《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.2》Chp. 11, Of Men and Monsters
Dante stopped rubbing his eyes for a moment as he heard the *Ping* of a system notice.
Global Quest!
The Halls of the Dead are brimming with damned souls. Those souls have become monsters, in a cycle of predation. With each cycle they grow stronger and ever more dangerous. If left unchecked they will spill forth upon the zones and your world, bringing calamity with them.
All players above level 50 are HIGHLY recommended to participate as part of a party of NO LESS THAN 5 individuals. Greater numbers are HIGHLY advisable. All members of the party MUST be above level 50.
If you wish to participate in this quest you will need to raise your level to 50 and form a party with others of that level or above.
Those above level 50 may enter in groups of less than 5, IF their levels are deemed sufficient.
It's HIGHLY recommended that all participants have at least 100 points in Will as many of the monsters in the Halls of the Dead are capable of possessing you. Please don't participate if your will is below 100.
System will not be held liable if you choose to disregard the warnings and/or advice of the system.- Disclaimer A.I 426
Quest rewards: Variable, based upon participation
"I guess that's the notice the system rep was talking about yesterday. Let's pull up that skill and...still no fucking description." He said.
He wanted to go back to bed, since he was kinda tired of this shit, but he was also hungry.
"Ok, here's today's plan. Go back to the Mages guild for magic training and gain at least one level in the Wizard class..." Dante paused as a new notice arrived.
A new Quest has been created!
Cleric Wizard?
You're a cleric, and yet you have shown the explicit desire to gain levels in the Wizard class. Rosana has seen your efforts and smiles in acceptance.
Quest requirements: Gain one or more levels in the Wizard class within 1 week's time.
Quest rewards will be given out when appropriate. Rewards will scale with the number of levels in the Wizard class obtained.
Quest rewards: EXP, the Rare Title "Cleric Wizard", A free system spell tome
You have my blessing to pursue your own goals Dante. I know you'll do great things in the future. Don’t forget to gain levels in Cleric Dante.- Rosana
Accept? Y/N
"FUCK YES!" Dante said in a low but excited voice, trying to keep his voice down.
Quest accepted...
"Looks like desiring something can lead to a quest. Add it to the list of things to investigate. After the Mages guild we should see where else Califa will take us. I wonder if there's an adventurer's guild? It would make some sense. But that remains to be seen." He said before pausing for a moment, waiting, and then he began to get dressed.
Dante got dressed not forgetting to put back on his robe and other magical items.
"Leave the ring of climate control in my inventory and the Ring of the King as well. We shall wear the Ring of Truesight. Don't forget my hat..." He said taking the disguised crown from his night stand and placing it upon his head once more.
"Good morning Dante. I sense you have undergone your Inner world tutorial." Spoke the crown in his mind.
"I have, it was a nice place for the most part." he replied.
"That's good to hear sir. You are undoubtedly very hungry from the increase of your stats. I would suggest you get dressed and go have breakfast." said the crown.
"Good Idea." he replied.
Stepping out the door and downstairs he found his parents still having breakfast in the dining area. Although they seemed to be just about finishing up.
Dante joined them and so they talked for a time, discussing what had been going on yesterday. Had he seen the quest notice.
Checking his status he saw he was rather close to 100 Spirit.
'A few stat points in spirit, then walk a road, finish of with distributing the rest of the stat points.
He puts 6 into Spirit to get it to 100, then does his roads.
Congratulations! Your Spirit has reached 100!
You are found to possess an inventory...
Your Inventory size has increased to 2x2x2 cubic meters...
Inventory has been partitioned into, Slots, due to increased size...
Each slot’s size will be 1 cubic meter...
8 Inventory slots available...
Please consult your System guide for additional information...
Soul space is experiencing a period of rapid growth!...
Turning inward once more he found himself once more under the shade of the tree where he had first arrived in this place. He watched in awe and splendor as the dome that formed the sky receded.
"Beautiful is it not?" Virgil stated as he appeared next to Dante.
"Yes it is." He stated as he turned to look towards the beach. It was a bit too far for him to see from where he stood now, so he took a step and in a moment he was there.
Standing on the small beach he watched as the edge of his soul space raced away rapidly increasing the volume of his soul space.
He watched as the small beach was now bordered by a greatly expanding waterfront. An ocean was beginning to form before his eyes.
