Home...
“Gabe, the last ship has returned with all one hundred and forty passengers are confirmed.” Veva unhooked his tail from the console.
“Awesome! Now, let’s head home!” Gabe smiled sat in the captain’s chair. Zara sat on the armrest and slightly leaned backward.
“Home? What is your planet like?” She crossed one leg over her other. She slowly stroked Gabe’s with her claws.
Veva went over to another console and inserted one of his tails. The pilots flicked through the data that was appearing from the info dump.
“Well, It was full of people, but how I remember it is pretty green.”
“Green?” She stopped stroking his head and cocked her head to the side, the concept of colors was lost on her. Cartollian eyes were very similar to night hunting reptiles, they couldn’t see bright colors but in the dark they could see just about everything. Even with that Gabe used the English word for green making the meaning even more obscured.
“Uhm, like a color of a ...plant?” He tried to explain it the best he could. “You’ll see when we get there!”
She slowly blinked and continued petting her lover.
“Coordinates have been plotted, we are ready for warp!” One of the pilots yelled out. This news pleased Gabe.
“Alright! On my count! Three! Two!” Before he hit one two Cartollians barged onto the bridge interrupting the moment and startling most if not all of the occupants of the room.
“Chieftain!” The bigger of the two spoke, the bridge of the Purity was fairly large, enough to fit six pilots and Gabe’s personal posse with room to spare. Zara got off the armrest and stepped to the side, Gabe swiveled in the chair to look at the two.
“This one says she knows you.” The smaller one threw a small Caloricean female on the floor. Her short brown hair was dishevelled. She was laid out on the floor, she pushed herself up enough to look directly at Gabe, part of her face was blocked by the chaotic hair pattern. Gabe looked at her, she was the soldier that helped them on board. He looked back at the Cartollians, they licked their lips and knife-like teeth, seems what they like to eat their prisoners instead of letting them go free. He looked back to the girl it was clearly obvious she put up a hell of a fight before they subjugated her.
“Oh, Froyo, right?” Remembering her name wasn’t exactly high on Gabe’s list, he assumed that she had got caught during the initial raid by some random Cartollian. But he wasn’t evil, she did prove that she was useful for a while, this will be her ‘one’. “C’mon, you’re missing history.”
“Y-yes sir!” She scrambled to her feet and ran to the opposite side of the chair. The largest lizard man sighed through his nose and left, his partner joined him without saying another word. Foriya let out her held breath. “Thanks.”
“Yeah, don’t thank me yet. You’ve still got a lot to prove.” He swiveled back to face the front.
Zara noticed a familiar situation. Gabe was gaining quite a few people from sparing their lives. At first she was mad that he took another female underneath his wing, but calmed herself to actually look at the female, her hips like almost all Caloriceans were voluptuous, her breasts were much bigger than Zara’s as well. There was no way she wasn’t going to turn down the chance to play with Gabe’s newest pet. Before resuming her position on Gabe’s chair, she said one thing to Foriya. “Welcome.” and gave her a toothy smile. Her hunger was on an entirely different spectrum. This sent a chill up her spine.
Gabe inhaled a breath of air. “Start the J-”
“Captain! Galactic Union fleets emerging from warp!”
“Just… fucking jump.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
“That won’t stop them from follo-”
“Just jump! I’ll fill in the blanks later!” Gabe was becoming furious from the constant interruptions.
The crewman turned back around and pushed a lever forward. The engines began spooling up for the massive amount of speed the ship was about to launch with. Four giant warships flew in from warp. They were at the very least eight times the size of the Purity. A button began to flash on the arm of the chair, Gabe unable to resist what a human does, he pressed the button, The screen in front of him flashed white eventually coming to an image of an Ithori,
“Captain of the purity,” ‘click’ Gabe pressed the button, he didn’t even give the Ithori a chance to read him his list of crimes on a galactic scale.
“They’re weapons are locking on!” A crewmember on the opposite of the bridge yelled out.
“Not bad.” Zara commended the warship’s quick response. But their response wasn’t quick enough they were already launching, the stars in the distance began to stretch before they knew it they were surrounded on all sides by light walls. Gabe leaned back in his chair. Zara stayed almost unnaturally calm the entire time, probably due to the fact that she’s seen him do neigh impossible things and come out on top. Foriya on the other hand was gripping the arm of the chair so much she made a dent in the metal.
“One hour until we reach Earth.” The Veva said disconnecting its tail.
