《I Won't Die!》Part 18: The Cannonball Run
The day had finally arrived for Rama to set out on his journey with his friends and master. It had come a lot sooner than he would’ve liked. Sifu Ramos’ training had made time go by quickly. Constant exercising and meditation took up most of his schedule with school having become an afterthought. The exercise was to hone his body, the meditation to hone his Chi. He had gotten slightly better at controlling it. It became easier and easier to manifest the power he still did not fully understand. All he needed was the right mindset which meditation was able to create but it came at the expense of his body.
Meditation was physically uncomfortable. His muscles already constantly ache due to the workouts so being told to sit completely still doubled it. He also had doubts how practical it would be in a fight. It wasn’t like he could meditate in front of an opponent. Regardless, he did as his master told.
Presently Rama was in his room. His muscles were sore, his body screaming to tell him to stay in bed. He had stayed up late last night but not because he was watching movies or playing games. No, it was due to training. He couldn’t sleep, the thought of setting out had kept him up. To waste time, he exercised. He performed push ups, sit ups, planks, kicks, and punches in his room until his mother and sister forced him to go back to bed. Next thing he knew, it was morning.
Begrudgingly he moved his limbs. His eyes squinted, seeking to blot out the sun’s rays which pierced through his window. There was only a single cloud in the sky. It was going to be a beautiful Saturday morning. Rama got out of bed, and stretched. He slowly got dressed, going with a large black t-shirt with the phrase: Remember success is a journey, not a destination. Have faith in your ability. You will do just fine inscribed on the front in white print. It was a mantra he thought he’d constantly need to tell himself throughout the upcoming journey. After putting on baggy black pants he went downstairs.
In the kitchen was the rest of his family. His mother hummed a tune from the kitchen while his sister sat at the table, looking despondent. He met her eyes and they nodded as he sat down. Their mother stopped humming, looking back at them.
“What’s with the long faces?” she asked.
Rama put on a smile.
“I’m good, mom. Just nervous I guess.”
“You should be excited! Your teacher is picking you up to take you to a martial arts tournament in New York! So impressive! You always do well in those even if it’s been a while since the last one. I was surprised when you told me about it. I thought you quit.”
“Yeah, I-I felt really inclined to join this one. Sifu says it’s something I have to attend.”
“You’re gonna do great. Aren’t you excited for your brother Mei?”
Mei picked up head up, looking back at her mother.
“Yeah mom, it’s gonna be great. I get to be an only child.”
She said it as a joke but frowned as soon she turned her head back to Rama.
“There’s the sibling teasing I missed! You two have been really quiet these last few weeks. Made me think you two were depressed,” their mother noted.
It wasn’t far from the truth. A more apt description would be anxious. Mei had helped Rama train, yelling at him to go faster at whatever it was he was doing. She enjoyed that but as soon as she remembered what the training was for she became quiet. They hadn’t fought or bickered at all since what happened at the mall. Rama kinda missed how she was before. She was annoying but that was his sister. Now, she acted like a different person. Yet he knew he had no right to judge for he acted the same way.
“When does your teacher pick you up?” his mother asked, bringing him back to attention.
Rama took out his phone and saw it was 9:30am.
“In about thirty minutes,” he answered.
“Great. Remember what I told you. Be careful when out on the road and once you’re in New York don’t get lost or start any trouble. Also take lots and lots of pictures. I wish I could go but I have work,” his mother said.
“Yeah mom I will.”.
His mother brought their breakfast over, placing their plates in front of them when she noticed a magazine on the table. On it was a gun advertisement.
“Oh not this again,” their mother said.
“Mom, I really think you need to get a gun,” Mei begged. “It’ll make me feel a lot safer.”
“Mei, we live in a safe neighborhood. We don’t need a gun in this house. What are you so afraid of?”
“Crime is on the rise in our area,” Rama mentioned. “Having extra protection wouldn’t hurt.”
Rama’s mother raised an eyebrow at him.
“You too Rama? Kids, we're fine alright? I have no interest in having a gun and that’s that.”
Their mother’s expression was serious. The kids sighed, realizing the futility of continuing. Despite being assured they’d be protected, they didn’t like the idea of their mother being completely defenseless. While it was Rama the outherworlders were after, they were still worried.
The half hour went by quickly, Rama having spent most of it eating breakfast and trying to meditate. To his mother it came off as sleeping so he didn’t get to do much of it. Eventually he got the text from Jet, letting him know his best friend was almost at his house.
“Alright mom I gotta leave,” he said, standing up.
