《Spaced Out》Chapter 3: Eos Station!


“Interesting, the neuron wiring stayed connected even after the head unit is severed. ”

Blitz held multiple silver bar objects around Gabe’s head, each metallic rod was connected to a singular box on top the desk in his lab. Both of them stared at the ever moving topography of his brain. He also had several pads attached to his face, according to Blitz the pads were to measure the activity in his noggin.

“Leave it to the aliens to master what neurosurgeons dream of,” Gabe spoke in English. Not because he didn’t want to try to say it, but just because he was speaking his mind.

Gabe reached out to touch the cord of one of the cords attached to his face.

“What happens if stay?” He asked. Even if he could understand the words understanding the actual structure was completely different. It was like having a dictionary in his head and just as useful since he could only say the direct form of words.

Maybe he could learn from Anaya… or Rhenixa, She was pretty cute…Wait what was he thinking? He knew he would eventually have to come to turns with liking some Xenos but still, he’s literally been gone from Earth for only a couple of hours at best. Oh well.

“Most likely, nothing.” Blitz gently used his tentacle to gently push Gabe’s hand away from the wires.

“Complete no harm?”

“Well... it’s nothing to worry about. Without the head, they are practically useless. No worries.”

For some reason, this made Gabe actually worry. The idea of having things just floating around inside his skull wasn’t exactly something he’s too okay with.

The sound of sliding metal echoed around and the room began to darken. The window shutters slowly descended and the artificial lights turned brighter.

Microphone feedback could be heard over the intercom along with three taps. Rhenixa then could be heard over the ship’s intercom. “Ahem… Attention crew members of the Warden. This is Officer Anaya speaking. We will be jumping for Eos Station in five minutes. Prepare for immediate departure on landing.”

Gabe pulled the wires from his face, stepping away from the examination table. Blitz didn’t realize he moved until he got to the door. “Where are you going?”

He turned around to answer the question. “Food.”

“Don’t you want to know about Eos?”

“Not really.”

“Not even the warlord, Zelgrak?”

“Not care.”

Gabe turned around and walked right out the door. He truly did not care, he’s been through a lot in just a short amount of time. He’s been shot at, kicked and had a robot burrow in his ear only to have it blow up a short time later. Everything that sort of happened left him in a very melancholy mood.

Entering the small cafeteria he noticed the room looked pretty much the same. Even the chair that had been knocked over. Even his food tray had been sitting there untouched.

Taking his seat he picked up his spoon and brought a small amount to the front of his face. He gave it a curious sniff, there wasn't a smell.

“Still fucking gross.” Gabe dropped the spoon not being able to muster the strength to stick the foreign semi-liquid in his mouth.


He pushed the tray out of his safe space. He began to think about all the foods that he missed back on Earth. Pizza, bagels and last but not least Pizza bagels. He took an accusatory glance at the slop. That was definitely not a pizza bagel. He sighed and crossed his arms on the table.

The oppressing hum of the ship left him feeling more than a little tired, The adrenaline that had been produced for most of the day had finally died off. He laid his head down on his arms. His eye felt really heavy. In minutes he was knocked out

A high pitched ringing woke him up. He looked around “The hell?”

In his groggy state, he noticed a few wall signs beginning to glow. Almost like they were leading him somewhere…

He wiped the saliva that he produced from his mouth and walked in the direction the blinking signs were leading him.

Several lefts and several rights later he was brought to a small room. Pressing the button on the side of the door raised the metal slab upward. The beeping was coming from a small device that sort of looked like a walkie talkie. He looked at the red flashing button and pressed.

“Ugh, finally!” Rhenixa was whispering. “We need your help.”


“Here’s the rundown, A deal went south and we got captured.”


“There is a weapon under my desk, Find a bar named Lucky Lady Cantina, order the Caloricean ale, It’s a code. Then ask where we are, tell them you’re a bounty hunter.” *Click* She must’ve turned her communicator off.

“...” Gabe stood there, Should he really help them? After all, he doesn’t even have the skills to pull off a rescue. “Fuck it.”

It’s not like he could really do anything else about the situation, He could either stay on the ship and die later or go out and try to do something and then die. Besides he had an idea of something that he might want as a reward.

Gabe looked for the gun underneath the desk. Lifting up out he inspected it. It was much different than what Anaya had during the first meeting but still looked equally foreign. He stuffed it into his waist.

Five minutes had passed before he managed to find the door and then operate the door controls to exit. As the two doors slid open He saw that for a space station it was awfully sandy. And for some reason, there was a sky.

Then the pungent odor hit him. He pinched his nostrils. The longer he stood at the doors the longer his lungs burned. It was like someone was lighting a dumpster full of rotten eggs on fire.

They did say that this place was in Vorlan territory, so perhaps this was what they breathed? Gabe could only imagine what the vile aliens would look like if this was what they lived off of.

