《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 12: Game of Chess
With a sharp piercing motion my shoulder is impaled causing a curdling scream to escape my lips. I struggle to fight back, but am completely overwhelmed by the powerful predator. Escape is impossible as each of its hairy appendages pound into my body like a hammer. With the advantage in number and strength, its legs easily pin me to the ground.
Twisting my one free arm I madly stab at the spider in desperation. However with each swing the dagger merely bounces off the hard carapace body. Seeing what little damage is being done I instead aim for the open mouth and plunge the blade deep into the moist orifice.
Shrieking in pain the creature knocks me aside as it retreats. Having a brief chance I quickly glance at my wounded shoulder. Searing pain is spreading from a gaping hole where a brown putrid liquid oozes out. Ripping my sleeve off I bite my tongue in preparation of the coming pain. My good arm moves as fast as possible to forcefully pack the wound all in hope of staunching the bleeding.
Although wounded the spider has not completely forgotten about me, after a few pitiful attempts it finally succeeds at removing the dagger. But unlike what I would expect, it does not immediately attack again. Instead, it begins emitting a high pitched shrill into the air. Almost instantly numerous shrieks start echoing from all corners of the library.
It is at this sad moment I dismally remember that this spider lives in large communities.
Terrified I immediately clutch my aching shoulder and turn to flee. Running towards the exit I hear the sound of heavy thuds and quick pattering of legs against the marble floor.
In my haste outside I stumble on the steps leading out and collapse onto the hot concrete. Picking myself back up, I give a quick glance back towards the library. The outside of which is overrun by a tide of crawling monstrosities. Some as big as the spider I met earlier, but most are smaller. Yet despite their decreased stature, this is no comforting thought as the surge of spiders is crawling towards me.
Between the searing pain and panic I curse violently as stinging tears roll down my face. There is no thought in my actions as a primal instinct for survival kicks in and I aimlessly run.
Time slowly becomes warped as a nauseating feeling spreads through my body. Breathing haggardly I push forward with every bit of strength I have left as the world continues to twist and fade like a carnival mad house.
In a brief moment of clarity from my fever induced delirium, I realize that I have somehow collapsed at the foot of a door. In a last futile attempt I slowly raise my trembling arm up towards the handle just barely touching the cool metal that could very well be my salvation. However, in a cruel twist of fate my strength gives out and I tearfully watch my arm collapse alongside my mangled body. As my last thoughts sweep through my mind I cry pitifully before being shrouded by the deep nothingness that is my unconscious.
Jerking awake I find myself staring at a white ceiling as sweat rolls down my skin. Confused as to where I am I wincingly pull myself to a sitting position. I quickly notice that my shirt has been removed and that tightly bound bandages cover my shoulder. With a quick thought I immediately check my condition.
Jack Race Human Sex Male Level 12
Status Affects
Anemia – Severe (-40% All Regenerations)
Antibiotics – High (+60% Disease/Poison Resistance and Health Regeneration)
Deep Wound (-10% Disease Resistance, -80% Left Arm Usage)
Poisoned – Mid (Necrotic venom that slowly degrades flesh. -2 HP per minute)
Superior Recovery – (+22% All Regenerations, duration 2 hours)
Humans are considered a mid-grade species with proficient skills in many branches of study. Although physically average, they excel in adapting to new environments.
I am greatly alarmed at the numerous affects I am under, both the good and the bad. Luckily though it seems the balance is shifted towards those that are beneficial which is keeping my health hovering around 140.
Looking over the descriptions again I am able to easily understand where and how each came about, the only one that is slightly puzzling is the ‘superior recovery’… Wait, 22%?
With a quick glance back at my status I come to only one conclusion, Agility.
Hmm, increased Agility does allow for rapid movement of the body. The faster you move the higher the energy and oxygen consumption there will be. So to keep up the body would have to increase the rate of transportation… this would also assist with speeding recovery up. So, I guess this is the special effect of peak Agility… But no wonder I had not discovered it. I had never checked my condition immediately after sleeping.
Chuckling slightly at finally solving the mystery of Agility, I close all my screens and slowly look around to determine where I am. It seems that I am likely in a dorm room, more specifically a girl’s dorm room based off the floral bed sheets and makeup stand.
As I am looking around, the door opens as a young woman with brown hair pulled tightly in a ponytail backs into the room. As she turns around it is revealed she is holding a pot of water. However, as she makes eye contact with me she yelps in surprise and drops the pot which bangs on the hard floor spraying water everywhere.