He turned his sight upward towards the expanding sky. He watched as it continued to expand before finally settling after having expanded by several miles.
He thought once more of his ring of true sight and so his temptation and curiosity got the better of him. He blinked, enabling the rings effects.
What greeted him was a world awash with color. The domed sky seemed to be composed of golden arcane equations and symbols meshed together to form the large dome that constituted the boundaries of this place.
He took a step and once more he stood with Virgil. The figure of Virgil garbed all in black was ever brighter to his eyes now.
He now knew what it must have felt like to be Neo when he became the one and saw the code behind the matrix.
Virgil too seemed to be a mix of arcane math and symbols. Though that which made him up was of varying colors. All the colors of mana he had unlocked.
With a blink he disabled the ring once more before nodding to Virgil and with a blink he was gone once more.
Road of Blood
Road of Earth II
Road of Water II
Road of Family
Road of the Unyielding Will
Road to Everlasting Life
Road of Courage II
Road of the Tireless I
Road of Radiance I
Road of Light II
Wizard's Road III 0/50
'Well let's finish the Road of the Earth.' He thought as he put 20 points into the Road of Earth II, enough to finish it.
Your travels have taken you far afield, and your legs grow stronger with every step! +2 Str, +3 End...
Dante's eyes glassed over as the world was torn away from him, and another took its place.
Once more he stood in the clearing of a forest where the tree's stood tall and proud. Their leaves vibrant with all the colors of Spring.
The green grass was lush and bountiful.
All swaying in the gentle breeze.
As he looked around he found something he hadn't expected.
"Are those Blood Roses?" He asked as he approached to get a better view.
To his surprise it was indeed a patch of Blood Roses.
He smiled, reaching for the symbol of his lady he wore around his neck, holding it gently.
Dante heard something, and as he paused to listen the next notice came.
All upon this divine land give heed to the Lady of Life, you're no exception. +3 Wis and Cha...
Dante stood at attention as he saw countless animals step to the edge of the clearing.
Among the countless he only recognized a few species here and there.
He turned to find a figure clad in a colorful hooded robe.
"My lady, Rosana. It's good to see you again. Do you have something to tell me?" Dante asked.
Rosana simply smiled from beneath her hood and pointed toward him.
Confused he pointed to himself, stepping to the right a little but her hand didn't waver from its direction.
Dante looked behind him to see the forest had gone, and was replaced by a wall of rock.
He saw that before him was the mouth of a cave.
Behind him he heard the sound of crashing waves, but then he felt a gentle hand upon his shoulder.
To cross the world in search of one long lost. Your lady bids you...
Dante felt himself moving again as he now stood in what appeared to be a dimly lit cavern.
In the middle of the cavern was a bed of grass and flowers, only a few of which he knew of.
Upon the bed of grass laid something hairy. He thought it was an animal before he got a closer look.
While its legs were that of a goat, long curled grey hairs upon its legs with backwards knees and hooves, it had the upper body of an older man. Upon its head grew a set of curved horns like that of a ram.
"A satyr?" he questioned as he felt his lady release his shoulder and step forth to kneel before the creature.
"He is no mere satyr Dante. You know his name, so speak it." She said in a warm tone.
He thought for a moment inspecting the goat man before it donned on him who was before him. "He's Pan, God of the Wild..." he said in shock and amazement.
No sooner had he spoken that name then Pan opened his eyes for but a second, before they closed once more.
Find him, Dante...
Dante blinked as his sight returned to his own body. Still sitting at the table with his parents.
+10 End!...
Congratulation! You have completed the Road of the Earth II! +2 to all stats!...
Your Affinity for Earth has increased!...
Divine Quest!
Find Pan, God of the Wilds
Your Lady has tasked you with finding the sleeping god Pan.
He lays in a cave by the coast, somewhere in the isles of Greece.
Time limit: None
You may not decline this quest.
Quest rewards: EXP, (Unknown: Variable)
"Well alright then. I guess we have a long term goal. It gives me somewhere to go after I get out of the Tutorial zone...." Dante sighed for a moment, his parents looking at him with amusement.
"You got a quest or something Dante?" Frank asked with a small smile and a raised eyebrow.
Dante said nothing and instead summoned Virgil to put up the Anti sound barrier.
350 mana later, he handed the blue box to his parents.
