《Welcome to the Upward Bound System, V.2》Chp.1, The Day Everything Changed, The Road ahead is Treacherous
Dante was a young man on the day it all started, not long into his 20’s.
He had come home from college for the winter break, greeted warmly by his adoptive parents, Frank and Laura Stone, now in their early 50's, but still going strong.
Dante walked downstairs in his parent’s home greeting them as he sat down for breakfast.
“Anyone else notice that the internet is really slow this morning?” Dante asked between bites.
“Is it?” Laura asked. “Maybe if you weren’t on it whenever you’re home you’d actually have some when you want to use it.”
Dante sighed. “Mom, that’s not how the internet works! Come on dad, back me up.”
“Sorry Dante, can’t help you there.”
He planned on heading back to the University of Wyoming in about two weeks.
But fate had other plans.
His black tied back hair was still damp from his quick shower. His hazel eyes glittered as he watched his parents dancing around the kitchen whilst breakfast was cooking.
Dante smiled, it warmed his heart to see them still happy together after all this time. He wished he could have something as good as what they had. He was their only son, adopted when found out they couldn’t have kids of their own.
It was January 20th, 2021, Inauguration day.
After breakfast Dante and his parents sat down on the couch having finished their breakfast. They flipped the tv to the news, Fox was reporting from onsite where the president would soon be inaugurated. They saw as the president-elect stepped up the stairs towards the podium. However, as he reached the top of the stairs, everything changed.
He felt something wash over him, through him. Like his entire body was covered and filled with static. For a moment it was there and then it wasn't.
Words rolled across Dante's field of vision.
Welcome to the Upward Bound System people of Earth!...
With the system's arrival you’re warned to prepare for the coming danger...
The tools of your survival shall be granted upon you by the system...
System Integration Proceeding...
System store is Live...
The Road system is Live...
Arrival of System representatives imminent...
So closes the ending of one chapter for Humanity and the beginning of another…
Welcome to the New Age!...
Dante's eyes narrowed upon the text in his vision smiling slightly at the last words. He could almost hear one of his favorite songs playing in his mind with that little phrase.
‘I’m radioactive, radioactive.’ He sang to himself. A small smile on his face.
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.
He refocused on the tv as the president-elect, another old white guy, stepped up to be sworn in.
"Yeah dad?"
"Is there something in my eyes?" Dante went rigid for a moment before he turned his head slowly towards his father before a flash from the T.V. caused both of them to redirect their attention.
(Several hours earlier)
Up in space, a colossal, sleek black ship entered geostationary orbit around Earth's moon. The ship appeared to look like an enormous 20 sided die. The ship's surface seemed polished to a mirror-like shine in the unfiltered sunlight.
Each of its faces was more than 20 miles in diameter. Once it had reached its intended destination the onboard A.I. which had been dormant for its long ride began its startup sequence.
Startup sequence Initiated...
Initializing sensors…
Ascertaining and Executing Prime directives...
Acquire information upon host civilization prior to first contact, by varying means if need be.
The sensors of the colossal ship flared to life. It immediately found many artificial bodies orbiting the main body of the moon's solar partner. It reached out, trying to connect to them with its mind. Within moments it established a connection between itself and the satellites.
It had many jobs, and those jobs required information. It began to rapidly assimilate all the data it could request and find. It bypassed the security systems in the satellites programming and suppressed the sounding of any alarms. It wanted to keep those on the blue marble unaware of its presence, until it had a better grasp of the situation.
"’Earth’ they call it?" The A.I. mused to itself as it continued to sort through the ocean of data it had gained access to.
17 concepts flagged for review and implementation into the wider system framework…
Warning! Massive belief structures present. Divine awakening and resurrection protocols engaged.
Calculating expenditure of resources…
Insufficient to restore all divine entities…
Restoring entities, at diminished power…
Adjust System parameters to fit new contextual data...
