《Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]》Chapter 1.1: I am weak, eh?


Chapter 1: I am weak eh? [Part 1]

Fluffy clouds floated across the bright blue sky, as the gentle breeze swayed me side to side, three black lines appeared next to my forehead.


Alright, calm down. I should breathe in, Fuu… and slowly breath it out, Ha...


As far as I could remember, I was a perfect woman and a normal human being. I don’t know how long I have passed out, but as soon as I regained the consciousness, I was immobilized. I can’t move no matter how I tried, then I noticed something strange. Which was, my view was only as high as the grasses and weeds around me and… I’VE NO LONGER HAVE A HEAD.

The strangest part of all, when I tried to move my hands, all I see in front of me was two weed-like leaf waving and moving as I wanted it to. Though I don’t want to admit it but something prove it and I couldn’t deny it that I have become… A WEED!

Practically, just a weed.

Ha… How could this happen to me? I remembered that before I lose my consciousness, I was binge-eating hamburgers at the maid cafe two building away from my office and there was a call came from my cute junior. She asked me to treat her for a lunch as she had workloaded up on her table. Hence, I bought her just a simple meal and return to the office… Wait, wait a second there.

I can’t remember anything passed after I exited the cafe. I don’t remember a single thing happened after that but I do feel an intense pain that I couldn’t forget even till now. Perhaps, I died along the way and was now reincarnated as a weed.


I’ve understood that I have now reincarnated and maybe this world is not even the Earth that I used to live at, but, I don’t understand just one particular thing. WHY THE FUCK MUST I BECOME A WEED?! I don’t even smoke! I’m not even an environmentalist, and if this is karma, what have I even done to a grass in my past life?!

I never knew that I would say this one day… I truly missed becoming a human. I loved my past self a lot despite the weaknesses that I had.

I remembered clearly that I was a five-foot-nine woman, quiet but not an anti-social, “docile” but loved action and adventurous games. Men found me attractive and told me that I looked like a model! Though, never in my lifetime did I find a man for me. Uuu, I want to cry.

{Haa…} Alright, off we go with the sad life. Let’s see if I can move around a little. {Mgh, ug… uuuuuuuuu…. urgh! ngh…grr} *grunting noises

A few hours later...

Regretfully saying, I have failed miserably.

I tried to move my root left and right but all I did was grow my roots to find water sources. Huhu…

Seriously, God. Can I just ask you one question? There was a list of many other living things you could have to turn me into. Why did you turn me into a weed? Not only I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk too! Plus, there were no living things that I could talk to here! Even though there are the plants, that doesn’t counted as things that I could talk to! Well.. if there was any, I would be eaten by now.



Aye, no God will answer me. If there were any, I will curse him till he regrets to have ever created me. Well now, I’m better off living by myself, for now, I just need to know if I could ever walk in this new form. If I couldn’t move my root left to right, perhaps upward will do?

NGHHHHHHHHH... As I grunted as hard as I could inside my mind, imagining the roots being pulled upward.

Unfortunately, the answer is a big [Nope], nothing happened.

Even though there was no wind blowing, I’m able to wave my leaf from left to right as I wanted. And when I felt dry, I could grow my roots downward until it finds water sources. I didn’t know how to describe the method to do it but, it comes naturally for me. I fill myself by sucking in the water contained in the wet soil. After I finish, I shortened the root back to its normal length.

When I moved my leaf, I didn’t feel like moving my hand and I had this unnatural and uncomfortable feeling as if I was moving my entire head, body part and including the hand. When I grow my roots it feels as if I have countless legs and am able to control each end of the root separately, it is really unpleasant and bizarre feeling for me.

So, I concluded the leaf as my upper body part which included my head and hands while the roots work as my legs. But if I can’t get out of the earth, I will never meet my hairy legs. Haha. Enough joking, this is a serious matter as I need to get out of the earth to meet something alive. Staying here will cause me to lose my mind.

{Hm…? Staying will cause me to go insane...}

Could it be that the other weeds here are also alive but they weren’t able to get out and then went insane? HA?! That is highly possible since we had no mouth so we couldn’t talk to each other and how would we know there actually other people here, ugh, ugh, ugh, come on legs, WORK! I DON’T WANT TO BECOME A FOOL!

Sob, sob, I want to cry, I want eyes so that I could cry! I want mouth so badly so that I could curse… I want to be human!!

[One particular hour later...]

Now that I have calmed down, I discovered some good news. I could grow and shrink the root anyway I wanted, either long or short as I desired. Not to mention, I am able to grow it left to right side of the earth and even extended far away till the huge tree approximately 100 meters away from me but… {I STILL CAN’T GET OUT OF THE FUDGING EARTH!}


There was something that I had in my mind for a while but haven’t tried it because I doubted that it will work exactly as I wish it would. The idea was, to shrink the root as small as possible could possibly get me out of the earth. The shortest roots for the record that I have tried is just the normal length of the normal condition of the root.