He went to his mother and gave her a hug.
“I love you so much mom. Thank you for everything.”
“L-love you too, son. You sound like I’m never seeing you again.”
“I won’t see you for a while.”
“You can call me anytime, you know that.”
Rama saw his sister’s eyes. The young girl’s eyes were slightly teary.
After he finished giving his mother a hug, he gave his sister one.
“Aw it’s like you two are little all over again,” their mother gushed.
Mei awkwardly scooted away.
“Don’t get your butt kicked,” she said.
“Yeah,” Rama muttered.
After picking up his backpack full of hygiene supplies for the trip, he went to the front door.
“Have fun son,” his mom said.
Rama nodded and left the house.
Next to the street stood Jet with dozens of travel bags. Some were placed on the ground, some strapped over his shoulders, and a very large one was held in his hands. He had on a blue shirt with a depiction of an anime girl wielding a broadsword and wore dark blue jeans.
“Bro!” Jet excitedly called out.
Rama jogged up to him.
“Hey bro, what’s all this?”
“We’re going all the way across the country man so I made sure we’re set. I have everything we’re going to need.”
“Like what?”
“I got snacks, clothes, more snacks, chess, anime DVD’s from my private collection, more snacks, manga, and finally snacks.”
“That’s beautiful,” Rama said. “But this seems a bit much. The journey over here must’ve been brutal.”
“Nah thanks to Ramos killing me, I think I’ve gotten stronger,” Jet huffed.
His legs wobbled as sweat poured down his face. He looked like he was going to fall over at any moment. Rama took some of the bags off his person.
“Oh thank god,” Jet exhaled.
“Of course you would bring way too much stuff,” someone said behind the two boys.
They whirled around and smiled upon seeing Lorraine standing there with a single bag slung over her shoulder. She was dressed in a white shirt with a denim jacket over it and denim pants to match. Her left hand gripped onto her sword, currently in its black sheath.
“Wow, you actually look like a girl,” Jet gasped.
Lorraine smacked Jet on the back of the head, making him almost drop one of his bags.
“Not the smartest thing to say to a woman with a sword,” Lorraine said.
“I-I’m just not used to seeing you in street clothes. It’s weird. Either you’re in our school uniform or some work out outfit.”
“I do have normal people's clothes, Jet. More normal than whatever the hell you’re wearing.”
“How dare you. This is a special edition shirt I got from a convention. I’m looking fresh right now. Right Rama?”
Rama nodded.
“Looking great bro.”
Lorraine sighed and said “Don’t encourage this behavior Rama. I’ve lost all hope in Jet but you’re somewhat normal.”
Jet laughed.
“Poor naive Lorraine. Your horrible bias holds you back. But fear not, one of my goals of this trip is to convert you into a true woman of culture,” he declared in a fake aristocratic accent.
“I approve,” Rama concurred in his own fake hoity toity voice. “But we must make sure to do it correctly ohohoho”
“I have planned out everything! So what I was thinking was-.”
Lorraine watched on as the boys had a surprisingly in depth conversation about….something. She couldn’t really keep track as they used weird terms she didn’t understand pertaining to anime. All she knew was that this was going to be a long trip.
The boys’ conversation was interrupted by a loud car honk, making the three teenagers jump in surprise. Across the road was what technically counted as a vehicle. It was an extremely rusty white 1956 Buick Estate Wagon. The rust was like a disease, covering the car in big splotches like rashes on a body. The engine was also loud, making it sound like the car was having a coughing fit. Sifu Ramos eagerly got out of it.
“Who’s ready to hit the road?” Sifu Ramo excitedly asked.
They looked on, still baffled by the vehicle. It was a miracle the thing could even move.
“We’re going in that?” Lorraine finally spoke.
“Uh huh!”
Sifur Ramos tapped his hand on the hood.
“This baby may not look like it but she’s a trooper! She’ll get us to our destination. At least, that’s what the guy I bought this from told me. Sold it to me for only 500 bucks!”
The trio exchanged awkward glances.
“Sifu, couldn’t you have gotten something more…standard?” Rama inquired.
“....No. But don’t worry! I was at least able to get a modern radio installed so it’s not all bad. Now come on, let’s go!”
“Oh no,” Lorraine muttered as the three of them went to the car.
“What is it?” Jet asked.
“I’m pretty sure this is my fault. Sifu Ramos must’ve spent all of his money on purchasing this sword.”
“No, I think it’s because he lost most of his money on scams,” Rama said.
They got into the car with Rama in the front and the other two in the back.