“Susan, are you okay?” Hearing the girl’s cry a young dark skinned man quickly rushes in to check on her. Once again, seeing me sitting alert on the bed seems to have startled him as he too gasps in surprise. “I can’t believe you’re awake.” Quizzically the man slowly walks up to me looking me closely over.
“I figure you were the one who helped me?” I say as I calmly point to the bandages.
“Oh, well sort of… it was actually the both of us. I cleaned your wound as best as possible and gave you some antibiotics, while Susan wrapped your shoulder.”
“Amal is a pharmacy major… and I study sports injuries.” The girl, Susan, gives a quick explanation after seeing my inquisitive glare.
“Well thank you for the help….” I start to speak my gratitude, but before I get too far a large figure pushes through the door frame.
“So that’s what the racket was about.” A large imposing man with brutish looks has entered the room. Although I may not be as great a socialite as Matt it does not take much effort to quickly recognize the school’s star linebacker.
“Brock Thompson…” Hearing me call out his name the man smugly smiles at being recognized.
“Yep.” After a brief moment the smiles disappears and he coldly looks me over. “If you are well enough you should come meet the rest of the group. We have some questions for you… and I guess you have some too.”
His brash words rub me the wrong way especially the last part as though my questions would be tolerated... But considering these people saved me I figure I can try being patient. “Sure, just let me clean up a bit.”
Grunting in approval Brock turns to leave. After he is gone Susan tries to smooth the tension. “Sorry, he can be a bit…”
“He’s a dick.” Amal interrupts Susan as he sneers thinking about the other man. Susan is annoyed at the description, but humorously she never contradicts.
Receiving the remainder of the water from the pot I pull out a damp cloth and slowly wipe my body clean. As I am cleaning my body I start noticing more definition in my physic. It seems odd that in just a matter of hours my muscle mass could change so much, could it be that my body is trying to catch up to my new attribute points?
Hearing a cough, I awkwardly remember that I was not alone and quickly finish cleaning. Dropping down the wet rag I am then offered a new shirt to throw on.
Walking slowly behind the other two, I calmly analyze them and discover they are both at level 2. This confirms that the group knows about the system which means I should be cautious.
Continuing down the empty hallway we eventually reach a large recreational room with many chairs and tables around. Off to a corner, sitting in a couch is Brock and the other members of the ‘group’ are sitting around him. Besides the three I have met already, there are four others.
On an armchair adjacent to the couch is a middle aged Hispanic man wearing the traditional brown coveralls of the campus landscapers. In the opposite corner is a young obese man wearing an anime themed shirt as he fidgets nervously with a pair of glasses. Next to him is another middle aged man dressed in business attire. Lastly, nestled intimately against Brock is a stunning young woman with a red spaghetti top and cut off denim shorts.
“I am so thankful you are alright. We were worried you might not make it when we found you.” The woman slowly stands up and moves closer to embrace me in a soft tender hug as the smell of coconut reaches my nose. Pulling herself away our eyes meet as she casually pushes a lock of hair out of her face.
“Umm… well, thank you for helping me.” I mumble a response as I feel slightly embarrassed from her affection. Luckily though she turns and sits back down by Brock cozying up into the nook of his arm.
Not sure of what else to say I look over and sit in an empty chair as Amal and Susan sit down near the gardener.
“Start introductions.” Ending the awkward silence, the woman nudges Brock’s side forcing him to speak.
“Well, everyone already knows who I am. You met Amal and Susan already. Felipe is in the coveralls, Jordan is the one with glasses and Professor Stevens has the tie. And lastly there’s Cindy.” True to his demeanor Brock gives the shortest of introductions with little to no emotion attached.
“Hey… um, my name is Jack.” Seeing how everyone else was introduced, I calmly say my name. “So have you all been here sense the system arrived?”
“Ha! I knew it, he does know about the game screens.” The plump Jordan smugly replies as though it was a great achievement.
“Yeah, I figured it out the a few hours after it all began. How did you all find out?”
Jordan starts to speak, but Cindy quickly answers for him. “Jordan was clever enough to figure it out when he noticed the screens from the drink machines.” The pudgy man blushes as Cindy compliments him on his prior discovery. “He has slowly helped us to figure out how it all works. Although there is a lot we don’t know…” Turning to face back towards me the woman softly speaks. “Do you think you can help us? You seem to know more of what is going on… what level are you?”