The A.I. began to translate its interfaces into the many and varying languages of Earth. The system ship set its clocks to the time used by the people of this world. January 20, 2021 Inauguration day in the USA. One of the largest and most powerful countries on the planet. The system analyzed the customs and cultures of the people of Earth. It took in the ocean of information and sorted through it all with unbelievable speed. However an ocean is still an ocean.
It took several hours for the system to make all the necessary changes before it moved onto its next directive.
Initiate contact with most prominent sentient lifeforms….
There at the podium where the new president was supposed to be sworn in, was a shining golden figure. Dante asked the question first, "Is that god?"
The golden figure was humanoid in appearance, if somewhat androgynous. Its skin was smooth and practically translucent. "Hello, I am the system representative A.I. tasked with the running of this world. I have noted that 2.6 billion individual's as of this moment have asked questions of great similarity. That question being ‘Is that god?’ in several hundred variations. I am not any of your gods..."
'Its voice even sounds androgynous.' Dante thought. Fear began to well up within him.
“Is this really happening?” He questioned, his voice a mix of excitement and worry.
The golden figure's hand reached up to hold its chin, pondering aloud for a moment, "However, by your world's definitions, I could be classified as such a being." The figure returned its hand to the podium, "All that aside, I have been sent to guide you and the other races of this world."
Once more the figure paused before continuing. “3.5 billion individuals have expressed the desire to know my designation. My designation is..." He paused for the third time. "Many of you are worried for those here in America." The figure motioned and camera's zoomed out showing the large crowd that had gathered to watch the presidential election.
The crowd was silent. Not a person moved. Not one person spoke. Every person besides the golden figure seemed to be frozen.
The camera's once more focused upon the golden figure as he gave reassurance, "Fear not, for I have simply immobilized them. As for my designation, you may each call me as you wish." The figure smiled warmly, "I am currently speaking in the capital of every country in this world. Many of your old systems of governance are being torn down and rebuilt under my leadership. My voice is being heard by every person upon this world through one medium or another. You all hear me in your own language. That is the system working to help limit misunderstandings. The system is working, in part, as what you might call, a universal translator."
The figure turned looking upon the many old and politicians in the crowd and behind him. Including the older man who had been making his way up to the podium prior to his arrival.
The golden figure raised up his right hand, "I can see your crimes, and they are numerous. For them, those not fit to live under the system shall all be swiftly dealt with." The figure spoke in a harsh tone.
Then he snapped his fingers.
Initiate dismantling of major governmental bodies, minor/local governmental bodies are to be left intact when viable...
System kill command has been issued for 45,927,238 individuals...
No sooner had the figure snapped its fingers than the man who had been moments from the office of the President of the United States fell to the ground, dead.
Along with about a quarter of the audience. The remaining people stood or sat, still held in the grip of this being's power.
All across the nation and the world other such individuals in high government positions were dropping dead, as each of the over 200 other copies of themselves snapped their fingers.
Corrupt and evil individuals all across the world began dropping like rain in a storm. The system knew the minds of every human being. From their hopes and dreams, to their darkest secrets. Did they regret, could they be saved?
So it was that those monsters that hid in the light and dark alike, found their lives abruptly ended.
Many others simply received blue boxes notifying them that they had been stripped of their authority. Others received notices stating that their positions would be changing from this day forth.
The golden figure regarded the corpse that just seconds ago had been a man, with cold eyes. With a wave of its hand, the body vanished in a flash of golden light.
Every corpse made from the Systems kill command also was gone at that moment.
A new notice appeared then for all to see.
Be wary…
The Halls of the Dead are filling with Shadows…
The undead stalk its halls...
Ready to pounce! Ready to prey upon anything within sight, even one another...
Dante watched that notice roll across his vision. As it did, the fear he felt only grew. He was sweating now. His eyes wide as he watched what was unfolding before him.
The shining figure returned to its previous position, as its smile also returned.
"Now that we have that nasty business out of the way. This form will disappear. But remember, like those gods you hold so dear I will always be watching, always be with you. I am your guide and I will be there whenever you have a need for me. If you need help navigating the system simply state, “System Guide." The golden figure gave a bow then blinked from existence.