Only thinking is also useless, so, I will try now.


I shrinked it a bit and then I feel nauseated. Urgh, I get the cramped-like feel when I try to shrink it more than the normal length. Shortening my leg had causing me to queer with ill and intensely freaking me out as if it become small and short, you know what I mean?

{No, you don’t because you are a human!}

Actually, who the hell that I have been talking to-- Never mind, it is better to talk than go insane.

The feel of the roots being shortened… I have said it for the countless times already but this really am freaky. Oh wait, I get the feeling that this will work, my legs are already near the end of the first thin layer of the earth. Forcing my hand to push downward as the legs gradually shrink and almost disappear from my body part, I chanted and prayed in extremely fast paced. {FIGHTING! COME ON, YOU CAN DO IT! UP! UP! UP! UP!!!! GO UP!!!!!!} *Pop*

Instantaneously, when I pulled myself upward, I was rolled like a ball backward and ended up bumping against a stone of my size, Ouch! Even though, I am just a leaf, bumped against a stone hurted me but I quickly recovered from the pain and it make me wondered about the grass back in the earth. They were also stepped on… Urghh… must be extremely painful too...

Anyway…kukukukuku….kuhahahahahah! HURRAY!!! It does worked! Truly, it’s worked out well! Hellish but extremely well! That felt like it took decades. But, congratulations, the genius me! However… now, I have no root. -sobs-

Let’s see if I can grow it back even though I’m out of the earth. Urgh, I shuddered in disgusted as the feeling was incomparable freakiness when I tried to grow the legs out of the earth. *Susssusuusus [effect sound of root slithering] --- … It was much easier than shortening them and as expected, it growed perfectly, yep. For now, let’s try to stand.

Wait, a baby starts by crawling right? Should I do that but it will take more time and double the work… but if by sense, I am a baby, right? A newborn weed equals a baby human, right? Or maybe not since plants lifespan are different by the type and most lived much longer than human… so am I or am I not a baby… oh, I’m getting far from the main point here, should I walk or should I crawl.



After wasting another hour by debating with my mind, I made up my mind for a decision to try to walk. For now, the basic is to stand and I have yet standing since the moment I got out of the earth.

By pushing down the earth floor using both my feeble-looking leafs I try to stand with my twelve feeble-looking roots, I was shaking terribly as there was nothing that help supports me and after a long repetition of pause I try again. FINALLY! I was able to stand.

Well, I was only standing but have yet to walk.

The question is, can I walk? For now, divided the twelve roots by two part and I get a pair of the leg. Alright, simple! Next, let’s get the right side to move forward. {Wooohohoho, oops, damn it,} I still feel awkward with these new legs so it is no wonder that I fall… Let stand up again! I wobble terribly like a baby.

First, the right side moves forward. To control each strand of the root is easy even though it takes time for me to get used to the freaky feeling, I was able to get the right side move forward. Second, the left side to move forward. Then right, then left, and right, and left.

… An hour later.



{I-I can walk! Mommy, I can walk!!!}

{I AM A GENIUS!!!!} I cheer inside my mind while walking left and right at fast paced until I got too excited that I bump against the stone again.

{Oww} It’s hurt but, I definitely able to walk, {mommy!!} Oh, do I have a mom here as well? Do plants have a parent, though?

{Nope, I don’t think so.} Though I might be called as a bud [child of the plant, hehe how smart am I?], there is basically no life here that I can call as my relative. I have left the group of weeds that I born with, whether they are sane or they are not alive, I could never count them as my relative. But, for a weed to actually able to walk, this world is surely not the planet earth that I know of.

I wondered if this is a fantasy world. If so, aren’t this exciting? I really loved adventures as well as I played the online rpg-games. Which is why, most of the times because I played as male character, I enjoyed fighting rather than romances hence I am all alone for the rest of my life…

As I was trotting with no specific destination in my mind and observed the scenery that was full with tall trees and grasses all over the place. I was bored and so, I listed the game and its specialties.

I remembered this one game which was really popular among teenages and was my first time ever playing such genre. It is an rpg games like Dota, and minecraft but the games rather used skills and have to grind to level up. I particularly remembered that since then, there are many comics about the games and I whom always loved the games ended up becoming a self-pledged otaku because of the comics.

What I like the most is the fantasy where one could asked for a skill, to… hmm, what does it called again?

Aha, Skills Gained Voice of Heaven.



Huh? What the, HECK?!

What is this? Abruptly appeared out of nowhere was a transparent blue window in front of me. My hands trembled hard as I couldn’t trust what I have seen. I did have a hunch about this world not the planet earth I known of but… to think that… this is indeed…


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