《Noli Me Tank in a Mall》5.3 The Presentation (part 3)
When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.
-Simon Senek
Click. The screen shows a photograph of a peasant farmer with his carabao, then a city worker in his neat and shining white suit, and last a waiter in the middle of a glittering ocean dining room.
“A land is full of resources and human resources are a form of wealth also. After all, nothing is produced without someone to work. It is said – and with not just a small grain of truth – is that the main thing that holds the Philippines back is the people that live on it.
“We all know about the usual pejoratives about the indio. Their laziness. Their dumbness. Their crudeness. And their… fecundity.”
Click. The screen shifts to country shapes superimposed on each other. The Philippines over Great Britain and Ireland.
“Allow me to put things into perspective. The Philippines is actually one point two times larger than the British Isles. British population as of eighteen eighty-five: thirty-six million.”
Click. The screen changes to Japan and the Philippines.
“The Philippines about one point three times smaller than Japan in contiguous land surface area. Population of Japan as of 1885 census estimate? Thirty-seven million.”
Click. The United States (not including Alaska) and the Philippines.
“The Philippines of course doesn’t compare to the United States, being thirty three times smaller. But as you can see, in real world terms it is actually a fairly sizable comparison to a state. Since the Philippines is an oddly shaped and slender island, it doesn’t fit into as neat a box, but it would occupy as much space as most of the West Coast – California, half of Nevada, Oregon, and Washington State.
“Population of the Estados Unidos by 1885 census: fifty million.”
Click. The Philippines superimposed over Europe.
“Looks unreal doesn’t it? But we are so used to Mercator Projection that we fail to remember that as a map projection it unfairly distorts the continental forms. By real world application of real measurements, this is how the size of the Philippines compares to Europe. The Philippines is a surprisingly larger country than it first appears.
"The population of Germany, in 1885? Forty-six million.
“The population of the Philippines, right now? About four million.”
Click. The Philippines compared to Cuba.
“The Philippines is about three times larger than Cuba, and but not three times the population since the population of Cuba is a little under one and a half million.”
Click. The screen resolves back to a map of the Philippines.
“What is the takeaway from this? The problem is not that the indio’s life is cheap and short because there’s so many of them and they breed quickly. No. In fact, it can be said that the population of the indio is almost prudishly low compared to how much land can be developed in this country.
“Industrialized countries have higher populations. In fact, industrialization *demands* a critical mass of spare population. Countries based on agriculture and extraction can make do with smaller populations that live a hand to mouth existence.
"The REAL PROBLEM is that the Philippines simply has TOO LITTLE POPULATION for what these isles may support.”
Click. Again back to the native farmer.
“Human resources. Before you can do anything, you need people. More people, more land to break into farmland, more people then that can be supported again. We overlook one more treasure – The Great Filipino Worker.”
I take a deep breath and center myself. Remember, Crisostomo, the year is 1887. And literally everybody that lives in this era is heavily racist. Including yourself. Even those that seek for equality do so out of feeling patronizing white outrage. Most of these people attending are halfbreeds and pure blooded whites and it would insult mortally them to be considered anywhere equal to that of a dark-skinned peasant.
Play to the crowd. I open my eyes.
I make a sweeping wave “But then – I can already hear you objecting – the indio doesn’t even care to farm. Can we even expect them to get anywhere with industrialization? What even is the point? It’s not like they’re going to appreciate modernity. They are fine with their simple pleasures and don’t seek for any higher truths. Beating them doesn’t work for long, and lecturing them is just a waste of your time and breath.”
I grin. “But I tell you this – I have cracked the secret into turning the indio into a more productive worker. The Great Filipino Worker is something that can be exported as well.
“Would it surprise you to learn that the Philippine indio is preferred as a worker in certain fields? In steamships they ask for the “Manilla men” as excellent stewards.
“As workers, unlike the Chinese, the indio does not arrogantly do things their own way when ordered. Sure, they might dumbly do things as you order and only that much no matter how disastrous the end result may be – but at least no matter their lack of initiative they try to obey as perfectly as they can. Thus, there are certain fields in which the indio might actually excel in!
