《The Unknown Hero》Chapter 6: The Second Day
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Survive the First Day
Immediately as the screen fades away, a small light flashes before me as a small object falls down. Crouching down I pick a small gold token up flipping it around between my fingers carefully observing its smooth features.
Shrugging my shoulders I go to stand back up but my eyes catch something interesting.
Using my dagger, I carefully push the charred flesh away until a small glowing silver sphere comes rolling out. Staring at the sphere my head cocks sideways trying to figure out what it is.
The rational side of me says to be careful and not touch it, but the gamer in me says to quickly loot it. With only a moment’s deliberation, I make my resolve and swiftly snatch my prize.
Bringing it near my face, I am attracted by the wisps of silver light flowing through it, almost like smoke billowing in the wind. However, as I am mulling it over Matt comes over to check on me.
“What did you find?” Startled by his presence, I grip the sphere too tightly and am alarmed by the sound of cracking.
Looking at my hand I see the sphere completely shatter into dust and the silver wisps immediately seep into my skin.
You have successfully absorbed the genetic trait ‘Night Vision’ this ability is now converted into a skill.
“Umm… was that supposed to happen?” Matt cautiously asks staring worryingly at me.
Shaken by the suddenness of the events, I take a moment to respond. “Hold on, I’m checking.”
StatusNameJackRaceHumanLevel7 (+)ClassN/ATitles---PartyQuestsMap-Health(143/160)Stamina(90/160)Mana(160/160)-Strength8Endurance10Perception21Agility13Intelligence50Wisdom10Charisma2Luck21Unallocated Points0-
Night Vision (Passive)
“Ha ha ha, Matt I just got a skill called Night Vision.” I smile gleefully as I laugh out loud.
“Seriously? Is that what that weird gas thing was… you learning a skill?”
“Appears so. Bring as many people as you can to help sweep the room. We need to carefully check each corpse for more of those spheres or any other loot.”
Matt happily rushes off to begin the search for further treasures.
Shaking my head I decide to go ahead and manage my status while I have it open. Advancing to level 8 I am pleasantly surprised to see that I still have another level up available. When did I ever miss the chime?
Pushing aside the issue I advance once more and proudly stare at my 20 free points. Hmm, what should I raise?
I still have five categories I haven’t reached peak in yet… so I will start with those.
Well, I have no need to lead a party of my own so I’ll ignore Charisma for now. An Inventory would be oh so tantalizing, but…I think I can wait a little while longer. Right now it is more important to determine the hidden effects of Agility and Wisdom first.
Agility + 7, Strength + 2, Charisma + 1, Wisdom + 10
For being the first to reach the peak of human Wisdom
Reward + 1 Wisdom
StatusNameJackRaceHumanLevel9ClassN/ATitles---PartyQuestsMapSystem Index-Health(144/180)Stamina(111/180)Mana(180/180)-Strength10Endurance10Perception21Agility20Intelligence50Wisdom21Charisma3Luck21Unallocated Points0-
Night Vision (Passive)
My eyes focus in on the option ‘System Index’… could this really be what it sounds like?
With trepid fingers, I reach out and tap on the box.
Welcome to the System Index
To begin your inquiries please select the appropriate category to narrow down the field of information…
With giddy emotions, I begin scrolling through the options. I am quickly drawn to a link titled ‘Attributes’ and tapping it reveals a page that details each attribute’s affects.
However, reading the descriptions, I am greatly disappointed. Most of it is what I had already speculated and the page does not even mention the fact about the hidden features like Inventory or Parties…. Sighing dejectedly, I realize I was too eager and should have realized just like the other attributes, to make the most of this encyclopedia I would have to continually raise my Wisdom.
Closing the screens I stand up to join the others in searching for loot.
“So let me see if I have this right.” Matt calmly speaks after listening to my explanation of the attribute affects.
“Strength determines base physical damage. Endurance increases Health Regeneration, Agility Stamina Regeneration, and Wisdom Mana Regeneration. Perception is our dexterity and aim. Intelligence is magic damage. Charisma is our level of attraction or hostility towards us and Luck is our critical chance?”
“Yep, that’s it.” After regrouping I had explained about the System Index to Matt and Brent and although the information was minimal, it was still definitive answers to some of our questions.
“Good to know… but you still aren’t sure what the effects of Agility and Luck are?” Matt is puzzled over this matter while asking me.
“Well, Agility I have no clue. There is nothing new on the screen. But for Luck I think it is the Drop Rate of Loot. It wasn’t until I had 20 Luck that enemies started dropping items.”
“Makes sense… too bad there was no more of those orbs dropped.” Matt is disappointed over this point. All though we managed to acquire numerous weapons and several bronze tokens, the skill orb I found ended up being the only one dropped.
“Okay guys, enough game details. What should we do for tonight, we can’t stay here can we?” Brent turns to point out the ravaged and scorched room filled with numerous corpses.
“Can we make it till morning before leaving?” Matt questions to no one in particular.
“We might can make it till morning, but the smell of freshly cooked meat is bound to attract something mean and hungry.” After I point this fact out, Brent and Matt look at each other worryingly.