Stepping outside onto the sandy deck was a nightmare come true. Being transported without shoes left his feet vulnerable to the worst material that could have been found on Earth. Gabe did not like sand, It was coarse, rough and irritating and got virtually everywhere.


The thing about space stations was that they were designed to replicate the needs of the hosting species as much as possible. This particular space station was very dry and had an artificial sky implemented.

Alongside his displeasure was a shocking realization of just how alien this place was. To his right, he saw humanoid creatures wearing full metallic armor of different colors sitting on crates or standing in circles talking. To his left, he could see a 3-meter tall insect with a long horse face carting off crates to other locations of the docks.

As much as he wanted to stay and stare at all the weird and amazing things. He felt extremely vulnerable. Hightailing it to the nearest door he poked his head through first. He had almost thought he had walked into a midwestern market street. Complete with the dusty sand blowing places and to his shock. More Creatures! A few that had been standing next to the door turned their heads to see who just walked in.

He faced the group of dangerous looking warriors. He gave his best award winning ‘I-come-in-peace smile’. He turned towards the ship and thought that maybe he could just run back to the ship and let the crew fend for them- The ship door had been on an automatic close timer. Looks like he had to complete the mission!

Walking aimlessly around the dusty street. “Fuck. She could have told me where to look.”

Eventually, Gabe had pulled up to a building with a wolf dude leaning, what were they could again? Oh yeah, Caloricean. He spoke that language might as well ask this dude.

“Hey.” He said

The alien looked down at him. He was a tall chunk of pure muscle. His eyes had been an off yellow. He wore a yellow suit of armor with vertical stripes. The bottom of his face was obscured by a black mask.

A huge puff of gas was released from the sides of his mask. He said nothing. He just stared for at least a minute and which made Gabe feel really uncomfortable The wolf male bent down matching his height and stretched his hand out to lift the collar. He looked Gabe in the eyes blowing out another stream.

Gabe resisted the need to the swat his hand away. “Where Lucky Lady Cantina?”

The alien stood back up slowly and tilted his head to the left indicating the building he had been looking for was in front of him the entire time. Gabe stepped to the side of him, The wolf still not saying anything continued to watch his every move.

“Fucking weirdo.” Gabe made sure to say it in English and under his breath.

Gabe looked around the room. He saw so many things that were amazing in its own ways. A green woman scantily dressed danced in the middle of the bar. Her clothing if you can even call it that was more like two pieces of cloth that went over her breasts and meeting together at her crotch.

He walked towards the bar and sat on a stool. For such a disgusting smelling place the inside of this bar was kept fairly well. The creature at the bar turned around. He saw a very familiar alien. A spidery horse-faced alien. Now that he was putting one and one together. These were the only things that weren’t in full armor and wearing a breathing mask, well them and him. These must’ve been the so-called Vorlans. Can’t say they didn’t match his description of what they most likely looked like.

The bartender Vorlan didn’t say anything but stare at him. Its intense compound eyes staring deep into his soul.

“Uh. Caloricean ale?” Gabe took a shot in the dark since the creature didn’t exactly look like it had a mouth to speak normal words with. The creature turned its back to him going into a room.

The bartender had disappeared for more than a few minutes and Gabe was beginning to feel bored watching the blue stripper. And then his vision went dark and he felt a someone put something over his head. He was lifted from his seat carried off.

“Get the fuck off me!” He struggled to hit whatever was carrying him but it felt hard and hurt his hands so he stopped. “Let me the fuck down!” His protests still continued, though.

Eventually, he was let go of. When the bag was released from his head he found himself in a beautifully carpeted room. Two chairs were in front of him, they looked pretty comfy. And to his surprise, it was a male Caloricean. His hair had been a dark brown. His tail looked really well groomed as oppose to the shaggy looking ones the two girls possessed.

The male Caloricean pushed his glasses up.

“Take a seat.” He motioned his hands in an outward manner.

“Don’t mind if I do,” Gabe spoke in his native tongue obviously ecstatic that this was going to be quite civilized.

“Now what can I do for you, little-escaped slave.”

Wait why did he think he was an escaped slave? Oh, right the collar.

“Not a slave.” Gabe retorted.

“Oh my dear boy, Why else would you have a slave collar if you weren’t one?” He leaned forward to emphasize his words.

Actually giving thought into it. He technically was a slave. Perhaps he would have to do something about that later.

He decided to drop this topic for now. “I need help!”

The male Caloricean leaned back in his chair and interlocked his fingers. “With?” he paused for a moment. “Where are my manners. In order to do a proper business transaction we haven’t introduced ourselves.”

The way he also spoke was leagues different than the way the two girls spoke. They must’ve had a regional dialect from wherever they each grew up.

The man stood up and extended his hand. “Valik.”

Gabe accepted his hand spoke his own.

“Now what do you need help with?” He flashed a toothy smile.

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