“The indio has problems. Ingrained flaws. But just like you shouldn’t use a hammer to cut wood, the right tool in the right situation accomplishes more than all the hard work in the world.
Click. A list appears on the screen.
1) The Indio is lazy.
2) The Indio is ungrateful.
3) The Indio is impertinent.
4) The Indio is always in debt.
5) The Indio is too lustful.
6) The Indio is too dumb and set in his ways.
“Let us take those issues in order.”
Click. A photograph of a sleeping native.
“True yet not the complete story. The Indio doesn’t like hard dumb labor under the sun. A Chinese coolie will carry sacks all day knowing that is their place. An imported Japanese farmer will farm with the same equanimity in his home islands as in this land. But given any possible option to not move, the indio won’t. He dislikes such hardship unless forced and will happily jump to another line of work as soon as it is offered.
“Consider- ”
Click. A photograph of a native carriage driver. A photograph of a cook. A photograph of a waiter.
“Manila stewards excel at housekeeping and service. They deal with the constraints of shipboard life very well, because the indio is not prone to roam in the first place. As long as the work does not need them to walk, or carry, or work under the hot sun all day – the indio would be happy as clams to do it. Specially if, like serving in the kitchens and cabins, they get their share of good food and rest at the end of it instead of retreating to their pathetic little shacks at sundown.
“If they do their job poorly, they are just going to get scolded. If they do their job well, they will not be praised. So might as well put it off for as long as possible.
“Rewards won’t tempt him because anything good is easy come and easy go. Anyone with coin is just asking to get robbed, but no one can take from you what’s already in your belly. And so if they don’t care about anything
“There is nothing that the indio hates more than working under the hot sun. The floods and the rains can be endured, but the sun is THE ENEMY! If you understand that they would rather not have to work outside everything falls into place.
Click. The inside of a kitchen with women preparing the meals.
“The Indio will appreciate more the small shows of generosity than impersonal largesse. This is also why as a servant in the dining, delivery, and housekeeping business they thrive. What they do matters immediately, and any failures also immediately punished. Farming and mining and road construction are essential labor, but the benefits take too long to show.
“Serving people food, driving them from place to place, delivering goods, putting together things in a factory, these are straightforward jobs with simple directions, and the results show quickly. They know that what they do is directly helping someone and if they mess up the guilt is all on them, not on anyone else.
“If you want to motivate an indio to work hard, better the promise of a good meal at the end of the task – such as when communities come together for harvest season – than the offer of good pay. Buy their gratefulness not with coin but with creature comforts and freedom from the fear of being abused by others. Give them a job with a direct cause and effect.”
Click. A group of factory workers sitting around a table drinking and laughing.
“It is absurdly easy to keep the indio content. Just give them a bit of alcohol and meat, and then leave them alone to talk and sing in a group. Women naturally just gravitate into these gossip rings.
“The trick is finding the amount of men before the group collapses into back-biting and jealousy. A thing to remember is that indio themselves have someone in their group who excel. That is what keeps them down, like crabs in a bucket – pulling down anyone who dares to try to climb up. So you cannot rely on individual rewards as an incentive. Reward them and punish them as a group and they well largely self-regulate.
“The indio actively derives comfort in being part of a group. That is why if they are alone, they will actively seek to become part of the group around them and imitate their ways trying to desperately belong. This is why the native that leaves the islands do particularly well – they assimilate into another culture and take up their ways with surprising ease. Even housekeepers that put on airs and think they're part of the family can be brought to heel not by humiliating them and reminding them that they're not part of the family, but letting their peers shame them for being unfilial.
"You can motivate them with fear, yes. The indio will constantly push his limits until you prove you have no time for his shite. But constant terror only numbs, he is resigned to it. It takes a lot to drive a man into open hate, but then you could certain expect constant sabotage if not allowed to vent and redirect their grumbling elsewhere.
“There is a saying that goes – a single Chinese is a dragon, ten Chinese is a worm. A single Japanese is a worm, ten of them is a dragon. This refers to their bravery alone and their power as a group. Like it or not, the indio is an Asian with that need for conformity – the ironically shows best in trying to be as Western as possible.