"I've always wanted to have a vacation in Greece. What do you think Dear?" His mother asked his father.
Dante held the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes as he pulled up his status.
Virgil simply smiled as Dante distributed his stat points.
Dante A. Stone
Race: Human
Class: Cleric (B,L)
LVl. 27
EXP: 355/5,500
Gold: 1088.5 Large gold
Strength 71
Constitution/Vitality 89
Endurance 79
Dexterity 65
Road Points
Willpower 89
Stat Points
Intellect 67 Luck 78 Wisdom 119 Perception 63 Charisma 67 Spirit 109
'Pretty impressive status for a level 27. Or maybe it isn't, I don't really know. Anyway, let's get everything lower than 70, up to that.' He said as he input the points.
5 to Dex, 3 to Int and Cha, 7 to Per.
'16 points to spare and only 11 needed to get Con to 100. I'll do that then put the rest into stamina. I should probably do the Road of the Tireless when I have the points. My stamina is lagging behind.' he thought as he put 11 points into Con.
Congratulations! Your Constitution has reached 100!...
Congratulations! You have acquired the Uncommon, Semi- active skill, Iron Skin Lvl. 1...
Iron Skin- Increase your physical resilience by moving energy to your skin. Higher mastery/skill level means quicker activation and a greater ability to localize its application. Costs 10 stamina per second minimum. You can increase the power of this skill by expending additional stamina. Base defensive boost based on level of the skill. Small increase to health, stamina and their regens per level of the skill...
Dante's eyes went wide.
'Huh, that's useful...I can power level this.' he thought with a smile as he flicked on the skill.
He watched his hands as the skill activated.
It took about 5 seconds for the skill to fully activate.
Over the course of those 5 seconds he saw his skin turn from its normal slightly tanned to a more dull coloration.
Pulling his skin he certainly felt greater resistance than he had been expecting.
"Hey Virgil how much stamina can I spend on this skill each second without exceeding my stamina regen?" Dante asked not wanting to do tha math himself.
Vigil smiled and gave a small laugh.
"You would need to more than triple your stamina regen to make it able to keep up with the base consumption of that skill." Said Virgil.
Dante clicked his tongue in annoyance.
'Should have done the math myself...It will take 600 stamina per minute and I'll be out of stamina in about 3 minutes. But by then I'll have regenerated enough for another minute or so...' he thought.
+1 Int and Wis...
Iron Skin has leveled up! Lvl. 2...
"Great. I wonder If this will give me a level in Warrior or something if I take it all the way to my next level?...Let's find out." He said with a smile as he turned on meditation.
Iron Skin has leveled up! Lvl. 3...
Resistance to Mundane Exhaustion has leveled up! Lvl. 2...
Congratulations! Your Health has passed 2,500! The skill, Over Heal, evolves...
Congratulations! Skill, Over Heal, has become the Rare passive skill, Crystal of Health...
Cyrstal of Health- A skill that protects the user from the effects of overexposure to the Health resource. Increased resistance to health poisoning per level of the skill. Increased health and health regen per level of the skill...
You have discovered 1 of 3 parts to the Player Resources skill set!
Meditation has leveled up! Lvl. 4...
Iron Skin has leveled up! Lvl. 4...
Iron Skin turned off as his stamina ran out and he was honestly glad. His breath was somewhat labored, and sweat was visible upon his brow.
You are experiencing Stamina exhaustion. Stamina regen has been halved...
Resistance to Mundane Exhaustion has leveled up! Lvl. 3...
Meditation has leveled up! Lvl. 5...
Dante breathed deeply sitting in his chair. He was tired and yet all he had done was sit here with that skill active.
'Stamina really means stamina. It's good to see this is a way to level a few other things. Not a bad training method I've found.' He thought as he decided to cut this training short.
"Virgil, what does it mean by Health poisoning? What's this Player resource skill set." He asked Virgil.
"Health poisoning is the general term for the negative effects of having too much health over your max. This most often happens when mages with little in the way of physical stats try increasing their Con by a considerable amount without raising their other physical stats first in an attempt to stave off death. Imagine your body as a cup..." Virgil paused, creating a small glass cup from mana.
"Your health, mana, and stamina are liquids in that cup." Three 'Liquids' appeared in the cup each forming its own layer in the cup. One red, one blue, and one green.
