《Clockwork powers? Sure! Wait, why am i on a fantasy world?》Chapter 8- late as hell


It was midnight and a group of clergymen roamed within a room grabbing materials, making inscriptions and making chants.

They worked through the night preparing the ritual with only torches and a mana lamp that hung from the ceiling illuminating the stone room.

They all stopped and gathered in 2 rows ready to use their work, the room lit up with the mana flowing across it, both from the group of men and the charged mana stones.

The rooms environment kept changing turning ,hot, cold,becoming windy, the floor shaking and even causing occasional electrical sparks jumping across the floor or the circuit.

Bubbles started appearing within the circle taking form and slowly settling until their glow disappeared leaving behind 4 naked bodies.

2 male ones and 2 females, these however varied from the figures of the priest that had them summoned, as all 4 were either near the same size or taller.

One had red hair like a fox, combed into a pulled back crew cut, and his body in good shape.

He was the first to react of the group, looking around into the crowd.

Red - the fuck happened? Where am i?!

With his screams he caused one of the girls to wake up.

Her brown wavy hair covered the left side of her face as she looked up, she tried covering her body before shaking awake the girl to her side.

The smallest of the group, with a straight light brown almost blonde hair, turned into a braid that fell almost to the middle of her back.

The last one to get up was the black haired guy, he rose from the ground with a sleepy face and making no effort whatsoever to cover his naked body until he looked around and saw the two girls.

Priest - we have summoned you so that you can protect this world from the oncoming chaos,... Uh, you're supposed to be 3, did… something happen?

Everyone - ahhh, don't know.

Red - hold on i was sent by the god of nature, what about you three?

Brown - god of war and death.

Light brown - god of value and work.

Black - yeah, about that… i dont know whats going on exactly, i assume otherworld, transported etc, but i have no idea about any Gods.

They stared him down, his freckled face and black curly hair that casted a shadow over sleep deprived look gave him an ominous appearance.

The starring soon stopped however due to the priest handing them clothes to the first 3 and a large robe to the black haired kid.

Priest - normally its 3 apostles that come however we are in a bit of trouble with this extra, you should not exist!

Black - what?! How do you know i'm the extra person!

The head priest raised his brow to that.


Priest - well, we can test it. All of you, if you focus you will feel the energy and spirit of your weapons, call them forth and you're a god blessed hero, fail and we know you lied.

The group turned towards the priest and each tried calling their weapons.

The brown haired girl was first, calling an halberd from thin air, its shiny blades were accentuated by the red/brown cable and leather grips.

Priest - good.

He walked into the next one, the light brown haired girl.

She extended her arms taking a bit longer to call forth hers,a pair of long daggers, almost as long as her forearms that connected to each other with a long chain that seemed to grow and shrink as she pulled them apart.

Priest - you’re next, if you're not a hero you'll have to answer a lot.

He pointed at the black haired kid with his fat finger.

He slowly stood straight looking back at the fat priest.

Black - i dont lie old man!

His smirk was soon replaced with a serious face as he focused, and before he knew it his left arm increased in weight making him almost fall to the side.

There was a thick gauntlet on his arm, a mechanical armor that covered from his hand to his elbow and held tight onto his upper arm with 2 rounded plates positioned in the front and back of his bicep.

Black - Told ya i wasn't the extra.

Priest - it seems so, redhead now you!

The red haired kid raised his arms into the sky, pulling a metallic crossbow with a wooden stock.

Red - So, we are all heroes?!

Priest - i guess so.

The head priest placed his hand on his chin and scratched his short beard.

Priest - This is a first, i guess we'll just roll with it, let's go!

He turned to the crowd of priest and they split opening a path towards the door.

The group reconciled and followed him, with the rest of the priests forming lines behind them, all with their heads lowered in respect for the new heroes that arrived.

Red- (whispering) hey, what's your name?

Black - Mitch (duh), and you?

Red - Daniel, so you don't remember being with your god?

Mitch - no idea who he even is or if he tried to talk to me, i'm just here.

Brown - what are you two talking about?

Daniel - we were just saying our names, im Daniel, he’s Mitch, and you are?

Brown - im Sofia.

Mitch - what about her, Sofia was it? Call her over.