“I think we should leave just before dawn. Right as the night prowlers are going to sleep and before everything else wakes up… but there are two problems we have to solve before leaving. First is how to move the injured and second is our destination.”
“We could just load everyone up into vehicles.” Brent calmly suggests.
“Maybe, but if we were to get stuck or attacked by another horde, then we will still be having to deal with the same problem… No before we move we should make a potion run to heal everyone.”
“You’re going to make a run for the potions?” Matt interrupts me while looking disbelievingly.
“If we can get those health potions then we can heal everyone and there’ll be no one holding the group back while moving. So yes and sense we can’t leave these people unguarded it should probably only be me going.”
“You’re crazy…” Matt shakes his head while speaking.
“Yep, I may well be crazy to even think of doing this but with 20 agility and night vision I am the best choice.”
“Matt… he understands the risk. Let him do what he can and we will do what we can.” Brent speaks to calm Matt down and remind him that we all have jobs to do.
“Fine…”Matt mumbles while still shaking his head before looking at me with determination. “What can we do while you are gone?”
Stepping outside, I duck along shadows as I begin my solo run to the gas station. I keep an eye and ear out for any signs of danger aided by my new skill ‘Night Vision’. My surroundings which should be dark now appear like early twilight making me feel that much more confident.
Along the way I dispatch a few zombies and collect the dropped tokens.
Finally reaching the gas station, I immediately step up to the vendor. The familiar screen pops up and I begin my purchases. 26 Lesser Health Potions and 20 Lesser Stamina Potions.
While carefully packing the potions into an empty bag, my ears catch the sound of screaming. Tucking a health and two stamina potions into my pockets, I quickly hide my bag between the two vending machines before going to investigate.
Further down the street I notice a few people who come running onto the street. Followed behind them closely are… zombies… running?
I am alarmed at seeing these zombies capable of such speed. Is it possible that zombies can level up also?
My thoughts are pushed aside as I disappointingly notice they are headed my way.
With a quick count, there are three humans and four zombies. The numbers are not too unreasonable for me to handle….
Deciding on a course of action, I sprint across the pavement and hide near the street. Stilling my breath I calm my nerves and wait for the approaching prey.
After a moment the three humans come stumbling past me. A woman in the back trips and a small yelp escapes her mouth as she slides across the pavement. The other people, two men, pause momentarily to look at their fallen companion. There is despair and hesitance riddled on their faces over what to do.
The one farthest away makes a decision to turn and flee. The other man, seeing the coward leave curses before dashing forward to help. However, there is no longer enough time as the zombies are now lunging upon them.
Taking aim, I launch my spear like a javelin into the body of a zombie. Not wasting time for them to register my presence I immediately dash forward while simultaneously pulling out two daggers.
The increase to my Agility and Perception begin to bare fruit as my movements become quick and fluid. I am able to easily kill the other three zombies before the impaled one is able to return to its feet. Smirking at the comical scene, I confidently stride forward.
Dodging its lunge at me, my dagger effortlessly imbeds into the underside of the jaw. With a thud the final zombie falls onto the ground and I begin retrieving the newly spawned loot. I find a few more bronze tokens and a small glass vial full of a soft green liquid which I immediately notice to be the same as the stamina potions I just purchased.
“Um… Thank you….” Turning around I notice it is the women that is speaking to me. She is slowly getting to her feet with the aid of her companion.
I am conflicted on what to do with these two. I should try to bring them back to boost our numbers… but if they are anything like their fleeing companion…. Then they will just be a liability to our safety.
“Where’s Scott?” The woman looks around trying to find the missing companion.
Huffing in disgust, the other man quickly responds. “The bastard ran off and left us.”
“We should hurry up and find him or…”
“No! He abandoned you as he ran to protect himself. I told you he was nothing but trash…. Sis I don’t know why you ever dated someone like that.” The man chides the woman unrestrained while simultaneously providing me with some information about their dynamic.
Coughing loudly I get the two to focus back on me. “Do you plan on arguing in the middle of the street or would you like to follow me?”
The woman is dazed and confused as she comes to terms over her boyfriend, but her brother looks daringly at me while thinking over what I said.
“Look, I appreciate you helping us out, but we don’t even know who you are. How do we know we can trust you?” His words are fairly logical, but his tone is harsh.
Sighing to myself, I realize his attitude is partially due to my low Charisma. Looks like I will have to raise that up soon just so I don’t have to deal with attitude….
“You’re right. There is no way for you to know if I am trustworthy and honestly the same can be said about you. But I am part of a group of survivors and although you may not like it, there’s definitely strength in numbers. I am not going to force you, but I am not going to waste my time on you…. The choice is yours, take it or leave.”
Turning to leave I don’t wait for a response. The two stand still not sure on what to do, however a loud shrill sounds out from not far pushing them to make a decision.
“Wait…. We’re coming.” The man pulls along his sullen sister while stepping after me.
Moving towards the gas station, I stride quickly over and retrieve my bag.
“What is that?” The brother questions as he can barely see what I have.
“Supplies, I had to run some errands.” Turning around I walk past the two heading towards the restaurant. “Come along, the longer we wait the sooner something will find us.”
