《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 7: A Guardian [Part 2]


Chapter 7: A Guardian Part 2

Without giving a second thought, I rush Van to go to the dinner hall.

There, I found the mastermind behind the entire odd things that happens this morning. Leaving Van behind, I jump off his pocket and landed on the dining table. I ran straight to the end of the table and shout in my mind out loud.


Yep, I’m in rage. But the guilty person himself is drinking the tea peacefully like nothing happen. He stares down at me just for a short moment and closes both his eyes while smiling brightly.

『Blind Resistance has reached Level 6』

「Rass-sama didn’t say that last night, did we have some kind of misunderstanding? I do hear you say it was a burden for you but you never say you don’t want to be one.」

I say it was a burden that was enough to show that I don’t intend to be one!

「Is that so... But, there is nothing I could do. After all, I have spreads the happy news to everyone saying that you are our new warrior. 」

「Ha??? 」

I am shocked but the one that surprisingly also shocked at the news was Van, which I found it strange.

「Prince Sulvian, what is this all about?? 」

「Last night, we have agreed didn’t we? To choose a new warrior. 」

「Yes, but-- 」

「You say that Rass-sama is strong and she also has the ability to scare you. The strongest warrior of Asmodios. 」

「Hence, everyone agrees to have her as our guardian while you still be our warrior~」


「Rass, calm down. 」


「Become a guardian doesn’t really do you the burden. Plus you get benefits from it. 」

THE HECK DOES TH—ohhh... Really?

After Van with gentle tone keeps convincing me, I quickly cool down. Then Prince Sulvian burst out laughing at me.


「PFFTT, hahaha. Rass-sama are the same as us, simple minded~ 」

Shut it.

Van shook his head lightly before sigh heavily. He then continues to explain things for me.

「Well, although it said to be a guardian. Doesn’t really mean you have to do something. The guardian statue will give us enough protection for now. The statue will have some of your abilities that could provide us protection. 」


「For it to have your abilities you need to do the oath. Then, you will also gain benefit such as gaining title and able to use our blessing. 」

Oath? If you explain it that way then I no longer disagree but what does title do? After all, I have seen Loreine do the blessing to you so I don’t need to ask about it but the title, I still need to know.

「Title in our kingdom means authority. In other kingdoms, I’m not sure about it. 」

And then, I keep inquiring more detail so that I could understand about the guardian more thoroughly.

Authority allows me to order or request anything as long as it not unreasonable to anyone also let me get 0.1% of the total profit of the taxes from the kingdom. After the oath, I will be given few things that I could use.

I wonder what the thing that a weed could use is.

So, I agree to take the oath.

Eventually, after everyone has done with their breakfast, Prince Sulvian orders them to go to the kingdom’s temple. Last night, when I guide Van toward the survivor, this is the only place where a lot of people gather and hide. I don’t find anything odd except the goddess like the statue and the size is as large as the palace.

Which I found very strange for a pureblood who supposed to have no religion.

『Observe has reached level 4.』

Perhaps Van read my mind, he explains to me in a whisper.


「 Our kingdom once had a goddess descend here. She creates this temple for only those who seek safety. 」

Ahh... So that is why this is the only building that still standing strongly even after UNION’s ambush. Even the palace had to take some damage but this place doesn’t even have a dust to it.

「And so, here we are the sole survivor that survive the tragedy of the week. I’m sure many lost their friends, important one, rival, lover and family in the midst of the calamity. Behalf of the previous king, I... 」

The crown prince standing on the stage with a sad expression on his face. Everyone that present in the temple is all choking in tears. Even I feel sad for them. Just then, everyone abruptly stands up in panic. The crown prince grovels on the floor while apologizing for countless time. One by one coaxes him to stop lowering himself.

「Prince Sulvian, please, this isn’t your fault. 」

「It is our fate to have tasted this disaster. We have been greedy. 」

The prince himself feels way too guilty as he is after all the one that has the closest relation with the king since he is the crown prince.

「But my father, he is the one that causes us to face his sins. We--」

A man of an elderly age pulls the crown prince up gently. The elder shook his head left and right lightly.

「The royalty isn’t at fault. Even we are like the king wanting more wealth and power. E-even if... We have to --- swallow this bitter pain memory. It is fate no, more like karma. 」

「We agree with him... 」

The 499 people that present in the temple all agree with the elder words in unison.

「Everyone... 」

Afterwards, the gloominess inside the temple slowly faded away. The crown prince announce in energetic mode of my presence.

DAMN IT! I’m not mentally ready yet!

Van walks straight to the stage with I’m on his right shoulder.

He whispers to me saying that I can use telepathy straight away.

*Cough cough*

Testing one and two...

Um, I don’t exactly understand why I’m here but I was appointed as a Guardian like Prince Sulvian said just now. With Van as my vassal, as your warrior. Within my knowledge and abilities. I will do my best to help anyone that require my bits of help. The disaster that happens to you, don’t let it disturb your true self. Everyone does mistakes. No, everyone will do some big mistakes. No mortal is perfect. The living is a test to every mortal, you will feel happy, sad and anger because they are part of your life.

If I must say something, those that live through all the pain are the one that truly deserves a standing ovation.

*clap clap*

I was given huge applause for just a short speech, somehow inside my heart, there is a switch that I never know exist has been turned on.

「Do you vow to never betray our kingdom? As our conservator, will you, throughout for your entire life assist our kingdom even after it’s glorious day arrive? As our defender, do you vows to never harm our Asmodios kingdom in any aspect and will even commit yourself to make the kingdom peaceful and prosperous? Will you accept or not the blood oath and become our Seventh Guardian for our Asmodios?」

I accept the oath.

「I hereby dub thee as Asmodios Guardian. 」

『Title: Asmodios 7th Guardian, Zostilas Acquired』

『Blessing of Mordiume’ Acquired』

『Grant Bless Acquired』

『Barrier Acquired』

『Heal Acquired』


After the event, I feel weak and sleep throughout the night for the first time since the rebirth.




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