《Reincarnated, let's be a pirate.》Chapter 9
"Boat dead ahead!" El shouts from the crows nest.
"What? that makes no sense." Rou says scratching her head and fiddling with her bun carelessly.
"Appears to be coming towards us without altering course. It likely hasn't spotted us yet."
"But this is Black seas there shouldn't be anyone. Unless it's someone else coming to aiding the village maybe."
"'Coming towards us' she said Rou." Aqua reminds her.
"Then the only other explanation is…" Rou begins but seems to doubt her thought at the last moment.
But I doubt she is wrong. It's the conclusion I came to as well.
Those are the bandits. And if they are coming this way then they are heading to their next destination. Just how big of a party is this if they think they can attack Marrow? Not that I'd allow them to try.
"We will obliterate them before they can even get close to Marrow."
""Yes!"" Aqua and Rou quickly shout with a salute.
"It's really big!" El shouts from the nest.
Of course, it is. It's likely a slaver ship. It probably dwarfs our enormous Excalibur.
"Three masts!" She shouts as she begins to get more details with her Elf enhanced vision.
We don't have much time to plan. I have a few more ship points but I need to think carefully about how to proceed.
"I am curious, how would you two handle this situation? With no limits what would you do to capture the ship and bandits?"
"As you yourself said earlier captain. Our best option would be to obliterate them outright. Cannons would be ideal I think, no mercy." Aqua says after thinking about it for a little while.
"But Aqua if they kidnapped people then they could be on board."
"Ah, uuu…" Aqua puts a finger up to explain but then deflates after a moment. "Well, Captain could surely do something about that. No worries."
"Well, he wants to know how we would handle it. So let's think for a bit about this. Knowing Captain he probably already has a plan but just wants us to test us."
She wasn't entirely wrong.
"Hmm. Well then maybe you challenge the leader to a duel. They say bandits follow strict laws. The person who kills their commander becomes their commander. King of the jungle type thing."
"But who's to say they would follow the rules of a duel. Bandits also follow a strict code of not following rules."
They begin pondering back and forth but the talk actually helps me more than I expected.
A plan is beginning to come together. I just hope menu works the way I think it does. If not this could be a disaster.
~ ~
"Oy there's a ship drifting over there."
"Hey lemme see that." A man with a patch over one eye says grabbing the spy glass and placing it against the eye patch before quickly realizing his mistake and placing it over his good eye.
"That's a fine ship indeed. It will need sails, but it will make a good escort vessel. Prepare a boarding party and tow rope, we can get sails in Marrow after the festivities."
"Yes, sir."
"But what a strange ship, A dark beam running up the center. If not for that I'd say it's a royal army commission."
"Not a chance." Another man nearby says with a raspy voice. "Royal army wouldn't be caught dead in Black seas. It's a Ghost ship nothin' more."
"Probably right. Well, maybe it will have some good loot." The captain says with a toothy grin. "I will lead the first investigation! After me, anything you find is your's!"
""""OH!"""" A large group says as they prepare a long plank to extend along the distance between the two ships.
"Ok, now I'm sure." A voice says from across the gap.
A body pops up from the Crows nest armed with a Speargun. The sun was on the other side so it was impossible to see the shape of the person but the reflection of the metal spear was hard to miss.
The captain began to leap out of the way, quickly understanding the situation but it was too late.
Blood hits the deck of the ship and a dozen bandits shout in terror.
The shouts get louder as the ship vanishes from beneath them in an instant. Fear has overtaken the bandits as they slosh around in the inky cold water. A voice again resounds from the deck of the strange ship.
"Go ahead." It says.
A splash resounds a moment later. The bandits turn their heads towards the source of the sound. Was it a bomb. Or perhaps a rope? That must be it. He is a nice man who will save us from this life.
A comrade arrives at the source, with joy in his heart at his good fortune. He then he grips it tightly and notices its odd texture.
"It's meat." The man says confused by the situation.
But it was too late.
~ ~
"Oh, that was kind of…"
"Yeah… I don't exactly know what just happened but I know it's not something good. Not that Captain isn't good it's just…"
I let them absorb the situation for a moment. I had no regrets in my actions. This was my intention from the start. They had said the same as well. Obliterate the ship and kill all the bandits. No mercy. I look at my storage list while the two continue to talk amongst themselves.
Sure enough, it's as I expected.
In this world, a person can be considered an item. I retrieve all the item labeled [Enslaved individual] and place them on the deck. I was tempted to hit the delete key on the slave ship but decide against it.
"I'm sorry about the sudden commotion everyone," I say to the startled slaves. "But don't worry, you are free now."
They all seem fairly confused by the situation. I can understand why. Moments ago they were likely chained inside a ship and now they stand on the deck of an entirely different ship.
And the sound of screams from the ocean beside us can't help the situation.
