《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 4: Don't Give Up!


Chapter 4: Don’t Give UP!

Hmm~Hmm~ I’m humming along with the way, following the blood track. It’s farther than I thought, because even after running for half an hour, the track doesn’t end, and no unicorn carcasses could be seen. If it were the old me, I would definitely give up easily, but since I got a new motivation which will decide my future from now on, I’ve been running happily.

After an entire hour spent on running, I came across a bloody field.

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Fast Movement LV 3 become LV 4』

Like Dracula-san said, there is a group of unicorn carcasses. It was not gory since the unicorn had a clean cut in the neck. Though I sympathize these poor magical beasts, my objective is more important.

Since I have Memorize-chan, I can remember clearly his instruction upon using the space ring.

Alright, just suck them in now, space ring. I need to run back fast to the cave since Dracula-san is on the verge of dying.

*sssss [sound effect of vacuum]*

Wah… this ring must be a rare item and extremely expensive since it can suck in the huge animal so easily.

Now, let’s return.

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Fast Movement LV 4 become LV 5』

Since I already know the way, I run faster this time.

When I return to the cave, Dracula-san’s complexion had paled considerably. He was on the ground, panting heavily. He looks extremely weak with the dark bags under his eyes. Panicking, I rush towards him and sit next to his head, shouting out loud in my mind. He slowly opens his eyes and tilts his head toward me.

「Did… you get it?」

Ah, he’s alive… Yeah, I got them right here! I spoke in my mind and hand him the ring.

「Is that so… Thank you very much…p-please give me some space… I need to suck this animal clean.」

Oh, al-alright.

And so, I walk further away from him as I watched him suck the unicorns one by one.

Each one makes him regain a healthier color on his skin. Shortly, the last one he sucked makes him look entirely different from the first time I saw him. Previously, he had this Dracula vibe to him. Pale, bloody, thin and sickly but now he is gorgeous…

Though he still had red eyes, sharp fangs and silky white long hair which confirms his existence as Dracula.

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Observe LV 1 become LV 2』

「Little grass, I must thank you for saving me. 」

He bowed in a gentlemanly gesture with his right hand over the left side of his chest.

Huh? AH! NONONONO, I did nothing except run all along.

「Haha, don’t say that. You are really my savior. To show my gratitude, my name is Lord Van Minor, pleased to be friend with you. 」

F-friend? Friend~~~ I got a friend~~.


『Skill Proficiency has reached. Fool Dance LV 4 become LV 5』

Ops, I did it again. Hahaha,~~.

「Little grass, what is your name?」

Hm? I, that’s right… eh…?.

Wait a second there.

I couldn’t remember my name???

How weird, no matter how hard I try, I still can’t remember it.

「Little grass, could it be you don’t have a name yet? 」

Sadly, I couldn’t remember it.

「Is that so? It is normal for ordinary beasts to not have a name, but as a newborn like you that is already so powerful, I thought you were named already. Since it’s this way, that would mean you are originally strong. But why did you say you can’t remember it? 」

I don’t understand what you mean. Like I say, I really can’t remember it.

The reason I say I can’t remember it is after all because I was a human.

「?? Did you say you were a human, little grass? 」

Yes. 5 days ago, I was a normal human but somehow I could only remember how I look like among other things but not my name, though.

「So you are a reincarnated, that explains a lot about your knowledge. Hm, if it is this way, do you mind if I name you? 」

!! I’d be much obliged!!

「Let me take a few minutes to think a name for you, okay?」


Van-san is a Dracula and his name is also elegant. How will my name turn out? Hehehe~~

「From now on your name will be Little Grass!」


「Eh? Don't you like it? 」

How can I like it! True, my appearance is a grass. But I was once a human woman. GIVE ME SOMETHING NICE PLEASE!!

『Intimidate Acquired』

Oh, that’s a nice skill I got there. URGH, STOP DISTRACTING ME! I WANT A NICE NAME!

「S-sorry, I never thought that you are a girl. Then, how about Grassy? 」

NO WAY!! That sounds more like gracias, which mean thanks, but not elegant! DAMN IT! GIVE ME SOMETHING ELEGANT!

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Intimidate LV 1 become LV 2』

「T-then! Rass??? Please don’t eat me…」

R-rass… Rass, huh?

That nice, yeah, I like it. Rass will do. Because somehow that sound like ‘rasp’ from raspberry.

「Fuh… Alright, from now on your name will be Rass. I share with you, my ancestor’s blessing with this small ceremony. 」

『Pure Blood Blessing Acquired. Mind Reading Acquired. Telepathy Acquired.』

Wow, that’s nice. Just the right thing I need!!

「Rass, I need, to be honest. 」

What is it? Why did you sound so serious all of sudden?

