《Reincarnated, let's be a pirate.》Chapter 1
"So yeah now I'd normally stand here and answer one of your questions," The man shrouded in golden light says to me. "And then I'd tell you there's no afterlife but, I'm itching to try something new, something unique."
"So you'll send me to another world with some power or something, right?"
The man gapes at me for a moment, maybe he really thought this was a unique idea. It's not unique at all or original.
The world is probably a sword and sorcery type place. It will likely have goblins, elves and maybe even catgirls. It might even have dungeons, depends on the author's preferences I guess. Likely a harem ensues. But I feel like if I say all that I will deflate God even further. Maybe I'll just give him a tip instead since he seems bored.
"Sorry, it's something I picked up from earth literature. But if you're itching for something new, you should try reading some. I don't exactly see any books around here."
"Hmm, oh. you are right, I don't think I've taken the time to read a story in a long time, not since all that messiah stuff blew over."
"I wouldn't say it blew over, but yeah. You should give Japanese novels a try, they are often depraved, but from seeing your handiwork on earth, it doesn't seem like your particularly against that kinda stuff."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, you do you."
"Hm, I will. But anyways since you took away all my fun just get going. I will take your advice. But still, you're a dick."
"Aw, I'm sorry."
But I was already gone.
I think he heard me though.
I really do mean it. It just slipped out, I didn't mean to ruin his fun.
Honestly, it's a little shocking to die but death isn't something unexpected. I always knew it would come one day. But wasn't I a little young for death?
I'd hoped it would be heroic, maybe a gun battle. But no, like most I died in my sleep. Maybe I should have asked god some questions. I feel like skipping that part insulted him too.
And I have so many questions.
Why did I die?
What's the meaning of life?
Is time travel possible?
Why was firefly cancelled?
But first, I guess let's take stock. The transportation is complete, so where am I?
Oh, the beach. Nice choice. I guess he heard my apology.
I gave a big thumbs up towards the sky.
But really it's a nice beach. Not a pebble in sight. Oh, wait, no.
Here's one.
I take the small stone and hold it up towards the sun. It's a gem. a small ring of crystal. Not a ring anyone could wear but something you might hang on a chain. I grab my waist string and pull it out. My pants don't fall down, so it doesn't seem to be an issue.
"That's a thank you." A voice suddenly resounds through the gem.
"Oh, hey bud," I say to the familiar voice.
"Don't be dumb this is obviously just a recording. But anyways, this gem will protect you. But only once, don't waste it."
Oh, that's a nice item, definitely, don't wanna need that.
I cough to suppress my embarrassment from moments before and then begin to walk down the beach. Knowing these kinda things I'll either find a princess in trouble with bandits, or a town.
Maybe both.
~ ~
No bandits, but town.
It's a nice place I gotta say. As with all these things it's medieval european. I'm terrible with history so I honestly couldn't tell you the century. But it's nice, the smell isn't great but it's tolerable.
It's a large place overall, seems to be a port town. Probably a settlement to extend political boundaries. Or maybe it's a capital, what do I know.
I entered without seeing a guard so the probability it's a capital is low. I finally found a merchant who wasn't shouting at someone and asked him for some information about the place.
"S'called Port Marrow. Seein that you's a youngin, I'd bet you either looking for adventure guild or de peddler square, eithers way it's straight up the hill before the church, you'll see em's.
I wasn't sure the accent but seeing from the glances of people nearby it wasn't a local one.
I thank the man who extends his hand to me, I shake it graciously and walk away without glancing towards his scowl.
I know what he wants. I want it to.
Unfortunately, I found nothing to peddle on my way here so I don't suspect that will be my 'sudden influx' so I suppose it's the 'random encounter during the first adventure' route.
I could sell 'God's Rock', as I've dubbed it, but that seems rude and it's pretty much priceless in my opinion.
Who knows though, maybe this kinda thing is common here. I think I might be insulted if I find out that's the case.
The square was bustling. I guess the name makes sense, there were people shouting everywhere. I really hate this kinda environment. I like the quiet. Loud people are obnoxious. But I suppose they are just doing their job. Maybe I'm the weird one.
A man quickly steps towards me holding something smelling amazing, my mouth waters but I quickly put my hands up and properly explain that I'm homeless.
He seems to understand and quickly steps towards a young couple.
The adventure guild was slightly better. But still not ideal, it was filled with bristly men wearing minimal clothing and covered in scars and scabs. I wondered if I hadn't accidentally walked into a gay club but the desk with boar tusks being counted relieved that thought.
"Here to join?" A muscled man at the counter says to me abruptly from at least fifteen feet away. He didn't speak loud but his voice reached me through the noise.