Sifu Ramos turned the key in the ignition.
“It’s both,” he said. “Now everyone, shut up about my finances. I know what I’m doing.”
The trio looked doubtful. Sifu Ramos grumbled to himself as the car made its way out of the neighborhood.
Rama looked out the window, seeing the scenery slowly transition from urban to desert. Tall buildings were replaced by sparsely placed trees and shrubs. The road went from paved to dirt. Where there was once green, there was now brown. The sight of other cars became a rarity as the temperature increased and the air in the car became stuffy. The sky was cloudless as the sun beamed down on the old vehicle.
“Are you kids ready to hear some tunes?” Sifu Ramos asked.
“Sure,” Rama said, seeing the town of Brumaire becoming a blip on the horizon in the rear view mirror.
“That’s what I like to hear. Time to play a classic.”
Sifur Ramos pushed a button on the radio and a song began to play. He sung along in a loud voice:
Uh huh this my shit. All the girls stomp your feet like this. A few times I’ve been around that track so it not just gonna happen like that cause I ain’t no hollaback girl, I ain’t no hollaback girl
“What’s a ‘hollaback girl?’” Jet asked, interrupting the singing.
Sifu Ramos paused as the song continued to play.
“I….don’t know,” he finally answered.
“Is Lorraine one?”
“What?” Lorraine started, offended. “I don’t know what a ‘hollaback girl’ is but it sounds offensive. Like it’s a foul disease ridden thing.”
“I dunno it sounds like you,” Jet continued. “If someone came up to me, and said Lorraine is a ‘hollaback girl’, I’d believe it. Right Rama?”
“But in the song she says she’s not a ‘hollaback’ girl,” Rama pointed out. “So it’s something to be avoided right?”
“Yeah exactly!” Lorraine said. “The context clues clearly mean it’s bad.”
Sifu Ramos let out a hearty laugh.
“You three are acting like this is the first time you heard Gwen Stefani.”
“Who?” Jet asked.
Sifu Ramos’ face became serious.
“Wait, is this the first time you all heard this song?”
The trio nodded their heads.
“Wait wait wait. When were you all born?”
“2006. Think Jet is the oldest by a few months though right bro?” Rama answered.
“Yeah February 12,” he confirmed.
“2-2006?” Sifu Ramos sputtered.
“Uh huh.”
Sifu Ramos continued to drive on in silence for a few minutes. The trio became slightly concerned as he eyes remained forward, like he was having an internal conflict.
“I can’t believe it, I’m old,” he finally said like it was a grand revelation.
“Oh Sifu you’re not old,” Rama claimed, trying to cheer his master up.
“I was in high school when that song came out. You kids weren’t even born yet.”
“If it makes you feel better Sifu, Mei wasn’t born until 2010 so I’m feeling old too.”
The car began to veer left and right, making the trio fear for their lives.
“That makes me feel even older!” Sifu Ramos exclaimed.
“Oh god bro what have you done?” Jet inquired.
“I think I made this worse,” Rama admitted.
“Mr. Ramos please don’t kill us all,” Lorraine requested, holding onto the roof handle while Jet thrashed about.
“I’m not, I’m not. For now,” he answered, making the car head in a straight line once again.
“Alright new rule: none of you are allowed to say anything to make me feel old,” Sifu Ramos ordered.
The trio nodded their assent.
“How old are you Sifu?” Rama inquired.
“It doesn’t matter, shut up. Freaking young whipper snappers.”
They continued on their journey with Sifu Ramos feeling like he’s aged a dozen years within the span of five minutes. As early 2000’s music continued to play, the sights outside the vehicle began to change. The sun set, basking the earth in an orange glow before finally descending, plunging them into darkness. Jet and Lorrraine had fallen asleep while Rama stayed up, seeing that in the far distance, a cluster of lights formed in the night like a light at the end of a tunnel.
“What’s up ahead Sifu?” Rama asked.
“Las Vegas,” he answered, eyes forward. “Have you ever been?”
Rama shook his head.
“I’ve never been outside of California before.”
“Really now? Guess you’re about to see a lot of new sights on our trip then. Vegas is a fun place. It’s our first stop.”
“Are we gambling?”
“Hah, I am. This is a good way to make up for my losses quickly. It’ll help to have extra cash on our trip. You three are staying in the hotel. I’m not letting three teenagers get wild in Vegas. I’m a responsible old adult after all.”
“Sifu are you still mad about earlier?”
