《Spaced Out》Chapter 4: Warlord's Domain!


“Yes, I’m fully aware of your master’s capture.” Valik tapped his knuckles



“What? Why!?” Gabe stood up and slammed his hands on the desk, leaning forward slightly into Valik’s personal bubble.

“Because, My acquaintance. You don’t look like you have a single credit to your name.”

Gabe backed up and looked down, just now noticing he wasn’t wearing any shoes this whole entire time. And to think he was doing quite well this far, only to be stopped by the ‘No shirt, No shoe policy’.

“Any other method?”

“Actually,” Valik brought a finger to his mouth. “I can see that you’re extremely desperate.”

Gabe stared with a look of extreme determination. He really wasn’t desperate at all. But if he got this far, he damn well wasn’t going to give up and go home, besides he didn’t exactly know how to fly a spaceship.

“How about you agree to do a little gardening for me?”


“Since we both know Zelgrek has your master. I’m sure you could do a little more.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Kill Zelgrek for me.”

“Will do!”

“Alright my boy, I’ll give you the information on his compound and where he is.”

Gabe eagerly extended his hand to confirm the deal, The brown haired Caloricean accepted the shake.

“My bodyguard, Ven, will escort you, after that, you’re on your own.” Valik pressed a button on his desk allowing the doors behind Gabe to be raised upward.

Gabe turned around to leave to meet his bodyguard. “Oh, one more thing. If you fail, A bounty on your head will be the least of your problems.” Valik winked “I’ll be in touch.”

Gabe continued through the doors merely taking note of the obvious threat that was said. Upon entering an area that looked like a waiting room considering the few chairs that had been placed in the room. He spotted a very familiar wolf man.

Gabe approached the acquainted person, apparently, he had been the bodyguard. Big shock. The Claroicean man shot out his usual steam.

“Can we not do the bag thing.” Gabe really didn’t like the aspect of being dropped off at a location that he had no escape route too.

The wolf man gave a short but audible chuckle. He turned his back to reveal a pair of stairs. This was obviously not the way they came in, but Gabe followed anyway.

The walk was very uneventful. Gabe would occasionally spot an alien he had not seen before. Most of the time it was just empty corridors with a lot of sand. Eventually, they came to an area where the sand just stopped and gave way to a cold metal floor. The around here started to burn less and actually didn’t reek.


Two elevator shafts were in front of them. His guide stopped moving to press the button. His guide turned to look at him. Gabe nodded and pulled his blaster from his waistband. The brolic guide stepped to the side to allow him in. He held out a tablet, which he took with him as he entered the elevator shaft.

Pressing the button to go to the lower floor. Gabe waved goodbye to his quiet acquaintance. Descending to the lower levels, now seemed like it would be great time to-

The elevator’s door opened to reveal a fully armed mercenary sitting on a stool. Gabe froze in place. But nothing seemed to happened. He stepped out of the shaft and moved closer to the merc that did nothing.

He waved his hand in the face of the motionless watchman. Seems like he was slacking in his job, and fallen asleep. Wait. Gabe thought about how he could carry out this situation. He could kill him and leave it at that. But he’s never killed anyone before. He grew up in a sheltered suburban neighborhood.

But he knew that if the guard did manage to wake up he’d try to make him swiss cheese. Gabe ran his hands through his hair, Now wasn’t the time to question whether or not he was able to kill someone.

He was sure thing tho, He was going to take that sweet ass rifle that he had. He reached out for the stock before he got close the guardsman shook slightly. His position changed the blaster rifle was now in between his legs making it much, much easier to grab. Taking a hold of the rifle he pulled it back with haste. At this point, it didn’t matter whether the guy woke up or not Gabe was now in position for ordering.

Actually, let’s have a little fun with this. He kicked the side of his thigh. The guard snapped awake with a snort. He looked around frantically and spotted the intruder, he reached for his missing gun.

“Ahem.” Gabe pressed a button that seemed to power it on. The alien put his hands up real quick.


The alien sounded still half asleep as it spoke in its own tongue.”

“Caloricean!” Gabe repeated what he said only slightly louder and the gun pointed.

It took the creature a minute to realize what he wanted “Y-yes, A little.”

“Good.” Gabe smiled a little this was actually going a lot better than he thought. “Strip.”


“You heard, Strip!”