I feel strangely flushed at her question and almost immediately answer what my level is, but stop for a second and wonder why I should. “Umm, well I have been able to level up a few times… and was able to raise a few attributes up to peak.” I decide to keep my actual level a secret and instead only hint and quickly push the conversation to a new topic.
“Peak?” Confused Cindy asks what I mean and I give a quick explanation about what average and peak. “Oh that’s amazing. Brock here has his Strength all the way up to 26 and a couple of the others are close to reaching peak if I remember.”
I am a little surprised about Brock’s Strength, not that the brute would choose to focus on Strength, but at the high number. However, before I can question anything else I am asked another question.
“You said you had reached peak in a few attributes. Which ones?” Almost instantly at having realized her brash question she smiles apologetically at me. “If you don’t mind me asking… that is.”
“Um…” I hesitate as I once again feel flushed by her stare, but ultimately collect myself. “Well, I have Perception, Agility and Luck at 22 and the others are better than average… except Charisma which is still at 10.”
“Wow…” Cindy is momentarily stunned, but it is not just her since the others stare more intently at me. “That is really impressive.”
“Thanks… I hope I am not rude, but I was wondering if you could tell me what all happened to you. Are there any other survivors from campus?” After my question the atmosphere darkens as I bring up a rather gruesome memory. Yet, despite the deep scars the group slowly pieces together their stories of how they were able to meet up with one another.
It seems a couple of them were actually taking an intermission class which Professor Stevens happened to be teaching. The majority of the class was sadly killed, but those that escaped were able to eventually make it to another building where they found the groundskeeper hiding. After spending the night locked away, they then tried to escape campus only to meet up with more monsters. It was difficult moving around, but they were able to find Glenn and Susan and then they all barricaded themselves into the dorm building.
“And then Mr. Felipe spotted you outside the window. From there we snuck outside and brought you back.” Cindy finishes recounting the series of events over the last few days all the way up to my rescue. “What about you? You sound as though you were not on campus when it happened.” Showing off her astute listening skills, the blonde woman asks about my origin.
“You are right, I was actually in town eating lunch with a friend….” I slowly begin sharing my own experience with the group. Nonetheless I intentionally leave out some key details. I finish off my story with them under the impression that we never left the restaurant.
“Jack, I don’t understand… why did you leave your group?” This time it is Amal who asks as he is evidently confused as to why I would leave such a strong group.
“I… I’m searching for something on campus. I believe their might be something related to the changes hidden hear. The animals, monsters and vegetation all show enhanced capabilities. I want to find what is causing this.” The group is mostly quiet after my explanation. They simply cannot fathom going into a more dangerous situation willfully. However, surprisingly of all people it is the groundskeeper Felipe that speaks up.
“I think I know something…” Quietly speaking the man looks around the room before glancing back towards Brock for a brief moment. “The day it all happened, I felt the ground shaking. The others joked saying it was an earthquake, but I felt one once and that wasn’t one…. But, before we could figure anything out there was this terrible ringing. Then all these things appeared… I… don’t remember much except running…. Next thing I know is being found by the others.” The man grows quiet as he clutches at his arms obviously remorseful of the past.
“Hmm, that might be connected. I haven’t heard or felt any shaking…” Feeling sure that this is no mere coincidence I decide to ask the man one last question. “Mr. Felipe… where did you fill the vibrations?”
Hearing his name, the man sullenly looks up at me. “The stadium, I was by the stadium.”
The next few hours were spent answering various questions for the group most of which came from Jordan. The man may be kind of creepy, but he has some really neat theories… if anything it helped to pass the time.
As the night sets in I am able to finally break off from the group, stating I need to rest some more. Entering back into my temporary room, I close the door and listen to see if anyone is approaching. Walking over to the nearby desk I push the table contents aside and pull out a blank letter and pen before sitting.
My first letter is a brief recount of what all has happened as well as a few system details. It is a little awkward trying to right while ignoring the pain in my shoulder, but I figure it is best to conserve potions when possible. Shortly after, I am finished with my letter and as though it was reading my mind I receive a prompt.
System Letter Delivery
The system has recognized that the document has been edited. Do you wish to have it delivered? If so, then confirm and speak the desired recipient.
