《The Oddity: The One Who Does Not Belong》Chapter 6: The Oddity


After walking for a few minutes I finally arrive at Treant Park. Within the park are hundreds of sapling treants. They're in rows like a garden and white fences surround the. Only a few people are wandering around, some kids play with the treants.

The park used to be a forest, the place was obviously cut down and the inhabitants were forced out. The treants plead with the empire to spare the saplings because they couldn't move, and so the park was made.

I head to a table on the far left side by a large tree. The sole tree without a soul, it stands tall right in the middle of the park. It's a popular spot for couples.

When I turned the corner my master is already sitting there.

"Yo! You've sure kept me waiting." he says.

My master's a bit shorter than me. He's got dark brown hair, a stubble beard, and is well built. He's playful, always making jokes but is scary when mad.

"I was delayed by a couple of thugs." I respond.

"Oh? You sure you weren't hanging out with a girl? You're around that age you know. I wouldn't blame you if you skipped out on a meeting with this old man to spend some time with that special little lady." he said in a joking tone.

"Heh. As expected, you can see right through me." I say sarcastically.


He hands me two tickets.

I stare at them blankly.

"Don't tell me you forgot how to read."

"Why would you give me these?"

"It's not like I need them. Use it for that girlfriend of yours."

"I was joking." I say.

"I know but you haven't been ice skating before so it should be fun! Whether you use it or not is up to you."

I put the tickets into my pouch.

"Okay Rainen. Let's get down to why I wanted you to come here after school today." his voice gets deeper. "How much did the old man see?"

The old man saw quite a bit.

"Apparently I beat up a teacher. I have no recollection of it."

He stares at me intensely.

"So you lost control?"

"Yeah." I cast my eyes down.

He heaves a sigh, "Why did you show him your powers!? If that old man knows about it then he might target you."

My clenched fists are shaking.

"What was I supposed to do!? A student was getting beaten mercilessly and nobody helped him! Was I supposed to just stand and watch too!? How about you? Why did you tell him that you put a seal on me!?" I yell.

He stays silent for a moment.

"At the time that "it" came out I was worried, I was just able to barely contain it. So I consulted the old man about it. He suggested that since your powers had awakened, I should send you there to train. I thought that it would be better if he thought that your powers were getting out of control and so I gave you the advice to hold back a bit. I didn't think that he would try and draw your powers out, and now he knows of what's inside you. Sorry."

He sounds tired. He must have been really worried about the thing inside me.

"Alright. I forgive you. Whatever the headmaster tries to do to me, I'm sure I'll be okay. So about my equipment..."

"Ah. Here."

He holds out a pair of shiny steel bracers.


I put them on.

"Take this too."

A long black sword is handed to me. A katana.

I stare at it.

"I know that it gives you bad memories but you're the only one who can properly wield it."

I tighten my grip on it.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"Because I'm leaving soon. I want you to meet someone." he says as he gets up.

I follow behind, holding the sheathed black sword.





We arrive in another shady place of the city. He leads me to a large storehouse.

Before we go in he hands me clothes,

A large black cloak like jacket that reached my knees with silver outlining it, black pants with multiple pockets, boots, and a black shirt with sleeves and a mask extending from the collar to cover the lower half of my face.

We enter as I put my arms through the jacket, button the part around my neck, and pull my hood over my head. Inside is one other person.

He stands up and walks to us, stopping 15 feet away.

"So this is your pupil." his eyes analyze me.

"I'll need you to watch over him while I go and deal with some things." my master says.

"Reinhard. You know that I can't watch over him because of my work." he responds.

"I know. That's why he'll join your group."

He observes me for a bit longer.

"Fine. Nice to meet you kid."

He extends his hand.

I reach to grab it.


I see his lips mutter somehting. I put my arms in an x to protect my body.


I get blown back. He fired a rock bullet at me with his hand.

I hear footsteps coming towards me.

I lift my head to look. A kick lands on the side of my head but I roll, following the direction of the kick.

I open the palm of my hand and quietly mutter, [Fireball].

He dodges and runs to my prone body.

He lifts his leg in an axe kick.

I barely roll out of the way. It lands inches from my head.

I press my hand on the ground and yell, "[Mud Wall]!" I shoot to the top out of his reach.

He puts both of his hands on the mud wall and says, "[Collapse]."

The wall quickly starts cracking. I stand and jump off.

I land on my feet and turn to face him.

A punch flies towards my head. I deflect it with my left hand and send my right fist at him.

He catches it and puts me into and arm bar.


I let out a voice as the pain goes through my right arm. I send mana into my arms creating fire.

He instantly releases and rolls back.

"[Earth Prison]!"

Thin pillars of earth trap me in a cramped space.

He looks at me and smiles.

"Not bad. I'll watch over him. It's my win kid. [Stun]!"

Ah. I didn't want to use it but I also don't want to lose quite yet. I know I can't win even if I use it but this battle will definitely be good experience.


The stun hits the rock pillar where there used to be a person.

The man looks on confused. his eyebrows are pushed together forming a / shape.

He feels a presence behind him.

He turns around using his arms to protect him while instinctively activating [Protect Body].


Excruciating pain runs through his arms as they absorb a punch coated in fire and electricity.


He jumps back eyes wide.

Rainen rushes forward with another charged fist.

He dodges and sends a mana charged kick at Rainen.

Rainen stumbles back. He disappears again.

This time the man is prepared and launches [Stun] behind himself.


The stun hits the wall.

The man feels a chill run through his back and activates his ability.

The things around a certain radius are pushed away with great force.


Rainen hits the ceiling.

A teleportation ability? He puts his hand up and fires another [Stun].


Rainen appears in front of him in a low position throwing another punch. [He looks tired] thought the man.

