《Deviation》Interlude - Mourning Wood


The Lost Woods. An entity that, well fascinates me. It is a mass of trees and nature energy that gained sentience through a magical accident. A wizard blew her soul up, as well her body, and chunk of soul latched itself on to the mass of energy surrounding a forest becoming an ethereal entity. This entity did what plants do best. It grew. In the ethereal realm she grew titanic, becoming the stuff of nightmares by all who tread there.

Physical as she grew bigger, she also grew smarter, and more powerful. Eventually becoming a mass of power so dense the forest began to warp space allowing the entity in charge of the forest to rearrange the woods anyways it pleased.

So many have died in her wooded depths, leaving a great many valuables behind. She had what most would call a dragons treasure horde. Not the she cared about that, all she wanted was the walking sacks fertilizer called humans to keeping coming into the woods and dying. Honestly though it was never about growing strong, she kill because she liked it. She was worried about being bored than anything. So she set up hundred of thousands encounters, just watching beings die. In her long history of fertilizations, she had met many ghosts. Most of these ghosts became nature spirits and aided the forest unwittingly while those with ill will to the Lost Woods were eaten. Never before had the Woods seen an entity such as Leon, and was learning that mourning wood can be quite annoying.

Mourning Wood's were almost as rare as deväks. You see dear friends ghosts had a natural instinct to no possess anything to dumb otherwise they could be stuck inside it forever. So nearly every single ghost young or old would never possess an acorn, but Leon didn't really have a choice. He was thrust in to a body he couldn't control or escape from, with out a greater awareness. However, even if he could escape the thought would never cross his mind. Leon was in a wonderful dream that involved almost every semi-attractive girl he had met on the false earth, and just a lot of sex. Honestly, this level of debauchery was more like something you'd see from a hardened sexual deviant, instead of the twice over virgin that Leon was.

Normally beings of nature could understand the Woods when she spoke in their minds, but so trapped within his own psyche Leon couldn't. Even trying to break the little ghost tree's mind didn't work, the tree was too dumb to comprehend the attacks. So the forest was left with no other choice but indirect means. Her favorite new play thing was still trapped in it's metamorphosis, so maybe she could direct some of her enemies together.


The mutated axolotl was behaving for now, and she wouldn't risk another one of its rampages. There was a cave of Cytonic spiders, freshly hatched, but they wouldn't be able to harm the ghost tree. She could always send out one of her inner guardians to deal with the tree, the ghost tree would probably drain them dry. There was the easiest solution, where she could put that damnable human wizard on the mourning woods path, and hope that he mistook it for her ally. It was a risky plan, but all that she could come up with for now. Setting up any encounter always filled her with equal parts dread and glee.

On one hand she was constantly worried that an unexpected outcome would ruin her plans, but she also thrilled in the spectacle of combat. Like with the little bug who kept surprising her, when she set the bug against the Desecrator's she honestly had no idea what to expect. Both parties were Interlopers in the woods, but they were also weak. Granted the Desecrator's had depilating posion and overwhelming numbers, while the little abomination had a desire for power and fear of death that could level mountain ranges. In the end the abomination won, so the woods sent it another challenge, and once again the bug triumphed. Now that bug was getting smarter and the woods want to see it win more, but she was worried that it wouldn't follow her will blindly anymore.

Thoughts of the tenacious creature went to the back of her mind as she saw the detestable wizard and parasitical tree meet. The wizard was an odd one, he was human, a full two meters tall, hair dark as pitch, and eyes a brilliant gold. Built like a magically enhanced brick shit house, he prescribed to the belief that to live life to the fullest one must push all of their limits to the edge. So physical speaking he was just as deadly as he was magically, and his skills were oddly diverse. Instead of being a deep and narrow well of power like most beings on Fracture. This man was like a chest deep ocean with raging tides. Struggle all you wish, eventually you will find yourself unable to stay upright. Falling to the great tide.