“Noooo, not at all. But seriously, stay in your room once we get there. Don’t want to make it easy to find you. Danger lurks around every corner which I know is redundant to say since the place is ‘Sin City’ but still, be good. Don’t fall in love with a hooker, buy drugs, or die. We’re only going to be there for a night but I don’t want you getting tempted.”
“Got it Sifu. Is it a good idea for you to gamble given your….track record with money?”
“I can gamble alright!” Sifu Ramos insisted. “Just because I’m in thousands of dollars in debt, doesn’t mean it’s ok for a teenager to harangue me.”
“You’re thousands of dollars in debt?”
Rama’s master stopped for a brief moment.
“You didn’t hear that.”
Rama opened his mouth to correct him but stopped, knowing better. Silently they rode on until they entered Las Vegas.
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Big Red Button.
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The Solitary Sword Sovereign
One day, every human on earth was given a class and gained abilities. People gained levels and stats; like strength and agility. Will Chamberlain; a 16 year old, was given the class Water Meister. He had the ability to freely control water. An ability that had more than meets the eye. At the same time mysterious structures called dungeons showed up all around the world. Demons escaped from them, and attacked mankind. Those who conquered these dungeons, would be rewarded with power beyond their wildest dreams.This was not easy as they were filled with many dangers. Will decided to enter a dungeon. His power... water. His weapon... a katana. His true aim... immortality. His key... walking the martial path. His destiny... to conquer the dao of the sword! Join Will as he fights to build his own empire, in a world plagued with demons, dungeons and many more mysterious forces: "I am not controlled by the system, it shall be controlled by me. I will be a sovereign!" --- Novel by Patriarch Onion (Also the author of Titan's Throne) and hosted on theonionjunktion on royal road with the commentary of the beautiful and handsome Cookie. Please support my patreon, i really could use your support. Please also visit my facebook page. Follows and pledges will lead to more chapters guys. Thank you for reading my story so farhttps://patreon.com/theonionjunktionhttps://facebook.com/TheonionjunktionxComments and criticism are always welcome!!
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The Unbinding series Arc: Soil and Water Serf Taran is tired of being a healer. Everyone wants and demands all the time, and even his best friends aren't making things better. A new game gives him the opportunity to try out a new playstyle, finally allowing him the chance to create, instead of just helping others destroy. While the World Below offers unlimited possibilities for enterprise, Tee first needs to navigate the drama, schemes and downright shenanigans that happen whether he likes it or not. ** Note as of 26-Sep-2018 ** I have to take time out of writing Serf to finish editing Darkborn. I will resume it as soon as I can. Thank you for your patience. Catch me on twitter @mroysson for updates. --- This is the second book in my Unbinding series. There is no need to read the first one (Unbinding - The Dark Spiral - Darkborn). Some elements, however, will be more familiar to readers of my previous story. Cover image found on Unsplash, by user @jessecallahan Cover design by yours truly, @mroysson
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As They Rise (The Eva Series #1)
A Wattpad Featured story. As seen on The Huffington Post. Book One of The Eva Series, which has over 3M combined reads!A kick-ass young girl, a nation swarming with zombies, and a sweet romance that grows amongst the ruins. You'll find all that and more in this exciting and action-packed apocalyptic YA story. Readers have said it's had them on the edge of their seats, reading all through the night and still craving more.Eva was just an everyday girl, working as a waitress, hanging out with her friends, and falling in love. But her whole world changed overnight when a powerful virus spread throughout the country, transforming it into a wasteland of deadly disease and crazed zombies. With Australia cut off from the rest of the world and rampant with terror and chaos, Eva and her friends must do whatever they can to survive.Set in Australia, blood, gore, friendship and true love collide to make this tale of survival stand out from the rest. The Eva Series is guaranteed to make you smile, scream, cry and fist-pump the air as you go on a wild and dangerous ride with Eva and her friends. And it all starts here, as they rise. Are you ready? Hit the Start Reading button and get ready for a heart-thumping adventure.Previously titled 'Eva Wilde Vs The Zombie Apocalypse.'AS THEY RISE is the first in a series of books following her dangerous journey as Australia becomes an apocalyptic island.THE EVA SERIES:Book One: AS THEY RISEBook Two: WHILE WE FALLBook Three: BEFORE IT FADES**Please note: This is the first draft. Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors. I've just done a big re-write, edit and expansion of this, and it's now available on Amazon Kindle, iBooks, Kobo, Nook + Google Play here: jenmariewilde.com/books**Tweet me: @JenMarieWilde / #TheEvaSeries(Completed 01/01/2013)
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