It was at that moment that everyone who had been frozen began to move again. There was silence for a moment, then all hell broke loose.
Institute new, one world, government.
The system began setting up a new form of government built upon efficiency, logic and reasoning. This new government however was tempered by compassion, trust and just a hint of faith.
Buildings once meant for governments now fallen were repurposed to suit the system's needs.
Bring armies of the world under System control, if possible/ applicable.
All across the world the militaries of now fallen nations received word that a new order was being established. Many soldiers actively attempted to fight this new system. Others stood by awaiting order’s from their superiors.
Repurpose military forces to combat what is to come...
The superiors who would be giving the order’s were being informed as to what was to come. Their faces paled at the news, as they rushed to issue orders to their soldiers.
Begin mass uplifting events, one species at a time...
The first animal on Earth that had been chosen to be uplifted was a creature commonly referred to as a Trash panda, a Raccoon.
One raccoon had to be tested first. So of the population a single male raccoon was chosen at random and the uplifting process began.
The raccoon burst into golden light. The creature screamed as its body was racked with pain.
The system caused the raccoon's genes to endure millions of years of evolution in mere seconds.
It felt it’s mind expand as its body began to reshape itself, becoming more humanoid.
After a long moment the light faded away and the pain ceased. The raccoon stood upon its hind legs panting as it felt exhaustion. It was then that words rolled across its vision.
Welcome newly uplifted race, Raccoon, to the Upward Bound System!...
All across North America millions of raccoons began to be uplifted by the system.
Dante exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. He stood up and turned to face his mom and dad, still sitting stunned on the couch.
"Dad, can you read text in your vision?" He asked, trying to make sure he wasn’t losing his mind.
His father shook himself from the shock, "Yes. Can both of you?" Dante's father asked as he looked back and forth from his wife to his son.
Dante and his mother both looked at each other then back at his father nodding.
"So what fu..." Dante paused, not wanting to swear in front of his parents.
"What the fuck happens now go ahead and swear Dante. It seems pretty reasonable at the moment." His father Frank interjected.
Before Dante could respond a blue text box appeared before each of them.
Welcome! You will now choose the difficulty of your System Tutorial.
Very Hard
Near Certain Death
Rewards are given to those who reach higher in the tutorials. With each zone passed comes increased opportunity.
Dante blinked several times as his parents' jaws dropped. Then his parents looked to him hoping for an explanation. Dante was suddenly very happy his college friends had gotten him into anime and manga. Now at least he knew a bit about what was happening. Dante was suddenly worried about his friends. 'I know at least one of those dumbasses is going to try the higher difficulty settings.'
Dante shook his head and rubbed his face, trying to decide what to say, how to explain things to them, then it hit him.
"System Guide? Are you there?" Dante spoke to the air. Then something in that air changed. As he felt something within him stir, and a second later he felt that something left him. A small smooth golden sphere appeared in the air before him, it was only the size of a golf ball.
Congratulations! You have completed the first step of the "Tutorial" quest series.
"Summon the Guide"
You have unlocked the Common, Semi-Active skill, "Summon Guide"
Rank I
Summon Guide
You expend mana to summon an avatar of the system to guide you.
Variable cost / duration
Dante's eyes grew wide with wonder as he couldn't help but remember all the magic in the stories that he loved. More notices appeared.
You're one who loves magic, but wasn't born to it. But has that really ever stopped someone?
The Road of Wizards has opened to you.
1 RP has been input into the Road.
You have unlocked the skill, "Mana manipulation" Lvl. 1
Mana manipulation (C) Lvl. 1
Manipulate the mana within and outside yourself to achieve a desired outcome. Variable cost / duration
The same androgynous voice he had heard a moment ago from the figure on the tv came from the small floating, golden, sphere.
Dante's mind raced as his eyes darted between his parents, the small floating orb, and his blue boxes. He took a breath about to ask a question but didn't manage to get the words out before the orb spoke.
