《Reincarnated, let's be a pirate.》Chapter 20
I need a weapon. Or, that's the conclusion the girls came too as we chatted with the magical engineer Triff in a meeting room attached to the ETC.
I wasn't particularly in agreement to be perfectly honest. I don't see the need for one. I picked up a sword in the capital but it's not like I'm trained with it. And honestly putting in the time to train is not something high on my priorities list.
"What exactly can you make? I have seen the refrigerator in Chipowa and the Inn. But I have no problem storing items so that's unnecessary for me."
"No, to use the Ultimate material for something like that would be wasteful. Perhaps if I encased it in a lead barrel, I could build a water cannon. Ah, no that would be improperly using its unique properties."
"What exactly are the special properties? I'm sorry as I said I don't know much about magic tools. I have never seen the creation of one so…"
"What about the scale?" Rou asks reminding me of the tool Aquarou made for us a week and a half ago now.
"Scale?" Triff queries.
"Oh, yeah! I also have that other letter from Coleen don't I?"
"Here. hold on one second. Aqua would you mind grabbing…"
"Mirna's is here!" She holds out the shiny blue dragon scale. Where was she hiding it?
"Right, and the letter is here." I find it amongst the thousands of items in storage and place it onto my hand. "This may be able to help you in some way, I was told to give it to you."
"This is…" Triff looks at the scale with a stunned expression. She then rips the letter from my hand and plucks a pencil from behind her ear. She begins to sketch what looks like a pattern of knots onto the paper.
"If this works, I can transfer mana to objects too… Its properties will likely be increased a dozen times over. I could even maybe merge two affinities. With this, the limits of traditional Magical tool creation is gone… But just who…"
"It's not a big deal who made it. And I think there was something actually in the envelope for you. I didn't give you it just as something to write on."
"Ah… Of course, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." She looks into her hands and lightly begins tearing open the envelope.
"Are you ok?" I ask the suddenly stiff, Triff.
"Something in the letter?" I ask, honestly unsure of what Aquarou had written.
Perhaps another nuke?
"It's not a letter." She says flipping the paper over and revealing a magical formula similar to the one she drew moments ago. "But this structure. It's unlike anything I've ever seen the Dwarves make. These curving lines and multisided shapes, but who if not the dwarves could design this? Where did you receive this? Perhaps the Spirit of Magic personally delivered it to you for me? But that makes no sense."
"Hmm well, I got it from a friend, I will just leave it at that for now."
"I won't allow that, please tell me the identity of this person immediately. I must go and study under them."
"Ah, well…" That was my only card to play. As terrible as it sounds I really don't want to lose this chance. "How about this. If you can make me a good tool with the 'ultimate material' I will introduce you to her. Call it a test to see your ingenuity."
"Understood. I will create the most incredible magic tool with these new advancements. I will prove myself and you can introduce me to the Spirit of Magic."
"You really think the person who made this was a Spirit?"
"It's the only logical explanation. No one but the Spirit of Magic could make this. Am I wrong?"
"Rou is the spirit of…"
"So then it's another…"
"I hope she's not insulted," I say with a grin.
"Let us leave post haste to collect the ultimate material!" Triff says leaping from the chair and thrusting a finger into the sky. "I will prove myself to the Magic Spirit."
I feel like I have just started a fight.
"G…good luck," I say reluctantly thrusting my own arm up after her. "But we just returned so please give us a few days to rest. I also have some work to attend to here in town."
"More waiting! UGHHHH… Reluctant, but fine."
I suppose if the topic isn't magical tools she's not very talkative. I was wondering when the change had occurred.
"We also just recently returned from the creator of that tools home. So returning immediately to introduce you to them would probably be bothersome to that person."
"I wouldn't dare dream of interrupting the Magic Spirit's duties! If we must wait we must."
It doesn't matter if she thinks I'm talking about someone else. And this was also entirely false. In fact, Aquarou wanted me to return with Triff immediately but I just couldn't handle that much sailing right after returning. I need some time for R&R.
~ ~
"You are going, and you want to take me there?" Alice asks a few days after we returned from our voyage.
"Yes, I was planning to bring Karlie but she said she would trust my judgment on the matter."
"And you are instead bringing me?"
"Y…yes, you have quite a friend. She said you would 'enjoy' the trip. I argued that it would be a tough place for you to go because of everything that…"
"I will go," Alice says cutting off my escape route. "But, you don't intend to sell me?"