I step closer to properly answer but he has already taken out the paper work.
"Sign here, here, blood here. and you're good."
I follow his directions and receive a small card made from thick paper. He explains the rating F-A, it seems only the stamp on the card changes. I was hoping I could get a shiny silver card but that doesn't seem to be the case.
The man walks around the counter and leads me towards a board. A common event. But the uncommon event was that there were no available quests.
But wait aren't they unlimited? What do you mean its dependant on the market, that means nothing to me!
"See you ain't the only F, there are tons of kids like you, every good easy request is typically gone by six thirty in the morning."
I scan the board again, there really was nothing.
Slay a dragon. 'No way, not possible.'
Slay a water dragon. 'That's still a dragon.'
Collect mithril from level 800 of the infinity dungeon. 'Oh, I'll be damned there are dungeons.'
Join a party to rescue priestess Amore from level 799 of infinity dungeon. 'Mithril is not to be trifled with!'
Nothing. Not one herb gather request. Are you joking? Do these people not get sick? Don't they run on homeopathic remedies?
"Is there really nothing?"
"Well we give the homeless kids a shim copper for every pound of seashells they can collect but I can't imagine you'd…"
"I'll bring five," I shout and dash towards the beach.
~ ~
But really that's surprising, I saw a bit of human through the muscle shell at the end there. I can't imagine they make any money off sea shells but for an organization that has money, redistributing a bit can go a long way to keep a community in good shape.
I just hope I can find some shells before it gets too dark I need some food at least, I don't mind sleeping outside but I won't go hungry.
The beach here in town was equally beautiful. And equally pebble free.
Now I understand. You damned kids. You're pro's at this, aren't you?
I see a few glances from some ratty looking creatures as I pick up a shell but my size seems to scare them off.
'I feel bad, but currently, I'm near the same situation as you. So please let me into your club. Teach me your secret to seashell profits.'
An hour in and I'm probably a few miles from town by now, the sun is getting fairly low but I should still have plenty of time.
Not that I will get a pound. I'd be lucky if I can find 4 ounces, I wonder if they make half shim coppers. For some reason I think not, shim sounds like the lowest denomination.
"Ah, this sucks. I thought I'd get a cheat or something; I quit."
The moment I slumped down a massive splash resounded from the water and an object flew at me at monumental speeds. Was this it? My first event?
It didn't seem to plan on stopping, or maybe it can't. In either case, it seems to be on a trajectory towards me.
The wet scales struck my skin a half second after it breached the water. If I was a superhuman maybe I could raise a fist and punch it but I'm not. So it hit me hard.
My body flew for what felt like hours. It likely wasn't, but time is tricky like that sometimes.
I noticed the string on my chest was flinging wildly.
Oh, that's my 'one', huh?
But wait, I'm still in danger. I'm flying through the air at only slightly less speed than the creature that struck me was. Won't I die?
Oh well. I've already died once today.
~ ~
I didn't.
But it sure hurt. A lucky sand dune broke my fall, and then a second one stopped me fully.
No broken bones, and my brain feels fine.
A surprising turn of events I must say.
The object seems to be a fat water lizard.
A familiar name floats into my head. The request said I needed its stone. I glance around the mangled corpse and notice a bluish chunk sticking out of some flesh. I have no knife but a shell seems to do the job and I'm finally able to retrieve the massive block.
"But still why'd a water dragon have to fly out of the water and break its neck on my face? It broke 'God's Rock'."
I give it a final kick in retribution and walk back towards the town.
~ ~
The sun has now fully set but I've successfully lugged the crystal to the back of the guild hall.
Originally I was lugging it towards the square but a guard warned me not to, said it would be dangerous to carry something so expensive. He graciously helped me carry it, likely expecting a bit from my reward.
I had no problem with that. It will probably be worth a few gold so I can spare a copper or two.
"Oh, you bring shells?" The man at the desk says as he notices me struggling towards him.
"Something like that," I explain dropping the stone near the desk and glancing at him, practically begging him not to make me put it on the counter. He nods and I walk towards the request board.
"I'd like to accept this request," I say placing the water dragon flier before him.
"Oh, that's a mighty fine shell I guess." He says with a heavy laugh. "So what is this some kinda joke?"
"No, it jumped at me so I punched it," I say embellishing the story a bit. "I can show you."
He didn't seem to hesitate, he places the stone away into a safe and leaves to follow me in a hurry.
Before I realized it a dozen guild employees were following with an assortment of tools, I guess the likelihood that this is taken as a joke is getting lower.
We arrive and they get to work. A few men collect scales and place them in a bag while another cuts meat into equal sized large chunks before tossing them into a cart. Within a few minutes bones were visible and they had already begun to bury the innards.
