《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 6: A Guardian [Part 1]


Chapter 6: A Guardian [Part 1]

After we saved the royalty and few other survivors, the prince allowed us to rest inside the palace’s labyrinth. The labyrinth has a lot of room, but each room only fits one person and there is only a single bed in the room.

While I'm inside Van's pocket, all of us including the high authorities ladies go down to the labyrinth by the stairs, I was simply curious about something that I found extremely odd. Why are the labyrinth and the guest room in the same place?

Prince Sulvian notices how I find it strange about the labyrinth, he explains with a playful tone.

「 Our kingdom has experienced war like this for the Nth time since it was founded. 」

So, apparently, the guest room once used to hold important war prisoners however they don’t do that anymore since thousand years ago. The real guest rooms are in the palace but since it still undetermined that the kingdom is currently safe, we had to rest in the labyrinth for now.

After he guide us to our room, Prince Sulvian left us for the night and went to his own room. Other survivors enter their own room to take a rest. After all, even if they are used to this kind of war, they still feel the loss of their beloved one since that is something you can never get used to.

Van and I sleep in the same room, while Loriene sleeps in the other room.

I’m not tired at all so of course, I’m not going to sleep. In contrast to me, Van sleeps soundly next to me as soon as he laid on the bed. It was pretty much obvious since he was the one who has been doing the main job, while I only guide him of direction. Despite that I am only a size of his palm; I don’t feel the slightest small when I’m with him. Since he is treating me like a superior ever since I gain Intimidate-chan.

I jump around until I reach the floor and exits the room by sliding under the gap between the door and floor.

Since it’s late at night, I don’t want to bother anyone and getting into trouble. So, I’ll just wander around the castle by myself.

Ha… I’m truly am in a different world now, aren’t I? How can I be so unlucky, becoming a weed in a different world? But if not for my crazy luck, I wouldn’t be able to survive until now.

Anyway, since I came to this world, I have been neglecting something super important.

It’s practically about me.

Even if I have many skills, my body itself is terribly weak and powerless. Heck, even a baby bird can rip me into pieces.

My body consists of five leaves, three at the center act as my head, two at the end to act as my hand, and my roots acts as my legs. If I don’t get enough sunlight, my leaves will wilt which would make me even more vulnerable than normal. If my root doesn’t get enough water, I couldn’t walk and slowly drain away my energy. True, I don’t need to eat or sleep but if there is no sun and water for few days, I’ll probably die.


Ugh, thinking about this is making me depressed. After all, weed is rhymed with weak. JK[Just Kidding]

ARGHHHH!!!! This is stressing me out! Damn it!

Even if I have amazing skills like intimidate that can scare a dracula lord, I would be defeated by anyone in no time if I was blown away by the wind or burn alive by fire, stomped by someone or just getting my leaves tear apart.

… Brrr, I shudder in fear imagining what could happen to me. Before that happens, I will dash away and hide inside Van’s pocket, where it is safe.

Mhm. Yes! That is what I will do. This is a foolproof plan. HAHA-

「Rass-sama? 」

My body jolt up in surprise because I thought I was the only one staying up late.That voice sounds familiar, but I totally didn’t hear any footstep. Just to make sure, I turn my body to see that voice owner.

When I turn my body toward him, I almost turned blind.. even though I don’t have eyes

『Skill Announcement: Blind Resistance LV 1 Become LV 2』

「What are you doing in the hallway alone? 」

『Skill Announcement: Blind resistance LV 2 Become LV 3』

Would you please stop that sparkling aura of yours???

『Skill Announcement: Blind resistance LV 3 Become LV 4』

Oh, I finally able to get used to this bishounen aura. What the...

Um, Prince Sulvian, why are you squatting??

「It so that I can talk to you face to face. 」

Would you just carry me to your room and put me on a table, it’s much easier that way.

「Oh, right. That never crossed my mind at all. 」

Are all dracs and vamps always so simple minded?

「Yes we are. 」

While say such thing, Prince Sulvian carries me on his right shoulder and walk to his room.

... Isn’t that why your kingdom fell into ruins... D-Did I just say that?...

..U’uh.. I spoke unintentionally. Is he angry???

I’m pretty sure that he would be angry since it’s his kingdom that I spoke of but... in contrast of what I thought, he actually laughed out loud.

「Hahaha, now you say it, I finally found out our fatal flaw. 」


Afterward, like I suggested, he places me on top of the table and prepares my miniature of a chair which he got from his mother’s dollhouse. While chatting with each other, I found it surprisingly pleasant to speak with him and there is a lot of things I learned about the pure blood. It was totally different from what the legend says about them.

