《The First Light Mage》9. Consequences


Liam arose from his nap with a yawn. The sun had moved on in the sky and it is now early afternoon. Unsure why he fell asleep and as to the exact time he made his way out of the park. As he left Liam noticed how the grass and plants had grown around the druid he saw earlier.

Taking out the piece of paper Ignissa gave him the day prior. 26 Templeview Lane. A helpful stranger was kind enough to point him in the direction of the temple. Worried about the sounds of shouting he heard yesterday, Liam started to jog.

Slightly surprised at not being out of breath considering how far he ran, Liam looked up at an impressive temple. Giant stone pillars with faces carved into them served as an entrance to a door fit for an elder dragon. People could be seen worshiping outside and a group of children were being led in by a stern looking bald man. Liam spotted a sign etched into the side of a large four-story building. Astoria Temple Avenue. Confused he looked around, searching for templeview lane.

Finally, after a few minutes’ walk down various side streets he sees a shabby looking sign on a modest two-story house. Templeview Lane. The first house had a small metal number one hanging on the front door. The street was fairly quiet, the few people he did pass were commoners and didn’t pay him much attention.

A small squashed looking bungalow sat in between two houses on either side. He knocks on the door gingerly, feeling a bit apprehensive. Several moments pass and the door creaks open revealing a young girl, perhaps around eight or nine years old. Dark grey eyes meet his own as she looks up at him wearing a stern expression. “What do you want?” asks the little girl. Slightly put off balance, Liam replies “Does Ignissa live here? I have something to return” Liam holds up the coin purse with her money and gems inside. Nodding, the girl opens the door wider and motions for him to enter.

Following the girl through a small entry hall Liam notices how the wall is littered with old scorch marks. A by-product from raising a child who can conjure fire. The girl leads him into a bedroom with some basic wooden furniture. Laying on the bed with one eye swollen shut and the other barely cracked open is Ignissa. Severely beaten and lying almost lifeless in bed, he almost didn’t recognise her.

Ignissa notices his presence and a ghost of a smile crosses her face. “I didn’t think you would show up, demon” she says with a smile. “Danielle, go prepare mother’s meal”. The young girl levees the room, closing the door behind her.

Liam kneels down to her side. “Who did this to you?” he asks. She sighs and looks up at the ceiling to break eye contact. “It turns out when a Lord goes missing, the last person to see him alive is going to have some ‘problems’ “she tries to make air quotes with her hand but gives up, lacking the strength to raise her arm. “The captain and one of Lord dickhead’s men spent a while questioning me, but in the end, they bought the story”. She spoke slowly and often stopped to take a breath. Once again, he scanned her for injuries, her arm seemed to be hanging limp and she was lying down awkwardly. The rest of her body was covered with a blanket but was most likely equally as beaten.


“They searched me and found nothing, so I’m glad I gave you that money, otherwise I would have nothing to show for all this bullshit except a good beating”. She said with a sigh. Liam quickly takes out the money and places it on the bedside table. “Thanks, I knew I could trust you” said Ignissa, as she nodded at the money pouch. “They didn’t even pay me for the week you know?” she said, sitting up with a grunt and looking at Liam.

“That’s disgusting, I’m so sorry this happened, we can’t let them get away with this!” Liam felt anger rising in his heart at the injustice of it all. “Ahh leave it, I’ll heal up in time, I just feel weak now because I’m using all of my spirit to heal. Fire is usually not that good at healing, better at blowing things up. Anyway, this money will really help my mother, so thanks again”. Liam sighed, wanting to help but unsure how. “Ah look, cheer up, I’m the one beaten half to death” she said, noticing his forlorn look.

“I know, I know. I just feel guilty, I left you there, I wish I could have done something” he replied. “Nothing for it, you got lucky the first time, if you went up against the two that were questioning with me then neither of us would be here to have this conversation” She took frequent breaths while she spoke but Liam was surprised at how coherent she is despite her condition. “Please, is there anything I can do to help? I can buy you groceries or some medicine.” He asked with tears forming in his eyes.

“Ah well, if you insist. Get your hands on some lava root and we can call ourselves even. It should help me heal a bit faster, get my spirit mojo moving ya know?” Liam nodded eagerly at her request. “Any alchemist worth their salt should keep some in stock, just have a look around town and bring me back some tomorrow. For now though, leave me be, I’m tired from all this talking” She grabbed the money pouch as she finished speaking, tucking it away beneath the blankets. “I’m sorry again, for everything”. After he finished speaking, she nodded and lay back, closing her eyes. As he stood up Liam directed some mana to his eyes on an impulse and looked at Ignissa.