“That’s quite a while, Veva.” Gabe put his hands over his eyes. He slouched in the chair.
“Yes, I only said it was close. I never specified at the time.”
“Right, thanks, Veva.”
Zara looked over to Foriya and started to chuckle, it wasn’t that long ago that she was the one that was surprised by these situations.
“What? You must not know the firepower of an inquisitor class ship!” She tried to rationalize her fear. But fell upon deaf ears, since Cartollians rarely traveled to the stars.
Gabe reopened his eyes and looked at the wolf girl, for a moment he thought he was seeing Rhenixa. He shook his head the image corrected to the right female. The similar outfit really didn’t help, actually something seemed a little too close, they both had nearly the exact same thing, except this chick, wolf, girl, whatever, was wearing pants instead of those skimpy shorts.
He interrupted Zara’s constant teasing of the female, “Hey Froyo, what do you know about a Caloricean named Rhenixa.”
“That’s a pretty common name, I knew at least three during basic training.”
“Right, nothing forget about what I said.” He began to yawn. Seems the actions from earlier today had finally begun to hit him.
“Froyo, did that captain have like his own room or anything?” He looked at her sluggishly.
“He did.”
“Lead the way.” He yawned once more.
“Yes, sir!” Out of habit, she saluted him. And right faced to the door she seemed to have forgotten that this point she was no longer a part of the Galactic Union.
“You can drop the military formalities, you know. I'm not an officer.”
“Huh? Oh. Heh, right.” He cheeks heated slightly when she realized her folly.
She led them down several hallways they passed several Cartollians and Caloriceans walking or standing together, seems that not all of.them being used as food. But it made sense that those two races got along. Both races practically loved to fight, making them brother's in arms after a few quick spars. Although, spotting an Ithori alive was much rarer.
She stopped in front a white door that couldn't have looked anymore bland.
“Through there.” She approached the door controls and pressed a button, the door slid to the side. The first thing that was noticed was the massive bed. Gabe looked like He’s finally seen heaven he went straight to it.
Zara had injected herself with one of her vials of Saz’k. Foriya started to walk away but was halted by something grabbing her tail. Zara looked at her with a predatory grin. To Zara this was going to be test the wolf girl’s worthiness. In Cartollian culture it wasn’t uncommon for the chieftain to have multiple lovers but she sure as hell going to let him have any weak females around him.
“Wha-” She was about to voice her complaint but the juiced up Cartollian was strong.she dragged her into the room and closed the door. No escaping for her prey now.
Gabe was laying on his back when a brown blur landed next to him, he jumped in surprise the soldier known as Foriya was upside down on her back against the wall at the head of the bed. She let out a small grunt and an ‘ouch’. Looking at the girl revealed that her combat vest was removed along with her undershirt. Her breasts were hugged by a green sports bra that allowed for a slight sway as she tried to correct her positioning. Zara’s body was great and all, but larger breasts had a certain magic to them that made them all the greater. Gabe could feel himself start to get lewd ideas just by looking at this female.
Zara stepped closer cracking her neck, she was entirely naked. Her tanned body was pretty stunning in the soft lighting of the captain’s cabin. Judging by the liquid from in between her thighs and the familiar eyes of the primal Cartollian, Gabe already knew where this was going and knew how it was going to end.
He maneuvered his way behind the still adjusting wolf girl. He put his hand underneath her top and raised it, her breasts immediately fell out and jiggled momentarily before coming to stop, She began to blush and her eyes widened.
“Just go with it, we’ll both make it out alive.” Gabe whispered in her ear from behind whilst still slowly groping her bountiful breasts.. She kept her mouth closed and nodded, her face turned a deeper pink as the blood rushed quicker due to the Caloricean’s dual heart set up. What he said mostly a half truth, together they could entirely overpower her attacker but, he did have his own ulterior motives.
Releasing one hand from her groping her he undid the top of her pants. Zara practically tore her pants off disregarding the fact that Gabe was already working them off. That’s when Gabe learned that they do in fact have underwear in space and Foriya’s were black.
Zara crawled onto the bed, she let out low predatory growls. Her eyes locked onto one spot and one spot only, her lips. She climbed over top and forcefully pressed her lips against hers. Zara’s tail coiled it's way around her leg up to her thigh and pushed it's way past her underwear. She let out a muffled gasp, Zara’s tongue entered her mouth.
