《I Won't Die!》Part 12: Manic Monday
“And that’s pretty much what happened.” Jet finished.
Lorraine raised an eyebrow. Her, Jet, and Rama were back at their school, eating lunch. They sat at a silver circular table in the cafeteria, the sounds of countless conversations reverberating throughout the room. It was easy to ignore them for they all combined into an unintelligible din. She leaned back, taking a sip from a small box of milk.
“Oh boy” she sighed. “This is a lot to take in. Teleporting assassins, world ‘layers’ or whatever, Rama’s teacher being part of some mystical order. I wouldn’t believe any of it but I have to after everything that’s happened.”
Jet nodded in agreement. Rama on the other hand was zoning out. He stared at his plate, playing with his food.
“Rama?” Lorraine asked. “You ok?”
He didn’t respond.
“Earth to Rama!”
Jet tapped him on the shoulder, snapping Rama back to attention.
“Huh? Oh yeah, it’s crazy stuff.”
“Are you alright?”
“I-I’m good.”
The fact his eyes began to scan the cafeteria like he was on the lookout belied that.
“Rama, what unit of history did we start today?” Lorraine inquired, calling his bluff.
“We….started learning about the Super Russian American Cambodian Revolution of…..1902.”
Jet laughed.
“I wish. Bro it was the start of the Protestant Reformation.”
He turned to Lorraine.
“He’s been like this all day.”
“Sorry guys. I was like this before but after this past weekend, it’s gotten worse. I feel awful” Rama confessed. “I’m angry, irritable. I can’t focus. This is all my fault. They attacked you because of me.”
Jet and Lorraine saw how somber Rama appeared. He had bags under his eyes, his uniform was crumpled, and his shoulders slumped. It was clear Rama had stopped putting care into his appearance.
Lorraine and Jet glanced at each other and nodded.
“Did you attack us?” Lorraine questioned.
“Ok so you’re not responsible for that. Therefore you’re not at fault right?”
“I mean but-”
“Do you really think we would have preferred you getting killed?” Jet proposed. “I told you before bro, we wouldn’t. Don’t get me wrong, we’re angry. I’m angry because these weirdos are trying to kill my boy. And me, I guess. See now we all got beef with them. Don’t beat yourself up, beat them up instead.”
“And...” Lorraine added. “It’s not like my place got damaged that much. I mean sure, my family is irate with me and I’m grounded until I’m 45 but it could’ve been worse. I got to use a real katana, that part was fun. I also glowed. Tell me more about that, what happened to me?”
Rama looked around, as if it was something that shouldn’t be talked about in the open.
“From what Sifu told me, it’s world energy,” he disclosed. “He called it ‘The Glow’. It’s some weird manifestation of it. The katana must’ve been infused with it and it was transferred to you when you fought.”
“But you can make it on your own?”
“Apparently, from what my sister told me. I honestly don’t remember using it. I’m supposed to go see Sifu this afternoon and hopefully he’ll tell me more about it. I also want to know more about this road trip he has planned. He’s taking me to this ‘council’ who are supposed to help me. I wish I had more details but he shooed us out after telling us about it. He seemed giddy.”
“So this ‘glow’ stuff, can you activate it?”
“Maybe? I honestly have no idea how it works. All I know is that I’m faster than before, and I heal quickly.”
“That’s what happened to me.” Lorraine realized. “Guess that’s a universal aspect of it.”
“Wait, am I the only one without super powers?” Jet butted in. “This is not fair.”
Lorraine and Rama shifted awkwardly in their seats.
“I mean, if it makes you feel better bro, I don’t want superpowers.” Rama admitted.
“But I do! And I know you want superpowers, don’t lie to me. Can I at least see it?”
“I don’t think so. It only manifested when I was attacked.”
“Hmmm ok. So if I were to-Hiyah!”
Jet chopped Rama on the shoulder, making the boy almost knock his tray of food off the table.
“Ow!” he yelped, rubbing his shoulder with his hand. “That hurt!”