Van sudden change in tone makes me nervous without me knowing why. He sighed before looking at me sharply. Then in a cold chilling tone, he spoke.

「When I asked you to help me. I was testing you from the beginning to the end. If you were a spy from the church or the union, surely you would have kept the ring to yourself and kill me when I was vulnerable earlier. If you were a thief or an adventurer, you would ask for some wealth or any treasure.


If you are any of those, I will use my ancestor’s taboo skill to end both of our life.」

-gulp- This gorgeous man is speaking about death with a cold tone; his words make me shudder in fear.

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Fear Resistance LV 4 become LV 5』

「Thankfully, you are not any of that. And you even ask to be my friend. Rass, I’m really glad to be your friend since there was no one sincere enough to be mine for countless years since I ascended to the throne as a lord.」

That’s a cheat! After scaring me, why did you put that sweet gentle smile?!

Arghh!! Your smile is blinding me! I am thankful to you too, so stop it! Besides, I’ve been so lonely these few days. So we don’t owe anything to each other.

『Blind Resistance Acquired』

And so, I’m pleased to be your friend~

「So do I. Anyway Rass, I intended to return to my mansion. Do you want to-- 」

I WANT TO FOLLOW YOU!! I have been waiting for the whole week for someone to talk to, don’t you dare leave my sight even a second!

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Intimidate LV 2 become LV 3』

「Y-yes, then excuse me for a second. 」

Though I am tiny, my courage wasn’t the same. Especially for something that I think is mine; even in this form, I could scare someone as if I were a dragon. But when it is something I am not used to, like my first time meeting a Dracula in my entire life, I’m all meek. Hehe.

While thinking such thing, Van already carries me inside his jacket’s chest pocket.

「Are you comfortable? 」

I think I’m fine.

「Please hold on tight, I will accelerate straight to the mansion. 」




『Wind Resistance Acquired. 』

I’m extremely glad that Van carries me inside his pocket. Because if he were to carry me somewhere else, I would be blown away by the wind, especially since he accelerates throughout the flight. I heard an announcement but since the wind is blocking me from hearing clearly, I don’t know what I got. Probably just a skill level up.

Hm? Van, I’m hearing screams and cries around 2 miles away from here. I’m seeing flames and people running, 5 miles away.

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Enhanced Hearing LV 4 become LV 5』

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Observe LV 2 become LV 3』

「…Please hold on tighter.」


『Skill Proficiency has reached. Wind Resistance LV 1 become LV 2』




「No… Please, no…」


Earlier when Van accelerated, he told me that this is his kingdom. The king has committed a crime against the UNION. Since he had the same face with the king, he baited the UNION’s mercenaries and experts into the forest. He was defeated miserably but a miracle happened when he saw a group of the unicorn and slaughtered them. The rest is as I know.

Now, he looks at his mansion which has burned to crisp. Perhaps it is because he is a man that he doesn’t cry but his eyes are all teary.

Without even the need to ask, I know from his reaction that the UNION had made a move in his kingdom while was he gone. Putting the fact that his kingdom was attacked aside, there were still some survivors since I heard screaming and crying.

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Enhanced Hearing LV 5 Become LV 6』

Hm? Somehow the enhanced hearing has grown steadily?

Van suddenly fell down onto his knee. He was choking on the tears with his eyes closed.


「It’s over… there is no one left. I’m sorry Rass but you may have to be alone after this. Since I--」

Ha? Without letting him finishing his word, three black lines appeared next to my head.

YOU DUMMY! There still survivor inside the mansion. I also heard a group crying for help in the palace! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP SO SOON!!

He opened his eye slowly and looks downward to face me that staying inside his pocket.

「Is that true? Rass… You are not making things up, right? 」

Do you think I can lie with my state like this? If I had a mouth maybe I could tell a lie but right now I speak with my mind.

「Now that you say it, it does make sense… Because it is you Rass, I don’t doubt you. T-thank you Rass. Let’s go. 」

Hmph, you make me worry for nothing. Hmph.

『Convince Acquired』

Eh, what?

Hey, wait!

Because Van started rushing, I stop him from heading to the palace and immediately explain to him.

You should save the one in your mansion first because her voice is getting weaker.

「Is that so, then sure. By the way, you are really amazing Rass. To be able to hear voices… 」

Stop praising me, it was nothing.

Though I said that, somehow I felt that I’m smirking right now.

Let me say just this one thing. It is unfair of you to give up so fast because I too have to suffer difficulties and even if I try to give up, I CAN’T!! So, DON’T YOU DARE GIVE UP BEFORE I DO!

『Skill Proficiency has reached. Intimidate LV 3 become LV 4』

「Yes, MADAM! 」

I think Intimidate-chan is growing steadily because I am scaring someone larger and stronger than I am. How great. How shameless of me.

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