Ignissa Rokav






Severe body trauma, multiple broken bones, exhausted spirit.

Feeling slightly confused as to why her status was so much less detailed than his own Liam made his way out of the room. Back in the small entry way he could hear laboured breathing behind a separate door.

Stepping outside with the sun still high in the sky, Liam decided to get some lunch. A short walk later and he finds himself in a commercial square with many restaurants and street vendors around. In the centre of the square sits a fountain with a white marble statue depicting some warrior with bulging muscles. Liam eyes it distastefully and continues to look around. A group of teens dressing in expensive looking clothes stand in front of a large restaurant with wide open windows. They are greeted by a man outside who opens a large polished door and allows them entry. Dressed in his simple commoner clothing Liam moves to follow them, a dirty look from the man outside quickly changes his mind. Liam had gotten well used to such looks in the last few years since his father went away.


A street vendor near by smiles at him and he heads her way. After paying a few coppers for a hot bowl of vegetable soup and some fresh bread he walks over to a bench next to the fountain. Happy to watch the world go by while eating his tasty lunch Liam sits contently on the bench, soaking in the sun from above.

“Oi! you can’t be sleeping here” a guard stands before him, Liam eyed a large hand resting on the grip of his sword. He quickly gets up and apologises to the guard. The guard merely nods and mutters “Vagrant scum”. Unable to locate the sun in the sky and noticing the lengthening shadows Liam realises that it is getting late. Feeling slightly confused as to why he keeps dozing off he makes his way back towards the leatherworker.

A quick jog later and he is back at The Protective Hide. Slowly, he opens the door, not sure if the old man has finished up for the day. Inside the shop he is once again bombarded with the smell of oiled leather. Not seeing the clerk at his counter but hearing a faint tapping sound. “Hello, are you back there mister, you told me to come by at sundown. Sorry I’m late!”. The tapping stops and he hears the sound of a chair being pushed back, the clerk emerges from behind a curtain and Liam gets a brief glimpse into his workshop. “Ahh Liam, yes yes, I was expecting you earlier, but I stayed open a bit later than normal. I’m sure your Uncle Oak wouldn’t want you wandering around with that marvellous blade unprotected”. Feeling a bit bad about lying to the old man, Liam simply nodded in agreement. “Is everything ready then?” he asked eagerly.

“Yes yes, all sized up and ready to go” came the reply as he pulled out a wrapped package from under the counter. Opening it up revealed Liam’s new armour, boots and sheathe. “Thanks a lot, I appreciate you getting this done in a day, I’m sure you lots of other things to do” Liam said gratefully. The leatherworker simply waved him off “Think nothing of it lad, happy to help a new customer, hopefully you will be back again!” After paying the remaining money he owed Liam took his goods and went back to the Inn.

Inside The Boarelk’s Tusk, Liam looks around. There are some new faces tonight but many of the same people from the previous night. The man with bulging gravel-like arms is once again wrestling at his table, this time with a new partner. It’s hard to tell with both of them leaning forward, hands clasped together but she looked to be at least six feet of solid muscle. Suddenly both of them are on the ground as the table snaps in half. The bartender, a nice man named Godrick looks up from behind the bar. “Hey! That’s the third one this month Torak, I’m adding it to your tab”. The stone skinned man simple sighed in a deep voice as reply. Liam made his way over to the bar and paid for another two nights in the same room, an evening meal and pint of ale. He headed up to his room and dropped off his purchases and backpack before going back down for his food.

Delighted with his steak and potatoes and feeling slightly merry from the ale, Liam waved to Godrick and headed up to his room. He once again spent most of the evening chatting to the bartender, mostly just to pass the time but also gaining some information about Eternia city.

Up in his room Liam once again summoned his status.


Liam Terlock






Light(Foundling stage)




Create Light

Create an external source of light. Duration and intensity depend on how much mana is used.

Mirror Coat

Become almost completely invisible to most untrained eyes. Works better in low light conditions.


View information about objects and creatures. The level of information will depend on your ability with mana and strength of spirit.


Fire a fast-moving bolt from either hand. It will take on the appearance and characterises of whichever light source most recently absorbed.

Noticing that his body stat once again had a plus next to it, Liam thought to himself. “It must be because I’m eating well for the first time, the spirit stuff might be helping too”. He was also happy to note the growth in his mana and inspect ability appearing.

Seeing the moon high up in the night sky gave Liam an idea. Quite as he can, he shifts his bed over in view of it, It’s not perfect but a nice sized beam of moonlight is lighting up his bed. He lays down for the night after undressing and locking the door. It is too cold to sleep without a blanket so for now Liam is content with feeling the moon on his face as he slowly drifts up to sleep.

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