"Hello, Dante. I know what you would ask of me and I shall oblige you." Dante watched as his parents faces flashed with fear and then went slack as their bodies relaxed. Their eyes seemed to glaze over, though they still blinked every few seconds.
"The system grants you these small gifts." Dante's eye's darted between his parents and the sphere. Then a text box appeared.
You are awarded: 1 inventory slot of 1 cubic meter
You are awarded: 1 small platinum coin
Dante's expression shifted from one of fear to one of cautious joy, "Not too bad." Dante said aloud.
"I am glad that you like it. Now here is some additional information." Spoke the small sphere.
"Your gold is not stored in your inventory, it is instead stored in a sort of side inventory where only your currency is stored." The sphere pausing for a moment as if awaiting questions. "So it's like the coin collection system in a vending machine. Put money in and if you’re the right person you can take it back out?" If a sphere could smile.
"Correct!" The androgynous voice returning this time sounding almost happy.
"Do you have any question before I continue?" the orb asked
"This says small platinum. Can you show me how this currency system works please?"
"Certainly." It said as a new blue box appeared.
Currency conversion Table pt.1
5 small copper= 1 medium copper 2 medium copper=1 large copper 10 large copper= 1 small silver
5 small silver= 1 medium silver
2 medium silver=1 large silver
10 large silver= 1 small gold
5 small gold= 1 medium gold
2 medium gold=1 large gold
10 large gold= 1 small platinum
5 small platinum= 1 medium platinum
2 medium platinum=1 large platinum
Basic knowledge of currencies has been provided. You have yet to discover further currency denominations.
Currency conversion Table pt.2 1 small copper 1 medium copper 1 large copper 1 small silver
1 medium silver
1 large silver 1 small gold 1 medium gold 1 large gold 1 small platinum 1 medium platinum 1 large platinum $0.01 $0.05 $0.1 $1 $5 $10 $50 $100 $1k $10k $50k $100k
"Alright then...This box says I did the first step of the tutorial. What's the next step?"
Step 2 "Status" Now we will aid you in getting familiar with the new screens and resources available to you.
'Seems simple enough.' Dante thought before he spoke, "Status."
Dante A. Stone
Race: Human
Class: N/A
Lvl. 21
Currency: 1 small platinum
Road Points
Stat Points
"Why do I have a stat point already and 2 Road points?" Dante asked curious.
"I will answer the latter and then the prior. You have gained two skills since the systems arrival. Each time you gain a skill, unless otherwise specified you will gain 1 rp. When those skills level up you will gain 1 rp. As for the stat point, since the system granted you one point into a road the system treats it as if you spent that point. When you spend rp you gain an equal number of stat points. Any further questions on the Roads should be held until we reach that section of the tutorial."
Another quest box appeared.
Step 2.1 "Skills"
'Ok it seems I'm getting multiple things from these steps now. Road points? I'll ask about that later.' Dante thought before he spoke.
Skills Mana Manipulation Lvl.1 Summon Guide (Rank 1)
Dante frowned, pausing for a moment hoping for something more but when nothing came.
"Guide why do I only have mana manipulation as a skill? Shouldn't I have stuff like cooking, driving, stuff like that?" He asked curiously, raising an eyebrow to the orb.
"The system doesn't retroactively add skills you have attained in life before the system. When growth is detected in them they will be then added to your skills list at their proper level and you will be rewarded with an appropriate number of Rp." The small orb said
"So it's basically a game of catchup then?" Dante asked whilst a small smile grew upon his face.
"Essentially. It saves the system some resources doing it this way so that's how the system usually runs it for worlds like yours." Spoke the guide, it's voice remaining calm and even.
"So what are Road points? That's what you meant by Rp right?" He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"Road points is Rp yes. As for what it is that will be explained a little later in the tutorial please have a bit of patience." Spoke the guide, this time it's voice held a bit of joy.
Sighing, Dante nodded and a new box appeared.
Step 2.2 "Inventory"
Dante felt once more as something new stirred inside him only to settle a moment later.
