《The Wolfram Chronicles》Chapter 10 - Goblin Strike
Walking down through the castle town, a silence hung between the two men as they travelled down the street. Vance didn't want to say anything, nor could he, given what had just transpired mere moments ago. Richard, for his part, was likely trying to keep himself focused on the current task before him, ensuring that he was ready for whoever and whatever might come in his way upon exiting the mountain. Vance wasn't so worried about what they might face outside, but rather, he worried whether Richard was in the right frame of mind given how Vilkmar was now gone.
Unlike him, Richard had likely known Vilkmar for centuries, which would devastate any normal person, be they Human or Dragon. Given what he'd seen too from how volatile Richard was when it came to meeting new people, there was a high probability that someone was going to feel the full brunt of a Dragon's rage.
Letting a small sigh, Vance finally broke the silence, "So, how far is this secret passageway?"
Richard didn't bother looking back, merely continuing on his way, "Not far..." Came a short quick reply.
Vance didn't like this, "Hey, listen if you need time?..."
"Time? What time?! I can hardly just stand around and grieve! Not when who knows what might happen if we waste even a second!" Richard snapped, twisting around to face Vance, his anger flaring.
Vance didn't flinch but instead reached out and rested his hand on his new comrade's shoulder. "Relax." He said, "You just lost someone close to you. I can understand your anger, but lashing out like this won't do you or our cause any good. Moreso if you turn that rage on a civilian." He noted, trying to speak as softly as possible.
Richard turned away, casting his gaze at the street floor. "I know... dammit, I know! I just... there's a lot to do, and I'm suddenly getting thrust into a position I've never wanted, and now my grandfather gone..." He grumbled through clenched teeth, "How can I just-"
"Again, relax, take a deep breath and count to ten," Vance said, making the motions for a breath in and out. "You're not alone. I'm in the same boat, remember? I'm expected to unite a province and rule it." Vance noted, a small smile creeping across his lips. "Look at the situation this way, if something happens, at least we can cover each other's weak points long enough to come up with a proper plan, eh?"
Doing as instructed, Richard took a few breaths, counting to ten in his head, and sure enough, he visible began to calm. "Thanks..." He whispered, turning on the ball of his heel as he continued to lead on.
"No problem," Vance said.
Before long, the two had arrived at the passageway, and sure enough, it looked just like what you'd expect a mountain to be... rock.
"What now?" Vance asked.
Richard brought his hand up, asking for silence before bringing it back and placing the open palm on the worn section of the rockface. Vance watched, brow raised in interest as suddenly the rocks gave way, crumbling to form a doorway before their very eyes.
"So, do I get to do that too? Or is that just something you can do?" Vance asked as they both walked through the door.
Richard shrugged, "Depends how I feel."
Vance chuckled as they walked through, "Fine, fine, keep your secrets then. I'll just make a better doorway."
Richard's face cracked into a small smile but said nothing in response.
Finally, emerging from the passage, the two men had to shield their eyes for a moment as the sunlight hit them. Squinting down the path as Vance adjusted to the natural light, he quickly spotted the Town of Luna.
"See? Nothing was waiting for us." Vance observed as he began to walk down the slope.
Richard followed closely behind, only replying with a small, "Hmph, we'll see."
Unlike before, the trip down the slope proved far quieter and actually felt refreshing to Vance, unlike before when he was constantly on guard. It also helped he was no longer alone as he was before. Plus, it felt like he could face just about anyone with his new sword and not have to worry about suffering a fatal injury. However, the loss of his musket, as he had to leave it behind as it had become damaged due to the traps, forcing him to rely purely on his swordsmanship for the time being until he could get a new one. Meanwhile, his travelling companion seemed not to need a sword or any weapon for that matter, as he walked dressed in the same hooded robes as before. In truth, he looked more like a monk... or well, one that had horns and fiery red hair.
Both men snapped their attention up, looking towards the town, spotting a trail of black smoke billowing up into the sky. "We have to move... Fast!" Vance said, quickly breaking into a headlong sprint towards the town, ignoring all the branches, bushes, rocks, or whatever else blocked the path.