But somehow it actually does. One of them notices the struggle of a bandit and emits a wide grin. They deserved to enjoy this bit of revenge. I can't imagine what they went through on that ship. Especially considering the fact that they are majoritively female.
Rou and Aqua, seemingly noticing the new visitors hurry over to them and begin wrapping them in blankets. I had mentioned to them that the prisoners would appear on the deck but they are still somewhat shocked by it clearly.
"Is it over?" El asks stepping out of the door but keeping it fairly closed. I had asked that she keep Mirna somewhere where she wouldn't have to see or hear any of this.
"Seems like it," I say glancing at the mass of chaos drifting slowly behind us. "We will be completely away from it in a few minutes. Is she done with the cooking?"
At the mention of cooking all the slaves look up anxiously.
"Yep, she just finished. I'll grab her."
"I'm here, I'm here," Mirna says pushing past El who still sat in the doorway. She held two plates loaded with Skewers. The chunks were smaller than the first attempt, it seems she is experimenting.
She begins handing out the plates and the older slaves graciously take them while the younger boys and girls seem nervous of her. She then puts on her mother mode and properly tells them they have to eat or they won't grow big and strong. For some reason, she points at me when she says 'big and strong'. They take it after glancing in my direction. Now I need to do something about the fact that they are currently still slaves.
The way Rou explained it any command given by their owner must be carried out or the collar that marks them as slaves will emit excruciating pain. It could even be used to kill. I had heard of the concept before, but it disgusted me to see in person. I fiddled with the menu hoping to find a way to fix it.
Well, at least one worry was unfounded, It seems I am now considered their owner which is a relief. I was worried maybe I hadn't killed the man who was their owner but it seems I did. I suppose if not I wouldn't have been able to place them in storage. They would have been dumped into the ocean like the bandits.
The plan honestly hinged on a few key things but I'm glad it all worked out. The first was the captain identifying himself and the second was the ability to store the ship at all. I saw that I could store the Excalibur but I wasn't sure if Bandit rules apply in the menu system.
~ ~
"Do you want to talk about 'that' earlier?" I ask the crew after we gave everyone a room and got them settled in for bed.
"I want to say something," Aqua states besides me firmly.
I was never ready for her, I could never guess the next thing from her mouth. Was she disillusioned by me due to my actions? Am I no longer someone that the Ocean Spirit loves, because of how I used the sea?
"I think how I reacted at first was not right. And in fact, the more I thought about your actions the more I became happy."
"Happy?" Rou asks from the same side.
"He basically followed my original idea. Just without the Cannons. Nobody but the captain could sink a ship without even touching it. And he showed no mercy. I respect that. Bandits are bandits. There is no redemption for the unredeemable."
"You know he didn't actually sink it right?"
"Well sure Rou, but that's how Pirate stories work. If asked, 'how did he destroyed them?', 'it was with a single bolt from a spear gun'."
"Technically you're not wrong."
"See if it has the grain of truth I can be stated without the guilt of lying."
"Technically it was a bolt from a spear gun and five gold worth of dragon meat."
"That doesn't sound as interesting."
"I don't know, I think it actually sounds more interesting," El says with a giggle. "As for me, they are just humans. I don't care how many humans die. If Captain thinks they are bad humans I see no reason why he should allow them to live. He is the World Tree's beneficiary. His word is the word of the Great Tree Spirit."
"No, he definitely did that with the help of the Ocean Spirit."
"No, no that ship was made of wood, clearly World Tree territory."
~ ~
At breakfast the next morning we had a few things to discuss. But really I never thought I would have enough people on the ship to have a reason to use the formal dining room. This feels oddly nice. I'm surrounded by people and happy for the first time. They chatted quietly amongst themselves while eating and it's, for some reason. music to my ears.
"First I want to talk about the plan. We are currently headed towards Chipowa island I know some of you are from there but as for the rest of you, you will need to tell me about your situation or where would be best to take you. And before you ask I will also be removing the collars for all of you."
"Ah, I'm sorry captain but please don't say that. I know you mean well but that's impossible. They can't be taken off by anyone but the creator of the collar. And I have heard that person charges excessive amounts. Please don't get their hopes up needlessly." Rou chastises from beside me at the table.
I don't really want to just bash a hole into her common sense but I really have no choice. What she just said made them worry even more than what I said.
I glance towards the slave closest to me, I think her name was Alice. She seems to be looking at me somewhat expectantly. Maybe she believes me.
"Do you mind?" I ask while continue to lock eyes with her.
The table goes mostly silent looking between Alice and me.
I extend my hand across the table and grip her neck with my hand. I shut my eyes for a moment and then mumble a few words that nicely hide the 'menu open' command. I quickly select what I think will work best. Originally I planned to fire the girls but I worried that might just mean dispose of them. I didn't want to risk that. Instead, I select Alice's personal inventory. Of course, anything my slave owns is mine. That includes the Collar. And I can destroy any of my belonging with delete.
