《Flight of the Princess Sage [hiatus]》Ch1 side story A maid's devotion


In the west of the Heracpix continent there exists a large and powerful nation, the Terb kingdom.

Because of the access to the sea and land routes, both the trade and the production in it is very high, making the kingdom one of the most powerful nations with a very strong military, feared and envied by many other nations. Terb is the most liberal country in the world with many different cultures and races living in it, including some of the demonkind, despised by many other nations and even the sylphs, known for their strong xenophobic tendencies and their desire to seclude themselves.

At the same time, holding the many cultures together to prevent the Terb kingdom from falling into a state of internal discord, at the top of the ruling system stands the Royal family – the Terbs. The Terbs with the support of their loyal supporting ducal houses hold the country within their iron grasp, fluently directing the economy and culture into their desired directions, maintaining the status quo and keeping the general populace happy with an extent of freedom.

Naturally, there would be many powers that would wish to undermine the authority of the Terb family. Numerous assassination attempts speak true to that. But protecting them from the shadows is the ducal clan that is called the “king’s left hand” by those enlightened, the Mehliacs.

The Mehliacs control the underworld as well as search out potential threads to the current peace and get rid of them. No one could ever run away or hide from the might of the rumored house. They have many rumors; one worse than the next, but everybody knows that to get in their way is to court death.

At this point in time the only members of the previously large clan are the head, Heralfia Mehliac and her daughter, young lady Lavenna.


I, Elvia Irette Protos, have the honor of serving as one of the personal maids to the current heir of the Mehliac family, lady Lavenna.

Originally, I was a renowned A-rank adventurer, capable of killing an Earth Dragon on my own. But due to circumstances, I became a servant to the current Head of the house, Lady Heralfia. When I first met her I, who always considered myself strong and powerful, felt helpless before the petite blonde woman whose height only reached my shoulders, but whose demeanour showed the expertise of a honed and ruthless monster. Through the first year of my work that monster earned my respect: never before have I met such a practical and smart person. When the news of the engagement between prince Chiort and lady Heralfia came I wondered what will happen as I couldn’t imagine that strong woman tied by marriage. The result was unsurprising: the prince died of a disease called Salamander’s curse, it was a very rare disease and it was easy to connect the dots. I was expecting the lady to have a miscarriage too but, surprisingly, the baby was delivered safely and the day the baby was born was the day the lives of all the servants changed forever.

I already said, I was a fighting expert. In fact, every servant of the House is required to be good at fighting before being good at housework. And every servant, myself included, could feel a sense of dread and hopelessness when first faced with the newborn heir, young lady Lavenna. But along with the sense of dread, they could also sense an aura of majesty and pride that radiated from the small bundle that couldn’t even move its neck! As if faced with a god, we could only submit and hope we won’t invite the God’s wrath.


The only one unaffected by the seemingly impossible monstrosity in the body of a toddler was the strongest and most frightening person I had met by then, Duchess Heralfia, who seemed to be consumed by love to her offspring. That day, my fear and respect for my mistress went up a level.

Not long after the birth of the baby I along with my friends with whom I worked together were assigned to take care of the newborn. When I found out about that I and my friends felt like our lives were about to end and, we, who had experienced many scenes of carnage and didn’t break, felt like hiding and crying. How blind and foolish we were! But, in a sense, our lives did end, for we have been reborn with a new purpose and a new will!

It’s impossible to be present around our new mistress and not come to the desire to devote your all to her. Soon, the whole mansion changed their allegiance to our new liege, lady Lavenna! How blessed are we to be able to take care of such a great existence, even if she doesn’t put the lowly us in her sight! Just being in close proximity to our Lady is bliss! Our Lady is smarter than anybody her age should but she seems for some reason to hide it. It’s not the business of such lowly beings such as us to question the decisions of our liege so we simply play along with her desires.

The only one truly deceived by the act is the official mistress of the house, the mother of our Lady.

Recently, lady Lavenna had her magic aptitude tested. How imprudent, to question our Lady! Those puny mortals shall see what it feels like to be in front of true might!

Lady Heralfia was also irritated by the need to test her daughter, though I presume it was her possessiveness that didn’t allow to show her beloved child to strangers. In fact, while all the other noble children had to be tested at the institution of the mystic arts, lady Heralfia used her authority as the court head magician to have the test in the mansion. And even then she shifted her attitude to the cold dangerous demeanour that she used to have all the time before the birth of our Lady.

The result of the test is, as expected, the highest result that could be shown with what the machinery allowed. We, servants, tried to show our joy at the potential of our mistress, but, as expected, the unworthy lot that we were didn’t grab even the slightest bit of our mistress’s attention.

Yesterday lady Heralfia showed our mistress magic and after that when I happened to be near before our mistress went to sleep I felt the mistress’s presence within me. As if she invaded my mind, body and soul and it felt – unbelievable! I think this is what it feels like to find yourself in the presence of your God.

With renewed devotion that has reached new heights, I shall continue my work!

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