The man sends one more mana charged kick. It hits Rainen under the chin and he falls to the ground, the coating around the fist disperses.

The man wipes the single drop of sweat from his forehead and turns to Reinhard.

"I-is he an-"

"Yeah, Carlyle. Lightning and Fire affinity. He's an oddity."

Dear Diary,

Today I was picked up by a man my master knew. It looks like I've been finally sold. I don't know who he is or what he'll do to me but I'm sure I can get through this. On second thought, it seems he has quite the strong grip on me and I can't wiggle free. It has been good knowing you. Please remember me the way I used to be.



"You awake kid?"

"Yeah. You can let me down now." I say.

He gently puts me on the ground.

"Where did my master go?" I ask.

"I don't know."

If my master trusts this guy enough leave me with him even after my secret's exposed I guess it's fine. I wonder where he went though. It irks me a bit that he just left. I mean I really respect him and all but he's one of the people I really just can't read. It's like I'm looking at hieroglyphs with him.

"Let's get going." he says as he walks on.

I quietly follow.

I'm on guard. The first meeting with this guy wasn't what I would call pleasant. He gives off a similar feeling to that damned headmaster. Of course if I had to pick someone to train under it would be this guy. The headmaster doesn't like me too much after all, the feeling is mutual of course.

Where are we going anyways? Going down dark alleyways at night is creepy enough but there's nothing going on at all. The silence is too eerie. Are all these stone houses abandoned? They look pretty nice. Two stories, all brick, four windows, and white.

I look down the street. They're all lined up on the sides. Only a few emit lights.

I get the feeling that someone's behind me waiting for my guard to go down. I look back just in case though.

"Don't worry about it kid. There aren't many thugs here." he says with a chuckle.

Does this guy have eyes on the back of his head or something?

"By the way, what's your name?" I ask.

"It's Carlyle. Rainen."

So he was told my name. I thought it would be best if my identity was kept a secret. Isn't that why I'm wearing these clothes?

After cutting down more dark smelly alleyways we finally reach our destination. Before me stands a gigantic brick storehouse. The large wooden door at the front is closed, we enter through on of the smaller more human sized doors.

Inside of the storehouse are two pathways a little higher up for observing I assume, there are only two windows, both are large and up high. There are many wooden barrels and some metal ones.

"Everyone come out." Carlyle says with his hands cupped around his mouth.

Six other people come out. Uh oh. As I'm close to the door I push it a little with my foot to leave a small opening in case I need to escape. Just because my master trusts Carlyle doesn't mean I do. Letting your guard down is the fastest way to get killed in these situations.

"Yo, Carlyle. Who's the new guy?" a man in a blue robe asks.

"He'll be joining us today as the thirteenth member."

"So does the guy have a name?" a girl in a black cloak says ushering him on.

"He does, but It's a secret. For now just call him the thirteenth." Carlyle responds.

So there should be five other people. Are they waiting outside in case I do something suspicious?

"Hmph, won't give your name out huh."

I look at him, he's the only one with his face exposed. The best thing to do from a teamwork stand point is to give out my name but it's no good for my safety. Being an oddity is definitely better matched with a man in black clothing.

"Shut it Henry. Whether he gives out his name or not is none of our business." the tallest one says.

An assertive guy. Probably something like second in command.

"All I came here to do was to introduce you guys to him." Carlyle says.

"I'm first!"

A cheery voice comes from above. A girl dressed in a dark purple cloak jumps down. I quickly size her up as she puts out her right hand. Gotta be wary for another attack. About 5'3, short hair, slim. Must be some kind of infiltrator.

"Hiya. I'm Hannah."

"Thirteenth here."

I shake her hand. A surprisingly powerful grip.

She gives me a seductive smile.

"He seems quite...strong." she says with a buttery voice.

"Don't be messing with other members Hannah."

The tall one comes forward.

"I'm Allan."

He's taller than me. Heavily built, strong crisp voice.


The girl in the black cloak and the man in the blue cloak come over.

"I'm Anna."

"I'm Garret."

Anna is a bit taller than Hannah. She's a little heavier and has bright blue eyes instead of a dark brown. Her hair is long and is visible from a distance.

Garret's the same height as Carlyle. He looks older and more gruff though.

All of them are dangerous. If they were to try and kill me my only chance would be to run. If they're at least as strong as Carlyle I wouldn't be able to win unless I tried to kill them. It would be good for me to prepare a counter for each one of these guys.

Once again I open my mouth and say, "Thirteenth. Nice to meet you."





I'm already walking back to my dorm room. The first day's been tough. Too many things happened. I have to watch out for the headmaster now. I could always leave the school and become an adventurer or something but I need more magic if I plan to go on alone.

On my way to my dorm I spot blue ha-err I mean Ellar. She's still wearing the school uniform. I changed back to my old clothes by the way. A wicked though crosses my mind. Maybe I should go scare her? Nah. I quickly dismiss the though. Making her more wary of me would be troublesome. I walk past her. As I go by I notice a letter in her hand. Did she receive it or is she going to send it? It reminds me. I should send a letter the Aisha soon. I'll start tonight I decide.

I reach my dorm room. I throw my sword and black clothing into the closet and fall flat on the bed. I sink in as I lay on it. I light the lantern and look at the ceiling, slightly tinted orange from the light. It's a nice room. A closet, a nightstand, and your own bathroom.

I stretch my left arm out trying to feel for the pen and paper. I just lazily rest my right hand across my forehead. Would now even be a good time to write a letter to my sister? I'm so busy but I haven't interacted with her even once after we parted so long ago.

While my left hand still gropes around for the pen and paper I slowly fall victim to my growing exhaustion.

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