《Rose》Fallen King III
Chapter 3 'Nira!' the rocket landed directly into the building luckily we took cover in time. I look at nira and she was unconscious. i crawled toward my sister. 'sis! wake up!' I look at her left arm and it's unrecognisable it's all torn apart it's fully cut off from her limbs, Her blood is everywhere. I noticed there's a piece of glass stuck on her left leg as well. 'Nira wake up!' the mere thought of me losing her is just unbearable. I tore out part of my tunic to stop her from bleeding and another piece onto her left leg. 'it's not stopping 'Tina?' nira partially opened her eyes and spoke in a half conscious state 'nira! sis!' 'you're gonna be okay, i - i promise, please be okay I can't lose you again. I shouted in panic as my voice starts to tremble. Nira touched my cheek and said. 'Don't cry tina your esca's turning blue'. I'm holding her tighter 'you're gonna be okay nira just stay awake, please!' She stretched her arms and placed her hand onto my cheek and wipe off my tears. As she rubs my tear off, she loses control of her muscles her hand falls to the ground. I can feel her breathing slower and slower, her eyes slowly shutting. 'No-No! don't leave me. Nira,nira!' She stopped breathing my sister . . . . . .. she's.. gone... . . . . . . . The Fallen King III As i was contemplating with myself with the fact that my sister... is gone. i looked out the window and i see countless ships floating in the sky, cruisers, frigates, battleships it's an Armarda out there, i saw hundreds of thousands of transport ships landing. Countless troops disembarked the ship. I look back at nira as my tear falls uncontrollably. I glanced at nira and seeing her sabre hanging from her waist I bend down and grab nira's sabre. I pick it up and draw the blade out from the scabbard. As the pure Red blade reveals from the scabbard I suddenly felt this great resentment. I felt like someone that had died a long time ago, had been awakened. As this feeling emerged i felt a sharp pain from my back. i reached out my hand to touch it. i then look back at my hand and it was covered in blood, suddenly i lose control of my body. my eyes slowly closed as I slowly lose my consciousness and out of nowhere, these memories of my past started flooding in..... why is it so cold.....? I remembered it vividly that i was a Captain back in the Holy Roomeasian Army, it was a cold day that day, in the field of the battleground, the rain was splattering down thunder roaring louder than Canons fire, thank God it wasn't an acid rain or else we would've been all melted by now. it was quiet in the trench it was as if the battle was over, as i was vacantly staring at the rain falling and hitting the dome barrier. In the damp trench sitting on the bench is Major Sargent Felix one of the most charmful or rather most adored officers in the company. With a small body bright blue face and bright silver hair. He's the only male in our company. he took a sip from his Κονlάκ flask bottle then placed the flask down on the bench, his mate seeing that he was about to sing grabs her harmonica then started playing it. The song Felix is about to sing was an old song sung by soldiers in the trench since the civil war era. as the thunder roars and the rain pours down he starts singing '~oh where are you now Jackie where are you now? Your sisters and brothers are calling for you. where are you now in this field of war? oh, where are you now? oh, where oh where are you now? they had been calling for your days and night but they can find you O nowhere. oh, Jackie oh Jackie oh where are you? are you in Rók or in Rabin? oh, why can't they and oh why can't we? oh, why can't we? Oh, why can't we find you O nowhere? oh where are you oh where are you? are you in heaven with all your mates? oh where are you now Jackie where are you now? Your sisters and brothers are calling for you. where are you now in this field of war? oh, where are you now? oh, where are you now? they had been calling for your days and night but it doesn't seem like you were here. is it just me but are you really gone? leaving us behind in this field of war oh Jackie oh Jackie oh where are you? Are you in heaven with all your mates? if you are really there could you greet them for me? and say hi to lersiera for me.~' As Felix ended his song. I was lost in my misty Vacant thoughts as I concentrate on the sound of the rain hitting the dome barrier. As if out of nowhere first Lieutenant Cara Shouted. 'Captain look!' she nudges her telescope onto my shoulder (I rumble then said) 'oh, what now!? can't a girl enjoy a little peace?' i reluctantly grab the telescope and stretch it out, looking in on the direction she's pointing 'oh God Dammit!' i yelled loudly, as two or even three companies of skier troopers are heading our way. Skyes are a type of skie like transport equipment attached to the boots. it can hover 2ft above the ground and can travel at a max speed of 12 knots. The Skye is mainly used for fast Reconnaissance and to create commotion and confusion to the enemy. On their waist was a calvary Sabre. All are wearing a black Raven mask and dress in a black leather tunic With a black shako on top of their head. A black pelisse which is a fur trimmed jacket hung loosely over their left shoulders. Their officer dresses the same, except they wear a silver gorget hung around their neck, and have a white feather attached to their shako's. * Tina quickly picks up her rifle and cocked it. she slowly inhales as she aims for the enemy officers head. she slowly exhales as she pulls the trigger. (bang!) The laser cleanly hits the officers head. she quickly loses her balance and falls to the muddy ground. In panic her subordinates opened fire on Tina, she quickly took cover under her trench shielding herself from the laser bullets. 