"Alice, as I've explicitly explained several times you are not a slave. The collar is jewelry and I don't mind you calling me master but I will never sell you as an item. You should know that by now."
"Uuu… I know. And thank you for allowing me to act so… I don't understand it myself, to be honest, but I find it makes me happy."
"Well if it makes you happy then no harm, but please don't ask if I plan to sell you. That hurts me for you to even ask."
"I apologize. It was something of a delusion that I let aloud on accident."
"Then let's go, we need to stopover at the bank before it closes."
~ ~
"Cole!" The banker Carol says seeing me step into the bank after holding the door for Alice.
"Carol!" I reply curiously.
"Here, here this is for you." She says flipping through a few leather binders and finding a sheet before handing it to me.
The, normally locked behind the counter, Carol was now running up to the door to help me? Despite the line in front of the counter? Oh, those are other tellers, aren't they?
"This bank has grown again, hasn't it? Another big deposit?"
"Look for yourself." She says pointing at the paper in my hands.
The form is various lines and numbers. Each has a '+' beside them, so this is positive income? And these are daily numbers?
"But how? That's… Is this number the current balance?"
"No. That's deposits in the last week."
It's nearly three times what I had when I started ETC. Is there a coin larger than a signet? Is there a platinum slab?
"We actually have a request posted for you at the guild to bring a load of gold to the capital to change it for Platinum. We would leave it to the bank ships but since it's you I figure you would prefer doing it yourself."
"Yeah, if the vault here is getting packed I can take some and store it… on my ship."
I almost spoke too little there for a second.
"If you feel safe doing that I can arrange moving it."
"Yes, I have… a vault, on the ship." That's believable, right? "As I pirate perhaps I should think about burying some too."
"As a banker, I cannot recommend that. The thought of money collecting dust when it could be invested pains me."
"You are right of course, but investing these types of funds are…"
"Yes, they are nearly enough to buy a small city after all."
"That's not a bad idea."
~ ~
"Isn't ten a bit much? Just how many are you planning to buy."
"I plan on 'setting free' as many as I can."
"Right, of course. Truly a hero."
"It's easier this way. Sure, they are more likely to betray me without the collar limiting them but they also work harder as humans. Tools can only do what you tell them, a human can think."
"A tool, that! That's the one." Alice says picking up the wrong part of the statement.
"Oh, you here to sell?" The man says looking between me and Alice. Alice turns bright red and inches closer to me while I shake my head firmly at the man.
"No, I am not," I state clearly with a hint of venom in my tongue.
The man steps back a foot and then continue's his pitch.
"T…then to buy right? Or…"
"No, to buy. Can I please see what you have currently."
I hate this. I really hate this.
"Sure right this way. We have some fine stock. They may pale in comparison to your current sex sl…"
"Right, then let's just see them quickly."
Please don't feed her delusions.
He lead us to a small attached shed. After a loud click from the door, we step in.
The smell was instantly noticeable. It was… unpleasant. There were around six beds lined up along the wall but easily a dozen girls piled across them. At the sound of the door a few skitter into the darkness to hide from their fate.
This is truly sickening.
"The prices range. The little one over there is an exquisite beauty so she's our highest at 250, while the homely one there is a bargain at 6. If you are a wealthy type she would be perfect for a few of the darker hobbies…"
"You will sell them all for 1000 and you will stop speaking now."
"A… I can't do 1000, 1500 would be the minimum for a group like this. There are three others only a hair less beautiful than Goldie. They each would easily get 200 in the capital."
"But you aren't in the capital. So you will take my deal."
"Ah… Please, at least let the Spirit of the Dark decide. We will flip."
"Mm, here." He pulls out a copper coin and places it above a nearby candle. A girl near the candle leaps onto another bed when he nears her. The man smiled wickedly and continued as he was.
He returns with the coin. One face is blackened with soot from the candle.
"It's your flip. Blackened we go with my deal, shiny we go with yours." He says extending the coin to my hand.
"Interesting. Ok, here goes." I set the coin on my index finger and flick it with my thumb. But really a spirit of the dark, huh? Just what kind of girls did Damien have in his harem?
Perhaps flicking the coin full force was a mistake. I forgot about my strength for a moment. The coin was quickly vanishing upwards so I grabbed it from the air and slapped it onto my arm. If I had let it continue it probably would have destroyed the roof of this shed. Not that I particularly care about this man's facility. But it would cause trouble for people in the future so I should refrain from destroying the place.