It forces me to confirm it a few times but I get through it and then slowly remove my hand like some sort of magician.
The air in the room was sucked up with a collective gasp. Let's put a final nail in the coffin then.
"I will free all of you. I promise."
~ ~
"How do you do it, Captain?" Rou asks looking between a map and compass while I manned the wheel.
"How do I…?"
"Constantly do stuff that makes you seem more and more amazing. At this point, I'm wondering if you're not the Ocean Spirit incarnate. You banished Sailors to the deep, rescued slaves from a life of hardship and strife. I wonder when you will summon the wind at our back, or request aid from the monsters of the sea?"
"Well, no plans for that currently. But it's not impossible." I say with a grin. Though I'm not sure about the aid from monsters. "As for how? It's complicated. You are welcome to think of it as the Ocean Spirit. Or if you are truly curious I will tell you."
She begins thinking about it for a moment before shaking her head and looking back towards me. "I don't mind the mysterious, incredible, Captain. I think if I knew how you do it I would still be amazed but, I enjoy it as it is."
"Well how about I summon the wind?"
"You can?" She asks as I begin fanning her with a nearby request form.
"Yeah like this."
"Mmmm, that's not the same. Or…? Would that work?"
~ ~
"Land Ho!" El Shouts from the top of the mast with a graceful twirl. She had done similar when we first spotted Marrow, it seems to be something she enjoys.
I had learned that five of the former slaves here were taken from the island but the rest were from another village. Thier's was apparently not as lucky as Chipowa.
Chipowa had been able to fight off the bandits to some extent so the casualties were low overall, but that apparently wasn't the case for the other girl's village. I had sat down with each of them one by one. I heard some terrible stories. Thing's that people shouldn't have to see or experience. Lives taken; virtues stolen.
Occasionally, in that very order.
Any lingering doubts about the guilt of the bandits vanished from my mind. I almost wish they'd suffered more. Let them experience half of the pain these girls have.
El raises the flag indicating we mean to give aid once we arrive closer to the island. We lower the sail a bit to avoid disaster while docking. The ship is apparently 'a bitch to dock' according to Rou. And this, from the girl who claimed she was an expert at maneuvering ships.
We tossed a man waiting at the dock a rope and his eyes light up when he sees one of the passengers of my ship. I wonder how long he has been sitting here watching the sea. I wonder how long he would have continued watching had we not run into the slave ship?
It may seem conceited but watching a girl leap off a ship towards her awaiting father made me extremely proud of what I do.
It also made me disgusted with this world. Why does this happen? Why is this allowed? Can I alone even prevent this in the future? I'm only one person.
It was the same feeling I had when Rou first showed me the trader in Marrow.
The man who happily hugs his daughter even now explains that he is the village chief the same person that sent the raven with the request for aid. I ask for a place to put the supplies and he shows me towards a store room.
He, of course, thanks me profusely but I merely explain that it was only natural. And that I would have hunted the bandits down, even had I not run into them on the way here. He looked a little taken aback but he then nodded in determination after a moment.
He was likely thinking the very same thing. When we first pulled up he had the look of a man searching for a ship. I had seen the look before.
I unload a dozen large chunks of Dragon steak as well as a dozen bags of wheat. This should suffice for awhile. It was nearly triple what they requested but hey this way they can throw a feast in celebration or something.
I exit the store room and the village chief looks at me with a confused expression. I point to the full room and he seems stunned but quickly thanks me. He presses a magic stone into a socket in the wall and a cool breeze begins to blow from the stone.
He shuts the door firmly and locks it with a key amongst thousands on a ring.
"Pretty cool right, it doesn't get cold enough to freeze the wheat but it lasts much longer than normal. And we don't get bugs."
"That is cool, Who made it?"
"Traveling magic engineer. The name was Triff I think. It was a few years ago now but even then she was just a little kid. Or maybe that's just how all the dwarves look. Not that I'm prejudiced against dwarves or anything…"
Oh, there is political correctness here too?
"Interesting, I've seen a few magic powered tools recently and I've been curious how they are made."
"There's really no one better than her to explain it. She started talking to me about it and within a half hour, I was sure I could do it too" He says with a hearty chuckle. "But, good luck, she's not someone you find. She finds you, or rather she shows up at your village and builds you something you need, completely free, materials included. Best chance finding her is praying to the Ocean Spirit."
"Well if it comes to that, I'll give it a shot, thanks for the info. Well, we probably will be heading out. I want to check on the other girl's villages."
"Tarufo?" He asks grimly
"You know it?"
"We do a lot of trade with them. The ship came back yesterday said the whole towns gone. Burned to the ground. Not a person in sight. Only bones."
"I was worried about that. If that is the case maybe it's better not to go."
The man nods solemnly and then switches gears back into village chief mode.
"But you can't leave yet. We must have a feast!"
"Feast? Well, alright."
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