The merc started with his helmet, His face was revealed to be very piggish, The skin tone was pink, it had two small curved fangs that bent upwards.

The next to come off was the armor. Unfortunately, the pig alien wasn’t wearing anything underneath the armor. So Gabe’s first sight of nudity in this galaxy was a shriveled up, light pink corkscrewed penis.Well, this had been fun until this moment.


Gabe commanded him to get on his knees after he placed the armor on the floor next to him. Immediately Gabe turned the gun around and gave him a swift baseball swing to the face. The pig man fell to the floor, missing part of his tusk.

Gabe collected his armor and wore it. He was about to ‘tactically do this shit’. The armor fits very loosely, well it did come from a pretty round pig man. Gabe shuffled uncomfortably down the halls. Not even the boots fit him, they had been at best 4 sizes too big.

But somehow even though he looked suspicious as can get, no merc really bothered him. He guessed that’s why employing them was typically a bad idea seeing as they would come and go as they pleased, so there was no ‘true’ way to keep track of them all.

Pulling out the tablet displayed a map of the area. A red blip displayed his current position. A red circle indicated where he needed to go. To his luck, this place was pretty linear with very little detours. And it seems he was very close to Captain Titties.

Looking around it was a large square area. Three people sat on the other side of the room. But they didn’t seem very interested in very much. Her location was in one of three rooms. He decided to go with the first door on the right.

Pressing the button opened the door to a very welcoming sight. Anaya was standing naked, her large breasts glistened with sweat as they raised and lowered with every breath, her arms had been bound to the ceiling. Her tail slowly swished with calmness. The area above her lower entrance was completely hairless.

Seems the only hair that she had was located on her head and tail. Her face contorted to one of disgust as she sniffed the air.

“Disgusting. A Gor’lok, I was wondering which one of you would break order’s first, why couldn’t it be something good looking?”

Mesmerized by the golden bodied captain he ignored her comment, Gabe crept closer allowing the door to close behind him. He walked closer placing a gloved hand gently only her well-toned stomach.

He looked upward. Even if she did have a wild nature to her looks he couldn’t help but find some attraction within her animalistic eyes. But passed her eyes he spotted her bindings, the pieces wrapped around her wrists were metallic but there seemed to be nothing holding her arms up. He passed back in front of her, removing the stolen helmet.

“I take back what I said.” She began to smile. “Now let me out.”

“First a deal.”

Anaya sighed and rolled her eyes, obviously too impatient for this. “Whatever you’re about to say, I agree.”

Gabe smiled at her compliance.

“There is a control panel behind me. Pull the lever down.”

Gabe did as he was instructed. The lever came down with ease. And just like the lever, Anaya was pulled to the floor, no free of her restraints she collected her clothing and things from the corner of the room.

She held out her hand in front of Gabe. He stood there for a minute before sighing. He handed over the blaster he never got to use.

She fiddled with the gun before facing Gabe again. “You’re washing when we get back.”

She pressed another button, the gun made a high pitched whine. She aimed at the door and let loose a massive concussion round that blew the door outward.

Gabe’s ears rang, He shouted. “The door wasn’t locked!”

“I know.”

Seems she had a little bit of rage that she wanted to let go of. She walked out the wreckage of the door frame and instantly began firing off the kinetic rounds. Gabe made a mental note of not pissing her off.

“Rhenixa and Blitz!?”

She stopped firing. And looked back to Gabe still in the room.

“Follow me!”

She started to run down the hall with Gabe behind her. They came to another door, similar to the one she had.

“Stand back!” she yelled

She overcharged the gun again and blasted the door again.

“Door still wasn’t locked.”

They entered the room. The only life form in the room was Blitz.

“Nice to see you Cap, Gabe.”

Anaya lowered the rifle. “Where’s Rhenixa?”

Blitz came closer to his rescuers “Zelgrek has her.”

“Damn it!” Anaya actually looked pretty pissed at this moment. Gabe remembered the extra part of the deal that, Kill Zelgrek.

“Take Blitz to ship, I have Rhenixa.”

“Change guns with me.” Gabe took the concussion rifle “Don’t do anything stupid.”

Technically this was the smarter choice since leaving would result in a fate that may or may not be worse than attempting to kill the warlord.

Blitz and Anaya left the room making a right and heading for the exit elevator.

Gabe’s missions now both coincide with each other. He walked out the door and headed for Zelgrek.

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