《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 9: A Guardian [Part 4]


Chapter 9: A Guardian [Part 4]

I’m glad that Queen Ivory is there to chill the three madams of high authority since the other are unreliable especially the crown prince himself and the strongest warrior, Van is watching them while holding back their laughter as if it was a gag show. Queen Ivory apologized about them to me, that I feel somehow guilty to make such a nice lady apologizing at such a small issue.

I convinced her that it is fine and I did not feel any discomfort. Well, it ought to be obvious that the madams are still in their silent war. Perhaps they are using telepathy right now. Because the three has been glaring at each other and I somehow see a flame lit inside their eyes.

Eventually, we were able to get to the main point. Many suggestions were rejected by the three madams. The Asmodios kingdom only lacks the labor while they had a countless mountain of treasure inside the palace’s treasure house. Even though there were some of the ideas that I think it’s great was suggested, the trio madams point out the flaws of the idea and make the brainstorming session dead.

Each one of them emits cold aura and somehow it turns into a staring competition. While the crown prince is holding his laughter until his eyes let out tears. This stupid bishounen... He thought of such thing as an entertaining event for him. As for Van, he acts as if this has nothing to do with him.

Urghh... they are stressing me out!!!

And so, out of spontaneous response, I give my opinion and suggestion to the group discussion.

‘Isn’t it much easier to use your mountain of wealth to scout the other races like ogre?? Grant them indigenous status while you are at it.’

Little did I know that I actually give out such a brilliant idea, hmm~, I feel proud deep inside my heart.

Everyone was staring at me with worshipping expression on their face. Except for lady Anastasia though, she is especially grumpy like I have wronged her.

「Rass-sama... Are you a genius? 」

Never in my lifetime have I acknowledge myself as a genius, it was you people that were a simpleton! It was an idea that anyone except them could think of. But here these people including the human from merchant guild are staring at me with sparkling eyes.

S-STOP IT, already! It was something that really is simple!

Despite saying that, I would smirk right now if I had any mouth. The group discussion that was once dead was revived into a hot discussion. All agrees to my suggestion saying that it was reasonable though it was hard to do since the pure blood once subjugated many races.


But what the pureblood had taken from the other races was their wealth without touching the mineral sources the other races had, and only the other races warrior’s life without keeping the refugee or taking hostage. So, I don’t think it was impossible to scout them.

The crown prince that has been laughing before is now switching his mode into seriousness.

「And so, like our guardian suggests, we will scout the other races soon. Alvin, Louise, I want both of you to make a list of the races that possible to scout. Make a map from our kingdom to the other races place while you are at it.」

The mysterious twin nodded and asks permission to be excused. These two only talk when asking to leave, even while the time when the discussion is flaring up, these two is using Van as their mediator.

「As for Mr. Simon and Mr. Romeo, I on behalf of the kingdom hope that you can help us promoting the benefits of joining our kingdom to the other races, if you could, do includes your human kingdom. Duke Warlen, if you may, I want you to set up a team of the kingdom survivor as an escort for them. 」

The two humans agree to help but they didn’t leave as they still had something to discuss with us. Since he had job to do, Duke Warlen bows before leaving. He took the chances before stepping out of the garden to praise me highly. Damn, my nose is now pointing high to the sky, could someone shrink it back?

Suddenly, Prince Sulvian mentions my name. Did this man read my mind?

「Rass-sama, we also have an important job for you if you don’t mind. 」

Van! Didn’t you say that I as a guardian didn’t have to do much?? Van looks at me with sympathetic eyes. Don’t give me that look, you liar. Shortly after Prince Sulvian told me of the mission that requires me to risk my life… my nose shrinking, no, it’s my whole body that shrinks.

If I had the ability, I want to hide right now away from the devilish crown prince. But that was all my selfishness imagination. Sobs.

「You and Van will be sent out to the UNION hideouts to save the Asmodios’s most important man. I grant you the permission to choose ten out of the entire items inside the treasure house for you to use. And anything you choose will be yours for eternity. 」

「Ha?! 」

What the heck??!

Both Van and I were shocked hearing the news. While Van was surprised in delight that he can choose the item from the treasure house, here I am standing abruptly showing how I opposed the idea.


Why me?!!!!

While drinking tea leisurely, he smiles for a bit before explaining.「You and Van, are the only warrior we had left in our kingdom. So, I hope you agree. 」

Because of the sudden war with the UNION, the Asmodios only had five hundred or so survivor that mainly are weak. The survivor was able to survive because they hide under the goddess protection while the entire kingdom’s warriors protect the kingdom with their all until they were buried together with the enemy under the earth.

Had no option to reject even though I am weak, I had to agree. I only agree because Van promised to help me training and he said that he will show something nice on the way of the journey to save Douglass Minor, Van’s uncle.

It was unlikely for me to get as strong as Van in my condition right now but since I had the ability like rpg systems to help me, I willingly accept the important task.

Then lady Anastasia simultaneously suggests that I and Van took a group of her personal disciples. I don’t have anything against her so I just agree but unknowingly Van tried to stop me from agreeing.

I don’t want to talk to you anymore liar! You said I as a Guardian will have leisure time but see now?? I had to follow you to a group of strong people hideouts which I doubt that I will live after fighting them.

There wasn’t much to discuss as most things have been tasked to the right individual by using Prince Sulvian authority. It was then noon came that Ma’am Lina and Lady Anastasia asked to be excused. Few maids come close to us shortly after the two madam leaves.

We were told that lunch has been prepared; the crown prince invites the humans to stay for the lunch and guide us all to the dinner hall. Van carried me on his shoulder on the way there because I will never arrive there from the garden with these short legs (roots).

Even though the kingdom had an all-out-war just a few days ago, the food on the dining table was grandiose and I could hear clearly the humans’ gulps down saliva to their throat. Too bad that I couldn’t even touch the food or else the humans might not able to taste them at all.

Van put me down on the dining table and a butler prepares a miniature chair next to Van’s meal. That certainly looks delicious... Only after I sit down would the other sit. The title guardian shows such authority eh~? The only thing I like about being a guardian is I have a higher authority than the crown prince. But when Prince Sulvian becomes a king, we will share the same authority and the other has to treat us as importantly in the kingdom.


After becoming a weed, there are many things that I missed a lot about human. To eat, to bath and to talk, even though those things are not much to people that basically has physical liked human, I AM A WEED DAMN IT! Sob... Sob... seeing them eating in front of me, I want to curse even though I am not hungry and wasn’t even fasting.

Uuuu... hm? Unknowingly the people here have been constantly staring at me and the food on the dining table.

Even the crown prince does that too... Van whispers to me asking something like 「Are you okay? 」, and saying things like asking me to forgive the servants about something and explain that the servants does it without the intention to slight me.

What is this about?? And then I stare down to the plate of meal on the center of the dining table. It was a plate full of salad and there are also seaweed and herb look like weed.



I don’t know what to say because it was something unintentionally done by the servant. I am not the least slighted by their action but I do feel awkward when thinking they eat the salad.

Finally, I set my mind that it was a food while I am living, so we have no connection to each other. I assured them that it was alright and I don’t even mind. While joking and praising myself saying that vegetable is healthy for them which mean I am a healthy person! Nah, just kidding. It wasn’t even a joke.

I explain that food is food while I am myself, a living being. While also saying that I don’t want someone to compare me with food intentionally, they relaxed and start eating the lunch.

The servants that were once afraid had relaxed too and left the dining hall to continue their works.

Hence, this time…

The peaceful moment once again returns to me.

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