'Damn those Lersinean bastards'. said Tina 'lads! Form a line!' She yelled. Tina's subordinates quickly stood up and form a long line inside the trench consisting of two hundred riflemen. Tina draws out her Ocean Katana and raises it upward 'Make ready!' her riflemen quickly clocking their rifles 'present!'. Her soldiers start aiming. The air is thinner than ice, as Tina waits for the right distance. As the thunder roars Tina Shouted 'Fire!' As she swung her Katana to the ground. In a split second, a loud bang! from The rifles echoed throughout the field. Some laser bullets hit and some missed the enemy. Tina then quickly climbs out of the trench. she stood tall as she whispers to herself "today's going to be a bloody day'. She quickly sprint's towards the enemy. As the lersinean skeirs are panicking they opened fire on her. Tina seeing multiple laser bullets heading her way quickly dodges it but some managed to collide with her left arm and right thigh. without care for the pain nor injury, Tina sprints towards a female skeir. With The Blue katana in her hand, She slashes her blade unto the skeir slicing her in half. Blood spills all over the muddy ground as her enemy watched in horror. Tina wasted no time and quickly slashed her blades to the approaching enemy slicing through her chest plates... watching In the distance is a party of officers hovering above the ground 'What in Nockias name is that thing?!' said, Colonel Elizabeth 'She's killing my soldiers faster than bloody malnutrition! can someone tell me who in the abyss is that!' 'that's Captain Tina mam.' Major Darling replied 'Tina?' asked Elizebeth 'Yes, mam. Tina is otherwise known as The SenKawa Akuma The water wielder of The Holy Roomeasian Army. Captain of The Diamond Skull Company' said Darling correcting colonel Elizabeth. (Elizabeth bite her lips then said) 'tch, that Blue Bitch. I remember her now she and her company are the one's who defeated and killed Dame Brigadier General Fairline. In the battle of Rók.' said Colonel Elizabeth as she takes off her Raven mask. alarmingly Major Darling said. 'Colonel I highly suggest we retreat mam. She had already annihilated two of our skeir company. We cannot risk losing any more.' Elizabeth without answering Major Darling. She reaches into her tunic and pulls out a white wooden Smoking Pipe. reaching her thumbs into the chamber of the pipe and pushes the crimson Tabaco in Reinforcing it inside the chamber. Elizabeth then hovers her left hand above the pipe chamber. Snapping her finger creates a spark of flames lighting up her pipe. She concentrates the fire onto the pipe's chamber letting it burn the Tabaco. She then took a puff of smoke, blowing the red smoke out and said. 'My order is to buy time for the reinforcement. I refuse to run around like a wet hen. The Reinforcement will arrive soon enough.' said Elizebeth As she took another puff from her pipe while she was watching Tina slaughtering her troops. She suddenly hears a marching song from a far distance. She looked away from tina to the distant hill. Over the yonder, she sees a crowd of soldiers hundred of thousand marching in a column formation, the sound of their boots stomping on the muddy grown was heard throughout the field. A white flag twirls as the wind hits it with a black Raven emblem engraved in it showing that it is from the 101st Imperial Grand Regiment. On its left was a Red flag with a Golden two headed Raven Emblem engraved in it. It represents the Emperor and the army Loyal to him. Touched by the Emperor himself it is considered a loss of honour for ones especially officers to lose The Emperors Flag or otherwise known as the Emperor's Colours. As the Army approaches it became ever clearer for Colonel Elizebeth and Major Darling to see. 'Speaking of the Aten here they come!' said Elizebeth Back in the field where Tina was still slaughtering the Lersinean soldiers. As her enemy morale starts dwindling. As some try to escape. Tina without any hesitation grabs her flintlock pistol and starts firing at the fleeing enemy killing the last seven of them and emptying her flintlock ammo. As she tries to catch up on her breath. She glances at the fallen enemy she so recently killed. All six hundred of them. She quickly reloads her flintlock and slides it back into its holder. Now with a free hand, she wipes off the blood from her face. Lieutenant Cara sees that the battle is over. She climbs out of the trench and starts walking towards Tina. 'Are you hurt anywhere captain?' Cara asked worriedly as she passes Tina her handkerchief 'Yes, two wounds but it's just a scratch.' Tina replied as she continues panting as the rain started to stop 'I deserve a pay rise.' 'I'm sure you do mam'. Cara sarcastically replied with a chuckle. Tina then asks 'I need more soldiers where's the damn reinforcement Colonel Nux promised us?' anxiously Cara replies with a low tone 'About that mam, we've lost contact with colonel Nux's battalion we have no idea where she is currently located.' 'What! what in the Abyss do you mean by that! how in the abyss does she expect us to defend leip with just a hand full of soldiers. not to mention that our commanding officer is dead.' Tina growls loudly then clenched her teeth revealing her Large white fangs as her esca turns bright red. 'Now how can we fight the lersinean. (sigh) what's the situation on the West and Eastern front?' 