"Efficient," I say in awe of the event.
"Just how…" He begins to ask rubbing his temple.
"I told you I punched it."
"Mhm. I guess, I mean its necks broken and no other damage is done to it, if someone asked me what happened to the beast, well that'd be my guess, but I still…"
"Can I get that shim now?"
"Heh." He chuckles patting my back. "Tonight it's on me. We will figure out payment tomorrow, I'll give you some inn fee too."
"Thanks," I say honestly pleased with the exchange. I was worried about him swindling me but he seems kind hearted and many guild employees have already congratulated me on the feat so they can back me up.
~ ~
The next morning after receiving my breakfast from an adorable waitress at the inn I head to the adventure guild. Sure enough, I wasn't swindled. The man welcomes me loudly again and hands me a large pouch. I take a peek and they looked gold so I was happy. Even one of those could give me inn fee with food for a month. And I had many it seems. The man says some other things but I wasn't paying much attention. I have instead returned my attention towards the board.
It was still empty but there were a few new ones. Nothing of my level it seems.
I sigh deeply and catch sight of a leather binding seated on a table beside the request board. It looks to be stuffed with messy papers so it wasn't exactly a book but more of a folder. It was nice quality though.
"What's this?" I say flipping it open.
"Dead requests." He says with a huff. "Stuff over a month old goes there. In fact, that sea dragon one was about to go in there."
"Oh, a gathering, and another," I say flipping through the requests. "Oy, what's the big idea you're holding out on me."
"Eh, look closer, the gathers are probably all ocean stuff right?"
I glance at a sheet in my hand and sure enough, it's for a dozen pearls. But that doesn't seem to hard. "What wrong with the ocean?"
"Well maybe not all of us are blessed by the water spirit like Cole."
"I still don't get all your water spirit stuff."
"Who else but her? She saw you starving on the beach and delivered you gold. That's surely a divine blessing if you ask me."
He seemed to have gotten this into his head during our meal last night. I let him go on about it because I honestly didn't know how to reply. I'm not good at those kinds of talks. But he's a nice guy so I kept him company and listened to his stories.
"They really are all water based though huh."
"Naturally, no adventurers fight the monsters on the sea."
"Why not?"
"Ehh? Why?" He asks cocking his head. "Hmm, well I don't know exactly, wasn't always the case but recently more spend time on the infinite dungeon, training to maybe become the A rank."
"Are these all still acceptable requests?"
"Yeah though payment isn't guaranteed by the guild since the month has gone. Are you really thinking of taking one? Why?"
"Can't just sit on my hands, I have nothing to do. And this seems like a gold mine of requests so…"
"Won't deny that, in fact I like your attitude. Well, pick whatever you like."
I collect a group of forms and confirm them with muscleman. He nods and I head towards my next destination.
It's time to form the party! Or should I say, crew?
~ ~
"So then! Who will join me for a life of adventure and fortune? Glory and women. Boats, and water. It won't be safe, but it will be a story you tell your grandchildren if you survive. So who will follow Captain Cole, Adventurer of the seas?"
The large group in the bar all turned my direction and got silent when I began my speech. Even now they all remain silent. They glance up and down my body, seemingly undressing me with their eyes, maybe looking for my money pouch.
A few men have anchor tattoos and salt baked skin so I know for a fact this is a sailor hang out, I even purchased a fancier outfit to make the speech flow better, and the hat to top it all off surely sold the performance. I wait patiently with baited breath.
"So anyway…" A man says cutting the silence and the usual murmur returns in an instant.
A fight that had paused when I began, continued, smashing into a nearby table and breaking a man's femur.
Ah, it failed. Perhaps I should remove my foot from this chair while I still have some dignity. But for now, my body feels unconsciously frozen in this stance.
The door is suddenly kicked open returning the room to silence, all eyes return to me. No, behind me.
Right the door!
I creak my head around with a look of terror plastered on my face.
"Now then! Who is looking for the finest navigator of the Three Great Seas!. The woman who could navigate an ember out of an avalanche. The… Oh, sorry was someone else in the middle of a speech?"
Standing in the doorway side by side were two girls. The speaker seems to be the taller curvier of the two, she still sat a few inches below me so I estimated five foot five, though the motivated pose may add a few inches. Her golden hair was tied into a tight well-woven bun and she wore a white button up shirt with greenish pants.
Her sister, I assume, dressed similarly with exception of a small emblem sewn above the pocket had the same golden hair but its luster was different, if I had to guess it was worn down from ocean water. it was dull but somehow awe-inspiring.
"Ah, it's another idiot like sister." She remarks pointing towards me.
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