“I’m sorry man, I thought these wicked reflexes of yours would’ve kicked in,” Jet said.
“It doesn’t work like that! I have to get in the zone, or something. Like I’m really focused and then my body just moves. It’s hard to describe.”
“Well until Rama gets a better understanding of it, how about we don’t attack each other alright?” Lorraine suggested.
Rama was about to chop Jet in the shoulder to return the favor but slowly lowered his hand.
“Fine,” he said.
“So bro, are you feeling better?” Jet asked him.
“Definitely better than before, even with the hurt shoulder. I just wished this day was over with. I want to see Sifu. So many questions.”
“It’ll go by quickly, what do we have after this?”
“Oh yeah the boys are playing basketball today.” Lorraine recalled. “Girls are playing volleyball.”
“Hooray, sports.” Rama sarcastically cheered.
Rama held the basketball in his hands. He didn’t hate the sport, in fact he was quite the fan. It was just why did he have to play today? Too much was on his mind, too many worries. He simply couldn’t focus nor care less about playing. The other boys on his team looked at him, including Jet from across the court. They wore their standard P.E. outfits of dark blue t-shirts and silver shorts. The other team wore the same but with yellow tank tops over their shirts to differentiate. On the other side of the gymnasium the girls were playing volleyball. Lorraine was over there somewhere but he couldn’t find her.
“Rama, stop peeping on the girls and let’s play!” one of his teammates called out.
He refocused. Jet was running, trying to get open. Rama began to dribble the ball, noticing how sluggish his movements were. He couldn’t keep firm control of the ball. It was nothing like how his body moved at the arcade. Back then his body felt light, his movements quick. As he tried to get an opening to shoot the ball, he noticed how his fingers didn’t move the way he wanted them. Disregarding the feeling, he attempted to shoot a three pointer only for Todd to jump up and smack the ball out of his hands. It rolled out of bounds.
“Ha! Sucker!” he gloated, running to go get the ball.
Rama shook his head, clenching his fist. Jet came up to him.
“I am not in the mood for this man.”
“I thought we talked about this.”
“I’m not feeling guilty anymore. I’m stressed about everything else.”
Jet put his hand on Rama’s shoulder.
“You need to get your mind off that. Gotta relax bro. You need to have fun. There’s nothing else you can do right now.”
Jet glanced at Todd who had retrieved the ball but stopped to chat with some of the girls. The other boys were trying to call him back.
“Actually, there is something you can do,” he decided. “You and I are wrecking Todd with our amazing basketball skills. It’ll be fun.”
Rama sighed.
“I dunno, playing games after all-”
“That’s exactly why we gotta distract ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to think about how my head still hurts. Unlike you guys, I don’t heal fast so I’m in more pain than you.”
Rama nodded.
Rama began to stretch as Todd returned with the ball. Before the game resumed play Jet gave him a thumbs up. Soon, Rama had his hands on the ball again. He was playing better than before, trying his best to put everything behind him but it was difficult. Everything that happened kept coming to the front of his mind against his will. Trying to ignore his doubts was akin to being in denial in his eyes. He tried, he really did but just couldn’t. Not completely. Last time he tried to forget everything, bad things happened. Never again. While mulling over it, Jet had the ball, ready to pass it to Rama when Todd knocked him over.
“Hey foul!” Rama yelled.
“Foul? This is only P.E. loser, don’t get your panties in a twist.” Todd dismissed.
Silently Rama went over to Jet, helping him up. The anger he felt about his current predicament shifted to Todd.
“It’s on.” Rama announced.
“Hell yeah boy.” Jet concurred.
“Just give me the ball. I’ll handle the rest.”
They continued to play, with Jet carrying out the plan. He passed it to Rama and Rama caught it with a swiftness that surprised even himself. This was different yet it was familiar. It was like before. No more sluggishness, his body was on full alert now. He dribbled the ball, noticing how easy it was now. As an experiment, he dribbled it between his legs and smiled. The other boys looked on, surprised by the sudden skill. Rama traveled up the court where he met Todd trying to guard him. Feeling surprisingly confident, he bounced the ball off Todd’s head, quickly catching it.