The pure blood is surprisingly friendly and simple. Since they are strong, simple-minded, they tend to go to war with many other countries. But never once did they touch an innocent life. They do need blood as life force but it doesn’t really have to be a human. Mostly, they hunt for beast’s blood; the stronger the beast, the higher quality of blood so this is why they never touch human on purpose.


When they go to a war, they don’t take slaves or war prisoners but they do plunder all the kingdom’s wealth except for food since pure blood is all about being elegant and rich is what he had said.

After he was done speaking about the kingdom, I gained a skill 『Origin of Race 』which I have no clue of what it does.

Then, I was just reminiscing about my sad past life.

Though it was just my random rant, I truly doubt anyone cares. That is what I originally thought, however, the crown prince wryly smile make my heart wrench while he spoke gently.

「Is that so, Van has to explain to me that you are a reincarnate and was a human. Was it the reason you become sad? 」

Well, rather than sad because I was once a human, I am bitter because I’m weak.

「You are weak? 」

Yes, as you can see I am.

Despite what I say, he found it shocking and I was confused seeing his reaction.

「How did you ended up thinking you are weak, Rass-sama? 」

If you ask me, I have many things I’m lacking in. As a matter of fact, I’m fragile in all aspect. Anyway, what I want to ask from the first moment you call me is... Why is it that you call me Rass-SAMA? Even Van doesn’t do that, he just calls me casually.

「That wasn’t what I had in my mind, Rass-sama is weak...? Then I wonder how you are able to scare our strongest warrior? 」

Oi, answer my question first, damn it! And who the heck is this warrior? I never scare any—Ohhhhhhhhhhhh... Was it Van?

「Yes. Van Minor is our strongest warrior ever exists in our kingdom. Did you notice how his color is white? 」


「As we get stronger in this three aspect; mind, strength and magic, our hair color changes into brighter color and our eyes color will depend on the element we had. 」

Oh... So, your hair color isn’t due to your gene? {wait wait … it repeating down here}

「Of course not, we start with black hair when we are born. But, there are some cases where a baby is already born with a light hair color. 」

Now, I’ve finally know the truth... Wait a damn minute. DO NOT DISTRACT ME! ANSWER MY ORIGINAL QUESTION DAMN IT!

『Skill Announcement: Intimidate LV 4 become LV 5』

「!! B-but, Rass-sama is Rass-sama! 」

That doesn’t explain a single damn thing damn it! Even if you are a bishounen and a prince added to that, if you don’t answer my question, I will be annoyed!

「If you insist then, I’ll be honest. … Now I know why Van is scared.」

That’s the way it should be, hmph.

「We decided to create a statue of you as our guardian... That is why I have to be polite to you. 」

Oh, so that is why... WHAT?!!!!

Why the heck is I your guardian?! Why did I never hear of this????

「We did discuss this in front of you but perhaps you didn’t hear it. 」

BUT Why????

「It is our custom to create a statue of the strongest person in the kingdom to serve as our guardian. Previously, it was Van’s statue but since he said you are stronger, we decide that it will be you. 」

Which part of me is strong, you see all leaves, I couldn’t even block the wind from blowing me away.

「If you say so, then we will change the guardian statue... I wouldn’t force you. 」

Oh~ you change my opinion about you people into better way~

Besides, becoming a guardian seriously is a huge burden for me.

「That is good for you, we have chat for a long time. Please allow me to send you back to Van. 」

Then, I will have to trouble you~

「Not really, (since you will still be our guardian)...」

Hm? Did you say something?

「Nope. 」

He denied while smile brightly.

『Skill Announcement: Blind Resistance LV 4 become LV 5』

I see...but Stop blinding me you stupid bishounen!!!


The next morning, without me having to do anything, Van wakes up on time. He greets me and then he asks me to face the other way since he is going to take a bath. The people in this world all use magic for their daily chores. Van just chants a magic spell and he is done cleaning his body. He wore the same design suit like the first time I saw him but it wasn’t the same thing he said because he had hundred same design suits in his space ring.

After he done, we walk to the palace dinner hall. Along the way, everyone greets Van and surprisingly also me. But the thing is that I want to complain straight away, why did everyone have to add –sama for me?? Didn’t I say that I weak and not suit to be Guardian to the crown prince last night???

As we walk to the hallway, Van gestures his finger pointing outside of the window to the palace garden. Likewise, I am curious.

Then I saw a huge stone statue of Van kneeling in one knee on warrior pose, with his left hand holding the sword and his face looks blessed...

And me in his right hand facing to the sky magnificently.


『Rage acquired. 』

PRINCE SULVIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

「Fufufufu... Rass-sama sure will be happy~ 」

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