'We had also lost communication with the Eastern and Western side mam.' Cara answered 'Oh great! So you're saying that we have no idea of the situation on both sides?' said annoyed Tina Cara noded as tina reterns her handkerchief. Suddenly Tina hears a sound of a drum playing in the distance, and a word that's being repeated over and over 'Vive Lersinear!' In the distance, she sees hundreds of thousands of lersinean soldiers all wearing black Raven masks. A black shako with a silver Crow emblem plate on top of their head, and dressed in a blue contrasted with white and red tunic. As Tina contemplates the sheer number of the enemy. a plasma Cannon ball's heading towards Tina. Without careful thinking she draws out her flintlock and shot at the incoming plasma ball, Creating a massive explosion in the sky. Tina saw the enemies approaching. She orders lieutenant Cara to sound the trumpet. Hearing The sound of the trumpet. Tina's soldiers quickly climb out of the trench and form a line formation behind Tina. Tina then turns around as she tried to put out a calm attitude so as not to make her soldiers worry or lose their morale. Tina then said 'Lads! it seems that the reinforcements going to come a wee bit late so we're gotta take care of those lersinean on our own.' As soon as tina finished speaking major Sargeant Felix then said 'don't look so buggered girls! we've been through the worst, didn't we?' Felix then yelled 'till death!' as the other soldier shouted with him they hears a sound of a trumpet echoing throughout the field as the lersinean soldier started marching towards the diamond skull company. Tina shouted 'Brake formation lads. kill as much lersinean as possible!' Tina then runs to the enemy line and she jumps as high as she could. she quickly draws out her Katana which was showing its bright Ocean Blue blade that has a white wave drawing carved in it, as she summons a giant ball of water. As she was falling she thrust her blade towards the water ball wrapping it around the blade. She shouted loudly. 'Eighth Form wondering waves!' As her blade made contact with the grown created a giant wave of water pushing away the incoming lersinean soldiers. tina then quickly pulls her blade out of the ground. she then started slashing her Katana at the nearby lersinean soldier killing them instantly. as she was killing the enemy. From the far distance, she sees an Equos, on it was a roomeasian female officer wearing a blue tunic. As she was approaching it became much clearer for tina to see 'Colonel Nux?' said tina in disbelief. As she felt a big relief seeing Colonel Nux but that feeling didn't last as Colonel Nux arrived next to Tina 'Tina where is Lieutenant Colonel vela?' asked Nux 'she's dead mam' said Tina in a low tone 'damn those lersinean bastard' said Colonel Nux 'Tina, surrender. Rabin had fallen they've arrested all the five High Council members. there's nothing left that we can do.' in shock, tina asks Nux' Surrender? but mam we can still take back Rabin we have leip. we can still relocate our high command to leip!' 'I said surrender. that's an order!' Tina clenched her teeth then stares at nux dead in the eye as she angrily yells 'You're a coward! Million had died protecting you bloody aristocrats position in the Holy Army now you want to surrender!? Have you no honour left?' Nux then aggressively yells back at Tina 'How Dare you criticise me! The high council had chosen their decision. our duty is to enforce it. so do as you told damn you' 'I refuse!' said Tina as they were yelling back and forth. behind Tina was a lersinean soldier that is aiming at Tina. lieutenant Cara sees that Tina's about to get shot at. she quickly ran behind tina taking the shot for her. Tina quickly turned around and as she sees her comrade lying on the ground she yells out 'Cara!' Tina kneeled down to the ground and held Cara tight as she cries out for a medic Cara half consciously says 'Captain promise me you'll stay alive no matter what' Tina look towards cara then said 'Yes, i promise Cara no matter what.' As the medic arrived it was too late Cara had already passed away tears started to flow from her eyes. 'No no, I'm so sorry cara.' Tina growls loudly as she turns toward her enemy, with great resentment in her heart. As her Esca turns into a pure crimson Red. Enraged Tina with wrath in her eyes she said 'I'll kill you all... I'll slay each and every one of you!' 'Tina Wait!' said Colonel Nux as she tries to grab Tina by her hands but it was too late. Tina aggressively Sprints towards the enemy General. Dodging bullets and killing the lersinean soldiers along the way. On the other side of the field, a tall lady riding on an Equos was Dame Lord, Marshal Alexander Merlin Marshal of The imperial Grand Army, 'huh, what is that blue thing coming my way?' said Lord Marshal Merlin as she raised her eyebrows 'Can i see it me Lord' asked Colonel Elizebeth. Merlin then handed Elizebeth her telescope. 'damn me that's not a blue thing that's the Blue Bitch it's Tina!' As Tina was getting nearer to Dame Lord Marshal Merlin. she charged at the Marshal then jump as high as she could. whilst in the air, she summons a giant ball of water from her hands and wraps it around her blade. She shouted. 'seventh form. The weeping Waterdragon!' As she was holding her blade upward and was about to strike. she shouted as she falls 'Die you fucking aristocrat!' ..... * suddenly everything turned pitch black. then a moment later my entire body felt... warm.. and there's this feeling of safeness and security. this feeling of warmth. I open my eyes and was met with a strong Ray of light. it was so blurry. But what I can see is a girl with short Maple coloured hair and bright orange eyes. What a beautiful girl she is. A moment later as I try to analyse the surroundings. It became clearer for me to see I look back at the lady and. . . . ...It can't be... . . . '... Bhitoria?....' to be continue
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