“W-what the hell.” Todd cursed.
He did it again.
“Since when could you-”
Rama sped past him, scoring a lay up. That felt good. He was energetic, all traces of lethargy gone. Jet excitedly went up to him.
“Since when could you play like that?”
“I have no idea!”
Rama eagerly ran off, wanting to play some more. He quickly dominated the court. Jet was utterly surprised. He had never seen Rama so proficient at basketball before, he was beating the other team almost single handedly. Rama somehow made every single three-pointer. Jet narrowed his eyes, noticing something coming off of Rama’s body. It appeared to be a glow of some kind? Was that what they were talking about earlier? Perhaps it was merely a trick of the light? The sun’s rays shot in through the gymnasium’s windows so it could’ve been that. Rama meanwhile blocked Todd’s shot, grinning as the boy had to go get the ball.
“Bro!” Rama eagerly yelled.
Jet joined him, seeing the excitement on Rama’s face.
“Good job bro!” Jet congratulated. “You’re killing it.”
“Yeah, it feels good. I feel free. Like I’m flying or something. It’s like…it’s like I have complete control over every muscle in my body! I’m hyped!”
“Great to hear.”
“But bro, listen. I think I can dunk.”
“I feel it. I don’t know why but I want to try. I want you to alley-oop it to me.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I got this.”
Jet had his doubts but Rama was happy, happier than he’d been in awhile and didn’t want to ruin it. They quickly regained possession of the ball, Jet dribbling it down the court. Rama ran ahead of him, zipping past boys so fast it took them a moment to realize what was happening. Jet smiled as Rama ran towards the basket. Todd realized what was happening, heading after him.
“Alley-oop!” Jet exclaimed, throwing the ball at the backboard.
Rama leaped, flying high in an arc over Todd. He grabbed the ball and dunked it into the basket with so much force that the board shattered.
Dozens upon dozens of glass fell onto the ground. Rama landed on top of them, the glass crunching beneath his shoes.
“Boomshakalaka!” Rama hollered in excitement.
He looked at his hands, noticing the faint glow himself before it quickly faded away. Slowly turning around, he saw the entire class staring at him, mouths agape. It was so quiet one could hear a pin drop. A wave of embarrassment washed over him when Jet broke the silence.
“Bro!” Jet exclaimed, running up to him. “That was hype! You can dunk!”
However Jet was the only one happy. The gym teacher looked at Rama through his glasses, a mixture of impressed and angry. The other students, including Todd, continued to look on, still trying to process what happened.
“I was glowing wasn’t I?” Rama whispered to Jet.
“A bit.”
The gym teacher walked up to them.
“Rama, I’m gonna need you to go to the principal’s office,” he said.
Rama awkwardly made his way out of the gym when he heard the gym teacher call out to Jet.
“Where are you going? You’re not in trouble.”
Jet stood next to Rama, putting his arm around Rama’s shoulder.
“He could be hurt, Mr. Rubel!” Jet answered. “I’m making sure he’s safe.”
Their teacher could see that Rama was perfectly fine but sighed, too tired to deal with Jet so he waved him off. Once Rama and Jet were outside of the gymnasium, they stopped and began to laugh.
“Did you see the look on their faces!” Jet exclaimed.
“I know! It was hilarious!”
“Well, now we know how to activate your superpowers. You have to be angry at Todd.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not it.”
“That’s how it worked today. We also learned that ballin’ is your power.”
“Also don’t think that’s true.”
The two boys resumed their walk, still laughing about what happened.
“You know what Jet, you’re right. I’ve been too depressed lately. Thanks for getting me out of that.”
“See man? I know what happened sucked, but we’re gonna be good.”
Rama and Jet fist bumped, completely forgetting how much trouble the former was in for breaking school property.
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