At first, she tensed up but slowly she accepted the foreign muscle. Zara’s tail continuously rammed her insides causing her to make muffled lewd noises.
As the two went at each other Gabe thought to himself, if only Lance could see me now. That's when he realized. He hasn't been to his hometown in over three hundred years, he knows where he was going to make his first stop. Gabe’s face changed, he just now realized his twin brother was now long dead. It’s upsetting to him that he didn’t realize it sooner. His past week had been pretty chaotic, he actually was pretty thankful it distracted him from his reality.
Then he felt his pants come off. At some point, while he was thinking about home Foriya started to enjoy herself and the two had changed positions. Froyia was on her hands and knees facing Gabe while Zara was using her snake-like tongue pleasure her. She looked straight into his eyes, her lust was positively spilling out from them.
“You looked pretty sad, captain.” She wrapped her hand around his shaft. “I’ll cheer you up!” she winked and took his entire penis her mouth. Now that he thought about it, he wasn’t nearly as lustful as he did when he came into contact with Zara, was it possible that Cartollians contained an aphrodisiac venom? Most signs point to yes.
Well, nothing kills a boner faster than thinking about your dead twin brother. Gabe smiled and enjoyed the feeling of the wolf girl giving him a blowjob. Zara stopped tending to the wolf girl to meet her lover’s lips. After her share of lip service she pulled.the wolf girl back, she spread her legs and separated her nether lips.
“Ravage her.” Zara was giving less of a suggestion and more of a command.
The wolf girl was practically begging, her breathing was fast and shallow. Well if it was desired Gabe would oblige, the tip of his penis kissed her lower lips, she shuddered from the feeling. He pushed himself in she lewdly gasped. He went at her for several minutes before the instigator herself joined in. Her purpose this time was to break the girl through a final orgasm. She pinched at her nipples, and wrapped her tail around Gabe’s shaft to quicken the pace. At first it was a weird sensation but he slowly warmed up, hey, at least he can say he’s gotten a tail job now.
With a number of sensations she was feeling at once she came not just once but a total of four times. After her fourth Gabe was at his limit. He emptied everything he had pent up inside of her. She was passed out on the bed next to Gabe. Zara climbed over top of Gabe. Seems her fun was just beginning.
It was the longest hour yet, but effectively both girls were asleep and Gabe was feeling more than drained. Veva waltzed through the door.
“Gabe we’ve arrived.” he sat in the middle of the floor in a very doggish manner.
He sat up to look at Veva. “Thanks, Vev, can you calculate a course to Sunshore city?”
“Calculating location, it's possible. Why would you want to go there? a better choice would be a more popular city.”
“It's my home.” he deadpanned. The emotions he.was feeling.right now were mixed.
“understood, anything else you’d like? Like pants?.”
Gabe looked down, he actually couldn't remember where those things were thrown. He waved the robot off, “Nah, just give us a few minutes, we’ll be right out.
What seemed like a robotic grin the VeVa left the room. Gabe looked at the two sleeping females. Time to confront his past, or was it his future?
He slapped Zara on her butt. “We’re landing soon.” She didn’t even open her eyes she just grunted and twitched.
Just like that Gabe was wearing nearly the exact clothing as a Galactic Union soldier, a black combat vest, A grey t-shirt black pants and black boots. This attire was hell of a lot comfier than the sand colored leathers he had on. He stepped onto the bridge, while he was getting ready they were already going through the atmosphere. Once they got over the cloud coverage, everyone saw the remnants of what was human civilization. It was horrifying to Gabe, buildings were overtaken by plant life, streets were split as thick vines sprouted from the ground and entrapped things. Of course that was nothing compared to the once busy streets being completely empty aside from the abandoned cars. Gabe’s emotions finally surfaced, He wanted to cry but he wasn’t sure if it was from nostalgia, loneliness, or anger. He forced himself to hold back his emotions, but just about anything could break him at the moment.
He pointed a nearby parking garage. “Land there.” in his peripherals he could see the two females he was with come next to him. He exited the bridge with a short sentence. “C’mon.” Veva also followed him out, it was just as much as his home as Gabe’s.
“This is Earth?” Zara questioned
“Yeah, it is.”
“I advise caution, my sensors are still picking up traces of infection.” Veva quickened his pace to the front of the group, possibly to scan the areas before Gabe arrived at them.
Gabe didn’t say a word, he just pulled out a blaster, any dangers that arose would have to deal with that first.
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