《Deviation》Interlude - Bedtime Stories


“It is the common belief of many that to be born a pixie is to be born cursed. Most of us are born into slavery, we live scrounding for every second of life unsure what day will be our last.”

“If you're lucky you could be born into one of the twelve free colonies. Though that isn’t much better, living hidden away like an unwanted dog isn’t very fulfilling. And the moment you step outside of your colony you’ll likely be torn to shreds.”

“Even our own magic is a curse. Unwieldy it erodes our very lives away. Most do anything they can to get rid of the burden. Very few succeed, few still survive for very long.”

“Those that do survive have to struggle with that curse as it struggles to reassert itself.”

“It seems unfair, does it not? That one race is so far behind the others? Yet it was not always so. Long ago in ages long forgotten there was born a child, the wind sung the earth laughed, the rain wept with joy, fire filled the sky with rays of excitement, and they say even death smiled a crooked little smile. Yet the humans were afraid.”

“They saw this boy as an omen of the end times.As disatasters ravaged Fracture upon their birth, and this strange girl seemed to be in constant flux. So he was thrown into the sea.”

“Yet instead of drowning he grew gills and as she sank and the water grew colder and colder, and darker and darker he adapted. Slowly she became something unrecognizable yet was still a baby.”

“Instead of sinking endless, the ocean in its first act of love for the child carried them off to a Marmuk village.Thanks to their poor eyesight and rudimentary language they took in the child as one of their own.”


“It is unclear how long this child lived in the ocean, yet the story is told of the child without a care until the Marmuk’s named her. They named Atarcin, and in that moment it is said he saw all of what he would be and decided to be something else.”

“Atarcin journeyed back to land, he climbed lonely peaks to keep them company, she harmonized with the wind so all could hear its beauty, they got into an argument with the earth and didn’t touch the ground for five years, and when they made up, Atarcin swam in an ocean of fire to feel the warm embrace of the earth once again.”

“It is said that when she got tired of growing old she became a child once more and froilked through the trees. Yet the most well known story of his exploits is how he courted a dragon.”

“Dragon’s dominant, that is what they enjoy. When dragons mate there's always one party that submits. Instead of wooing the dragon with sheer feats of strength and a dominating will Atarcin showed restraint.”

“It is almost laughable isn’t it? Yet for every attack launched at Atarcin she ducked or dodged or brushed it off like it was nothing. Untouchable, unassailable and persistent. Atarcin didn’t set out to woo a dragon, yet it is believed that this is where the Moragiri came from. Beings like humanoid dragons that can choose to grow into one of the other.”

“Atarcin felt lost for the first time when she outlived her dragon mate, in her grief he traveled across Fracture playing cruel jokes on those unlucky enough to catch her eye. It is around this time in history that we see the emergence of the offshoot races. Dwarves, elves, orcs, giants, gnomes,and many others. Races that were almost human and almost better than humans.”


“Finally Atarcin realized the nature of his jokes had gone wildly off course when he burned down a city for some minor offense. Feeling more alone than ever, Atarcin reached out to her oldest friends. The wind, water, earth, fire, life, death and all the elements of the world large and small. She gave these friends a physical presence, and created the first fae.”

“These fae were our ancestors. They were beings of whimsy and wonder. Being powerfully magical and semi benevolent they began to reshape Fracture. Sometimes in less than constructive ways.”

“Yet Atarcin felt as though they had finally found a family. Rough though they may be, so for a thousand years Atarcin protects the fae in a sanctuary hidden away. However as the number of fae ramp up The Overseer’s have decided enough is enough.”

“Those that watch over Fracture determine that the fae are a negative influence and deliver an ultimatum, ‘Ascend from Fracture and never return or we shall be forced to take action against you people.’ Atarcin just laughed them off believing she had long ago outgrown their clutches.”

“Yet when it came time for battle Atarcin vanished, and The Overseer’s weakened the remaining fae. Innumerable fae were slaughtered, those that were left had but two options. Face death themselves, or let The overseer’s inflicted whatever punishment they deem fit. The survivors were cursed and captured with only a few escaping.”

“That is how we became pixies as a punishment from The Overseer’s, and ever since then we have hoped to undo the curse. With each generation it becomes more hopeless, but with you Stygian I see a light for us forward. Perhaps that is too much to place upon your shoulders. Time will tell…”

“We should leave them be for now Vae. We have much to do and they have much to heal.”

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