She stepped to the side and placed her hand on the shoulder of the one that had yet to present herself.

Sofia whispered something onto her and she walked closer.

Sofia - this is Daniel, he’s…


Mitch - really! My name is Mitch.

Light brown - im Ana Woodhead, first in succession of the woodhead family.

The group understood she was of nobility by that sentence alone.

Priest - were here, you will be meeting the king and after that you will be presented to the nobles, show respect, and i don't tell you this as an order but as advice, even if they are god sent, cocky heroes don't tend to last long.

They went up a stairwell and through a door into a small room, there the king sat on a wooden chair while a group of men discussed with im over politics.

King - so these are the heroes.

Priest - yes my lord, and this time we have been blessed with four of them.

The king who was raising himself from the chair stopped halfway to look up, counting the kids before him.

King - are they all really heroes?

Priest - yes we have confirmed their identities.

King - then begin the preparations! I know this may be sudden but we have a lot to do so you lot must follow along,you'll need to get the nobles to open their purses if you want to get some money for equipment and other goods.

Ana - you’re the king, don't you have money from taxes?! Why do we have to go around asking for it like bums?!

King - we will still support you but most of our finances we’ll be spent on preparing our own troops and other basic functions, and high quality gear is sometimes expensive enough to cost as much as equipment for thousands of soldiers.

And with that they were escorted out the room, once out they were guided into separate rooms where they would spend the night before continuing.

It was a large room about 3 by 4 meters, with a king sized bed,with two large pillows atop the large white cover and grey sheets.

Mitch was about to get in and lay down but he had to know something beforehand.

Mitch - hey, sir priest?

Priest - oh, what is it child?

Mitch - how do i get rid of this?

Mitch had raised his hand showing the priest the mechanical arm, with almost twice as thick as his other one.

Priest - Just think about it disappearing and it will go away. Oh, and kid?

Mitch- yes?

Priest - sorry about you earlier when i called you a fake.

And with that Mitch closed the door to his room.

The room was only illuminated by 3 candles but it was enough for one to see.

He sat by the side of his bed and tried to make the fist disappear.

??? - you’re not getting rid of me that easily!

Mitch jumped from his sitting position the moment he heard someone talk

Mitch - who the fuck is this.

??? - i'm the glove!

Mitch - uhh?!

Mitch looked down to his fist and there was a small stone with two rounded rough plates opening and closing almost like an eyelid.

??? - i'm just speaking in your head so you can just use your inner voice, don't speak out loud or you will end up sounding like a lunatic.

Mitch - what are you?

??? - equipment.

Mitch - i mean like, who are you, what's your name and why are you here?

??? - i was part of you, i don't have a name and i'm here to help you.

Mitch - you make a lot of sound but you didn't actually say anything, and you don't have a name huunn

??? - thats all i know so... and if really want you can name me.

Living armament™(nameless): lvl 1




Mitch - we got madafakin stat screens, hell yeah, now i like this, so…

??? - can you rename me first?!

Mitch- alright, alright...living armor, nothing really comes to mind, i guess your kind of a sidekick so why not walter, i guess that's not really a good name, you're a glove…

??? - i'm only a “glove” due to being weak once i progress i will become stronger and be able to become a full armor set or even more.

Mitch - you'll be constantly shifting so why not morpho?

Name has been registered

Mitch - seems to work.

Morpho - then i guess we're done for now.

And with that the “eye” closed but the arm was still the same.

Mitch - really! Your gonna leave me with this giant thing!

Morpho - just kidding.

The arm shrunk and realigned into a somewhat large “bracelet” as wide as a thumbs length and the same “eye” atop.

After a good night's rest the heroes were called out in basic clothes to follow the head priest again with their preparations.

They were guided out of the castle in a simple carriage, taking them into the city around, it extended as far as they could see, with walls hundreds of meters apart from them.

They soon stopped, getting out on the same district as the one the castle and buildings owned by royalty was on, this was the rich district with only with the fanciest shops and buildings, the one they entered had large windows that exposed the wooden interior, filled with rolls of fabric and other boxes.

The only people inside were a man on the heavier side and his slightly chubby wife, with them both putting on a large smile the moment the five entered the building.

Chubby wife - oh my, how may we he help.

Priest - we need clothes, lots of clothes!

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