I lift my hand from the coin on my wrist and the man looks surprised. Both at the quick movement of the coin and my faster reflexes in catching it.
"It's… it's your deal. Don't worry about it. Please. 1000 is fine."
"But isn't it black side up?" I ask looking at the bent coin sitting on my arm.
"No, it's… it's too hard to tell, don't worry about it. They are your's please." He begs again looking at the mushed coin.
"Very well, here is 1000."
"Plati… So you really are a Noble…?"
"Ah, sure something like that."
"Well you heard the Noble, he just bought you lot so you better thank him properly." He says with a sickening giggle.
Can I kill this man? Would it really not help the world as much as I think? I know that's the case but I want to kill him. I know that where one vanishes three more appear. Even purchasing all these girls would probably only help the slave trade. But I will just have to bide my time and deal with it all in a single strike in the future.
"""Th… thank you""" A chorus of voices say in sad desperation.
~ ~
"Do you understand a bit better why I don't want to treat you as a slave now?" I ask turning to Alice as we lead the large group of ratty looking girls down the road towards the trading company.
"Y… yes, I was sort of overcome by the kindness of Master. I remember well now the treatment we received on that hellish ship, it makes me tremble in fear now. Perhaps I felt this way only because it's Master, no that's surely it."
"Well, it's ok. I'm glad you understand."
"I can take the collar off if you…"
"It's ok if you like it. You are of course welcome to, but as I have said you aren't my slave so I won't decide things for you."
"I do like it, it's a precious gift from Master."
A voice crept in from behind us. It was the bargain. The girl offered to me for use in terrible ways. "Sh…She is not a slave?"
The girl is pointing at the Collar on Alice's neck. This actually provides a perfect opportunity.
No one is around because it has become fairly dark so I can operate here without too much notice.
"No, she is not. And all of you, you aren't slaves either. Do you mind coming here for a moment?" I ask the girl who spoke up.
She glances at Alice who nods energetically. "Please trust Master. Master will blow your mind, I promise."
Now that I think about it Alice was the first one who trusted me amongst the rescued slaves. Perhaps her coming really was for the best, if anyone would make these girls open up it would be her.
After confirming with the girl I extend my hand slowly to her neck. A few of the nearby slaves shut their eyes tight, fearful I am about to use the girl in the very way the disgusting man suggested.
My hand touches soft flesh under the rough leather. Her light skin is red from the friction of living in the collar for so long. I open the menu and then realize my mistake in rushing the process. I had no clue who this girl was amongst the long list of new 'items'.
"Can you tell me your name?" I ask without removing my light touch from her neck. It would look stupid to remove my hand and then do it all over again. This is already embarrassing enough but I did this the first time and Alice is watching so I have to keep up the act.
"D…Dianna" The girl whimpers with a tear nearing her eye. Ah, no. I'm scaring her, aren't I? That's not good.
I complete the process in rapid succession I find the girls name and enter her inventory. I delete the collar and remove my hand a moment later.
"There, perfect," I say patting her head.
She grips at her neck in surprise and drops her jaw when she touches skin.
"It's… " She stammers turning around and confirming it with the group behind her.
They too look, with stunned expressions, at the girl's neck. A light seems to appear in their eyes. This was what I wanted, not tears. I want to see happy, excited expressions.
One by one I complete the process. There was almost no hesitation to my touch after they witness Dianna's transformation.
They each lightly lift their heads and then tell me their name. I will definitely not remember each but they look at me with sparkling eyes once I pat their heads. It seems this became part of the process. Each girl wouldn't step away from me until I said 'There, perfect'.
~ ~
"We will work here?" April, the most expensive of the bunch says looking at the crowded building.
The trader had called her 'Goldie' but I suppose that was just a nickname he had given her based on her price and lovely blonde hair. Even despite the conditions, she was radiant.
"Yes, although for now there is not much room we will be expanding. Until then you will take turns coming in and training at either the trading company or restaurant. As I have said though, this is completely optional. You all are free, so you can walk away right now."
"No, we have decided we want to follow Mr. Moedy."
"Master," Alice adds as an option.
"Well, I own a small house on the west end of town. A lot of the employees lived there, but now it seems most are renting around town. In any case, you all are welcome to live there until you get back onto your feet."
"Thank you," Dianna says with a bright smile.
The man called her homely but I actually thought she was rather cute. Her smile revealed an assortment of misplaced teeth. Realizing this she quickly shut her lips revealing only a small misplaced canine.