Rushing hard and as fast as they could, both men darted forward at inhuman speed until they came at the foot of the mountain, just a few feet from the town's rear entrance, to notice people running and screaming in panic as a horde of goblins began to ransack and trash the town. Vance felt a dark feeling well up within him for the first time in his life as he saw all these once happy people being butchered where they stood or dragged away in chains by foul creatures.
"You take the Right; I'll take the left", Vance ordered, slowly drawing his new blade from its sheath.
Richard smirked and brought his hands up, arcane power engulfing his hands in gold flames. "And here I thought you were the calm one." He quipped.
"Yeah, well, we can't all be saints, now can we?" Vance retorted as he stepped forward.
Blade drawn, the same runic symbols began to hum as the strange blue hue started to form along the length of the sabre, creating a frightening flame that soon surrounded the blade. Walking up, he saw four goblins no taller than four feet try to tear a young teenage girl from her bloodied father, their evil cackles filling the air as they were lost in their own little world. With a quick swing, the blade sliced through the four necks with ease, cleaving through flesh and bone as though they were butter.
Wasting little time, Vance looked down at the grieving girl and frowned. "I need you to run, run towards the mountains, and hide there. If you see anyone else on your way, tell them the same. The slope is clear of monsters and goblins, so you'll be safe there." Vance said, hoisting the girl up to her feet with a single hand. "Go! You can morn your father later; for now, you'd be honouring him by running!" Vance told her, pushing her towards the exit. "GO!" He yelled.
Watching her run away, tears streaming down her face, Vance wanted to make sure she got away safely before turning his attention back to the horde before him. His eyes darkened, his heartbeat began to increase, his blood coursed through him like a raging flood as he felt his anger come to a head, only for his high human iron will to temper it into strength.
Rushing forward, he made for the second of his targets, blade clutched above and behind his head, as he came to cleave a goblin rider and his war hog in two with a single blow. A scene of terror to erupt in the surrounding goblins who could hardly believe the sight of their commander and his mount killed in one swing by an attacker who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Vance, for his part, took this moment to capitalize on their dazed state as he lunged forward, plunging his blade through the first of his foes, turned and twisting the sabre free with one swift movement, he brought the heavy tipped blade down upon the head of a second, killing both in quick succession. The others began to fall back upon their rumps, shivering in the blood image of Vance, who stood like a vengeful spirit. Lashing out, one of the creatures bellowed a cry, trying to rally his fellows to action, be his bravery was short-lived as a gloved fist sailed into his jaw, ripping it free from its face, leaving a gory scene of blood and teeth. One quick stomp with his foot, and the life was snuffed out from the evil creature.
As the others ran in panicked screams, Vance took a moment to collect himself, panting a bit as he remembered he'd been doing this all in a day and a half; he was still feeling the burning of his muscles. Still, his anger and adrenaline kept him feeling fresh to an extent and would likely carry him through much of this battle. Turning to spot a small troop of Goblin riders who came rushing around the corner atop giant black warthogs that stood well over 5'5", they sneered and bellowed cruel curses towards Vance in their native tongue prompting Vance to flip them off.
Bringing his blue flamed blade up, he pointed it towards them as if baring his fangs towards them, daring them to charge. It didn't take much egging on to get them to do just that either as the lead rider surged forth, followed closely by his troop of riders. A quick glance could tell the weaknesses in their formation as they charged forward, giving Vance just enough time to roll to the side and bring his blade swinging around and down in two swift movements, cutting the lead hog's head clean off, sending its rider careening to the stone streets face forward, snapping his neck.
Without the leader, the rest of the riders were slow to reform, giving ample time for Vance to charge forward. Leaping up and into the air, Vance came to land on the second hog's back, ripping the rider off and tossing him aside like a piece of trash. With one quick movement, he twisted his blade around and brought it to bear, striking down through the beast's head, killing it instantly, forcing Vance to do a controlled roll in the street. Surprisingly, one of the riders mustered enough courage to charge him, and much like before, it didn't end well as Vance looked around, noting a slain adventurer, a pistol clutched tightly in his hands. Ripping the pistol free, Vance brought it to bear, took aim, and fired!
The ball struck home, slamming into the goblin's chest. Slumping forward and then off the side, pulling his mount down into a slide, opening him up for one quick downward swipe.
"Three dead, one left," Vance muttered, turning to face the other one, but what he saw instead of a rider running to the woods.