“The indio can endure many things, except humiliation. They can shrug away pain and hunger, but anyone that shames them inspires such deep and abiding resentment. A single Philippine native is piece of glass. Ten of them is a broken mirror. The more of them in one place that can influence each other, the coarser the fit. But you can polish a bad stone into something good if you surround it with goodness and make it so that striving hard can earn praise and failing not humiliation but the support of his peers. Work hard. Play hard. It's not so difficult.
Click. A cock fighting ring with local men shouting and betting.
“The indio has extremely poor impulse control. They give no thought to the distant future and throw everything away on the immediate gains. They closest they have in mind to the idea of investment is to bet on something on the hopes of doubling their money.
“If it will take too long to get money, as you might expect from the usual biweekly or monthly wages of serious employees, they would get desperate and look for other income solutions or quit and do something else instead. High pay does not tempt a man who doesn’t want to wait.
“Paying them weekly is the best way of keeping them under control. Never allow them an advance. This way, if they come begging to you for early wages, then you might ask why can’t they just wait some days? If they really need it, then let them go find some other person to borrow from and use their guaranteed weekly wage as collateral.
"Whatever debt they have, well hey - at least it's not your money they have in the hole, right?
“Depending on the work they do you can add or penalize them as you see fit, but always having something at the end of the week to live by will bind them to you. The indio would rather have something meager but reliable than a windfall that might not arrive.
“This is also part of the reason why the indio is inclined to steal from you. The indio is amazingly ignorant about money. They think that anyone with money has infinite amounts of it, and believe that you’re stealing it from their lives so it’s fair to take yours.
Click. A photo of a native marriage.
“Seriously, why is this a problem? As long as they’re doing their job well and on time, what they do on their own hours is not a concern. We need more of them instead of needing to import workers from China and Japan for our farms.
“As Christians however, we must protect women and the weak from the depredations of immoral men. Rapists deserve only death.
“The indio does not usually marry. They live together in a common-law partnership observed by the community, and divorce as easy as one of them leaving. Marriage should be encouraged for stable population growth, but the main reason getting in the way is that marriage is expensive.
“Threaten them with marriage and see them quickly run.
“Which leads us to the final point-
Click. A native schoolroom. Children with dark moon faces stare forward.
“A wealthy industrializing nation needs not just more people but a higher quality workforce. It is a waste to rely on this generation for anything except the most rudimentary of dumb labor, but discipline and highly technical skills we must seek from their children. They must be trained in time before they can adopt the slovenly ways of their parents.
“Ideally, mestizo are the best for acquiring such proficiency, but the need for skilled hands is just so great that it’s better off having a large pool of capable workers and some more suited for commanding production teams.
“Boarding schools are how children of higher ranks are instructed in Europe. Such elite schooling require money, and it may be a bit too much just to ensure that the young acquire discipline and smartness before they are influence by the indolence of others. Set among the others, they will be despised for putting on airs.
“Do not fear the indio that get too smart and fail to know their place, because they will even more dependent on the flow of commerce and social rank. The poor indio, benighted peasant that he is, has nothing to lose so he is comfortable in his life. The more someone gains the more he fears to lose. Only when there is something to lose can you be sure someone has true loyalty instead of going to whoever threatens their life first.
Click. The image changes to a bullet point list.
1) Entice them with free company provided meals and lodging and medical care. 2) Put them to work in the shade. 3) Pay them on a weekly basis. 4) Train them in small groups. 5) Reward them as a group and punish them as a group. 6) Give credits and advantages to lawfully married partners with children. 7) Spare no expense in educating the young.
“Follow these precepts and you can have the indio eagerly laboring for your business whatever that may be, from road construction, to running a restaurant, to factory work.
Click. A photo of the New York Statue of Liberty.
“I tell you this: There is a market for the skilled overseas Filipino worker. As far as Asiatics go, there is much to recommend an indio to foreign employers over others.
“An indio abroad is quiet, politically neutral, and not prone to crime.
“An indio abroad assimilates quickly and fears doing anything to make them stand out.
