《The Horde》Chapter 6


[NOTICE] Changing Oliver’s height to 6 feet tall.


“Sir, orc’s march for our position.”

“Orc’s? Bloodthirsty beasts must of ran out’a food.” Gabrok snarled gravely, or it would have come across gravely if not for the savage smile stretched across his jaw.

“Get the Ogre, we have… preparations to make.” Not daring to disobey Gabrok the disturbed goblin slinked towards the Ogre’s room.

Asgore didn’t like the Ogre, he always the fatass glaring at him out the corner of his handsome eye. If Asgore had to guess it would be for killing his squishy companions, with that kind of attitude the fatty wouldn’t survive long. Asgore chuckled to himself as he pictures the oaf getting clubbed to death by goblins. That would be a sight to see, maybe Asgore would make it a reality…

Asgore’s treacherous thoughts were interrupted when he reached the aforementioned Ogre’s room, knocking loudly on the door Asgore barked at the Ogre to get his ass in gear. Whilst waiting for the lazy bastard to get ready the goblin mused to himself what Gabrok had planned for him, his conclusion brought a rare smile to the goblins face.

“This is going to be fun…”

Oliver didn’t like waking up early, or so he decided as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. It was barely even light outside for fucks sake!

Even so, Oliver got up relatively fast, but not because of the goblin…

“Lowly Oaf! If I don’t see your’ green ass out here in three seconds, I will neuter you and feed your manhood to Ripjaw!”

Oliver didn’t know who this Ripjaw was, but he didn’t sound like someone he wanted handling his manly bits. Quickly throwing on his scarce belongs, Oliver dragged the previously placed furnature from the door and stepped out to see the goblin fucker.

“Finally finished fatass?”

“Yeah, I’m done, midget.” Oliver muttered under his breath, Asgore glowered scathingly up at the towering ogre, resisting the urge to gut the man then and there.


“Good, come with me, Gabrok calls for you.” Obliging the goblin that currently out-ranked him, Oliver followed.

Soon enough Oliver found himself standing in front of Gabrok, who’s gaze was setting Oliver’s hair on end.

“I’ll make it quick Oaf, the pig bastards have decided to attack, my scouts tell me they’ll be here within the hour. Which means it’s finally time for you to prove your worth, on the battlefield.”

Gesturing for Oliver to follow him, Gabrok lead the confused ogre out of the building, where a large squadron of goblins, numbering somewhere around 70 were gathered.

“This will be your stage Oaf, where you’ll prove your worth as a soldier in my ranks. Survive the frontline and I’ll consider you notable.”

The ‘squadron’ of goblins was more of an angry mob, a sprawling, fighting frothing mass of little green animals, barely an inch from eating one another. The elite goblin ninjas were no-where to be seen. Oliver guessed it was because Gabrok didn’t want to waste his precious unit so early.

” Good luck oaf, I will be in the building forming the second line, do NOT let the pigs inside, or I’ll kill ya’.” Gabrok finished with a rare smile, seemingly happy about the coming battle. It gave Oliver the creeps.

Oliver watched Gabrok waltz into the building, slamming the large doors shut with a resounding bang. Oliver was left standing in front of the pseudo base with a small army of writhing green beasts.

“I don’t even have a fucking weapon…” Oliver complained as he examined his large fists, but this was interrupted by a goblin kicking him in the shins. A loud curse and a dead goblin later Oliver found himself waiting for a sign of ‘Orcs’. Which was harder than it should be, probably because he didn’t know what an orc looked like.

“Fucking Gabrok, I’ll break his shitty neck, twist off his head and pl-GET OFF ME” Another goblin learned the hard way not to bite the big green man. Just as Oliver was considering beating the little shits away with a brick, a loud screeching pierced his ears.


“RIEEEEEEEEEEEE” Oliver’s head shot up so fast he almost gave himself whiplash, a large group of 20 obese looking men were charging the group from around the side of the adjacent building. Oliver squinted and began to make out the finer details of the things, he wished he hadn’t.

The ‘obese men’ were more accurately bipedal pigs, huge things with the body of an upright pig with humanoid arms, lengthened legs and a face that’d make a goblin turn away, the orcs were not pretty creatures. In fact, they were quite terrifying, towering at just under 6 feet tall the things were at a comparable size to Oliver. The fact they were unarmed didn’t help.

Oliver was shocked again when the army of Goblins threw themselves at the orcs, seemingly impervious to fear the gutsy creatures started biting and clawing the hideous orcs. Though it was quickly established that the goblins were far out classed, goblins died by the dozen as the orcs regained their senses and began beating the little beasts down.

Oliver, watching his meat shields fall by the dozen, swore under his breath and jumped into the carnage himself. Choosing a lone orc fighting a small group of goblins as his target, he threw out a leg and, using all his momentum, stepped down on the orcs knee-cap. A loud squeal meet his ears as Oliver cringed and shut out the screams of his mind, utilising his still falling momentum once more, Oliver punched the back of the orcs head with all his strength, the beasts head snapped forward and the body quickly followed, carrying the orc straight to the pavement, hitting the ground with a loud thump. Oliver jumped back and massaged his bruised fist, perhaps punching the base skull wasn’t his best idea.

Notice: Killed [level 2 Orc]

Pushing the pain of his now throbbing hand out of his mind, Oliver searched for his next target, but his target found him first. A fist thudded into Oliver’s shoulder with a meaty thwack, sending the great ogre reeling. Quickly spinning around Oliver was met with a quick jab to the face, Oliver’s vision went briefly white before quickly coming back into focus. Holding a hand to his bruised face, Oliver observed his opponent. The orc was slightly larger than the others, and held himself with confidence. With a start, Oliver realised the orc held his fists in a basic boxer stance. Before Oliver could question this further the orc rushed forward and threw a fast jap for Oliver’s face.

Blocking the blow with raised arms, Oliver thought to something he remembered reading somewhere, “The best defence, is offence.” Deciding to follow this advice Oliver began whaling on the bewildered orc, he threw fists at everything he could see, one heavy hit after another hit the orc, a lucky hit on the orcs wrist was met with a sharp snap as the Orc pulled the arm back in pain. This was the wrong move, Oliver seeing the opening drew his entire body back, before hurling it forward, throwing his shoulder into the momentum, twisting his hips to empower the punch and hurling his fist forward with his entire weight behind it. The blow glanced off the orcs chin as it was throw backwards, crushing a surprised goblin beneath it.

Notice: Killed [level 2 Orc]

However, Oliver didn’t have any time to admire his handiwork as he glanced around him, despite all odds the goblins had killed 15 of the orcs, though now barely 12 goblins remained. Leaving 3 orcs remaining, sadly these were the biggest, and deadliest of the bunch. Oliver watched the monstrous orcs chew through the angry goblins like they were glass. Shaking his fist to relieve the pain, Oliver sighed and ran forward, preparing to tackle the nearest of the Orcs.

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