So that really happens? I thought that was only in cartoons.
~ ~
"This place is incredible." A girl with a forgotten name says looking around the entrance lobby of the mansion I bought a month ago.
"Yeah, it really is. We didn't spend long here so I never really got a chance to look around."
"Then, Master doesn't live here?"
"I've already said you don't need to call me Master, Alice is just into that sort of thing."
"Right, sorry."
"But no, I don't stay here. This house was for Karlie and the rest of the rescued slaves. It seems they have mostly flown the coop so it's pretty empty. You all are welcome to make yourselves at home. Choose any room you like."
"But… A mansion like this… If Ma… If you don't live here is there a nicer mansion in town you own?"
"Uhm, well I guess so. It's called the Excalibur."
"Your ship?"
"Exactly, it was apparently once called the Ilusidor, back then it was the royal family's vacation yacht."
"Royal… royal family?"
"Yeah, I am actually close friends with the princess, although that's not how I got the ship."
"We work for someone amazing don't we?" A girl whispers in a low voice, turning to another.
"Mhm, it seems like it. Well did you hear what he paid for us with?"
"What? I heard the dirty old man say something about it but I couldn't see the coin."
"They were platinum. I could hardly believe my eyes."
"So he really is a Noble?"
No, I'm a demon.
~ ~
"They are good workers, it was hard at first because of the pace of things. Not to mention the added strain of expanding the warehouse."
"Sorry about that."
"What are you saying. It's a good thing, it will just make things a bit more complicated for a short time. If anything it's the perfect environment to train in. With this, they will be able to handle any issue."
"Well, that's good. Please tell me if you run into any problems."
"Of course."
"And you Autumn? How are the new recruits shaping up?"
"Well, with Mirna's help training is going much faster."
"Ah, it's the same with the training of the new fleet. As soon as your crew arrived the training has returned to blazing speeds."
"Oh, I guess we are good motivators," I say knowing full well the real reason.
I don't intend to tell these girls I am inadvertently turning them into demon subordinates. I feel like the response wouldn't be as amicable.
"Oh, and the farm? I saw some work happening when I went by Mirna's."
"Yes, we have part-time workers cleaning up the grounds as well as reconstructing the future restaurant site."
"Good, everything on track?"
"Yes, it's actually beyond my dreams. We could easily run a staff of over twenty, at this point our biggest hindrance will be the time it takes to order."
"Well have you thought about doing deliveries?"
"How do you mean?"
"Well, as I understand it most of your lunch rush are people coming on their lunch break?"
"Then take orders for lunches in the mornings when business is slower, and then deliver it at lunch. It should cut down on the rush a bit."
"It will decrease the burden on cashiers, while also reducing downtime for the chefs. That's genius! Thank you, we will try implementing it tomorrow as a test."
"Good. Well, that's not all I have gathered you two here for, though I am glad to hear everything with the new staff is working."
"It's about the books," I say pulling out a packet of forms I got from Carol a few days ago. I hadn't had a chance to discuss it with them. It was a fairly big deal after all.
"You two…"
They both freeze up at my words. I wonder do they think I am mad about something?
"You two are absolutely wonderful. I am sure you have seen it yourselves since you make the deposits but, we were able to profit nearly 3000 gold over the past week alone. Obviously, the trade business has high upkeep but we are considerably in the green. The restaurant alone made half a signet last week. You both should be extremely proud of yourselves."
They both shyly smile, accepting the compliment.
"But because of this, I would feel terrible leaving it with just the rewards you asked for. Although Karlie you still haven't asked for anything. But regardless I am giving you both a bonus. Spend it however you want." I hand them each a Platinum coin and they freeze.
"I can break it if you would prefer slabs."
"This is… this is too much!" Autumn says looking at the single coin on her palm.
"Autumn is right this is…"
"I won't hear anything like that. You all earned me near 150 of these this past month. At this pace, I think I ought to give you twice as much. I will also give you each 200 gold to distribute amongst your staff. Please thank them for me."
"Thank you."
"Thank you very much. I will continue to properly represent Captain."
"Me as well!"
"Well again, thank you both. Keep up the good work."
Didn't I come back to Marrow to relax? I feel like all I have been doing is making boats and setting up construction crews. I need a foreman. Oh, isn't that kind of under Triff's jurisdiction, as a dwarf and all? I need to seal that deal I suppose.
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