Making our way back, I have to slow my movement as the two are skittish moving through the shadows. It is not long before I spot a couple more zombies along our path. I hide the two behind some cover as I stealthily remove the obstacles.
“How did you know where they were?” The brother questions me as we pass the fresh corpses.
“I have skill….” I chuckle lightly at the double meaning, but the brother just grimaces at my curt reply obviously not happy and tries to inquire further.
“Look, we are almost there, save the questions for when we are safe.” Ignoring his attempts for further answers, I immediately force him to hush.
In no time at all, we finally make it back to the restaurant. The sight of the numerous corpses causes the two to gasp out in shock.
“Sorry for the mess, we had some uninvited guests earlier.” Stepping into the dilapidated dining room I reach out and start tapping onto the remaining walls.
“Jack?” I hear a cautionary whisper before seeing a pair of eyes poking through the newest barricade.
With my presence confirmed, a path is easily opened and I usher the two new additions in before me.
“Who are they?” Matt curiously looks over the two that followed me.
“I found them being chased down by zombies.” Matt looks dumfounded at me as I continue to explain. “It seems that zombies can probably grow stronger. These had double the speed compared to the ones from yesterday. I would only put their rating at around 10, but if they continue to grow it will be a huge problem.”
Cursing under his breath Matt is obviously not happy with this news.
“Can someone tell us what is going on?” The brother, I can tell, is extremely frustrated. After everything he has obviously been through he is just looking for answers… but I don’t have time for this.
Looking at Matt I gesture for him to deal with this issue.
“Brent… take them to meet Martha, have her explain the basics and document their statuses.” Seeing Matt take charge so confidently, I am slightly shocked. Noticing my expression he chuckles. “I reached peak Intelligence.”
That short statement is enough for me to understand. “Here are the potions. We will keep five of both out in a group kit. The rest should be stored in your Inventory for protection.”
“Actually, Brent unlocked his Inventory so we will split the potions.”
“Damn, that’s it next level I am definitely getting my own Inventory.” Hearing the news about Brent I am agitated and disappointed about being the one without.
Matt chuckles as he turns and calls someone over. He hands three health potions over to a young woman who I notice to be Rachael, the one whose’ boyfriend has the hurt shoulder. It seems that Matt has tasked her in a supporting role.
It makes sense to use Rachael in this way considered for awhile she will not be part of the ‘fighting’ force. Earlier in the night she and Martha had been the ones to volunteer for the redistribution. So with their high Charismas it makes them perfect for logistical support in the group. Who knows with the game like elements it is probably only a matter of time before we can get them abilities.
“Okay, now that everyone is busy…” Matt pauses as Brent returns. Nodding at the man, Matt continues. “Alright, our preparations are almost done… next is to decide on our destination.”
“I say for the time being we should avoid major buildings such as the town hall, police station, or hospital.”
“Why, those seem like great places for people to gather, not to mention the last two would have numerous supplies…” Matt quickly disagrees with my suggestion.
“You are right… but that can also be a risk for us. The larger the gathering of people the higher chances you have of infighting or attracting monsters…. For now we need a place low key, highly defensible, and with basic living amenities.”
While I am thinking Matt questions the officer who is the most familiar with the area. “Brent, is there any buildings near by you think would be a good choice?”
Brent is quiet for a moment while thinking over the requirements. “Yes, there is a new apartment complex three blocks west from here. It has high brick walls and steel fences.”
“How large and do you think there might be a zombie infestation?”
“Hmm… I think it is a 20 apartment complex, but as far as zombies it shouldn’t be a problem. It just opened for business, so there should only be a few residents if any.”
“Sounds good, any other ideas?” Seeing no complaints from the other two I take it as a confirmation. “Before we leave we need to gather as many supplies as possible and figure out driving arrangements.”
“I already got that figured out. We checked the office and found the keys to the delivery van outside. We can fit about eight people inside and there is even a small chiller to help store food.”
Nodding my head I continue to listen as Matt details our convoy. The lead vehicle will have me, Brent, Bobby, the cook and Samantha driving. Samantha and Bobby were the siblings we rescued from the gas station.
Next would be the van driven by Martha. Inside would be her two children, the three elderly, the gas station clerk, and the waitress from the restaurant.
Lastly would be Matt’s vehicle driven by Racheal. With them would be her boyfriend John as well as the new brother and sister I brought back.
Over all I am content with the arrangement. It seems Matt focused on balancing our fighters between the lead and rear vehicles.
“Matt did you consider how to form the three parties?” Before I had left I had mentioned to him that with the aid of the party experience share we should divide the three of us into different parities to start power leveling new fighters. Now that we were about to depart it was the last thing on our agenda.
“I did… we will link Brent and Bobby to Martha’s party. I will pick up Samantha and the two new kids. Rachael will have you and her boyfriend in her party.”
“Not bad… you have the members divided pretty equally in both combat vehicles so no matter which side gets experience it will all be shared… but why do you want to put Bobby in a party? He is really young…” I am confused over this issue and think it would be a waste of experience.
Smiling mischievously Matt looks at me before speaking. “Oh… did I not tell you? Bobby is already level 4.” Advertisement Previous
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