“An indio abroad has love for sensual luxury – good food, drinks, clothing, and because he tends to spend a lot they circulate money back into the local community instead of hoarding it, dulling resentment from the locals for being a foreign worker.
“An indio abroad obeys their employer and will learn new methods. Unlike Chinese or Japanese workers who are stubborn and set in their ways, arrogant in their own sensibilities born of their own warmongering cultures.
“Who would want a Filipino worker – and excuse me here if I mean that as anyone from the Philippines, since it is easier to say than Philippinen in German or Philippinian as in American – why would anyone deliberate seek to employ foreign workers from a Spanish land rather than their own citizens?”
Click. A photo of American fruit farms.
“A vertically oriented company maximizes profits. This is how Rockefeller became the richest man in the world – he owned everything in his production chain from the oil derricks, to the rail lines that transport oil, to the very refineries and the ships to transport them all over. A company that makes canned juices, for example – hiring Filipinos as farmhands frees local whites for higher paying factory jobs.
Click. A photo of a German pharmaceuticals factory.
“Filipino Overseas Workers are politically neutral, which is of inestimable value in Europe’s tight web of conflicting interests and ideas. Some businesses just want things to get done without any drama.”
Click. A photo of a textile factory.
“White collar jobs are those that do not require labor and have a measure of respectability. Doctors, teachers, businessmen, et cetera. Blue collar jobs are those that require manual labor, but skilled labor. Sometimes due to the sheer necessity of such jobs despite their low social rank they may earn more than some white collar workers. Shipbuilders, for example. Workers are in themselves a strategic resource.”
Click. A photograph of people standing in line in front of a hiring agency.
“I already have properties in Germany and America ready to host the first wave. The Blue Collar Invasion is to create this… mythos… of the Great Filipino Worker. Quiet. Honest. Dependable. Completely Politically Disinterested. We do not have enough of a population base to rapidly industrialize. The only thing we can do is to buy industrialization…
“But with what funds?”
Click. A photo of a bank cheque.
“How amazing would it be to have foreigners pay us for the tools we need to advance. Trade is about competition. The labor market however is something overlooked – no one seems to notice how foreign workers take capital outside of the nation and into another one. No one seems to mind how such workers train their skills outside the country and then come home to establish their own works, only to be glad that they are gone.
“That is all taxable income, my friends. And as we improve the reputation of the Philippines abroad, so do improve the potential for future deals and economic opportunities.
“I said at the start of this: the poor wish to be rich but shy away from improvement because the rich fear being robbed. How do you transform wealth into power?
Click. A photograph of crowns over a map.
“Answer: Via the recognition of greater powers. With patronage comes allowances.
Click. An illustration of the Egyptian Great Pyramids.
“Someone always has to be farming, but once you have a better quality of workers you can move on to things which bring better profit and better fame. And when even dumb farmhands know there is a better possible life for their children, they would strive harder lest they lose out. More children means more chances for advancement.
"The reason why I am here and completely unafraid to share with you the secrets to becoming wealthy is because I, alone, cannot establish the industries that will get me what I want.
“I need roads and rail lines, but I do not want to be the Concrete King. I need good food and tourists to come in to spend money, but I do not wish to be the Restaurant Emperor. I need electric power, but do not want to bother with making electric power plants and shipping coal. The Electric Kaiser, I wish to pay homage to him.
“I want my submarines and my ships to cater to said tourists. I need a vastly more competent labor force than what these lands can provide, but hiring foreigners to run my ships is an unsustainable outcome.
“There are many roads to riches, but a man cannot walk them all. But all of them start with the need for loyal and skilled labor. We here are all loyal Kingsmen. So what must a man do?”
I grin. “Isn’t the answer obvious?”
Click. An architectural schematic.
I spread my arms wide, and in my mind swell sixties music reminiscent of the James Bond movies. Rizal, you are an idealist! But this world is vain and corrupt! I shall embrace the evil genius!
“The reason I called all of you here is to have a share in my grand plan. I, CRISOSTOMO IBARRA, PLAN TO ESTABLISH A SCHOOL SUCH AS THE WORLD HAD NEVER SEEN.”
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