Born nearly one hundred years prior the great wizard was named Tekanis. He was once a well respected adventurer and researcher, but has recently fallen into obscurity. Alas my dear friends power and tragedy go hand in hand, and Tekanis is a man on a mission. Being a person of note, and power many kingdoms tried to tie down the wizard, but none had very much success. That is until a certain kingdom found out about the childhood friend Tekanis was sweet on, and kidnapped her. Tekanis became their wrecking ball and toppled many a foe, but from the moment that his friend was kidnapped Tekanis the wise was already plotting her rescue and their escape. In their bid for freedom they, and long chase across the country side they ended up in the Lost Woods. Where his love, Bell, lost her life. Ever since Tekanis has been doing everything in his considerable power to destroy the woods and the entity in charge.


It is quite the conundrum, to kill something rooted in both the physical and the ethereal. Especially an entity as large as the Lost Woods. Neither side will stay dead for long while the other thrives. Fret not dear friends, for Tekanis was quite clever. He decided that the only way he would be able to kill the forest is by slowly killing the physical and then going for to the ether while it was weakened. For you see while the entity was titanic in the ethereal, if Tekanis could cut off the food supply then the ethereal presence would weaken. While it wouldn't completely wither it would swing the advantage in Teknais' favor. Thus Tekanis could usually be found wandering around the woods trying to find dense spots of magic to destroy.

So when Tekanis saw a floating tree stump with arms that was the about the size of a small child, positively thrumming with power he attacked. Throwing a barrage of magically enhanced punches at the tree, Tekanis was out for blood. Or sap maybe. Tekanis enjoy using amplification magic paired with a spell known as Shifting Force. He could quadruple the force behind any movement, he could wiggle his toes and then use shifting force to add that extra power to his punches. Shifting Force also allowed the user to project the force out side of the body in a focused and controlled area. Meaning Tekanis could create lines of force dense enough to snap bones.

The strikes landed on the mourning wood with astonishing force, but all the power it had been siphoning wasn't just for show. It's bark was magically hardened and quite a bit thicker than the average oak. Plus no central nervous system meant no pain at all. However, that didn't prevent the near mindless thing from flying into a rage at the assault. Releasing a ghostly wail that caused Tekanis to jump back, Leon then shot bolts of concentrated nature energy at the human. Tekanis ripped the magic out of the air with a flick of his wrists. Such primitive attacks were useless against a trained wizard. Against Tekanis it was almost insulting, but now he was a bit curious about this odd foe.

Tekanis punch the air causing gusts of wind to buffet Leon. this caused the mourning wood to get turned around, briefly turning its head the mourning wood began to search for the missing assailant. Thirty seconds passed before the tree finally turned around. Tekanis was baffled. How could something with a pretty decent power pool be that dumb. Then Tekanis noticed the dead plants that followed in Leon's wake and an idea sprouted in his mind. Tekanis used an earth spell to pull the apparently moronic tree into the ground, where said moron thrashed around for a bit before becoming intangible and floating out. Now grinning Tekanis lashed the tree with vines from yet another school of an all together different type of magic. Once again the tree trashed about for a bit before doing something wholely unique. The tree began to drain the life out of the vines turning the vines to naught but dust in a few more moments.

Laughing at himself and this ploy of the forest entity, Tekanis put up a energy shield meant keep out ghosts and began to work on a magic weaving. Magic weavings involve several types of magic to create something great or terrible. Few know enough magics to make anything ridiculous powerful. However Tekanis and those like him are a different story. While he wasn't making a city buster, he would need a lot of power for this weaving. After all fundamentally changing something is quite power intensive. It had to precise and near perfect, and done fast. Had to make the forest believe that he was just making something to destroy the tree. Not something to save it.

While he worked Leon beat on the barrier Tekanis worked, nearly twenty minutes past and the forest began to grow concerned about what the mage was doing. Before she could act the barrier broke, and Leon slammed in to Tekanis. In that moment Tekanis activated his weaving, which attached itself like a leech to Leon. The weaving was designed to suck some of the extra magic from Leon, and reshape the tree. Meant to work slowly this weaving would allow the mourning wood to stay alive while also giving it a body that could support conscious thought. Really it was quite an improvement from being a mindless tree, but why go through the trouble?

Well my dear friends, mourning woods destroy nature everywhere they go, so the better question is why wouldn't Tekanis help shape Leon into the perfect tool for destroying the Lost Woods.

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