Having seen the display of carnage wrought upon them by Vance and Richard, the other goblins quickly stopped their pillaging and began to run for the forest, leaving behind their spoils. Richard, for his part, had slaughtered a small platoon using his powerful ancient magic to flay the goblins alive, while his iron skin protected him from any feeble attack his foes might try to make. It had proven to be a quick and bloody affair, giving the two a swift and bloody victory.
"Richard!" Vance called out, rushing towards the middle of the square.
"Yeah?" Richard answered, coming up after freeing two townspeople from their bindings.
"This was only a momentary victory; they'll be back; we need to do something to see them off for good," Vance said as he began digging through the slain adventurer's pockets for ammo.
Richard scratched the back of his head in thought. "I don't know. I mean, I could transform... but given my size, I'd likely do more damage to the town."
Vance hummed in thought for a second, thinking how he actually wanted to see Richard's true form since it'd be his first time seeing an actual dragon, but for now, he'd save for that a more significant pitched battle in an open field. Turning to take account of the situation, he noted how the people gathered together who they could, wounded and dead alike, as they moved towards the mountains as directed by Richard. Just as one couple moved past him, he recognized them as William and Aelizabeth.
"William, Aelizabeth! I'm glad to see you both alive and well... I... I'll admit I thought the worst after you told me where you both live." Vance said as he came jogging up to the two.
Both looked at him and let out a thankful sigh to see a friendly face, "Vance, I'd honestly say we got lucky... unlike the others..." William started, his voice rough and cracked, likely from yelling.
Nodding, Vance reassured the two, "Either way, what's important is that you're both alive and well... but I'm afraid I need to ask a favour."
"Anything," William answered.
"Do you have cannons here?" Vance asked, a play grin spreading across his face.
After a brief walk through the opposite end of the town, they came to the Guard headquarters and sure enough, there was a lone cannon. A quick inspection of the gun told Vance all he needed to know.
"Six pounders, cast iron cannon... this will do," Vance said aloud before turning to William and a small company of men and women who had decided to help defend the town.
Some of those who made up the makeshift militia were the surviving adventures. The previous Raven haired Guildhall receptionist was acting as something akin to a Captain, showing her natural leadership capabilities, as it turned out she was the reason the damage wasn't as significant as it would've been.
"I need a squad of four to help me move this gun to the town entrance!" Vance started, "Next, I'll need some of you to start barricading the streets. We need to funnel the next wave through one street and one street only." Vance continued with his orders, walking past the group of no more than a hundred and twenty people.
"Estrid," Vance called out towards the now-former Guildhall receptionist, whom he had only learned the name of two minutes ago after gathering together a militia. "I'll need you to arm our people here. Get them muskets, swords, pikes, anything that can kill those little green fucks."
"Right!" She replied, turning back to the others, "Jackson, William, I need you both to man the armoury! Start giving people a musket, powder, and shot." She ordered, before adding, "and remember to show them how to use them, please!"
With his orders given, Vance quickly refocused on his next task. "Richard!" He called out.
The redhead stepped out from behind the nearby wall, dragging behind him two dead goblins. "What's up?"
"Is the town clear?" He asked.
"Just about, I have a squad of adventurers clear the other side and seeing who they can save," Richard answered.
"Good, we'll need all the people we can muster if we want my plan to succeed." He said as he watched the cannon getting rolled out towards the town entrance.
Richard tilted his head, curious, "You know, I'm curious how you even came up with this plan?"
"Well, I mean, are you sure this will even work? I know goblins are stupid, but I doubt they'd just funnel headlong down a narrow road." Richard pointed out, running a hand through hair.
Vance shook his head, "They will trust me." He answered, "They're the type of creature that is spurred forward by large numbers and their desire to pillage, rape, and steal. I used to hunt the buggers back with my father near our farm. They'd often steal our livestock, and no matter how simple the trap, they'd just keep pushing forward if they had large numbers." Vance said, grabbing himself a musket.
Thankfully, he still had his ammo from before, saving him some time as he began to reload.
"Oh? Huh, well, I hope this proves to be an easy win." Richard prayed.
As Vance finished loading and bringing his musket to half cock, he looked up at Richard, "It never is."
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