"These resources can be held in differing quantities without much issue so long as the difference doesn't grow too large. Though you likely won't have to worry about this while you're here. The amount varies based on more than a dozen different factors but often it takes anywhere from 2 to 8 times another resource to cause serious issues. 2 being the low end and 8 being the high end of course." Said Virgil.
"I get it now but could you give an example for my parents?" asked Dante.
"Certainly. For example, if a mage poured all his points into Wisdom and Intellect to increase their mana capacity, he may pass the tipping point. By that I mean the point at which his body can no longer hold that much mana. This would lead to health loss, and pain. Inevitably culminating in the death of the mage if they didn't find a way to either drain off their mana till this body grows accustomed to the amount. Or enhanced their body to withstand their power." Said Virgil who had taken an unoccupied seat at the table.
"That's good to know Virgil but can you give us a bit more than that." Asked Frank, drawing a raised eyebrow from Dante.
"What? I want to learn more to be well prepared." Frank replied to his son's look.
"A wise choice Frank. I'll elaborate for you all. Let's return to the cup analogy." Virgil said as he brought the cup back.
"This will be the same as before, except now the cup has a sealed top with small holes in it. As you can see as the amount exceeds the limits of the cup small amounts can get out, but only so fast." He said as the liquid that had been slowly coming out the tip and dripping down the side began coming out faster and faster. They watched as the pressure built, the liquid began to squirt upwards.
"Your excess resources can only leave so fast passively which leads to building pressure if left unchecked. Too much over your max on any resource. too much of a disbalance and you get..." Virgil paused as the glass cracked before it shattered, spilling its contents. It's pieces resting upon the ground.
"Message received, proper balance or you die." Dante said as he was turning towards his parents, but turned back when Virgil continued.
"That, or you become a monster..." Virgil said as the pieces of the cup reassembled themselves.
The pieces fit back together, cracks sealing themselves but something strange happened.
Something began to form in the middle of the cup.
Three small spheres. One red, one blue, and one green. Each floating level with the others.
The cup refilled but something had changed.
"There are no holes in the top now." Dante stated his observation.
The orbs were covered by the fluid but quickly sank back down. Seemingly unable to cover them once more.
"This is what sets many monster's apart from player's. Most monsters don't leak resources into the environment. Instead..." Virgil paused as he continued the display.
The flood that had been spilled previously began to dissipate, becoming a gas that floated towards the cup.
The gas passed through the glass as if it weren't there.
"Monster's draw in the resources of the world around them to enhance themselves. Those orbs you saw in the glass are similar to the one you possess Dante. However, there's a difference. Monster cores will constantly draw in resources both from the monster's resource pools and from their surroundings as long as the monster lives. The more they take in the bigger the core gets, thus allowing it to take in more. Therefore even a goblin can stand against a dragon if they live long enough. It's more complicated than that but those are the basics."
"As for the Player Resource skill set, you possess health, the other two being related to mana and stamina. All skills in that set are meant to help prevent monsterfication in player's. That's another key difference between so called, 'Player Cores' and cores of true monsters." Virgil finished.
Dante with wide eyes took a gulp of his soda from breakfast.
Laura and Frank each had a distant look in their eyes.
The glass held in Virgil's palm shattered once more as he gripped it tight before dissipating back into atmospheric mana.
"How long till my stamina regen is back to normal Virgil?" Dante asked, trying to change the subject. Rather unnerved by the notion of a goblin fighting, and possibly beating, a dragon.
"About an hour, unless you keep spending stamina." Vrigil replied.
"Good to know." he replied simply.
About an hour later Dante and Califa stood once more in the Mages guild.
This time however, the Headmaster was waiting for them.
- In Serial9 Chapters
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Ark runs a small alchemy store in the central kingdom of Unitos with his sister, Armi, who makes sure her brother doesn’t blow up the entire kingdom with his constant ingredient mixing or accidentally insult the heroes summoned from another world. From giving rude gestures to ridiculously overpowered bosses with his two hands, being imprisoned inside a giant god-like dungeon, dealing with bloodthirsty cults dedicated to dark gods and insulting the heroes. Ark just wants to go home and sleep his problems away until the universe ends or his sister kicks him out of bed. Either way, he’s totally not the main character or anything… *Originally written on wattpad but I decided to move it here now that I have better writing skills.
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