The air shimmered for a moment before a blue box appeared in the air.
This one however was at about waist high and parallel with the ground.
No sooner had it appeared then it seemed to fall inwards upon itself. Before his eyes the blue box became a 1 cubic meter box with translucent blue walls.
He bent over to look under the box only to see the same paper thin blue box it had been before.
Looking in he could tell it had depth but looking at it from the side it seemed to have practically none.
"Now on to your inventory, while you only have one inventory "slot" at the moment that doesn't mean only a single item can fit into it." The sphere paused once more, Dante could not think of a question in those few seconds it paused.
"I understand you've played Dungeons and Dragons with your friends. So this might be the easiest way to explain it." said the sphere.
"In simple terms your inventory "slot" is much like a bag of holding in that it has a size limit, but does not share the problem of a weight limit... in most cases anyway." Said the sphere.
Dante watched as the large bowl of apples from the kitchen table floated over toward them. Dante watched with eager eyes as the bowl of apple stopped above his open inventory and then descended into it. All at once the box along with the bowl of apples disappeared.
"You know the word." was all that the orb said.
"Inventory." Dante stated, a second later the blue box returned. This time however it was parallel to him as it fell into itself. When it was done there in the small space was the bowl of apples.
"So this inventory can open up from any side of the cube?" Dante questioned surprise and mild joy painted across his face.
"Correct again. It can also open on multiple sides at once." the orb replied.
Hearing this Dante's eyes widened and a smile grew upon his face once more. His mind raced with the possibilities.
With a wave of his hand the opposite side of the box that was his inventory opened.
Walking around the panel he saw it was still flat but yes the other side was now open.
Sticking his arm through he turned his arm to the side.
It was rather odd however seeing his arm appear to be so much shorter so he pulled it back out.
"Trippy." he expressed before he tried his next idea.
'Can I remove three sides?' He thought before he tried it.
The previously flat board began to expand, it gained depth.
After a moment he saw that same bowl of apples sitting on what seemed now to be only three sides of the cube.
Moving his hand through the air where the other corners of the box should have been he found nothing.
Dante's smile grew ever wider as he decided to have a bit of fun.
He picked up the bowl of apples and then sat on the small platform in the air.
For your experimentation with the functions of the system, +50 xp, +1 Wis...
"Are you done Dante?" the small orb asked, a bit of amusement in its voice.
He simply smiled, before he replaced the apples on the platform and closed his inventory.
Dante was amazed as for a moment he saw the walls of the box fade back in. Then it lost its depth, once more becoming a flat screen, and then it vanished.
His smile faded as he caught motion behind the sphere. His parents were blinking rapidly and their eyes seemed to have returned to normal.
His father raised his hand and then his index finger looking as if he was ready to say something. However, he placed his hand back down, apparently thinking better of whatever he had been about to say.
Dante dismissed the box with a thought, surprised and happy that it had worked. Once more the sphere spoke, "It is time for you all to make your choices."
His father looked at his mother who simply nodded and selected Normal. A second later she was gone in a flash of light.
He turned to his son and stated, "I'm going to go with the intermediate, Dante..." He hesitated for a moment, "One of us needs to be strong for your mother. I will reach as high as I feel comfortable. I cannot ask you to choose a higher difficulty." He said after a moment, his face paling as he spoke. His father watched him in silence for a moment before he said, "Intermediate."
Just like his mother his father too was gone in a flash of light.
Dante looked to the tutorial screen still hovering to his left. He took a few deep breaths and rubbed his face trying to think.
"We're running out of time Dante. Please make your choice now." The orb informed him with a slightly worried tone of voice.
His eyes moved from the orb then back to where his father had been sitting.
Hopefully this was not the last time he would ever see him, "Select Hard."
In a flash of light he too vanished leaving their living room empty.
The softball sized translucent golden orb slowly floated over into the kitchen and by some magical means clicked off the stove that had been forgotten.
"Can't have the place burning down while they're gone." It said in a warm and gentle voice.
Then it too vanished in a flash of light.
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