Yes / No
Satisfied, I immediately accept and speak out Matt’s name. Instantly the letter starts glowing slightly. As the light starts to recede, so does the letter until nothing remains. Finished with business I then switch my focus to a more personal task.
My family
Ever since this morning I have been feeling guilty about not trying to reach them. However, now that I have the means of sending a message I feel I can at least help by providing vital details about the system. And most of all, to let them know I am alive.
“Dear Mom…” Just writing these two simple words causes my eyes to start watering. I try to keep my emotions intact, but I am surprised at the difficulty. I start off telling about the status screen, the attributes, peak and average… so on and so on I continue with no awareness of time as I fervently write out every last drop of detail I can think of. Before I realize it I have reached the bottom of the page. Sighing with satisfaction I can think of nothing else to add to the letter. With just a sliver of space at the bottom I finish the letter off with my salutation. “Love, your son… Jack.”
Finished I quietly watch as the letter fades away.
After tearfully staring at the empty space I wipe my eyes and decide to crawl into bed for some light reading. The topic for tonight is the almanac. However, I barely get past the first page before there is a knock on the door.
Putting down the book I look towards the door and watch as Cindy slowly enters. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“No, just reading a little before trying to sleep.”
“Oh…” With a coy response Cindy comes and sits on the bed right beside me. “And, how is your shoulder doing?” Reaching out her hand she gently touches my tender arm, seeing me flinch she pulls it back. “I’m sorry, I hope that didn’t hurt.”
Annoyed at her careless act I ruefully shrug off the pain. “Was there something you needed?”
“Jack, are you really leaving in the morning? I think it would be a lot safer to stay here.”
“Yes, as soon as I wake up I plan on leaving…” I try to finish my speech, but Cindy stops me by putting a finger over my lips.
“Jack…” Leaning in close Cindy’s hair falls down framing her worried face. “I worry about you… and I really don’t want you to leave.” Biting her lip she has a really heartbreaking expression that troubles my resolve. “Do you think you could… maybe stay for me?”
Starring into her dazzling eyes my heart is beating wildly in my chest. With shallow quick breaths I start mumbling a response. “Umm… well, uh.” Flushed beyond understanding I struggle to come up with a reason to refuse. But it is as though my very purpose and every desire is to satisfy this woman….
“NO!” Screaming out Jack forcefully throws Cindy away. Breathing heavily he tries to figure out what is going on. It was as though he was not in control.
“Jack, just calm down let me help you…” Pulling herself back onto the bed Cindy tries to calmly reach for Jack.
“No! I don’t know what it is your doing but stay away!” Screaming out Jack jumps off the bed and moves away from the woman.
Seeing Jack’s response Cindy is momentarily shocked, but after a moment she bursts into a deep cackling laugh. “Oh, I can’t believe it! You really are strong aren’t you?” Reining her laughter under control she then stares at Jack with a sinister yearning. “But I don’t mind you playing hard to get.”
“What do you…” Just as Jack attempts to probe for answers the door opens and in walks several people. Brock, Jordan, Amal, Felipe and even Professor Stevens five people all together. “Ah, good Cindy is…” Jack starts to try and clarify what is going on, but quickly notices the peculiar behavior of the men. Their movements are rigid while their faces are flushed red while breathing heavily.
“Don’t worry about them Jack, their just good little puppies… always following after their master.”
Hearing her comments I quickly turn to look at the men again. This time I notice that their eyes are heavily glazed over almost as though they were on a high… Quickly I analyze.
Brock Race Human Sex Male Level 4
Status Affects
Seduced (While under this affect the subject will mindfully obey the seducer’s will)
Humans are considered a mid-grade species with proficient skills in many branches of study. Although physically average, they excel in adapting to new environments.
Sure enough I immediately find a serious problem. Checking the others I notice they too are under the effect of “seduced”. With this last piece of the puzzle I finally figure out what is going on. Staring coldly at the woman I ask the obvious question. “You have a skill don’t you?”
Surprised, Cindy laughs loudly before grinning mischievously. “You just continue to entice me…”
“And what of Susan, your seductions don’t work on women?”
“Well, I’m sure I can convince her to obey. If not, well… she can at least become experience.” Smiling wickedly at me she continues her rant. “But don’t worry your little head over such matters. After all pawns are meant to be sacrificed for their queen… but you…” Snapping her fingers the men start to slowly walk towards Jack. “Well, sooner or later you will fall for my grace… after all. A queen must have her king.”
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